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1、国际教育技术研究领域的新发展,张建伟 State University of New York at Albany (SUNY-Albany) http:/tccl.rit.albany.edu,Content,整体概貌: 重要的研究主题和团队 中西研究方法和思维方式的比较 研究论文的写作规范,整体概貌,What are researchers doing in this field?,A Framework,张建伟,2003,Fundation vs. Application,Envision the future, refashion education Vs. Address curre

2、nt challenges and improve within the existing framework,Fundational Investigations: Associations, Conferences, and Journals,International Society of the Learning Sciences (http:/www.isls.org ) Journal of the Learning Sciences International Journal of CSCL CSCL conference International Conference of

3、the Learning Sciences (ICLS),Fundational Investigations: Associations, Conferences, and Journals,American Educational Research Association (AERA) Division C (Learning and Teaching), Section 5: Learning Environment ( http:/ ),Application-Oriented Association, Conferences and Journals,Association for

4、the Advancement of Computing in Education (http:/www.aace.org ) Conferences: E-Learn, ED-Media, SITE (Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education) Journals: International Journal on E-Learning,Application-Oriented Association, Conferences and Journals,International Federation of Informati

5、on Processing (http:/www.ifip.org ) World Conference on Computers in Education (WCCE) ,Mix: Associations, Conferences, and Journals,Association of Educational Communication and Technology (http:/www.aect.org ) Instructional Science Educational Technology Research and Development (ETR&D) TechTrend,Ne

6、w Learning and Learning Environments,Collaborative Knowledge Creation Knowledge Building/Knowledge Forum, led by Marlene Scardamalia and Carl Bereiter (Toronto, http:/www.ikit.org),Knowledge Society Network,New Learning and Learning Environments,Collaborative Knowledge Creation Knowledge Practice La

7、boratory, led by Kai Hakkarainen (EU, http:/www.kp-lab.org/),Emerging Technologies,Microworlds, Programmable devices, and Construction Kits: MIT Media Lab, led by Michel Resnick (http:/http:/llk.media.mit.edu/ ),Emerging Technologies,Semantic and Knowledge Technologies http:/www.knowledge- http:/lsa

8、3.colorado.edu/,Application: Technology Integration and Learning Innovation,Scale-up of innovations Chris Dede (http:/www.gse.harvard.edu/scalingup/) Center for Learning Technologies in Urban Schools (LeTUS), University of Michigan SRI,中西研究方法和思维方式的比较,Open the file,研究论文的写作,APA Guideline Three types o

9、f articles: Reports of empirical studies Review articles: problem, summary, relations and gaps, future studies Theoretical articles,Toward a Research Career,Whom do I want to belong to? Whats my long term goal? (unique, significant vision) Whats my current research focus? (promising work) How is my

10、current work informing my next steps?,Reports of Empirical Studies,Introduction + Literature review Research questions Method Discussion Conclusions,Principles of Academic Writing,Idea-centered (不是工作汇报) Understandable: Make your idea transparent to others who may not share the same background. Criti

11、cal: Am I sure about what Im saying? How might others challenge my thinking? How should I address their challenges? (不说连自己都不明白的话;自己都不相信的话) Fine reasoning chain-connectedness, order, smoothness,Introduction: Background and Define the Research Question(s),The line of research you want to contribute to

12、? Progresses? Gaps?focus The point you want to make? Research strategies that help you make this point?,Data,Question-construct-measures-data,Discussions and Conclusions,What have I contributed?-findings How has my study helped to resolve the original problem? Weaknesses? What conclusions? Then what?,


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