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1、Photo Finish 大功告成ACT I What are you doing? 你在干什么? I think Ive got them. 我想我已经拍齐了。 You think youve got what? 你想你已经拍齐了什么? Performing arts-performing arts centers. 表演艺术-表演艺术中心。 I think Ive got them all, but Im not sure. 我想我都已经拍齐了,但我不能肯定。 I think you have got it, Richard. 我想你已完成了,Richard。 Lincoln Center

2、, home of the Metropolitan Opera, 林肯中心,大都会歌剧, the New York City Ballet, the New York Philharmonic. 纽约市芭蕾舞团,纽约爱乐大本营。 Shubert Alley, center of the theater on Broadway. Shubert Alley,百老汇大剧院中心。 And Carnegie Hall. 还有卡奈基音乐厅。 And the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington. 还有位于华盛顿的肯尼迪表演艺术中心。

3、And the Music Center in Los Angeles. 还有位于洛杉矶的的音乐中心。 And the others. I do have it all. 还有其他的。我确实拍齐了。 You have been working on this for some time, Richard. 你从事这工作已有一段时间了,Richard。 Im glad you feel youve finally put it all together. 我很高兴你终于就绪了。 What now? 下一步呢? Now for the hard part. 现在到了最难的部分。 Oh, you t

4、hink youre going to have a hard time 你认为需要大费周折 getting the album published? 才能让摄影集出版? Well, it wont be easy. 嗯,不很容易。 So, what do you think youre going to do? 那么你打算怎么办? Does the name Harvey Carlson ring a bell? 对Harvey Carlson这个名字有印象吗? Oh, yes! Harvey Carlson! I remember. 噢,是的!Harvey Carlson!我记得。 He

5、said I should call him. 他说我可以打电话给他。 Hes the publisher of the Carlson Publishing Company. 他是Carlson出版公司的出版商。He said they need a new book of photographs, 他说他公司需要一本新的摄影集。 and he really liked my concept. 而且他真的喜欢我的想法。 So, why dont you call him in the morning? 那么你为何明天早上不打个电话给他? Do you think I have enough

6、to show him? 你觉得我有足够的照片给他看吗? Ive been through every section with you, Richard. 我和你一起检视过每个部分,Richard。 Its quite complete. 已经相当齐全了。 And now that youre satisfied with the performing arts section, 而且既然你对表演艺术这部分很满意, I think you should show it to Mr. Carlson. 我觉得你应该给Carlson先生看看。 Youre right. My Family Alb

7、um, U.S.A. feels right. 说的对。我的走遍美国不赖。 Ill call in the morning and set up an appointment to see him. 我明天早上就打电话给他,跟他约个时间去看他。 Hes going to love your work. 他一定会欣赏你的作品的。 Come on. Lets get some sleep. 走吧。让我们去睡觉吧。 Is it too early to call Mr. Carlson? 现在打电话给Carlson先生会不会太早? Seven after nine? No. Im sure hes

8、in his office. 九点零七分,不会太早的。我肯定他到办公室了。 His number is five, five, five, seven, five, three, two. 他的号码是5,5,5,7,5,3,2。 Five, five, five, seven, five, three, two. 5,5,5,7,5,3,2。 Hello. Mr. Carlson, please. 哈,请找一下Carlson先生。 Mr. Carlson is busy at the moment. May I help you? Carlson先生现在正忙着呢。我可以为你效劳吗? Id li

9、ke to make an appointment with him. 我想跟他约个时间谈谈。 And your name is .? 请问你的名字是? My name is Richard Stewart. 我的名字是Richard Stewart。 He told me to call him about my project, 他叫我打电话给他跟他谈我的作品, Family Album, U.S.A. 走遍美国。 One moment, please. 请等一下。 Whats going on? 怎么样了? I guess theyre trying to set up an appoi

