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1、Unit 2 Heroes,基础知识提要,核心单词,1. _ adj. 镇静的 2. _ adj. 平等的 3. _ n. & v. 斗争 4. _ n.& v. 抗议 5. _ adj. 灵巧的、熟练的 6. _ vi. 比赛 7. _ adv. 幸运地 8. _ n. 伤害 9. _ adj. 残疾的 10. _ n. 宇航员,根据提示写出英语单词或汉语意思。,calm,equal,struggle,protest,skilful,compete,fortunately,injury,disabled,astronaut,11. _ adj. 慷慨的 12. _ n. 航班 13. _ a

2、dv. 和平地 14. _ n. 灾难 15. _ n. 离婚 16. _ n. 质量 17. _ n. 羽毛球 18. _ adv. 绝对地 19. character _ 20. launch _ 21. gravity_ 22. atmosphere_,generous,flight,peacefully,disaster,divorce,quality,badminton,absolutely,人物、性格,发射,地心引力,大气、气氛,23. parachute _ 24. helicopter _ 25. racism _ 26. Nobel Peace Prize _ 27. bul

3、let _ 28. champion _ 29. ceremony _ 30. charity _ 31. athlete _ 32. depression _ 33. light bulb _,降落伞,直升飞机,种族主义,诺贝尔和平奖,子弹,冠军,仪式,慈善,运动员,沮丧,电灯泡,按要求写出下列单词的适当形式。 1.promote (vt.) _ (n.)促进、提升 类似: devote _ (n.) 奉献 2. violent (adj.) _ (n.) 暴力 类似: confident_ (n.) 信心 3. popular (adj.)_ (n.) 流行;受欢迎 类似:similar

4、_ (n.) 相似性 4. celebrate (vt.) _ (n.)庆贺 类似:create _ (n.)创造 5. amazing (adj.)_ (n.) 令人惊讶的 类似: exciting _ (n.)兴奋,词类转换,promotion,devotion,violence,confidence,popularity,similarity,celebration,creation,amazement,excitement,6. react (vt.)_ (n.) 反应 类似: protect _ (n.) 保护 7. separate (v.)_ (n.) 分开 类似: operat

5、e_ (n.) 手术、运作 8. brilliant (adj.) _ (n.) 卓越、辉煌 类似:distant_ (n.) 远处 9. admire (vt.)_ (n.)钦佩、羡慕 类似: inspire_ (n.) 鼓舞、鼓励 10. skilful (adj.) _ 灵巧地 (adv.) 类似: awful_ (adv.)糟糕地品格,reaction,protection,separation,operation,brilliance,distance,admiration,inspiration,skillfully,awfully,重要词组,1. _在我看来 2. _回顾自己的过

6、去(的某事) 3. _在某方面对某人要求严格 4. _结束 5. _(在方面)取得进步 6. _对 有强烈的兴趣 7. _期望某人做某事 8. _独自,靠自己 9. _受痛苦,患病 10. _与某人相处 11. _对作出反应 12. _因而闻名 13. _表达愿望,in my opinion,look back (on),be strict with sb in sth,come to an end,make progress in,express a keen interest in,expect sb to do sth,on ones own,suffer from,get on/alo

7、ng with,react to,be famous for,express wishes,14. _收集信息 15. _在天空中 16. _分开 17. _演讲 18. _放弃 19. _对感到难过 20. _成功之路 21. _与竞争比赛 22. _保护免受的侵害 23.Chinas first manned spaceship_ 24.choose from_,collect information,in space,separate from,make speeches,give up,feel sorry for,the road to success,compete against

8、,protect A from B,中国首架航天飞机,从当中选出,25.womens single_ 26.in the course of _ 27.get involved in /with _ 28.lift off _ 29.pull through _ e to understand _ 31.win the equal rights _ 32.wave to sb. _ e off it _ mit suicide _ e to oneself _ 36.do the dishes _,女子单打,在的过程中,参加,卷入,升空,发射,度过难关,渐渐明白,取得平等权利,向某人招手,别胡

9、扯,自杀,苏醒,洗碗,重要考点突破,1. calm adj. (海洋)无浪的;(天气)无风的;镇定的 v. (使某人)平静,镇静 搭配:calm (sb.) down (使某人)平静下来 Calm yourself, please.请镇静下来。 The sea is calm today.今天海面很平静。 He appeared calm, but inside his heart was beating wildly with fear. 他表面很平静,但内心却因恐惧而狂跳不止。 运用1:用calm翻译下列句子。 在紧急情况下保持镇静是很重要的。 _ in an emergency. 她努力

