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1、 乌干达国家标准局大楼工程施工组织设计 The Construction Organization Design Of UNBS Administration Block Engineering目 录Contents一、编制说明Explanation to the Compilation2二、工程概况 Project Profile2三、施工准备 Preparations for the Commencement3四、项目组织管理机构The Project Administration Organization6五、土建部分主要施工方法The Main Construction Method

2、for the Civil Work8七、安装部分主要施工方法Main working plan for installation25八、季节性施工措施Working plan for seasonality35九、质量保证措施Quality guarantee measurement39十、工期保证措施The steps for time limitation guarantee43十一、安全生产措施Security Production Measurement47十二、现场文明施工措施Field civilization working measures57十三、环境卫生保护措施Sanit

3、ation protectin measures58十四、施工总平面布置图The layout of the jobsite60十五、附图附表 The figure and attached list63一、编制说明Explanation to the Compilation1.1编制原则The Principles of the Compilation本施工组织设计只是根据业主所提供的资料以及结合现场条件、工程特点进行编制的,着重于施工方案、技术措施、施工管理措施、施工形象进度计划、现场平面布置、机械设备及人员组织机构配置、施工中的重点难点技术措施的编制。The present propos

4、al, with a view to the bidding stage, is made and based on the technical specifications stated in the tender documents. It is concentrated in the execution plan, technical and management measures, progress scheme, site layout, machines and equipments, labor forces, site management organization and m

5、easures to be taken for the main and difficult work execution. It is only a proposal made to comply with the project drawings and the details stated in the bidding documents. This company will compile one complete and detailed execution schedule based on the Project characteristics and design demand

6、s1.2编制依据Gist for the Compilation本工程根据乌干达国家标准局项目招标文件、设计图纸、结合现场条件及工程特点进行编制;The compilation in accordance with bidding instruction, design drawing, site condition and the characteristic of project for Ungada National Bureau Of Standards Administration Block Project.二、工程概况 Project Profile本工程为新建工程,工程位于:乌

7、干达坎培拉市区。总使用面积为4826 m,新建建筑占地面积约1000 m。新建建筑地下室一层,地上最高五层,建筑高度为22.4米。由乌干达政府投资兴建,由Arch Forum Ltd公司设计。总工期为307天。This project is new construction, The site Located at Plot 2-12 by pass link, Bweyogerere.Total usable floor area is 4826 m, new construction occupies approximately 1000 m. The block is divided s

8、ub structure and super structure. The height is 22.4 meters. The client is Uganda National Bureau of Standards. The lead consultant is Arch Forum Limited. The construction period is 307 days.三、施工准备 Preparations for the Commencement3.1现场准备 Site Preparation3.1.1按施工现场平面布置图搭建生产和生活临时设施,做好现场临时施工道路、施工用水电的布

9、置、现场污水、雨水排放明沟,现场安全防护设施搭建等工作。Set up the temporary facilities for site production and life as per the site layout. Prepare well the temporary access, water and power, sewage disposal, rain water discharge and the safety protection facilities and etc. for the commencement.3.1.2布置好现场的工程概况牌、安全生产标志牌、劳动纪律牌

10、等“一图五牌”。Set up at the site the two charts and six boards: the project plate, safe production marks, work disciplines board and etc.3.1.3组织施工人员进场,并做好各项教育工作。Organize the work force, move into the site and do well educational work and others.3.2施工技术准备Preparations for execution techniques施工技术准备的主要内容,可以归

11、纳为以下四个方面:一是组织图纸会审;二是编制开工前的各项方案、措施;三是进行工程定位,开展施工测量;四是完成技术、检验机制的建立。其具体内容是:The main thing in this regard are the following four parts: study and examine the drawings; work out the schedules for the commencement; start the project location and surveying work; establish the mechanism of the technique ide

12、ntification and quality inspection. The details are:3.2.1及时组织技术人员,预算员认真熟悉施工图纸,参与图纸会审和技术交底; Timely organize the technicians and quantity surveyors to get familiar with all the drawings. They shall participate in the drawings studying and examining, and explain all the technical details.3.2.2编制施工图预算和月

