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1、国际商务导论 Fundamentals of Business,Lecture 2: Marketing: An Overview,What to cover today:,What is marketing? Marketing mix: the 4 Ps Functions/procedures of marketing Marketing environment Marketing research Market segmentation Exercises,1. What is marketing?,Case study: General Motors Marketing Approa

2、ch Read the story of GMs marketing efforts over time, and try to capture as many key concepts about marketing as you can. What do you think led to GMs success in selling their cars before the 1980s, and why did their market share fall in recent decades?,Key marketing concepts:,customer needs price r

3、anges brands styles and identity marketing strategy customer loyalty market segment design, quality, cost,Marketing is:,- finding the needs of the customers and satisfying them at a profit - how you design and define your products, distribute your products, promote your products, and maintain a rela

4、tionship with your customers - the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives (Source: The American Marketing Association, Marketing News, September 15,

5、 2004, p.17),How does 市场营销differ from 销售?,marketing,selling,- marketing starts from the customers, while selling starts from the products - marketing involves a broader range of activities/functions than selling,the marketing concept 营销理念,- the belief that a whole company must be coordinated to serv

6、e its present and potential customers and to do so at a profit,CRM (customer relationship management),customer satisfaction (short-term),customer loyalty (long-term),higher & more sustainable profit,What does the needs of customers mean to a company?,“Kodaks future is in total customer satisfaction.

7、” - Eastman Kodak “I (the CEO) want everyone in IBM to be obsessed with satisfying our customers.” - IBM “We aim to redouble our efforts toward one simple goal: meeting the needs of our customers.” - Apple Computer (Source: annual reports),2. Marketing mix 营销组合: the 4 Ps,Product 产品 Price 价格 Promotio

8、n 促销 Place/distribution 分销,Listening: Developing a marketing mix (07:46),Word bank: trademark 商标 warranty 质量保证 Tasks: Listen to the first part of the recording, and note down the definition of a marketing mix Listen to the second part, and match the four elements of marketing mix,Task 1: Definition

9、of a marketing mix,Decisions about marketing involves strategies for four areas of marketing activities: production, distribution, promotion, and pricing. A firms marketing mix blends the four strategies that fit the needs and preferences of a specific target market. Marketing success depends not on

10、 the four individual strategies, but on the unique combination.,Task 2: Matching,Distribution strategy Product strategy Pricing strategy Promotional strategy,a. - also includes decisions about package design, a brand name, trademarks, warranties, product image, new product development and customer s

11、ervice b. - ensures that customers receive their purchase in the proper quantities at the right time and locations c. - uses effective blending of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and public relations in achieving its goals of informing, persuading and influencing purchasing decisions

12、d. - helps set profitable and justifiable prices for the firms product offerings,3. Functions/procedures of marketing,market(ing) research 市场调查 acquiring 产品获得 selling 销售 transportation 运输 storaging 储存 finance and credit 金融与信用 risk taking 风险承担 standardization and grading 标准化与分级,4. Marketing environme

13、nt 营销环境,Technological advances Social-cultural trends Economic fluctuations Lipstick effect 口红效应 Hemline theory/index 裙长理论/指数,5. Marketing research 市场调查,- all marketing strategies/activities begin with marketing research - the systematic search for information that uncovers customer needs, how these

14、 needs differ among customers, and whether or not a companys products appeal to customers; also called consumer analysis 消费者分析, or need analysis 需求分析 - when marketing research correctly identifies customer needs, the chance that product development will create a product customers want to buy increas

15、es,Listening: Five crucial questions to ask before conducting marketing research (00:24),Q1: What is the need category? Q2: Who needs us and why? Q3: Who is buying? Q4: Who is using the products? Q5: What is the buying process?,5.1 Procedures of marketing research,Identifying customers existing need

16、s for a particular product,Locating unmet needs that the product does not satisfy,Searching for ways to make a product that better suits those unmet needs,5.2 Approaches to marketing research,Product-oriented approach: - focuses on the characteristics of existing products, either the companys own, o

17、r the competitors Customer-oriented approach: individual interviews (FtF, telephone) questionnaires (FtF, mail, online) spot observation trade fairs/showrooms experiments focus groups,Focus group 焦点小组,- a group of people brought together to share their thoughts and feelings about a particular produc

18、t and uncover how and why it satisfies or does not satisfy their needs - size: usu. between 8-30, wide representativeness - several focus groups are often held to ensure the accuracy of the information collected,6. Market segmentation 市场细分,goal of market segmentation: - to optimize the fit between t

19、he purchasing behaviour of customers in a given market segment, and the marketing mix of the firm, and thereby maximize sales to that segment product positioning 产品定位: - the process of customizing or tailoring a product to a specific market segment,Market segments of athletic shoes:,6.1 Variables fo

20、r identifying market segments,geographic variables 地理区域因素 demographic variables 人口统计因素 psychological variables 心理因素 product-use variables 产品用途因素,6.2 Approaches to market segmentation,Once market segments have been identified, a company has to decide whether to make products to serve one, several, or

21、 all segments. Should all companies produce a wide range of products aimed at various market segments? Operating costs increase when a different product is made for one specific segment, but sales revenues increase more than costs do when a range of products are aligned with the needs of customer gr

22、oups in different segments and thus attracts many more customers.,3 segmentation approaches leading to 3 marketing strategies:,No market segmentation: a company chooses not to recognize market segments, and make a single product to target the average, or typical customers; leading to mass marketing

23、High market segmentation: a company chooses to recognize the differences between customer groups, and make a different product to target each different segment; leading to multiple-segment marketing Focused market segmentation: a company chooses to focus on just one or two segments, and make a produ

24、ct to target just these segments; leading to focused marketing,customer group 消费者群体: a group of people who have a similar need for a particular product; subgroup within each customer group: people who have an even more specific need for a product target market 目标市场: a group of individuals or organiz

25、ations with similar traits and needs that a company aims to cater to, e.g. Parknshop vs. Taste,6.3 Related concepts:,Case study: A Niche Player,Your own marketing plan!,Exercises,1. Translation 1. 产品定位 2. 市场调查 3. 营销组合 4. 市场细分 5. 消费者分析 6. 消费者群体 7. 客户关系管理 8. 性价比 9.客户满意度 10. 客户忠诚度,2. Case study: Kodaks

26、 Flawed Focus,Questions: What are the market opportunities missed by Kodak since the 1960s? What lessons can we draw from Kodaks flawed marketing strategies?,3. Group project: choose one cosmetics brand among the following six, and then describe and evaluate its target market and marketing mix Chanel 香奈儿 Neutrogena 露得清 DHC 蝶翠诗 Amway Artistry 安利 雅姿 Vichy 薇姿 La Mer 海蓝之谜,4. Supplementary reading General Motors Marketing Approach (Jones, p251) Kodaks Flawed Focus (Jones, p261) The Four Ps of the Marketing Strategy Identifying a target market (Madura, p398),


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