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1、The piece of resistance:Fabric不可不查绗缝布料的选择Fabric is to the quilter what paint is to the artist. So you want your fabrics suitable for quilting are very easy to find. Most fabric stores have entire sections devoted to quilting fabrics. Here youll find fabrics in every color of the rainbow-enough to da

2、zzle the mind!布料对绗缝师的重要性就和颜料对画家的重要性一样。如果你想设计自己的绗缝作品,你需要去一些布料商场,那里都有专门的绗缝布料专区,那里有很多布料,在大部分的布料商场你会很容易就找到称你心意的布料的。那些五颜六色的布料如天上的彩虹,绝对会让你挑花眼的! You can also find stores that cater specifically to the needs of quilters(these are great places to find all those fun gadgets described in Chapter 6 that quilter

3、s enjoy).Look in the Yellow Pagesunder fabrics or quilting .and youre bound to find several premising listings for your area.你也能去一些专门的绗缝布料商店去选择一些很有特色的布料。搜寻一下黄页里的布料或者绗缝布料的项目,你绝对能找到好多符合你的要求,满足你的心意的布料商店的。Even though you can easily be dazzled by the swirl of colors and patterns when you visit one of the

4、se fabric fantasies or page through a glossy catalog from one of the mail-order houses described in the Appendix, reading the following sections can help you keep a level head long enough to choose the right fabrics for all the layers of your quilt.(And then, feeling proud of your carefully made dec

5、isions, you can get impulsive and buy six yards of that sale-priced zebra fun fur that youll never use.)当你徜徉于那些布料商场中色彩幻想之中,或者眩晕于那些经销商发给你的满是各种布料的销售目录和宣传小册子之时,是不是觉得很容易就被五颜六色,色彩斑斓,质地各异,五花八门的布料搞得不知所措呢?那么下面的这个部分所讲解的内容会让你觉得稍微那么轻松一点,能使你去选择布料的时候更有主见。(还有,请记住,谨慎的选择、清醒的头脑对你来说永远是重要的,否则你可能就心血来潮,一下子就买了6码在做大降价活动的斑

6、马纹的皮草,那种斑马纹看上去真的很逊呢,我可以肯定你后半生都不会想到去用它。)Use Cotton for your quilt Top 纯棉的总是最好的I recommend using only 100 percent cotton fabric for quilting. Cotton handles beautifully, as it is light but sturdy and cool to the touch. Cotton also holds a crease well, making it ideal for those turned-under edges of ha

7、nd appliqu (I discuss appliqu in Chapter9).我建议你只选择百分之百纯棉的布料去进行你的绗缝设计,因为它很容易去处理,很方便去设计,而且它既轻又结实,摸上去的感觉真是酷极了。而且棉布也不怕折,当你处理一些边角的时候会让你省好多麻烦的。Cotton is also easy to sew through by hand or machine and can be some-what forgiving if you make a slight mistake, as it can often be stretched into shape. If you

8、end up ripping out stitches, the cotton fibers will obligingly work themselves back into position when moistened, and the needle holes will magically disappear! It also washes well. Can take a lot of love (have you ever watched a child drag around his favorite blankie?) and is durable enough to stan

9、d the tests of time. In fact, nearly all antique quilts are made of cotton, with the exception of a few wool quilts.棉布很容易就能手工缝纫,或者用缝纫机来处理,哪怕你缝纫的过程中出了点小错误,也能很容易就改正了,因为它的延展性很好。当你把那些针脚掐断的时候,稍稍湿润一下,那些小小的棉纤维就会自动缩回去,那些针扎的小洞洞也会慢慢的消失,省了你不少麻烦。棉布的洗涤也很方便。棉布还让人觉得很亲切和贴心(你见过那些小孩子总是揪扯他们心爱的棉手帕吧?)而且棉布很持久耐用,能经受的起时间的摧

10、残。实话实说,几乎所有有年头的被子都是用棉布做的,除了极少一部分用羊毛做的。You can use other fibers when necessary to add special effects to quilts, but be sure to use them only as accents. A little bit of gold tissue-lam in a holiday quilt is a nice touch and adds sparkle. But if you do choose a special-occasion fabric for use in your

11、 quilts,be sure to check the care label on the end of the bolt(you know, the cardboard thingy the fabric is wrapped on in the stores)to make sure that you dont Include dry-clean-only fabrics in a quilt meant to be laundered at home. Otherwise, you run the risk of having your special fabric shrink an

