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1、Early Translation Studies 早期翻译研究派,钟淑敏 吴丹青 刘丽丽 朱健媚 杨秋婵,,LOGO,,Contents,翻译研究学派(Translation School)也可称为低地国家学派(Low Countries Group);因为大多数学者属于“低地国家”、即比利时、卢森堡、荷兰等国人士,如荷兰的詹姆斯 . 霍尔姆斯(James S. Holmes), 雷蒙 . 梵 . 登 . 布鲁克(Rayondvan den Broeck) 等; 但也有其他国家人士。“从目的语文学的角度看,所有的翻译都是译者为某个特定的目的而对语文本进行某种程度的操纵。” “Translat

2、ion Studies and a New Paradigm P11翻译研究与一种新的模式 ” 也有“描述翻译研究”(Descriptive Translation studies) 或多元系统研究(Polysystem Approach) 也有“操纵学派”之称,早期翻译研究派的产生,The two dominant modes of research in the field of translation through the 17th were both limited the kinds of texts they addressed to show their methodologi

3、es to best advantage. The effect of Russian formalists.,The Development of Translation Studies,第一阶段:from nineteen sixties. 第二阶段:形式主义阶段(during the nineteen seventies) 第三阶段:after nineteen eighties 第四阶段:from nineteen nineties,早期翻译研究派的先行者,James Holmes (詹姆斯-霍尔姆斯1924-1986) Andre Lefevere (安德烈-勒菲弗尔19461996

4、美),早期翻译研究派与霍尔姆斯,霍尔姆斯是早期翻译研究学派的创始人,美籍学者,生前在阿姆斯特丹大学普通文学系任讲师。他是诗人、翻译家、文学家,但在翻译研究方面的成就最大。1972年发表的翻译研究的名与实(The Name and Nature of Translation Studies),被普遍认为是翻译学科的创建宣言。,早期翻译研究派与勒弗维尔,1976年4月27日至29日在比利时召开的一次研讨会上,勒弗维尔发表了翻译研究:学科的目标(Translation Studies: The Goal of the Discipline),标志着“翻译研究”作为一门正式学科的成立。,形式主义阶段,

5、The root of early translation studies can be found in Russian formalism(俄国形式主义), and the precursors to the present generation of Flemish and Dutch scholars included a group of Czech and Slovak scholars well schooled in Russian poetics. 多元系统理论 (polysystem theory),Ji Lev and Czech and Slovak Connectio

6、ns, Theories Background Russian Formalism (俄国形式主义) * Russian Formalists attempted to isolate and define “literariness” * The Russian Formalists avoided deep-structure arguments, looking instead at actual texts and specific features of texts * The Formalists belief that poeticity was a formal quality

7、, something that could be separated out of a work, is crucial to understanding Levys translation theory. 多元系统理论,Mostly come from the Lowland Countries Group (荷兰、丹麦、芬兰及北欧国家,中东国家以色列) 共同观点: 认为文学是一个复杂和动态的系统,相信理论模式与应用性个案研究之中应该不断地相互影响,对文学翻译采取一种描写性、功能性、系统性的以目的语为取向的研究方法,着意于规范限制、翻译与其他类型的语篇处理有何关系,在一种文学内部以及多种文

8、学的互动关系中有何地位和作用。 主要课题:结构主义文学理论、翻译在学史中的地位、从风格与题材角度对翻译与原文的区别进行描写的方法,翻译同其它平行文本(metatext)相比它的区别性特征。,先行者 捷克斯洛伐克学者 “三剑客”,Ji Lev Frantisek Miko Anton Popovi, The Czech and Slovak group of translation scholars: Ji Lev, Frantisek Miko, and Anton Popovi ,they evolved from Russian Formalism, simultaneously refl

9、ecting and distancing themselves from some of the old-time tenets.,麦克法(MacFarlane),在莱维和米科的基础上向前推进了一步。,Ji Lev列维是捷克著名文学翻译理论家。 A Czech literary theoretician, literary historian and translation theoretician. Member of the Prague school of linguistics A member of the Union of Czechoslovak Writers A membe

10、r of the International Federation of Translators,(19261967),理论要点,文学翻译重在再创作,比较历史的作诗方法及分析阐明译者在翻译中的只能和任务是构成这理论的先决条件 文学翻译必须采用“错觉”理论 翻译是一种做决定的过程 (R.Jacohson) 列维是捷克著名文学翻译理论家。在1967年写的一篇文章中,他提出翻译包括美国语言学家雅各布逊(RJacohson)所区分的“语内翻译”(interlingual translation)、“语际翻译”(intralingual translation)和“符际译”(intersemiotic

