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1、Lesson 28Section OneNew words and cultural notes; phrases mush n 1 U, sing (usu derog 通常作贬义) soft thick mixture or mass 软而稠的混合物或块; 糊状物: The vegetables had been boiled to a mush, and were quite uneatable. 菜煮烂了, 都没法吃了. 2 U (US) boiled corn meal 玉米粥. 3 U (infml derog 口, 贬) (speech or writing full of) w

2、eak sentimentality 脆弱的感情; 感伤; 伤感的言语或文字: Ive never read such a load of mush! 我从来没有读过如此哀思绵绵的作品!punnet n (esp Brit) small basket made of very thin wood, plastic, etc and used as a container for fruit (用细木条、 塑料等制的很小的)水果篮子: Strawberries cost 60p a punnet. 草莓 60 便士一小篮.strawberry n (a) C soft juicy red fru

3、it with tiny yellow seeds on the surface 草莓: fresh strawberries and cream 鲜草莓拌奶油 * attrib 作定语 strawberry jam 草莓酱 * strawberry pink 草莓般的粉红色. (b) low-growing plant on which this fruit grows 草莓(指植株).polling n U (a) voting 投票: heavy polling, ie inlarge numbers 高的投票率. (b) conducting of public-opinionpoll

4、s 进行民意测验. polling-booth, polling-station ns place where people go to vote in an election 投票站. polling-day n day appointed for an election 投票日.raspberry n 1 (a) type of bramble 悬钩子; 覆盆子: attrib 作定语 raspberry canes 悬钩子的新枝. (b) its edible sweet red berry 悬钩子的红色聚合果(味甜, 可食): raspberries and ice-cream 悬钩子

5、加冰激凌 * attrib 作定语 raspberry jam 悬钩子果酱. 2 (US also razz, Bronx cheer) (infml 口) sound made with the tongue and lips to show dislike, contempt, etc 用舌与唇发出的表示憎恶、 鄙夷等的声音: give/blow sb a raspberry 用舌与唇发声嘲笑某人 * The teacher got a raspberry as she turned her back. 该教师转过身去时有人用舌与唇发出嘲笑她的声音.loganberry n large d

6、ark-red berry from a plant that is a cross2(7) between a blackberry and a raspberry 洛根莓(为黑莓与悬钩子杂交植物, 结深红色聚合果).avail v 1 Tn.pr oneself of sth (fml 文) make use of sth; take advantage of sth 使用某事物; 利用某事物: You must avail yourself of every opportunity to speak English. 你要利用一切机会说英语. 2 I, Ipr (dated 旧) be

7、of value or help 有价值; 有帮助; 有用: What can avail against the storm? 用什么来抵挡风暴? 3 (idm 习语) a,vail sb nothing (dated 旧) be of no use to sb 对某人无用. avail n (idm 习语) of little/no avail not very/not at all helpful or effective 没有多大一点儿帮助, 用处或效果: The advice we got was of no avail. 我们得到的建议完全没用. to little/no avai

8、l; without avail with little/no success 没有什么成果没有成果: The doctors tried everything to keep him alive but to no avail. 医生们曾竭尽全力抢救他的生命, 但却徒劳无功.aisle n 1 side passage in a church that is divided by a row of pillars from the nave (教堂内用列柱与中堂分隔的)侧廊, 走道. =illus at App 1 见附录1之插图, page viii. 2 passage between

9、rows of seats in a church, theatre, railway carriage, etc (教堂, 剧院, 客车车厢等内座位间的)通道, 走道. =illus at App 1 见附录1之插图, page ix. 3 (idm 习语) knock them in the aisles = knock2. rolling in the aisles = roll.campaignn 1 series of military operations with a particular aim, usu in one area 战役: He fought in the N A

10、frican campaign during the last war. 在上次战争中他在北非战役参战. 2 series of planned activities with a particular social, commercial or political aim 运动(为某一社会的、 商业的或政治的目的而进行的一系列有计划的活动): a campaign against nuclear weapons 反对核武器运动 * an advertising campaign, ie to promote a particular product 广告宣传运动(以推销某产品) * an e

11、lection campaign 竞选运动 * a campaign to raise money for the needy 为贫苦人筹款的运动.Section TwoNew words and cultural notesA: solitary adj 1 (a) usu attrib 通常作定语 (living) alone; without companions 单独的; 独居的; 独自的: a solitary walk 独自一人的散步 * lead a solitary life 过独居的生活 * One solitary tree grew on the mountainside