12、d buckle, ruining the entire projectnow that would be a real bummer!你也能用其它纤维的材料去进行你的绗缝设计,但是你要确保那只是一种点缀。当你假日里进行绗缝设计时,用上一点金线给你的作品增加一些别样的触感和特别的光彩,那可真是别有风味啊。当你决定要使用一些特殊材料进行你的绗缝设计时,在布料商场里要再三确定那种材料上的水洗说明标签(就是那种在布料上面缀的写了东西的小字条),千万别选了只能干洗的布料用在你的棉布绗缝设计上,你会后悔的哦!如果你大意的话,你就要冒风险了,你选的那种特殊材料会缩水、打结,把你的整个作品都毁了,到时候你哭

13、都来不及!Recognizing quality不质量,毋宁死Although cotton is the choice for quilters, not cottons are created equal. Remember the old clich, you get what you pay for when buyingCotton fabrics.虽然棉花对绗缝设计来说是不错的选择,但不是所有的棉花都是生来平等的呢。那句老话咋说来着?一分价钱一分货,一分价钱一分棉哦! The fabrics in most quilting departments of fabric stores

14、 and those found in shops devoted to the art of quilting usually are just fine, but you often come across tables loaded with bolts of bargain fabrics, sometimes priced as low as a few dollars per yard, Although you certainly find bargains, and when you do, you should definitely jump on them in a fab

15、ric-buying frenzy, some so-called bargain fabrics arent theyre cracked up to be.在大部分布料商场的绗缝布料专区那里各色各样的布料,还有那些专门卖绗缝布料的商店里面的布料都是不错的,有时候你在那里逛的时候可能路过一些小桌子,那上面堆着一坨坨的布料,都是打折的,有时候便宜的跟捡的似的呢!虽然我们大部分人都能天上掉馅饼似的在他有限的可悲的一生中碰到几次这种好事,而且咱们碰到这种好事的时候一般都不愿落人后,各个争先创优毫不留情,但是说实在的,买的没有卖的精,大部分的时候都只能买到一些次货,烂货。Some fabrics f

16、eel like good choices because of the sizing applied to them during the manufacturing process. Sizing is the stuff manufacturers use to stiffen the fabric before wrapping it on the bolt, Its purpose is to make the fabric easier to handle in the manufacturing process, make it look nice. and keep it fr

17、om slipping off the bolt, But after you wash some of these bargain fabrics, they turn into limp noodles that arent suitable for quilting, and resemble cheesecloth!比如说吧,有些打折布料猛一看上去感觉可不错,那是因为生产商在做它们的时候上浆了。那生产商没事给布料上个浆到底图个啥呢?听我跟你慢慢道来,生产棉布的时候,在布料生产完卷到那个轴轴上面之前,生产商就会给布料上浆,这样布料能更好的处理了,还不容易从那个轴轴上脱落下来,最后,最最重

18、要的是能让布料光鲜亮丽,卖相没的说,那叫一个“亚克西”。不过当你买回来,放水里面一洗就会傻眼了,这进洗衣进之前平展华丽、细软粉嫩的跟小孩皮肤似得,出来就软塌塌的,皱巴巴的跟老太太的脸似得,坑爹啊! Always checks the thread count against a quality piece of fabric when in doubt. This can be difficult because the count is rarely, If ever, listed on the sticker at the end of the bolt. Youll have to e

19、yeball this one!所以啦,当你对价格和质量有疑惑的时候,要好好看看那个棉布的织物经纬密度到底是多少,不过一般看不出来,因为那些个黑心的生产商一般不在布料的标识上把它明确标出来,如果他们突然发了个慈悲心把织物经纬密度给标出来的话,那你可要好好看看了。Remember, the more threads per inch, the better suited the fabric is for quilting90 threads per inch is a good number; higher is better! Counting threads is a daunting t

20、ask, I dont really expect you to physically count them; eyeballing the thread count is the easiest way to do it this isnt rocket science but do compare a bargain fabric to a more expensive piece of fabric. The store personnel wont mind too much if you drag around a bolt of good quality fabric to com

21、pare with bargain-they might look at you funny but thats about it.亲们可要记住了,织物经纬密度越高越好,要是一英寸有90股那就是最合适绗缝的哦!不过亲们可别真的去数到底有多少根线,会累死的,直接去看标识上的织物经纬密度就好了,千万别被这个专业术语吓坏,这可不是神马高科技的玩意,它不过很客观的表明了一种棉布的质量和它应该有的价格,童叟无欺哦,如假包换哦!如果你在布料商场里面扳着布卷,满头大汗的奋力的找那个标识,然后大眼瞪小眼似的对比来对比去的,虽然别人看你行为乖张,跟个傻冒似的,但也没啥,别人又吃不了你,小钱钱才是最重要的啦,我们

22、要对次货坚决说不! Dont buy anything that resembles glorified (meaning colorfully printed and well-stiffened) cheesecloththe stuff so thin with threads so far apart that you can strain cottage cheese through it. Some manufacturers try to reduce the cost of their textiles by reducing the thread count and addi