10、ntment for me. 我猜他们正设法给我安排会谈时间。 Mr. Stewart, I just spoke to Mr. Carlson. Stewart先生,我刚才与Carlson先生通了话。 He would like to see you. 他想见你。 But the only time hes available this week 但这星期他有空的时间只有is tomorrow morning at ten oclock. 明天早上十点。 Thanks. Thanks a lot. Good-bye. 谢谢。非常感谢。再见。 Well, its done. Tomorrow

11、morning at a publishers office. 好了,事情办成了。明天早晨要到出版社的办公室。 Oh, its so exciting, isnt it, Richard? 噢,这太令人兴奋了,是不是,Richard? Well, finally a publisher will see my work. 好了,终于有一个出版商要看我的作品了。 ACT II Good morning. 早安。 Good morning. My name is Richard Stewart. 早安。我叫Richard Stewart。 Im here to see Mr. Carlson. 我

12、来见Carlson先生。Mr. Carlson will be with you shortly. Carlson先生不久就可以见你。 Thank you. 谢谢 。 Excuse me, Mr. Carlson, 对不起, Carlson先生, but Richard Stewart is here 但Richard Stewart正在这儿 for his ten oclock appointment with you. 等着十点钟与你的会谈。 OK. Thank you. 好。谢谢。 Like I said, hell be with you shortly. 正像我所说,他不久就可以与你

13、会面。 Thank you. 谢谢你。 Yes, Mr. Carlson. Yes, sir. 是的,Carlson先生。是, 先生。 Hes ready for you, Mr. Stewart. 他可以见你啦,Stewart先生。 Thank you. In there? 谢谢你。在那边? Yes. In there. Good luck. 是的,在那边。祝你好运。 Come in, come in. 进来,进来。 This is a crazy morning. Hello, Richard. 这是一个忙得头昏的早晨。哈,Richard 。Hello, Mr. Carlson. 哈,Ca

14、rlson先生。 Sit down, sit down. 请坐,请坐。 Thank you for seeing me on such short notice. 谢谢您这样快就安排见我。 I hope youve brought your pictures along. 我希望你带了你的照片一起来。 I see that you have. Lets get right to it. 我看到你带来了。我们就直接谈正事了。 We need a new coffee-table book, 我们需要一本可以摆在客厅的。and a book of photos about the United S

15、tates still feels right. 而一本关于美国的摄影集仍然很有前景。 OK, lets take a look. 好了,让我们来看一看。 Good. Very good. Family Album, U.S.A. 不错,很不错。走遍美国。 Its an excellent title. 这是个绝妙的书名。 If you had to describe the book in one sentence, 假如要你用一句话来描述这本, how would you do it? 你怎么说? Well, Id describe it as a book which is a . 嗯,

16、我会把这本书形容为一幅 a portrait of the United States- 一幅美国的剪影- the places, the people-mostly the people. 美国的一些地方,人民-大部分是人。 The things they do, the ways they live, 他们所做的事情,他们的生活方式, the places they visit, and the landmarks. 他们所去的地方,以及地标等等。 A photographic journey. 一次透过摄影作品的旅行。 These are wonderful- 这些好得很-these p

17、hotos in your performing arts section. 你这些表演艺术中心部分的照片。 Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center. 卡奈基音乐厅,林肯中心。 Im glad you like them. 我很高兴你喜欢它们。 I do, but . 我确实喜欢,但是 But? 但是? Theres something missing. Youve got a good eye, Richard. 少了些东西。你有艺术眼光, Richard。 Youre a terrific photographer. 你是一名出色的摄影师。 But before I c

18、an publish your work, 但在我出版你的书之前, I need to meet with my marketing department, 我需要跟我的营销部门商量一下, and youve got to do one more thing. 而且你还要做一件事。 Whats that, Mr. Carlson? 什么事,Carlson先生?In the section on culture, 在文化这部分, youve included performing arts centers, 你拍了表演艺术中心, but youve left out street perform

19、ance. The mimes. 但你忽略了街头表演。幽默剧演员。 The musicians. The dancers-in the parks and on the streets. 音乐家啦,在公园或街头跳舞的人啦。 Richard, if you go out Richard,假如你出去 and photograph street performances in the city, 拍摄城市的街头表演, youll have it. 那你就大功告成了。 That is a great idea. 这是个好主意。 The performing arts centers and the s