10、使哭闹的小孩安静下来。 _,核心单词,It is important to keep/ stay calm,She tried to calm the crying child down.,辨析:calm, quiet, silent & still (1)calm主要指人沉着镇定或指自然无风无浪。 (2)quiet 指“安静的,宁静的”。强调没有任何干扰活动。 (3)silent 指“沉默的,无声的”。 (4)still 指“不动的,寂静的”。强调静止的状态,只限于物理上的安静,不能用于心理上的安静。 Still waters run deep. (谚语)静水流深。 运用2:请用calm,

11、quiet, silent, still填空。 (1) Please keep _ while I take your photograph. (2) The English Channel suddenly became _ and flat. (3) Mary Pickford was a famous star of the _ movies. (4) Nowhere else in the world can be such a _, beautiful place.,still,calm,silent,quiet,2. separate vt.分开adj.分开的;单独的 搭配: se

12、parate A from B 把A和B分开 The English Channel separates France from England.英吉利海峡将法国和英国隔开。 This word has three separate meanings.这个词有三个不同的意思。 拓展: 写出下列单词。 (1)_ adv. 单独地;各自地 (2) _ n. 分离;隔离,separately,separation,辨析 (1)separate 指把原来结合在一起或混合在一起的东西分开或隔离。(from) (2)divide 指将整体分成若干部分。(into) Please separate the

13、big apples from the small ones. Divide the apple into two halves and give one half to her. 运用:翻译下列句子。 将全班同学分为12组。 _ 在黑暗中这个小女孩与她的朋友分离开了。 _,Divide the class into twelve groups.,The little girl got separated from her friends in the dark.,请把大苹果和小苹果分开。,请把这个苹果时分成两半,然后给一半给她。,3. lead vi. 导致;通向vt. 给(某人)指路;引导

14、 n. 榜样;首位 搭配: 用适当的介词填空。 (1)lead _(+n. /doing)通向,导致(cause) (2)take the lead _sth/ doing sth.在方面带头,领先 理解:理解下列句中lead的意义和用法。 All roads lead to Rome. 条条道路通罗马。 With a guide leading the way, we found the village easily.由于有向导引路,我们轻易地就找到了那个村庄。 What led you to think so? 是什么使你这样想的呢? Will you take the lead? 你领个

15、头好吗?,to,in,拓展: 写出下列单词。 (1)_ n. 领导者 (2)_ v. 误导 (3)_ adj. 主要的,处于领先地位的 运用:翻译下列句子。 勤奋就能成功,而懒惰导致失败。 _ 我们的科学家在宇宙探索中处于领先地位。 Our scientists _ _space research.,leader,mislead,leading,Hard work leads to success, while laziness leads to failure.,are taking the lead in (=leading the way in),4. experience v. 体验,

16、感受(go through) n. 经历(可数);经验(不可数) 理解:翻译下列句子并指出experience的用法。 (1)He experienced all sorts of difficulties and hardships. (2)Please tell us your experiences in America. (3)Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother. (4)Experience must be bought.,他经历过一切艰难困苦。 experienced是动词,意为“经历”。,请你告诉我们你在

17、美洲的经历。 experiences可数名词, “经历”。,经验是智慧之父,记忆是智慧之母。 Experience不可数名词, “经验”。,用法同(3)。句意:吃一堑,长一智。,搭配:have experience in (doing) sth在(做)某事方面有经验 拓展:按提示写出下列单词。 (1)_ adj.(常与at, in连用)有经验的 (2)_ n. 缺乏经验 运用:翻译下列句子。 他在教学上有丰富的经验。 _ 在过去的30年里,我们国家经历了巨大的变化。 _ _,experienced,inexperience,He has rich experience in teaching.

