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1、铁路elevated railway, overhead railway, aerial railway 高架铁路mine railway 矿区铁路funicular (railway) 缆索铁路, 登山铁路light railway line 轻便铁道urban railway 市区铁路railway network 铁路网railway transport 铁路运输trial run 试车open to traffic 通车porter 搬运工人ticket inspector 查票员ticket 车票single ticket, oneway ticket 单程票return ticke

2、t, roundtrip ticket 来回票platform ticket 站台票railway station 车站station hall 车站大厅information desk 服务台waiting room 候车室passenger station 客车站time-table 时刻表arrival time-table 到站时刻表departure time-table 发车时刻表ticket-collector, gateman 收票员ticket office, booking office 售票处junction 枢纽站rail and water terminal 水陆联运

3、站platform bridge 天桥luggage barrow 推行李车enquiry office, information desk 问讯处way station 小站label 行李标签luggage office 行李房left-luggage office 行李暂存处platform-ticket 验票口barrier 栅栏门platform 站台(electric) platform truck 站台车platform tunnel 站台地道platform roofing 站台顶棚station-master 站长terminal; terminus 终点站escalator

4、 自动扶梯The train leaves the station at., The train is due out at. 火车在(某时)离站to have ones ticket punched (给检票员)检票10 minutes behind schedule 晚点十分钟to change trains at . 在(某地)换车The train is due at . 在(某时)到达to break the journey 中途下车dining car, restaurant car, diner 餐车pantry 餐车食品室open wagon, (railway) wagon,

5、 (railway) truck 敞车carriage, coach, car 车厢roof 车顶concertina walls (车厢通道两侧的)伸缩篷step; foot board (车厢门口的)踏板gangway (车厢的)通道lidded ashtray 带盖烟灰盒tank wagon 罐车mixed train 混合列车freight train, goods train 货物列车engine, locomotive 机车window seat 靠窗座位coach, passenger train 客车express train, express 快车refrigerator w

6、agon 冷藏车car attendant; train attendant 列车员guard, conductor 列车长slow train, way train 慢车covered wagon van, box car 棚车ordinary train 普通列车sleeping carriage with cushioned berths 软卧客车up train 上行车livestock wagon 牲畜车sleeping car, sleeper 卧车down train 下行车luggage van, baggage car 行李车rack, baggage rack 行李架sle

7、eping carriage with semicushioned berths 硬卧客车ordinary seat 硬席carriage with semicushioned seats 硬座车mail car 邮政车mail and luggage van 邮政行李车through train 直达车special train 专车pointsman, switchman 道岔工人signal for blocking the track, block signal 闭塞信号semaphore signal, home signal 臂板信号warehouse 仓库siding, side

8、track 侧线, 旁轨turnout 岔道weighing machine 秤重机derailing (火车)出轨single line (track) rail 单线points, switches 道岔switch lock, point lock 道岔锁wait sign, wait signal 等候标志(信号)marshalling yard, shunting yard 调车场dispatching 调度dispatcher 调度员crossover 渡线, 转线轨道rail 钢轨track 轨道sleeper, railroad tie 轨枕rail chair 轨座buffe

9、r stop, bumping post 缓冲桩goods shed, freight depot 货棚goods station 货运站, 货站container 集装箱locomotive (engine) shed 机车库station warning sign 进站预告标clearance 净空(signal) gantry ?(铁路上支持信号装置的)跨线桥barrier (道口)拦路木section 路段reduce speed sign(al) 慢行标志(信号)bell and whistle sign, whistle sign 鸣笛预告标platform car, flat c

10、ar 平车, grade crossing, level crossing, (道路与铁路的)平面交叉track-laying machine, tracklayer 铺轨机double line (track) rail 双线volume of railway freight 铁路货运量railway connections 铁路交叉点, 铁路联络线railway warning sign 铁路警告标志railway clearance 铁路净空railroad bed 铁路路基railway curve 铁路曲线(弯道)railway tunnel 铁路隧道railway line, ra

11、ilroad line 铁路线stop sign(al) 停车标志(信号)danger sign(al) 危险标志(信号)unprotected crossing 无防护设备的道口signal light (lamp) 信号灯signal box, signalmans cabin 信号房 signalman 信号员wing rail (of frog) 翼轨distant signal, disk signal, target 圆盘信号机back-turning section 折返段frog 辙叉, 岔心turn-table 转车台, 旋车盘point (box), switch (box

12、) 转辙器switch signal, point indicator 转辙信号火车旅游相关词汇railway;railroad铁路 track轨道 train火车 locomotive火车头、机车 railwaysystem,railwaynetwork铁路系统 expresstrain特别快车 fasttrain快车 throughtrain直达快车 stoppingtrain,slowtrain慢车 excursiontrain游览列车 commutertrain,suburbantrain市郊火车 railcar轨道车 coach,carriage车厢 sleepingcar,slee