13、旬作业计划,提供材料的需要量计划; Work out the project budget and the schedules for monthly and 10-days site work, and also the materials supply plan.3.2.3商请建设单位组织移交、规划红线、座标、标高等;Consult with the Client to hand over the site, plot lines, bench marks and levels, etc.3.2.4组织专业技术人员进行模板和钢筋的翻样工作; Organize the professiona

14、l technicians to work out shop drawings for all the moulding board and steel work.3.2.5做好各种进场材料的质量检验等准备工作。Do a good job in checking all those materials to be brought into the site and concrete mix preparations.3.2.6根据工程施工需要,结合外围电网的情况和市政供水管网的情况,进行施工用电用水设计。Work out the consumption schedule for the wat

15、er and power needed for the project as per the requirements of the project execution and the status of electricity grid and city water supply.3.3主要机械设备、周转材料及劳动力资源配备Preparations of Major mechanical equipments, cycling materials and work forces根据本工程的施工规模及结构形式,为了顺利快速地完成本工程,交付给业主早日投产使用,拟投入的机械设备及劳动力详下表。A

16、s per the project scale and structural formation and in order to smoothly complete the execution so as to hand over to the client for the early operation, it is proposed to allocate of the following equipments and labor forces as the form listed below:主要施工机械和材料一览表Major Machines and Materials for the

17、 Project序号S.No名称Descriptions型号Model数量Qty单位Unit用电量/台(KW) Power Consumption 进场安排Date to bring in1挖掘机Excavator1辆Unit2.82砼搅拌机Concrete MixerJZC5001台Unit5.53砂浆拌和机Mortar MixerUJ2001台Unit2.24龙门吊GantryCrane2台Unit5钢筋切断机Cutting M/CGQ-401台Unit36钢筋弯曲机Bending M/CGW-401台Unit37电焊机Welding M/CBX1-5005台Unit23.48输送泵 Tr

18、ansfer Pump HBT60-13-9051台Unit909圆盘锯 Disc SawMJ1062台Unit5.510插入式振捣器VibratorsHZ6X-5010台Unit1.511平板振动器Plate CompactorPZ-5011台Unit0.512镝灯Dysprosium lamp4盏Unit13水准仪 water levelS31台Unit14全站仪 Total StationJ21台Unit15柴油发电机diesel-driven generator12V135AD1台Unit3.4劳动力资源配备 Labor Forces劳动力安排一览表Labor Forces List序

19、号S.No.工种名称Trade数量Number单位unit备注Remarks 1泥工Mason20人person按实际开工日期陆续进场 Enterthe siteas per the requirementson site2木工Carpenter25人person3钢筋工Rebar man20人person4架子工Scaffolder5人person5电工Electrician8人person6龙门吊司机GantryCrane Operator2人person7砼工Unskilled Labor10人person8管道工pipeliner6人person9电焊工electric welding

20、6人person10油漆工 painter2人person11铆工riveter1人person四、项目组织管理机构The Project Administration Organization4.1 现场项目部机构的设置 The setting for site project department organization4.1.1、项目经理部组织机构框图 The frame for project department organization施工组织机构框图The block diagram for site organization 决策层项 目 经 理 部 财 务 审 计 部管 理

21、 层后 勤 保 障 部经 营 计 划 部物 资 采 购 部质 量 安 全 部工 程 技 术 部安装队土 建 队作 业 层41.2 项目经理部职能:项目经理部对项目施工中的各项工作进行指挥、调度、管理和协调。The project department function: each item work is commanded, controlled, managed and coordinated in the construction of the project.41.21 项目经理部的决策层:由项目经理、项目副经理、总工组成,对本工程行使计划、组织、协调、控制、监督和指挥调度职能。 Th

22、e Project decision layer: be made up of project manager, vice-project manager and general engineer. This layer function is make plan, organization, coordination, supervision and control, command.41.22 项目管理层:在项目经理的领导下,由各职能模块负责人组成,对工程质量、技术、安全、成本等进行全过程的具体管理和协调控制。 The Project management layer: be made u

23、p of department principal. This layer function is specific management and coordination control for quality, technology, safety, cost of the entire project process.41.23 项目作业层:由具有熟练操作技能和操作经验的工人组成,项目实施中明确施工目标、责任和义务。 The Project implementation layer: be made up of workers who have skilled operation and

