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1、,段落写作 KEVIN E-mail: Weibo: kevin-1019,举例分析,举例的基本原则 细节性原则 一致性原则 要用举例证明的观点的一致对应关系,观点中的重点信息应在例子中体现 举例的具体操作方法 粗举、细举、引调查、列数字,粗举,“粗例”即一类人、物或事,或一个公认事实的例子。 方法: 在观点中找出可以继续细化的重点信息然后“narrow down“就可以了,粗举,观点1: Employers are willing to pay a premium for highly qualified applicants. 粗例1: International companies de

2、sire bilingual employees and offer higher salaries to attract them.,粗举,观点2: Easier-prepared food has greatly improved the way people live. 粗例2: Supermarkets provide half-made meat and vegetables, some even with relevant ingredients. It will only take us a few minutes to make them into a delicacy.,粗举

3、,注意: 不能太空洞,同时也要控制使用的量; 粗例需要搭配因果分析、比较论证来使用,才能使整个段落更有血肉,细举,“细例”就是具体到一个人、一个物,或一件事,可以是实际存在的,也可以无中生有。 特点:鲜活,更有说服力,占据更长一些的篇幅。 方法: 平时有意识地积累、练习。,细举,观点3: Mistakes serve as vivid, sometimes painful deterrents from certain action. 细例3: A friend of mine suffering from smoking-induced lung disease would remember

4、 the emotional and physical pain associated with the side-effects of tobacco usage.,细举,Not only does he recall the smell of hospitals, the imprint of pain on the face of someone who died from smoking, but he would also link these memories immediately with cigarettes.,细举,观点4: You cannot judge a perso

5、n only by his or her appearance. 细例4: Susan Boyle is one of those. Such an appearance has long been rumored, but her incredible voice and stunning performance on BGT has won her great popularity.,细举,注意: 不能太松散,应紧扣要证明的观点,明显突出观点中的重点信息,宁缺毋滥; 要在最后加上一两句总结或评论。 单纯叙述例子的部分所占字数应控制在段落总字数的65%以内,细举,First and fore

6、most, when facing challenges, people always work as hard as they can. Challenges and difficulties would bring out the best in people. Such examples abound in life. For instance, Yangyang is well known as a blind singer. He became famous when he sang a song last year in the big show on Chinese Spring

7、 Festival.,修改后,First and foremost, when facing challenges, people always work as hard as they can. Challenges and difficulties would bring out the best in people. Such examples abound in life. For instance, Yangyang, now a well known blind singer in China, gained fame after he sang a song last year

8、in the big show on Chinese Spring Festival.,细举,Ten years ago, he had a bad car accident. One day, he heard a moving song from the radio. So fascinating was the music that he could not help but fall in love with it.,修改后,Ten years ago, he had a bad car accident and lost his eye sight since. His life w

9、as filled with desperation and hopelessness, until one day he heard a moving song from the radio.,细举,From then on, he persisted in practicing singing by himself every morning. And every weekend he learnt singing at his teachers home, where it took him 2 hours to get to. He never missed any class, ev

10、en in the cold winter he arrived at the teachers home on time. We all know that hearing is essential to a singer, especially blind singer. Sometimes Yangyang got heavy cold, his ear feel uncomfortable, but he didnt cease regular practice.,修改后,So fascinating was the song that he could not help but fa

11、ll in love with singing. From then on, he persisted in learning and practicing singing, dedicating all his time and attention to it. It is hard at first but after ten years of hard practice and struggle, he gained the opportunity to sing and display what he had achieved to people all over the countr

12、y.,细举,He dedicated all his time and attention to learning music. After ten years of hard practice and struggle, he gained the opportunity to sing in a famous show. If he never chose the challenging dream, he would be unconfident people. His experience makes me know how important challenging dream is

13、.,修改后,If he had never chosen the challenging dream, he would have remained feeling miserable and inferior. It is the big dream that motivated him to accomplish the success otherwise he could not make.,列举权威的研究结果/统计数据,Since 1980, the use of wind to produce electricity has been growing rapidly. 【In 199

14、4 there were nearly 20,000 wind turbines worldwide, most grouped in clusters called wind farms that collectively produced 3,000 megawatts of electricity.】,SHOW TIME,Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “Parents are the best teachers.“ Use specific reasons and examples to support yo

15、u answer.,SHOW TIME,【As an adult, one faces lots of complicated decision making situations that involve personal preferences and feelings, what kind of boyfriend or girlfriend to choose, for example, on which parents can be little help.】,SHOW TIME,Parents can never guarantee happiness with set requi

16、rements on family background and earnings, or tell us if it is better to choose someone that complements our own personality or someone who is similar to us.,SHOW TIME,It is sometimes said that borrowing money from a friend can harm or damage the friendship. Do you agree? Why or why not? Use reasons

17、 and specific examples to explain your answer.,SHOW TIME,Then we come to the second factor, the usage of the money to be borrowed. Borrowing money to hold a party might sound unacceptable, while begging help for treating a serious disease seems a lot better. That is the universal level of the matter

18、 we are discussing.,SHOW TIME,Yet two people, even bosom friends do not necessarily stick to the same values, and what we regard as worthwhile or beneficial does not always agree with the considering of our friends.,SHOW TIME,【Some people may take borrowing money to purchase a property for granted,

19、but their friends may think renting a place to live is the best choice if the person cannot afford one.】So when we try to obtain a sum of money from a friend who does not favor the potential use of it, some quarreling might take place, which will not contribute to the deepening of the interpersonal

20、connection.,首段写法,背景介绍式,经典的背景介绍法可分为三个部分: 背景概述 背景详述 全文中心,背景介绍式,Sample 1 Waste on Campus Nowadays, waste is quite prevalent and serious on campus.(背景概述) Food is thrown away simply because it doesnt taste good. Newspapers and magazines are discarded, because they have been read,背景介绍式,Sample 1 Waste on C