13、per卧车 diningcar,restaurantcar,luncheoncar餐车 double-deckertrain双层火车 sleeperwithcouchettes双层卧铺车 berth,bunk铺位 uptrain上行车 downtrain下行车 luggagevan,baggagecar行李车 mailcar邮政车 station,railwaystation车站 stationhall车站大厅 bookingoffice,ticketoffice售票处 ticket-collector,gateman收票员 ticketinspector验票员 platform月台,站台 p

14、latformticket站台票 terminal终点站 railwaypoliceman乘警 buffet小卖部 waitingroom候车室 mother-and-childroom母子候车室 VIProom贵宾候车室 platformbridge天桥飞机airliner 班机monoplane 单翼飞机glider 滑翔机trainer aircraft 教练机passenger plane 客机propeller-driven aircraft 螺旋桨飞机jet (aircraft) 喷射飞机amphibian 水陆两用飞机seaplane, hydroplane 水上飞机turbof

15、an jet 涡轮风扇飞机turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨飞机turbojet 涡轮喷射飞机transport plane 运输机helicopter 直升机supersonic 超音速hypersonic 高超音速transonic 跨音速subsonic 亚音速Airbus 空中客车Boeing 波音Concord 协和Ilyusin 依柳辛McDonald-Douglas 麦道 Trident 三叉戟Tupolev 图波列夫Traveling by Air 关于乘坐飞机旅行的词汇boarding check 登机牌plane ticket 飞机票flight, flying 飞行bumpy

16、 flight 不平稳的飞行smooth flight 平稳的飞行ramp 扶梯altitude, height 高度air route, air line 航线extra flight 加班economy class, tourist class 经济座non-stop flight 连续飞行climbing, to gain height 爬升circling 盘旋forced landing 迫降connecting flight 衔接航班speed, velocity 速度ceiling 上升限度cruising speed 巡航速度top speed 最高速度first class

17、头等night service 夜航airsick 晕机direct flight, straight flight 直飞landing 着陆to rock, to toss, to bump 颠簸to taxi along 滑行to lose height, to fly low 降低to take off, take-off 起飞to board a plane, get into a plane 上飞机to get off a plane, alight from a plane 下飞机to face the wind 迎风船dugout 独木舟barge 驳船kayak (爱斯基摩人的

18、)木排outrigger 桨叉架船rowing boat 划艇(美作:rowboat)gondola (意大利的)长平底船whale mother ship 捕鲸母船hydrofoil 水翼船catamarans 双体船dredger 挖泥船boat 船brig, brigantine 双桅船canoe 小船,独木舟caravel 快帆船cargo boat 货船coaster 近海贸易货船cod-fishing boat 捕鳕鱼船whaler 捕鲸船collier 运煤船battleship 战船shallop 小型战船coastguard cutter, coastguard vessel

19、 巡逻艇,缉私艇revenue cutter 缉私船patrol boat 巡逻艇minelayer 布雷艇minesweeper 扫雷艇torpedo boat 鱼雷艇frigate 轻护航舰gunboat 炮舰submarine 潜水艇destroyer 驱逐舰corvette 轻巡洋舰cruiser 巡洋舰aircraft carrier 航空母舰ferry, ferryboat 渡船,渡轮fishing boat 渔船freighter 货船galleon 大型帆船galley 大划桨船hovercraft 气垫船icebreaker 破冰船launch 艇lifeboat 救生艇li

20、ghter 驳船liner, ocean liner 远洋班轮merchant ship, merchantman 商船motorboat 摩托艇outboard 尾部装有马达的小艇paddle steamer, paddle boat 明轮船passenger boat 客船piragua, pirogue 独木舟raft 木筏rowing boat 划艇sailing boat, sailing ship 帆船schooner 纵帆船ship 船skiff 小艇sloop 单桅船steamer, steamship 汽轮tanker 油轮trawler 拖网渔船tug, tugboat 拖

21、轮vessel 船yacht 游艇yawl 船载小艇 汽车first gear 一档second gear 二档reverse 倒车档two-stroke engine 二冲程发动机diesel 柴油机limousine 豪华轿车drophead 活动车篷汽车 (美作:convertible)racing car 赛车saloon 轿车 (美作:sedan)roadster 敞蓬车wecker, beat-up car, jalopy 老爷车notchback 客货两用车four-wheel drive 四轮驱动front-wheel drive 前轮驱动trailer 拖车station w

22、agon 小旅行车truck 卡车compact car 小型汽车light-van 小型货车garbage truck 垃圾车automobile carrier 货运卡车fire engine 消防车tractor 牵引车ambulance 救护车taxi 出租车, 计程车trailer truck 拖车sports car 跑车formula car 方程式赛车, 方程式汽车mail car 邮车jeep 吉普车bloodmobile 血浆车bumper car 碰撞用汽车camper 露营车police car 警车wrecker 清障车ambulance 急救车 station ma