24、 operation experience.五、土建部分主要施工方法The Main Construction Method for the Civil Work5.1施工工艺流程Technological Process for Site Execution5.1.1基础及地下室施工工艺流程Technological process for site execution of t999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

25、9999999999999999tthe foundation and lower ground floor.1、基础底板施工顺序 The foundation slab construction sequence 清理基坑垫层弹线底板筋墙、柱插筋校正(含预留、预埋)混凝土浇捣养护。 Clear foundation pitblindingcloumn markingput wall and column rebarrectification(first fix)cast concretecuring2、条基和柱基Strip foundation and Cloumn base测量放线 砼垫层

26、 测量弹线 基础钢筋绑扎 基础立模基础浇筑砼 预埋管线 回填土、平整场地。Setting out Plain concrete blinding measure and snapline install the rebar of foundation install the formwork of foundation cast foundation concrete first fix pipe lay in the foundation wall backfill, level the site3 地下室结构施工顺序The construction sequence for lower g

27、round floor structure 弹线分中墙(柱)钢筋绑扎支模(含支模架)墙、柱混凝土梁支模架梁底板梁钢筋梁侧模梁浇筑浇板顶混凝土( 水电预留预埋)。Snapline fix reinforcement for columns and walls install formwork for column cast concrete for walls and columns install formwork for beam beam baseplate fix reinforcement for beam install the section formwork for beam c

28、ast concrete for beam cast concerete for slab.(first fix within slab)5.1.2主体施工工艺流程Technological process for site execution of sub-structure5.1.2.1、现浇钢筋混凝土柱施工顺序The construction sequence for column base测量弹线搭设柱支模架柱纵向钢筋绑扎连接柱控制标高测设绑扎柱筋设置混凝土垫块预留预埋件埋设柱底清洗冲扫质量检查作好隐蔽工程记录柱模板安装固定校正浇灌柱混凝土拆模养护。Measure and Snapli

29、ne install the formwork for column column longtidunal steel fixing control level measure and set for column fix reinforcement for column install the concrete pad first fix clear the base of column quality inspection remove pre-buried items intall the formwork for column and check cast concrete for c

30、olumn remove the formwork curing.、现浇钢筋混凝土墙施工顺序The construction sequence for wall分中弹线校正钢筋位置焊接定位钢筋清洗混凝土接头搭设操作架安装墙板侧模板绑扎钢筋 安预埋件和钢筋保护层垫块作好隐蔽记录安装另一侧模板模板固定及校正质量检查拆模养护。 Snapline check the position of rebar welding rebar clean the concrete joints install the handing frameinstall the formwork for wall

31、 install the rebar frist fix within wall and watch out for hidden items install the formwork for the other side quality inspection remove the formwork curing. 现浇混凝土梁施工顺序 The construction sequence for beam控制标高测设搭设支模架铺设梁底模绑扎梁(暗梁)钢筋安装梁模板质量检查作好隐蔽记录测设板面控制点标高浇水湿润模板浇灌混凝土养护。Measure and set the contro

32、l level install the support for formwork install the formwork for beam bottom install the rebar for beam quality inspection watch out for hidden item measure and set control level for slab watering the formwork cast the concrete maintenance.5.2主要分部分项工程施工方法The Method for the Main Items5.2.1土方工程 The E

33、arth Work本工程基础主要为独立基础和挡土墙板,基础尺寸和砼量大,强度等级高,施工工序多,技术复杂,质量要求高,工期紧迫,因此要求做好施工前期准备工作,采取有效的技术组织措施,确保基础施工快速优质地完成,为上部结构尽快施工创造条件。The foundation of this project mainly consists of independent foundation and retaining wall. The concrete volume of the foundation work is considerably large. The strength level is

34、high, the working procedures are numerous, the techniques are complex, high qualities are required and the time is pressing. So it is necessary to do well the pre-construction preparations, and to adopt effective technical and organizational measures so as to ensure the foundation work to be complet

35、ed soonest possible with high qualities and thus creating favorable conditions for the super structures execution.土方开挖采用反铲挖掘机和人工修整相结合,挖土方向顺序按循环式顺序。The excavation will be done by excavators and manual trimming. The excavation will be done in a way of orderly cycle.机械挖土深度宜控制在设计垫层底标高上20CM