12、. 山腰上孤零零地长著一棵树. (b) fond of being alone; used to being alone 喜欢独处的; 习惯於独处的: a solitary kind of person 喜欢离群索居的人. 2 not often visited; in a lonely remote place 人迹罕至的; 荒僻的: a solitary valley 荒僻的山谷 * far-flung solitary villages 偏远冷清的村落. =Usage at alone 用法见alone. 3 usu attrib 通常作定语 (esp in negative sente

13、nces and questions 尤用於否定句和疑问句中) only one; single 唯一的; 仅有的: Theres not a solitary instance (ie not even one) of this having happened before. 这样的事以前一次也没有发生过. * She couldnt answer a solitary question correctly. 她连一个问题都答不对.choir n 1 CGp organized group of singers, esp one that performs in church service

14、s 合唱队(尤指教堂作礼拜时合唱者的); 唱诗班: She sings in the school choir. 她在校唱诗班唱歌. 2 C part of a church where these singers sit 教堂中唱诗班坐的席位: attrib 作定语 choir stalls 唱诗班席位. =illus at App 1 见附录1之插图, page viii.bloke n (Brit infml 口) man 人; 家伙.C: restriction n 1 U restricting or being restricted 限制; 约束: restriction of e

15、xpenditure 对开支的限制. 2 C esp pl 尤作复数 (on sth) instance of this; law, etc that restricts 限制; 约束; 限制性规定: raise, lift, ban, abolish, etc a restriction 撤消限制 * place, impose, enforce, etc a restriction 实行限制 * speed, price, import, etc restrictions 速度、 价格、 进口等限制 * There are currency restrictions on the sums

16、 allowed for foreign travel. 到国外旅行允许携带的款额有所限制. * The sale of firearms is subject to many legal restrictions. 出售枪枝受到许多法律限制.pizza n C, U Italian dish consisting of a flat (usu round) piece of dough covered with tomatoes, cheese, anchovies, etc and baked in an oven 意大利饼(饼上覆蕃茄、 奶酪、 anchovies 等, 在烤箱中烘制).

17、beneficiary n person who receives sth, esp one who receives money, property, etc when sb dies 受益者; 受惠者; (尤指)承受遗产者.D: bargain n 1 agreement in which both or all sides promise to do sth for each other 协议(双方或各方约定彼此要为对方做的事项): If you promote our goods, we will give you a good discount as our part of the

18、bargain. 若你方经销我们的货物, 我方愿给予你相当大的优惠作为回报. * The bargain they reached with their employers was to reduce their wage claim in return for a shorter working week. 他们与雇主达成的协议是他们在工资方面降低要求, 但每周工时要缩短. 2 thing bought or sold for less than its usual price 廉价购买或廉价出售之物: Its a bargain, ie It is very good value for

19、money. 这可是便宜货 * attrib 作定语 a bargain price, ie a low price 廉价. 3 (idm 习语) a bad bargain (a) agreement that is more beneficial to the other side(s) than to oneself 对方占便宜的协议; 吃亏的交易. (b) thing bought because it was thought cheap but which one later regrets buying 後悔当初不该买的便宜货. drive a hard bargain = dri

20、ve1. a good bargain (a) agreement that is more beneficial to oneself than to the other side(s) 自己占便宜的协议; 上算的交易: Youve got a good bargain there. 你做了一笔很上算的交易. (b) thing, usu valuable, bought at a very low price 以极其便宜的价格购得之物(通常指值钱的物品). into the bargain; US also in the bargain (infml 口) in addition; mor

21、eover 加之; 此外: She was a distinguished scientist and a gifted painter into the bargain. 她是一位杰出的科学家-同时还是一位很有才华的画家呢. strike a bargain = strike2.bargain v 1 I, Ipr (with sb) (about/over/for sth) discuss (with sb) prices, terms of trade, etc with the aim of buying or selling goods, or changing conditions

22、, on terms that are favourable to oneself (与某人)讨价还价; 洽谈成交条件; 谈判: Never pay the advertised price for a car; always try to bargain. 千万不要照牌价购买汽车, 总得讲讲价才是. * Dealers bargain with growers over the price of coffee. 商人与种植者就咖啡的价格进行商洽. * The unions bargained (with management) for a shorter working week. 工会为缩

23、短工作周而(与资方)讨价还价. 2 (phr v) bargain sth away give sth away (esp sth valuable in exchange for sth less so) 牺牲某物(尤指以贵物交换贱物): The leaders bargained away the freedom of their people. 领导人拿人民的自由来做交易. bargain for sth; bargain on sth (infml 口) (often negative 常用於否定式) expect; be prepared for 预料; 有备於: The exam