11、translation)过程是一个决定过程., 运用语言学理论讨论文学翻译的标准和技巧问题,为现代文学翻译研究树立了一面旗帜。,Works:,翻译的艺术1963a fundamental opus on the translation of “artistic literature” 文学翻译理论与实践1969 论文:The Development of Translation Theories and Methods in the Czech Literature (1957) first published monograph(专著) Fundamental Problems of the

12、 Theory of Translation (1958) Problems of Comparative Versification诗律(1963) 翻译理论对翻译工作者有用吗?1965 翻译是一个做决定的过程1967,Lev also wrote significant essays on T. S. Eliot(1888-1965), Walt Whitman(18101892), Ben Jonson (15721637) and others. Will the Study of Literature Become an Exact Science? The collection o

13、f his essays appeared posthumously死后in 1971.,作为三剑客之一,列维将其翻译研究的焦点放在三方面: (1)译者作为历史、文化的代言人的作用; (2)翻译在民族传统或文学分期中呈现诗学差异形式; (3)翻译方法是某些规范的结果和翻译态度的表现。具体翻译需要上下文背景来分析(Hermans 1999:21)。 列维早在1963年论文学翻译一文中就指出,译者在翻译决策过程中起着重要作用,译者的任务就是通过不同的决策和手段来传递文学作品的艺术感染力。,Frantisek Miko米科,“Expressive categories” (expressive fe

14、atures or qualities) of language that it lend its artistic quality. First made distinction between expressive character and expressive features Form and theme/ content Posits? the primary importance of lingustic elements.,(1920.4.13-2010.11.13),传统认为: the expressive features construct the works meani

15、ng and value. Language determines content. Miko: believing that he could determine and catalogue a system of expressive features independent of any one specific style, features that can be interchanged,Miko: expressive features of the text can be best be determined by relating those features of styl

16、e of a specific text to similar characteristics used within the literary tradition. Only through a historical analysis can the function of the original text be understood.,The problem of translation is either purely linguistic or purely stylistic. The problem of correspondence of style is delicate o

17、ne because the nuances are fine, but of primary importance Historical horizon,How Far Did Miko Progress with His Inventory,To establish certain hierarchies within a system of cataloguing qualities of expression. functional rather than literal equivalents Stylistic features are open to different inte

18、rpretation as social conditions change, thus changing the expressive characteristics.,Translation is dependent on the interpretive as well as linguistic and creative ability of the translator.,Frantisek Miko(1970) 关注stylistic,而非syntactic或semantic changes.保留expressive character和style 是译者的主要甚至唯一目标。 St

19、yle分类为(六性):operativity适应性, iconicity图像性, subjectivity主体性, affection感情性, prominence显著性and contrast对比性.,A fundamental Slovak translation scientist and text theoretician. The first to apply semiotic 符记theory to the study of translation. Book “Teria umeleckho prekladu“ Theory of Artistic Translation. 19

20、76,(1933-1984),Anton Popovi,理论观点,Coined the terms “” and “prototext原文 ” and “metatext元文” (希腊语meta= beyond)平行文本 Point out the concept-“shift” (他认为译作与原作的一致和差异问题永远不可能得到解决。每一个真正富有价值和前后一致的概念主要指的还是语言形式方面的差异,主要表现与表达方式的转换、审美手法的选择以及作品语意方面的问题。 ),词类转换,通过转换,达到上下文关系一致 “I murmured, as I undrew the bolt and passed

21、 out” 我一边喃喃自语,一边拉开门闩走了出去。 我低声地说,在我拉开门闩走出去的时候。 我喃喃说着,拉开插销,走了出去。,The dark night gave me nothing, but fear. 这样的黑夜直叫人觉着害怕。 这样的黑夜给我恐惧,没有其他。,Example Study,作为三剑客之一,波波维奇的翻译理论,一方面,继承了列维有关翻译的原文规范和译文规范的理论,另一方面,他的视野更为宽广:他不仅对比原文和译文的审美及其风格特征,而且重视两种系统中的“表达转换”(shifts of expression),客观地将原文和译文的差异进行比较分类,尤其是突出译文的特点。在波波

22、维奇看来,翻译是一种“元交际”(metacommunication)过程,作者、读者、批评家或翻译家对原文文学文本的操纵和做特别处理都有可能。后来的霍姆斯沿着这一思路,从描述翻译学的角度对翻译进行了分类和概括。 波波维奇与列维、米科的俄国形式主义立场是一脉相承的,但与其规范性思维相异的包容性已经指向了翻译研究学派后来的描写性研究。,Influence,俄国形式主义为列维、米科及波波维奇等翻译研究学派的先行者提供了基本的理论支撑 莱维的文学翻译理论,米科对历时性翻译研究法的应用以及波波维奇的描写性翻译研究倾向,对后来研究学派理论倾向和研究范式的形成奠定了扎实的基础。,,LOGO,James St