20、treet performances. 表演艺术中心及街头表演。 Ill do it. 我会去办。 If you do it, Ill publish your work. 假如你拍好了,我就出版你的作品。 Are you serious? 你是说真的吗? Ive never been more serious. 我从来没有比现在更认真了。 When do you think you can return with street performances? 你觉得何时可以带来街头表演艺术的摄影? A couple of weeks. 两三个星期吧。 If theyre as good as t

21、he rest of these pictures, its a deal. 假如它们跟这其余的照片一样好的话, 我们的交易就成功。 You wont be disappointed, Mr. Carlson. Thanks. 我不会让你失望的, Carlson先生。谢谢。 Good-bye, Richard, and good luck. See you in two weeks. 再见,Richard,祝你好运。两三周后见。 Good-bye, Mr. Carlson. Thanks. 再见,Carlson先生。谢谢。 So if you like the street-performan

22、ce photos, 这么说,假如你喜欢街头表演的照片, youll really publish Family Album, U.S.A.? 你真的会出版走遍美国?When I say something, I mean it. 我说的一定会兑现的。 Go to work. Good-bye. 去工作吧。再见。 Good-bye. 再见。 ACT III Two weeks. I said I could do it in two weeks, and I did it. 两周。我说过我两周就能完成,现在我做到了。 The pictures youve taken are fabulous,

23、 Richard. 你拍的照片太精采了,Richard 。Mr. Carlson will love them. Carlson先生会喜欢的。 Monday morning. 星期一早晨。 Im going to show him the photos on Monday morning. 我要在星期一早晨给他看这些照片。 I cant wait! 我简直迫不及待! Im very proud of you. You really did a beautiful job. 我真以你为傲。你真的拍得很漂亮。 I know he will love the new photographs for

24、your book. 我相信他会喜欢你为你的书所拍的这些新照片。 Yeah. I really did do a good job, didnt I? 是的,我确实拍得不错,对不? Hey, you know? Theres still some film left on this roll, 嘿,知道吗?这里还有一些底片? and theres one person I havent photographed in a long time. 而有一个人我已经很久没为她拍照了。Who? 谁呀? You. 你。Richard! I havent brushed my hair. Richard,

25、我头发没有梳。 You look great! 看起来很棒! Its not fair, Richard. Im not even ready. 这样不公平, Richard。我甚至一点准备都没有。 Oh, thats wonderful! Thats wonderful! 噢,真是美极了! 真是美极了! Wonderful! 好极了! Thanks. 谢谢。 Fabulous! 太精采了! Thanks. 谢谢。 Terrific! 妙极了! Thanks. 谢谢。 They get better and better. 它们越来越好。 Thanks a lot. 非常感谢。 This is

26、 sensational! 太令人激动了! Yeah. Thanks. 真的,谢谢。 What a job! Good work, Richard! 你拍得很棒! 好作品, Richard! Im so glad you like them so much. 你这样喜欢它们我真是太高兴了。 Like them? They represent your best work. 何止喜欢?它们代表了你最佳的作品。 Really? 真的吗? Absolutely. 绝对是真的。 Well . what do you think? Do I have my book? 那么-你看怎么样?我的书可以出版了

27、? You do. You do. Theres a book here. 当然。当然。书要出版。 Ill have a contract 我会准备好一张合同 and an advance payment waiting for you 和预付稿酬等你来 first thing in the morning. 这是我明天早上的第一件事。 Thank you. 谢谢你。 And while youre here, 趁你现在在这儿, I would like to introduce you to your editor. 我来介绍你认识这本书的编辑。 And I want you to meet

28、 the people in the art department. 我也希望你与美术编辑部的人见面。 Ill set up an appointment with the marketing people. 我会与营销部的人安排一次会谈。 When do you think well be through? 你认为我们什么时候能完? In about half an hour. Why? 大约半个小时。为什么问这个? I cant wait to tell Marilyn! 我迫不及待地想告诉Marilyn! 第一幕1.performing arts centers:表演艺术中心。表演艺术(