24、was more difficult than I had bargained for. 这次考试之难出乎我的意料之外. * Tom didnt bargain on his wife returning so soon. 汤姆没有想到他妻子会回来得这麽快. * When the politician agreed to answer questions on television, he got more than he had bargained for, ie was unpleasantly surprised at the consequences. 这个政客同意在电视上公开回答问题

25、, 不料竟弄巧成拙(其後果使他感到愕然). bargaining n U discussion of prices, terms of trade, etc 讨价还价; 洽谈成交条件等: After much hard bargaining we reached an agreement. 经过激烈的讨价还价, 我们终於达成了协议.Section ThreeNew wordsA: mug n 1 (a) (usu straight-sided, fairly large) drinking vessel of china, metal or plastic with a handle, for

26、 use without a saucer 缸子(圆筒形有柄大杯): a coffee mug 咖啡缸子. (b) its contents 一缸子之物: a mug of coffee 一缸子咖啡. =illus at cup 见cup插图. 2 (sl derog or joc 俚, 贬或谑) face 脸: What an ugly mug! 多难看的脸!mug v (-gg-) Tn (infml 口) attack and rob (sb) violently out of doors (户外)行凶抢劫(某人): an old lady mugged by a gang of you

27、ths in the park 在公园里遭一帮年轻人行凶抢劫的老太太. mugger n person who does this 行凶抢劫者. mugging n C, U such an attack or attacks 行凶抢劫: several reported muggings 报道的几起行凶抢劫案.widow / 5wIdEU; wIdo/ n woman whose husband has died and who has not married again 寡妇; 孀妇: She has been a widow for ten years. 她守寡十年了. * He mar

28、ried his brothers widow. 他娶了他哥哥的遗孀. widow v Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态 cause (sb) to become a widow or widower 使(某人)成寡妇或鳏夫: She was widowed at an early age. 她年轻时就成了寡妇. * Many people were widowed by the war. 很多人因战乱丧偶. widowhood n U state or time of being a widow 守寡; 孀居. widower / 5wIdEUE(r); wIdEwL/ n ma

29、n whose wife has died and who has not married again 鳏夫.plastic n 1 (a) C usu pl 通常作复数 any of several chemically produced substances that can be formed into shapes when heated or made into thin threads and used in textiles 塑料: the use of plastics in industry 塑料在工业中的应用. (b) U substance made in this wa

30、y 可塑性物质: Many items in daily use are made out of plastic. 有很多日常生活用品是塑料制的. * Plastic is sometimes used instead of leather. 塑料有时可以代替皮革. 2 plastics sing v science of making plastics (plastic 1a) 塑料学. 3 U (also plastic money) (infml 口) credit card(s) 信用卡: Have you got any cash or shall we use plastic? P

31、ut it on the plastic. 你有没有现金? 还是我们用信用卡呢?用信用卡吧. plastic adj 1 (of goods) made of plastic(1b) (指物品)塑料的: a plastic cup, raincoat, spoon, toy, wrist-watch 塑料杯、 雨衣、 羹匙、 玩具、 手表 * fabric with a plastic coating 塑料涂层纤维织物 * a plastic bag, ie made from very thin soft plastic material 塑料袋. 2 (of materials or su

32、bstances) easily shaped or moulded (指材料或物质)可塑的: Clay is a plastic substance. 黏土是可塑物质. * (fig 比喻) The mind of a young child is quite plastic. 儿童的思想很有可塑性. 3 of the art of modelling eg clay or wax 制造模型的艺术的(如用黏土或蜡等): the plastic arts, ie sculpture, ceramics, etc 制造模型的艺术.moustache (US mustache / 5mQstF;

33、mQstAF/) n 1 C hair allowed to grow onthe upper lip 髭. =illus at head 见head插图. Cf 参看 beard1 a, whisker 1. 2 moustaches pl long moustache 长髭.snatch v 1 I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p (try to) seize (sth/sb) quickly and sometimes rudely; grab (设法)迅速地或粗鲁地抓住(某物某人); 抢: Its rude to snatch. 你争我夺是粗鲁的行为. * She snat

34、ched the letter from me/out of my hand. 她从我这里从我手中把信抢走了. * The baby had been snatched from its pram. 那婴儿被人从婴儿车中劫走了. * He snatched up his gun and fired. 他迅速拿起枪来射出. 2 Tn take or get (sth) quickly, esp when a chance to do so occurs 迅速抓住(某物)(尤指机会): snatch an hours sleep 偷空儿睡一小时觉 * snatch a meal between j

35、obs 趁工作间歇时吃饭.crash n 1 (a) (usu sing 通常作单数) (loud noise made by a) violent fall, blow or breakage 坠落(声); 撞击(声); 破裂(声): the crash of dishes being dropped 摔碎盘碟的声音 * The tree fell with a great crash. 那棵树哗啦一声倒了. * His words were drowned in a crash of thunder. 他的话为一阵雷声所淹没. (b) accident involving a vehicl