18、,Our country has experienced great changes in the past 30 years.,5. struggle vi. 斗争,奋斗;艰难地(朝某方向)行进 n. 斗争;拼搏 搭配:用适当的介词填空。 (1)struggle _ 为斗争 (2)struggle _ 同作斗争 (3)struggle to ones feet _ 挣扎着站起来 理解:说出句中划线部分的意思。 (1)They had to struggle against strong winds all the way. (2)The struggle for freedom was lo

19、ng and hard. 运用:用struggle翻译下列短语和句子。 同死亡/疾病作斗争_ 为争取独立/人权而作的斗争 _ 每个人都为了更好的生活而奋斗。 _,for,against /with,to,与大风搏斗,争取自由的斗争,fight with death/ illness,the fight for independence,Everyone is struggling for a better life.,6. protect vt. 保护 搭配:熟记下列句型搭配。 protect sb./ sth. from/ against sth. 保护某人/某物免受某事的侵害 运用: 用p

20、rotect翻译下列句子。 (1)我们应该保护我们的环境。 _ (2)他戴上墨镜以保护眼睛别让太阳晒到。 He was wearing dark glasses _ (3)必须采取措施,使我们的环境免受进一步的污染。 Something must be done to _,We should protect our environment.,to protect his eyes from the sun,protect our environment from further pollution,联想: 请用适当的动词填空。 (1) _from 挽救免于 (2) _from 把从中解放出来

21、(3) _from 阻止做 注意:protect from 中的from 后只能加上名词或者代词,而prevent.from.中的from后面只能接动词-ing 形式。 We must prevent the disease (from) spreading.我们一定要防止疾病蔓延。 拓展: protection n. 保护protective adj. 保护的 protector n. 保护者,保护物,save,free,prevent /stop /keep,7. compete vi. 比赛;竞争 搭配:用适当的介词填空。 (1)compete _ sb. 同某人竞争 (2)compet

22、e _ sth. 为得到某物而竞争 (3)compete _ sth. 在某项目中竞争 The two players are competing against/ with each other for the first place in the 100-metre hurdles.两位比赛者为了在一百米跨栏中赢得第一名而相互竞争着。 Shall we compete in swimming race? 咱们参加游泳比赛好吗? Hughs house cant compete with yours.休的房子比不上你的。 All the players compete for honour

23、as well as gold medals.运动员们为金牌而战也为荣誉而战。,against/ with,for,in,拓展: 根据提示写出适当的单词。 (1)_ n.竞争,比赛 (2)_ adj. 竞争性的 (3)_ n. 竞争者,参赛者 运用:用compete的适当形式完成下列各句。 (1)The stores have to _ for customers in the Christmas season. (2) _ among youths to enter good colleges is intense. (3) Each of these _ has their eye on

24、the 50,000 prize money. (4) A _ person loves to win and hates to lose.,competition,competitive,competitor,compete,Competition,competitors,competitive,8. expect vt. 期待;盼望 搭配:理解并熟记下列搭配。 (1) expect to do sth. 期望做某事 (2) expect sb. to do sth期望某人做某事 (3) expect much of sb. 对某人寄予很大期望 (4) expect that期望/预计/认为

25、 (5) As (was) expected 正如所料, 运用:用expect完成下列各句。 (1)不要指望一个星期就能学会一门外语。 You cant_. (2)我期望他明天回来。 _ (3)大多数父母都对自己的子女寄予很大希望。 _ (4)他又迟到了,正如预料的那样。 _,expect to learn a foreign language in a week,I expect that he will be back tomorrow.,Most of the parents expect much of their children.,He came late again, as wa

26、s expected.,拓展:expectation n. 预料;期望 理解:说出下列句中划线部分的意思。 (1)Against all expectations, the play was greatly welcomed. (2)We knew that Mary would do well, but she has succeeded beyond expectation. (3)Only by so doing could we live up to your expectations.,出乎意料的是,出乎意料的,比预期的更好,不辜负你们的期望,9. win vi. & vt. 获胜;

27、赢得 用法: win后面的宾语通常是表示“比赛,战争,选举,奖品,声誉”的名词或代词,如game, race, match, competition, war, battle, election, prize, award, fame等。 She won by three points. 她领先3分获胜。 We have to win all our games.我们必须赢得所有的比赛。 搭配: 说出下列各词组搭配的意思。 (1)win or lose _ (2)win sbs heart _ (3)win ones support/ trust/ admiration _,不管输赢,无论胜负

28、,赢得(某人)的爱,赢得某人的支持,辨析:beat和defeat(击败,打败)的宾语通常是“敌人,(比赛)对手”。 运用:用win, beat或defeat的适当形式填空。 (1)We finally_ them in the contest and _ the first prize. (2)Our team _a bigger team, and it just goes to prove you can _ if you play hard enough.,beat,won,beat,win,10. confident adj. 自信的;有信心的 搭配:be confident of s

29、th./ that 有把握,确信 拓展: (1)confidence n. 信心 (2)have/show confidence in 对有信心 (3)lose confidence in 对丧失信心 运用:用confident翻译下列句子。 (1)他确信他会赢得这场比赛。 He is confident of winning the competition. =_ (2) 我相信他会来。 I am confident that he will come.=_ (3)我对自己的学习能力非常自信。 _ (4)不要对自己丧失信心。 _,He is confident that he will wi