29、the performing arts)包括舞蹈。歌剧、戏剧、音乐方面的表演。表演艺术中心(a performing artscenter)是能观看多种表演艺术的地方。2. Lincoln Center:林肯中心。是纽约市最大的表演艺术中心。3.Metropalitan Opera:The most famous opera company in the United States大都会歌剧团。大都会歌剧团的第一次演出是在1883年,在纽约的另一个地区。歌剧团于1966年迁到林肯中心。4. New York City Ballet:纽约市芭蕾舞团。这个团以表演芭蕾大师 Geroge Balan

30、chine的作品而闻名。5. New York Philharmonic:纽约爱乐交响乐团。这是美国最老的管弦乐团。它的首次演出是在1842年。6. Shubert Alley:an area near the Shubert Theater in Manhattan. Shubert街。位于 Manhattan,在Shubert Theater附近。从1914年到1950年,Shubert家族控制着美国的大部分戏剧活动。7.Broadway:a main street in Manhattan百老汇。许多大剧院都在百老汇大道附近。Broadway show是指在这里的任何一家大戏院所上演的节

31、目。8. Carnegie Hall:卡耐基音乐厅。位于 Manhattan 的这幢建筑物的大厅,是特地为现代交响乐团演出而修建的第一座音乐大厅。9.Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts:肯尼迪表演艺术中心。肯尼迪表演艺术中心是美国政府创建的。在肯尼迪总统逝世后,该中心为纪念他而更名。10Washington:washington, D.C华盛顿特区,是美国的首都。11. Music Center in Los Angeles:洛杉矶音乐中心。12.some time:a long thime相当一段时间。13. put it all together:

32、organized everythihg安排就绪。14. getting(the album published):getting someone to(publish, or make a book from, the album).让或使(影集出版)。Richard想找人出版他的影集。用动词get(+名词词组+过去分词)表示句子的主语对某一行为负有责任,但不是这一行为的执行者。你可以这样说:Richard wants to get his album published还可以说:Richard wants to have his album published15. Does(the na

33、me Harvey Carlson) ring a bell? =Do your remember(the name Harvey Carlson)?你对 Harvey Carlson这个名字有印象吗?16.concept:idea想法,思想,观念。17.section:part部分。18. now that:because now既然。19. set up(an appointment):to arrange(an appointment).安排(约会,会见)。20. project:work that you plan方案,工作计划,一项工作。第一幕 终 评注:出书难,尤以严肃认真而不肯稍

34、稍降低要求的著者为最。理查德越是忐忑不安,玛丽琳就越能鼓舞他的信心。她的冷静沉着,是同她在“二度密月”遇到困境时的表现完全一致的。她是那种站在每一个成功的男人背后的女人。语言重点:* take photographs of something:请注意介词of的用法。在定语从句中保留了of,因此成为 some photographs he has taken of performing arts centers。* I think Ive got themget的意思较多。这里表示“抓住了事物的本质或要点,得到了所期的收获”。又如:Did you get that fantastic sunse

35、t on your film?I cant seem to get the dialogue right in this scene.He tried to catch that smile on the babys face, but never got it.* You think youve got what?这是在口语中使用的非正式的句法,仅将对方话中的某个要提问的部分变为疑问词,对代词作适当改动,而不变更其语序。又如:-I hate him!-You hate whom?* I think you have got it在谓语中含有助动词或情态动词时,将(第一个)助动词或情态动词说得

36、声音重一些,即可表示强调。又如:I think I am going to the dentists after all.He must have got lost. Its ten oclock now.*在没有助动词或情态动词时,须按动词时态分离出适当的助动词加以重读表示强调。即 I do have it all句中所示。又如:I did go, but he refused to see me.Dont worry. Im sure she does like you a bit.* Now for the hard part潜台词是:“That was the easy part”或“