23、ng heavy doses of sizing. Also avoid anything with polyester see the sidebar. Avoid-ing the two evil sisters, Poly and Ester)亲们可千万别买那种所谓的无敌至尊高档“粗棉布”,说的再好也还是“粗棉布”,那种布料又粗,又薄,又硌人,还透亮,给孩子做尿布俺都嫌赖。生产那些“黑心棉布”的那些黑心生产商,真是太可恶了!他们为了减少成本,把织物经纬密度降到低到不能再低,(再低就直接成棉线了),然后上了厚厚的浆,去迷惑大家,去欺骗大家,然后故意把标识印的小小的,或者干脆就不印,害的多少

24、亲们受骗上当!实在是太可恶了,死可忍活不可忍!婶可忍叔不可忍啊!如果看到标识上有聚酯纤维四个字,那也千万不要买啊!亲们切记!Avoiding the two evil sisters, Poly and Ester和聚类、酯类两个大坏蛋斗争到底!Fabric pack rats tend to purchase fabrics on impulse。These impulse purchases often come form the bargain bin or remnant section, and their fiber contents are questionable. Alway

25、s try to avoid polyester fabrics. They slip and slide as you stitch and are a poor choice for quilts. However, determining a fabrics fiber content can be tricky at times .here are a few pointers for differentiating between a polyes-ter and cotton fabric;布料收集狂,或者布料购买狂一般倾向于冲动购布。这些冲动购布的行为一般都发生在打折专区或者清仓

26、处理,换季大甩卖,断码处理时期,但是那些布料一般都存在质量上的问题。亲们一定要睁大眼睛,对于聚酯纤维四个字要象警惕蟑螂一样敏锐。因为当你对这种布料进行处理的时候,它们就滑来滑去的让你抓狂。不过,认清布料纤维含量还是需要些小技巧的。下面有几个小指标可以帮你鉴别纯棉布料和聚酯纤维布料。 Read all about it First and easiest of all, if the fabric is still on its original bolt (ask if in doubt), read the fiber content printed on the end of the bo

27、lt.睁大眼睛看标识 最简单的办法莫过于,睁大双眼,仔细寻找,不放过布卷的角角落落,不抛弃,不放弃,坚决把标识揪出来!Get in touch with your feelings, Polyester is slipperly rub a double layer of fabric between your fingers. Does it slide easily. Or does it grip the other layer? A fabric thats 100 percent polyester has no grip. But a polyester-cotton blend

28、sometimes has a slight bit of grip. Cotton will often grip the opposing layer. Polyester fabrics and poly-cotton blends also tend to have higher lusters(meaning the fabrics reflect light or have a bit of a sheen to them) than 100 percent cotton fabrics 。Avoid them both. Fold a piece and finger press

29、 running your nail along the fold. Does it hold a crease well? Cotton tends to hold a nice sharp crease. Polyester and blends have a weak crease.动动小手摸摸它聚酯纤维总是滑滑的,把布料折起来,摩擦一下,是很滑呢?还是滑着有些费劲呢?如果很滑的话,那亲们可要小心注意了,百分之百的不是纯棉了。但是有些时候聚酯纤维混合棉花的布滑着有那么一点点的吃力。棉布常常会紧紧咬合着另外一块棉布,让你滑着很费劲。但是聚酯纤维和混棉的布料也会比棉布滑着更费力(特别是那种亮

30、光闪闪的布料)。这两点亲们都要彻底避免。把布料折起来,手指甲沿着折缝划一下,那个折缝是不是很硬呢?棉布的折缝总是硬的,而聚酯纤维和混棉的都是软软的。 Burn it , baby! Okay, this isnt an accept-able tip while shopping. But its a great way to determine a hand-me-down chunk of fabrics fiber content. The technique is very simple; Cut off a small section of fad-ric and hold it o

31、ver a piece of waxed paper with tweezers, lighte the fabric with a match or cigarette lighter. Polyester fabric burns, melts, and shrinks away from the flame, It also has a sweet smell, gives off blank smoke, and leaves behind a hard bead on the waxed paper。Cotton on the other hand leaves behind a fine ash when it burns and may smell like burning leaves or wood.亲们,要用火!去逛街的时候拿火烧布料恐怕是要挨打的,但是这方法真的挺管用的呢,对那些以假乱,敌我难分的布料真的更是如此。方法很简单,取下一点布料,用镊子夹住,放在蜡纸上,用火柴或者火机烧一下。聚酯纤维点燃后会融化,然后在火种一点点的消失,而且有一股“清新扑鼻”的味道,化成一股白烟,空留一个坚硬的小圆球,而纯棉的么,就恰恰相反,留下一个完整的灰烬,散发出一种烧木头或者树叶的气温。


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