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1、英 语,新课标(RJ)七年级下册,单元主题写作七,整 体 感 知,实 例 分 析,本单元的写作话题是“天气及人们正在进行的活动”。 当我们描写人们的户外活动时,往往和天气联系到一起,描写在特定环境下人们的不同活动。,话题分析,单元主题写作七,整 体 感 知,今天是星期天,下着雪,天气很冷,很多孩子们在户外玩耍。请根据提示,写一篇短文,描述孩子们雪天的活动。 提示:1. Hows the weather today? 2. What are the children doing? 3. How do they feel? 要求:1. 50词左右。 2. 根据要点可以适当发挥。,典型例题,单元主题

2、写作七,实 例 分 析,下面我们就结合实例加以分析。,根据提示要点,本文可以分为三段来写。第一段描述天气情况,并且要使用一般现在时态。第二段重点描述孩子们的活动。这一段要进行适当发挥,这是文章的重点部分,要详写。描述活动应该用现在进行时态。第三段简单写出孩子们的感受。,思路点拨,单元主题写作七,(1)提示结构图,思路点拨,单元主题写作七,(2)根据图示写出相关联的句子 Time and weather: Its Sunday today. Its snowing and its very cold. The children are wearing their warm clothes. Ac

3、tivities: Some children are skating, some are running in the snow, some are fighting with snowballs, others are making a snowman. Feeling: They all feel very happy.,思路点拨,单元主题写作七,Its Sunday today. Its snowing and its very cold. The children are wearing their warm clothes. Look at the children playing

4、 on the playground! Some children are skating, some are running in the snow, some are fighting with snowballs, others are making a snowman. They all feel very happy.,单元主题写作七,连句成篇,今天是星期六,天气晴朗,暖和,很多学生在操场上玩耍。请根据提示,写一篇短文。 提示:1. Hows the weather today? 2. What are the children doing? 3. How do they feel?

5、 要求:1. 50词左右。 2. 根据要点可以适当发挥。,单元主题写作七,自我展示,One possible version: Its Saturday today and it is sunny. The weather is warm. There are many students playing on the playground. Some boys are playing basketball, some are playing football, some are telling stories under the big tree. Look at the two girls over there. They are flying a kite. Some girls are singing and dancing. They are having a good time. All the students are very happy.,单元主题写作七,


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