21、ampus What is worse, students seem to be quite accustomed to such waste and dont have a feeling of guilt. (背景详述) But waste can do much harm. (全文中心) .,背景介绍式,First of all, our country has the largest population in the world and suffers from a shortage of natural resources. It is crucial for us to make

22、 full use of what we have, or else, the resources will soon run out, and we will have nothing left for the next generations. Waste is certainly making matters worse. .,背景介绍式,Second, waste may contribute to a habit of extravagance, which in not good at all. We Chinese people have the good tradition o

23、f being economical, and are indignant about waste of any kind. .,背景介绍式,Therefore, all of us should reduce waste. We can try to eat up a meal. We may give our old books to those who need them instead of throwing them away. Also we should form the notion that waste is quite shameful. As long as all of

24、 us take action, waste will surely be reduced. .,背景介绍举例,背景概述一般一句话即可,但也有分开成两句的,如: On Disposal Products Disposal products are gaining increasingly popularity in China. (背景概述).,背景介绍举例,Now they practically become part of our life: we have disposal chopsticks, disposal cups, disposal clothes, disposal ca

25、meras(背景详述) Indeed we are in a throw away society.(背景概述) .,背景介绍举例,On Advertisement (关于“广告”的利弊) Advertisements appear everywhere in modern society. (背景概述) When you walk along the streets, you can see large billboards with pretty girls smiling at you. When you read newspapers, you see half the pages c

26、overed with ads. When you turn on the TV, you see commercial advertisements again. (背景详述) Whether you like it or not, advertising pours into your life. (背景概述) .,背景介绍举例,中间或可以没有详述部分,可用一两个问句作过渡部分: On Dust Storm (关于“沙尘暴”的原因) Recently, its often reported that dust storm, a disastrous phenomenon, frequent

27、ly assaults China, especially the northern part and has caused severe damages. (背景概述) .,背景介绍举例,Whats wrong? Many people cant help wondering.(过渡) In the following paragraph, Ill venture to explore the reasons:(全文中心) .,背景介绍常用句型,1.With the development of modern socity(随着现代社会的发展) 2. Recently the phenome

28、non of has aroused considerable concern(近来现象引起了很大关注。),背景介绍常用句型,3. Recently the issue of has been brought into focus.(近来问题成为人们关注的焦点。) 4. Recent years have witnessed a substantial increase /decrease in(近年来人们发现急剧增加/减少) .,背景介绍常用句型,5. Nowadays one of the pressing problems confronting our society is (当前我们

29、社会面临的紧迫问题是) 6. These dayshas become a common occurrence in our daily life.(近来在日常生活中时有发生。) .,背景介绍常用句型,7.These days often hits the headlines of newspapers.(近来经常成为报纸头条。 8. Its often reported that(据报道) 9.Nowadays its widely accepted thathas gained increasingly popularity.(现在人们普遍认为已经越来越流行了。) .,背景介绍常用句型,插

30、入带it形式主语的从句: as is known to all it is widely known to us it is generally believed that it is commonly held that it is widely accepted that it is universally acknowledged that等.,场景描写式,场景描写也可以是一个小故事、一段小对话或独白等。 “If only I could be offered a job-even with little pay!” last time when I was in a job marke

31、t I overheard a cry uttered by a graduate, who, obviously, had been turned down for many times. These days it is known to all that it is increasingly difficult for college graduates to find jobs. What are the reasons?,场景描写式,常用词语:case, story, sight, experience, likely, similarly, in the same way, in

32、the same manner 场景描写常用句型 The case is not unique. This is a common sight. There ae few places where you cannot expect to find such stories. Likein the story, many people have the same experience.,尾段写法,背景介绍常用句型,方法: 重申立场 重申立场+总结理由 让步+重申立场 重申立场+引申扩展,重申立场,“It is difficult for people to achieve profession

33、al success without sacrificing important aspects of a fulfilling personal life.” In conclusion, given the growing demands of career on todays professionals, a fulfilling personal life remains possible by working smarter, by setting priorities, and by making suitable career choices.,重申立场+总结理由,“Since

34、science and technology are becoming more and more essential to modern society, schools should devote more time to teaching science and technology and less to teaching the arts and humanities.”,重申立场+总结理由,In conclusion, schools should not devote less time to the arts and humanities. These areas of stu

35、dy augment and enhance learning in mathematics and science, as well as helping to preserve the richness of our entire human legacy while inspiring us to further it. Moreover, disciplines within the humanities provide methods and contexts for evaluating the morality of our technology and for determin

36、ing its proper direction.,让步+重申立场,“Job security and salary should be based on employee performance, not on years of service. Rewarding employees primarily for years of service discourages people from maintaining consistently high levels of productivity.”,让步+重申立场,In the final analysis, the statement

37、correctly identifies job performance as the single best criterion for salary and job security. However, the statement goes too far, it ignores the fact that a cost-of-living salary increase for tenured employees not only enhances loyalty and, in the end, productivity, but also is required by fairnes

38、s.,重申立场+引申扩展,How far should a supervisor go in criticizing the performance of a subordinate? Some highly successful managers have been known to rely on verbal abuse and intimidation. Do you think that this is an effective means of communicating expectations? If not, what alternative should a manager

39、 use in dealing with someone whose work is less than satisfactory?,重申立场+引申扩展,In conclusion, supervisors should avoid using verbal abuse and threats. These methods degrade subordinates, and they are unlikely to produce the best results in the long run. It is more respectful, and probably more effective overall, to handle cases of substandard work performance with clear, honest and supportive feedback.,THANK YOU,


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