36、e in a collision or some other impact 撞车; (车辆等)碰撞: a crash in which two cars collided 两辆汽车相撞的事故 * a car crash/an air crash 汽车撞车事故飞机坠毁. 2 collapse, esp of a business or stock-market 崩溃; 垮台; (尤指)倒闭; (证券市场)暴跌: The great financial crash in 1929 ruined international trade. 1929年的经济大萧条摧毁了国际贸易.crash v 1 (a

37、) Ipr, Ip, Tn.pr, Tn.p fall or strike (sth) suddenly and noisily 突然倒下, 撞击(某物)发出声响: The rocks crashed (down) onto the car. 岩石轰隆一声砸在汽车上. * The tree crashed through the window. 树哗啦一声倒入窗内. * The dishes crashed to the floor. 碗碟哗啦一声掉在地板上. * She crashed the plates (down) on the table. 她哗啦一声把那些盘子摔到桌上. (b) I

38、, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr (sth) (into sth) (cause sth to) have a collision (使某物)猛撞: The plane crashed (into the mountain). 飞机撞毁(在山上)了. * He crashed his car (into a wall). 他把汽车撞(到墙上)了. * a crashed car, plane 撞毁的汽车、 坠毁的飞机. (c) Ipr, Ip, Tn.pr, Tn.p (cause sth to) move noisily or violently (使某物)轰然或猛然冲, 闯: an enr

39、aged elephant crashing about in the undergrowth 被激怒了的大象, 在矮树丛中东奔西窜 * He crashed the trolley through the doors. 他推著小脚轮车乒乒乓乓地过了几道门. 2 I make a loud noise 发出巨响: The thunder crashed. 雷声隆隆. 3 I (of a business company, government, etc) fail suddenly; collapse (指企业、 政府等)突然倒台, 崩溃: The company crashed with d

40、ebts of 2 million. 那家公司因负债2百万英镑而告破产. 4 Tn (infml 口) = gatecrash (gate). 5 Ipr, Ip (out) (sl 俚 esp US) sleep in an improvised bed, esp when very tired 在临时床铺上睡觉(尤指困极时): Mind if I crash (out) on your floor tonight? 今晚我在你家打地铺行吗? 6 (idm 习语) a crashing bore very boring person 讨厌鬼.judo n U sport of wrestli

41、ng and self-defence between two people who try to throw each other to the ground 柔道.B: hold-up n (a) stoppage or delay 停顿或延搁: a hold-up on the motorway 高速公路上的交通阻塞 * We should arrive in half an hour, barring hold-ups. 若无交通阻塞, 我们半小时後可到达. (b) robbery by armed robbers 持械抢劫: After the hold-up, the gang m

42、ade their getaway in a stolen car. 匪徒们打劫後, 乘一辆盗来的汽车逃走了.referee n 1 (also infml 口语作 ref) (in football, boxing, etc) official who controls matches, prevents rules being broken, etc (足球、 拳击等的)裁判员. =illus at hockey 见 hockey 插图. Cf 参看 umpire. 2 person to whom disputes, eg between employers and employees,

43、 are referred for decision (争端, 如劳资纠纷的)仲裁者, 调解者, 公断者. 3 (Brit) person willing to make a statement about the character or ability of sb applying for a job (愿为求职者提供证明的)证明人, 介绍人, 推荐人: The head teacher often acts as (a) referee for his pupils. 这位校长常为求职学生做证明人. referee v I, Tn act as a referee(1) in (sth)

44、 当裁判: Who refereed (the match)? 谁当(这场比赛的)裁判?probation n U 1 (law 律) (system of) keeping an official check on the behaviour of (esp young) people found guilty of crime as an alternative to sending them to prison 缓刑(制)(尤指对年轻犯人施行的): sentenced to three years probation被判处缓刑三年. 2 testing of a persons abil

45、ities or behaviour to find out if he or she is suitable (对人的)试用(期): Theres a three-month period of probation/probationperiod for new recruits. 新加入的人员有三个月试用期. 3 (idm 习语) on probation (a) (of a law-breaker) undergoing a period of probation(1) (指违法者)服缓刑: Hes been released from prison on probation, ie If he does not behave satisfactorily he will be sent back. 他获释服缓刑(若表现不好则重新收监). (b) being tested before being finally accepted in employment, etc (受雇者)在试用期中.probation officer person whose job is to supervise law-breakers who are on probation 监视缓刑犯的官员; 缓刑监督官. Riley


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