30、n the competition,I am confident of his coming.,I have confidence in my ability of learning.,Dont lose confidence in yourself.,11. event n. 重要事情,(体育运动的)比赛项目 Which events have you entered for? Winning the scholarship was a great event in the boys life. 辨析:event, accident 和incident (1)event 一般指历史上发生的重

31、大的、引人瞩目的事件,也可指公共活动,社交场合或体育竞赛中的比赛项目。 China Daily covered the chief events of the year that happened in our country. 中国日报报道了一年来我国发生的大事。 The 800 meters is the fourth event of the afternoon. 800米赛是下午的第四项比赛。,你参加了哪些比赛项目?,赢得这项奖学金是这个男孩一生中的一件大事。,(2)accident指意外的、偶然发生的、恶性的事件或事故。 Many traffic accidents took pla

32、ce here. 这时发生了多起交通事故。 (3)incident常指不平常的或令人不快的小事,另外它还可指犯罪行为或政治性事件。 My sister told me an incident that took place on her first day at school. 我姐姐向我讲述了她上学第一天发生的一件事。 The police reported several violent incidents. 警方通报了几起暴力事件。,运用:用event, accident和incident的适当形式填空。 (1) Something must be provided against _.

33、 (2) The founding of the Peoples Republic of China is a great _in the history of mankind. (3) What you have said is only an ordinary _. (4) Some people consider it a common _, but I consider it an extraordinary _.,accidents,event,incident,incident,event,1. because of 因为 用法:because of是短语介词,后面接名词或代词或w

34、hat从句作宾语。 联想: because 是连词,后面接从句。 由于没有地球引力,我突然有一种升入云霄的感觉。 I suddenly got a feeling of soaring into the sky because of the zero gravity. =I suddenly got a feeling of soaring into the sky because there was no gravity.,重要词组,运用:翻译下列句子。 因为今天早上下大雨,所以他上课迟到了。 _ _ _ _,He was late for class because of the heav

35、y rain this morning.,He was late for class because it rained heavily this morning.,2. be able to 能够 She shall be able to come tomorrow. 明天我能来。 辨析be able to,can和be capable of (1)表示某人具有的“技能或知识”的能力时,can与be able to可换用,而can更普通;但can只有现在式和过去式,而be able to有将来式、完成式等各种时态形式。 (2)表示过去的“一般的能力”,was/ were able to和co

36、uld也可以互换。如: She could/ was able to play the piano when she was six. 她六岁时就能弹钢琴。,(3)如果指过去某一具体情况,肯定句中,只能用was/were able to,表示主语不仅有能力去做,而且实际上已做到。用could则只表明主语有能力去做,不表明做到与否。如: I was able to get the ticket yesterday. 我昨天拿到了票。 He could swim, but didnt jump into the water to save the girl.他会游泳,但他没有跳下水救那个女孩。 (

37、4)be able to 侧重于行动或交际方面的能力,它是褒义词。而be capable of侧重于做某事的适合性和才干。有时也强调一般的工作效果,它兼有褒义和贬义。 That guy is capable of anything!那家伙什么勾当都会干得出来!,运用:用be able to,can和be capable of的适当形式完成下列各句。 (1)The building was on fire, but people _ escape at last. (2)I _ swim when I was ten. (3) As long as we work hard, we _ doin

38、g it well. (4)My grandpa never went to school. He _ (not) read any books. (5) Suddenly the light went out last night. We _ _(not) read any books.,was able to,could/was able to,be capable of,could not /was not able to,were not able to,/could not,3. fight for 为争取而斗争 Martin Luther King fought for the r

39、ights of black people in the USA. 马丁路德金为美国黑人争取权利而斗争。 拓展:填入适当的介词。 (1)fight _ 为反对而斗争 (2)fight _ 与并肩战斗 注意:fight也可以作名词,介词搭配同样是for, against和with。如: a fight for freedom 争取自由的斗争 Chinese people demonstrated great courage in the fight against SARS. 在与非典的斗争中中国人民表现出了巨大的勇气。,against /for,with,运用:用含fight的短语翻译下列句子。 (1)他们为民族独立而战。 _ (2)在第二次世界大战中,英国和法国联合作战抗击德国。 _ in the Second World War.,They fought for national independence.,B


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