23、ster站长clerk站员driver司机conductor售票员inspector检查员inspector稽查员conductor列车长train attendant列车员gateman收票员conductor查票员pilot机长pilot驾驶员co-pilot副驾驶员second pilot副驾驶员radio operator报务员ground crew地勤人员hostess/stewardess空姐navigator领航员steward男服务员 air hostess女乘务员bus公共汽车driver司机coach长途汽车motor coach大客车minibus中巴micro bus小

24、型巴士streetcar有轨电车stop停车站taxi计程车taxi出租汽车request stop招呼站taxi stand出租汽车总站subway地铁ticket车票tip小费local train普通车local express平快车limited express特快express train特快列车up train上行列车down train下行列车dining car餐车ride乘车bus公共汽车truck卡车automobile carrier货运卡车tramcar电车trolley bus无轨电车limousine豪华轿车jeep吉普车saloom轿车taxi出租车compact

25、 car小型汽车station wagon小旅行车light-van小型货车sports car跑车tractor拖拉机 tractor牵引车ambulance救护车garbage truck垃圾车交通运输bus 公共汽车driver 汽车司机double decker bus 双层公共汽车coach, motor coach, bus 大客车taxi, taxicab 计程汽车, 出租汽车trolleybus 无轨电车tramcar, streetcar 电车, 有轨电车underground, tube, subway 地铁stop 停车站taxi rank, taxi stand 计程汽

26、车车站, 出租汽车总站taxi driver, cab driver 出租车司机conductor 售票员inspector 检查员, 稽查员ride 乘车minimum fare (of a taxi) 最低车费railway 铁路 (美作:railroad)track 轨道train 火车railway system, railway net-work 铁路系统express train 特别快车fast train 快车through train 直达快车stopping train, slow train 慢车excursion train 游览列车commuter train, su

27、burban train 市郊火车railcar 轨道车coach, carriage 车厢sleeping car, sleeper 卧车dining car, restaurant car, luncheon car 餐车sleeper with couchettes 双层卧铺车berth, bunk 铺位up train 上行车down train 下行车luggage van, baggage car 行李车 mail car 邮政车station, railway station 车站station hall 车站大厅booking office, ticket office 售票处

28、ticket-collector, gateman 收票员platform 月台, 站台platform ticket 站台票buffet 小卖部waiting room 候车室platform bridge 天桥left-luggage office 行李暂存处platform-ticket 验票门terminal, terminus 终点站coach, passenger train 客车car attendant, train attendant 列车员guard, conductor 列车长rack, baggage rack 行李架left-luggage office 行李房 (美

29、作:checkroom)registration 登记timetable 时刻表change, transfer 换乘connection 公铁交接处ticket inspector 验票员porter 搬运工人to change trains at. 在(某地)换车the train is due at. 在(某时)到达to break the journey 中途下车boat, ship 船(passenger) liner 邮轮, 客轮sailing boat, sailing ship 帆船yacht 游船(ocean) liner 远洋班轮packet boat 定期客船, 班轮ca

30、bin 船舱hovercraft 气垫船life buoy 救生圈lifeboat 救生艇life jacket 救生衣berth, cabin, stateroom 客舱first-class stateroom (cabin) 头等舱second-class stateroom (cabin) 二等舱steerage, third-class 三等舱steerage 统舱gang-plank 跳板crossing 横渡cruise 游弋to embark, to ship 乘船to land 抵岸, to sail at a speed of 20 knots, 航速为20节to tran

31、sship 换船to disembark 上岸to board a ship; to embark; to go aboard 上船to disembark from a ship, to go ashore, to land 下船on board a ship, aboard 在船上to stop over at. 中途在停留civil aviation 民用航空plane, aircraft, airplane 飞机airliner 班机jet, supersonic plane 喷气机airliner, passenger aircraft 客机medium-haul aircraft

32、中程飞机long-range aircraft, long-haul aircraft 远程飞机propeller-driven aircraft 螺旋桨飞机jet (aircraft) 喷气飞机turbofan jet 涡轮风扇飞机turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨飞机turbojet 涡轮喷气飞机by air, by plane 乘飞机airline 航空线passenger cabin 客舱tourist class 普通舱, 经济舱first class 一等舱waiting list 登机票名单customs formalities 报关单boarding check 登机牌airport 航空港air terminal 航空集散站tarmac 停机坪air hostess, stewardess 空中小姐, 女乘务员steward 乘务员aircraft crew, air crew 机组, 机务人员pilot 驾驶员, 机长takeoff 起飞landing 着陆to board a plane, get into a plane 上飞机to get off a plane, alight from a plane 下飞机non-stop flight to 飞往, 直飞in transit 运送中的air pocket 气潭, 气阱


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