37、 Weve got the easy part over with”如果说:“Now for the bad news” 则潜台词是:“That was the good news”* You think youre going to have a hard time getting the album published?玛丽琳猜到了理查德心中在发愁的事(可以说 Shes reading his mind)。 get (have) something +过去分词,表示使某物遭受到某种行动,或使某事被人做到,如:I got the thief put into jail.Shes got th

38、e door fitted with a new lock.I must have the watch cleaned.* have a hard timedoing something是常用的句型,且可有各种变化,如:He had an easy time teaching at school.We had great fun sliding down the snow-covered hillside.* Does ring a bell?这是很形象化的说法,但很常用,意称一提到某人或某地的名字,脑中好像敲响了一声钟,使人想起来了。* Ive been through every sect

39、ion with you. be through表示“读过,看过,经历过,检查或回顾过”等。类似的句子如:Theyve been through thick and thin together(他们共历了险难困苦。)The director made the actress go through her part again(导演叫女演员再练一遍台词。)*now that是连词,表示“现在既然已”。如:Now that everyone is here, well get down to business.I wont keep you any longer now that the car

40、is here.* Is it too early to call Mr Carlson? too+ 形容词或副词+ 动词不定式,表示由于过分如何而不宜做某事。又如:I think its too late to go to a restaurant. Ill make you a sandwich.Its too cold to go around without a coat.*One moment please请等一下。 也呆以说:“One minute please”* He would like to see you在常用缩略形式的谓语形式中,把经常被缩略的助动词分离出来加以重读,也

41、表示强调。如:I have been to the office.She will be coming to see you.如果不强调时,这些助动词是以d/ve/ll的形式出现的。 第二幕1. Im here to see(Mr. Carlson)我来见 Carlson先生。 Use this phrase when you arrive for an appointment赴约时可用这个短语。2.(Mr. Carlson) will be with you shortly Carlson 先生一会儿就可以见你。 This expression is a common way to ask

42、someone to wait这是请人稍等的常用说法。3. Like I said正如我所说。 The correct form is As I said. Some speakers use like instead of as正确的说法是As I said。有些人用 like代替as。营营声(电话或对讲机的声音)。puter:计算机(电脑)。6. a crazy morning: a very busy morning忙得令人头昏的早晨。7on such short notice:so soon(after asking for an appointment)刚约就要见(没有

43、给对方充裕的时间)。8. brought(your pictures) along:brought(Your pictures) with you随身带来(你的照片)。9. coffee-table book:an attractive book of photographs摆在客厅茶几上的图书。 People some- times keep this kind of book on a table in front of their sofa in the living room. A coffee-table book is for guests to look through这种图文并

44、茂,印刷精美的书常常放在客厅里沙发前的矮几上,供客人翻阅。10. portrait:a lifelike description in words生动的描写。11.landmarks:things that identify a particular location标志,路标。 For example, the Statue of Liberty is a famous New York City landmark例如,自由女神像就是著名的纽约市标志。12. journey:a long trip.旅行。13. Theres something missing. =Not everythin

45、g is here少了点东西。14. left out:not included漏掉了。15. mimes:actors who perform without speaking哑剧演员。 Mimes use their bodies and faces to tell a story or an idea哑剧演员借助动作和表情来表现情节,表达思想。16. if you go:假如你去 To refer to a future possibility after if use a present verb form(go, not will go)在由 if引导的条件状语从句中,动词用现在时来

46、表示将来可能发生的事。例如:If it rains tomorrow, well stay at home.Youll miss the train if you dont hurry.17. Are you serious?你是当真的吗? serious:not joking当真的;不是开玩笑的。18. When I say something, I mean it我说话是算话的。评注:商品化的出版业,要看准市场潮流。“茶几图书”是重要的品种,有关美国风土人情的影集虽然已有前例,但如果有新意却仍可以有销路。卡尔森老板谙熟行业及市场,一眼看准了理查德拿出的货色,非但指出了改进的方向,还马上敲定,使理查德大喜过望。语言重点:*本幕集中了一些有关接待商谈会晤的词语,如:Im here to seeMr. will be with you shortly. is here fo


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