36、,严禁挖深扰动持力层,剩余部分由人工进行修整,对于土质情况与地质勘察报告不符时或出现意外情况时,及时与建设单位、设计单位联系并进行处理。The excavation will be controlled as 20cm higher than the blinding bottom level and then the rest will be done manually. And the bearing layer of the soil is never to be removed. We will get in touch timely with the Client, the desi

37、gning institute in case that the soil conditions do not comply with those in the soil investigation report or any accidents happen.回填土进行场内堆土,堆土坡脚至坑边距离不小于3m。The soil for backfill will be piled up at site and the edge of the pile should be away from the foundation pit less than 3 meters.

38、基坑挖好后,应及时邀请设计单位,监理单位等有关人员进行验收,验收合格后,及时进行下道工序的施工。It is imperative to invite those from the designing institute, the supervisor and other related units to check the work as the excavation of the foundation pit is completed. The following work can not be started until the result of the said check is ok

39、.土方回填The Backfilling:基础工程结束后,邀请业主、监理等单位进行验收,合格后方可进行回填。基础内外回填应同时均匀进行,防止产生不均匀侧向荷载.并夯打密实。We will invite the supervisor and quality control unit to check the foundation work when the same is done. When the check gives ok, the backfill is to be carried out. The backfilling shall be done simultaneo

40、usly both in and out of the foundation pit to avoid from the uneven side load. And compaction is made well.5.2.2模板工程The Moulding board Work5.2.2.1模板必须尺寸准确,板面平整;具有足够的承载力。刚度和稳定性,能可靠地承受新浇筑砼的自重和侧压力,以及在施工中所产生的荷载;构造简单,装拆方便,并便于钢筋的绑扎,安装和砼的浇筑,养护等要求。在满足起重量要求,施工便利和经济条件下,应尽可能扩大模板面积,减少拼缝。The dimensions of the mo

41、ulding board shall be correct and surfaces even, having sufficient bearing capacity, rigidity and stability to reliably bear the weight of the concrete newly cast and its side pressure, and other load during the execution. The moulding board should be easy to be fit and dismantle. The moulding board

42、 work shall facilitate the reinforcement steel to be bound and fit, the concrete cast and curing. The moulding board work shall be made economically to the extent to satisfy the lifting demand and to reduce the joints with largest possible area.模板体系的选用应根据工程的特点按以下方面进行选择:一是选择的模板体系要先进,合理,适用;二是能用

43、效控制工程质量,使结构达到清水砼的效果;三是降低成本少投入。总之要综合考虑经济性,适用性,选择科学,合理的模板体系。要加强背楞和对拉螺栓的设计,保证其刚度,其可周转的次数低于钢模板。 The moulding board work system is selected and decided as the following: firstly it should be advanced, reasonably economic and applicable; secondly, it should be of help in control the project quality and of

44、 benefit to the effect of fair face for the main structure; thirdly, it is low in cost with less investment. All in all, we have to consider the economics and applicability and thus adopt the scientific and reasonable form work system. It is imperative to improve the design of the washers and the co

45、unter bolts so as to ensure the rigidity of the form but the cycles less than steel moulding board.模板支模前必须搭好相关脚手架,浇筑砼前必须检查支撑是否可靠,扣件是否松动。浇筑砼时必须由模板支设班组设专人看模,随时检查支撑是否变形,松动,并组织及时恢复。经常检查支设模板吊钩,斜支撑及平台连接处螺栓是否松动,发现问题及时组织处理。Scaffolds shall be mounted tightly before doing the form work. Before casting,

46、 it is imperative to check all the support if they are strong, and if the clips and clamps are properly tightened. When casting, those who have made the moulding board work have to be on the spot and watch the ongoing form work, check the supports now and then to see if there any movable or deformed, and mend in time if needed.It is also imperative to frequently check the crane hook, and see if the bolts and nuts are loose between the slant supports and the platform. Timely removal is needed if any happens.在支模时现浇钢筋砼梁,当跨度等于或大于4M时, 模板应起拱;当设计无具体要求时,起拱高度宜为全跨长度的1/1000-


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