23、ratton Holmes 1924-1986,美籍学者,诗人、翻译家、文学家、翻译理论家。荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学文学系教授,长期从事比较文学和翻译理论研究。是低地国家(即荷兰、丹麦、芬兰等北欧国家以及以色列)翻译理论界最具代表性的人物,翻译研究学派的创始人,矢志于将翻译学建成一个学科。,,LOGO,Works:, The Name and Nature of Translation Studies (1972/5; 1988) 翻译学的名称与性质 Forms of Verse Translation and the Translation of Verse Form (1970;1988) 诗歌

24、翻译的形式和诗歌形式的翻译 Poem and Metapoem:Poetry from Dutch to English 诗与元诗:荷兰诗歌的英译,,LOGO,The Name and Nature of Translation Studies,It is generally accepted as the founding statement for the field. In the essay he laid out the scope and structure for the new discipline. 1972年,Holmes作为会议主题发言人,在哥本哈根召开的第三届国际应用语

25、言学会议上发表了划时代的论文翻译的名与实,该文被认为是翻译研究学派的宣言和纲领性文件。Holmes 在这篇论文里,对翻译学科的结构框架包括名称、性质、范围等进行了阐述。,,LOGO,The Name and Nature of Translation Studies,2、As a field of study, he breaks translation studies down into three areas of focus:,1、 对现在国际通行的翻译学学科名称(Translation Studies)所提出的建议。,,LOGO,the descriptive translation

26、studies(描述翻译学):to describe phenomena of translations as they manifest themselves in the world 描述我们身处的世界上出现的翻译过程和翻译成果这类现象; three branches:,product-oriented description (面向译本),,LOGO,the Theoretical Translation Studies (理论翻译学): to establish principles by which these phenomena can be explained订立普遍原则以解释和

27、预测上述现象 the Applied Translation Studies(应用翻译学):to use information gained from the descriptive branch and the theory branch in the practice of translation and training of translator,,LOGO,Forms of Verse Translation and the Translation of Verse Form,Roland Barthes divided literature into two classes: t

28、he class of poetry, fiction, and drama that “speak about objects and phenomena which, whether imaginary or not, are external and anterior to language”. 罗兰巴特认为,一般意义上的文学(literature)可分为两类:一类是诗歌、小说和戏剧,它们描述的是自然界的事物或现象,或真实或虚拟,均外在于语言并先于语言而存在;,1、redefinition of verse translation:,,LOGO,Forms of Verse Transl

29、ation and the Translation of Verse Form,And the class of literature that “deals not with the world, but with the linguistic formulation made by others; it is a comment on a comment”. 另一类文学即“元文学”(metaliterature)的描述对象不是外部世界,而是别人的语言产物,是“对评论的评论”。 巴特所考虑的“元文学”主要是文学批评(literary criticism);而Holmes的“元文学”的范围要宽

30、泛得多。例如,对一首诗歌来说,其周围聚集着多种“元文学”形式,译诗(verse translation)只是其中之一。,1、the redefinition of verse translation:,,LOGO,Forms of Verse Translation and the Translation of Verse Form,While verse translation is a kind of metaliterature, it also generates a new corpus of metaliterature about its own literariness. Re

31、ferring and producing simultaneously, verse translation is critical commentary on a source text, and yet yields critical interpretation as if it were a primary text.,1、the redefinition of verse translation: dual nature 双重性,,LOGO,Forms of Verse Translation and the Translation of Verse Form,All transl

32、ation is an act of critical interpretation, but there are some translation of poetry which differ from all other interpretive forms in that they also have the aim of being acts of poetry it might be helpful if for this specific literary form, with its double purpose as metaliterature and as primary

33、literature, we introduced the designation “metapoem”.,2、 Metapoem(元诗):,,LOGO,3、总结了诗歌翻译史上惯常采用的四种形式:,A. the mimetic type (模拟形式): retains the form of the original; Holmes suggested that identical form is impossible, but patterns can be made to closely resemble each other, and fundamental formal verse s

34、tructure can be matched. 模拟形式即尽可能保留或模拟原诗的形式,这样可以突出诗作的异域色彩,丰富目的语诗歌的表达手段.,,LOGO,B. the analogical type (类比形式): attempts to discern the function of the text in the receiving culture and seeks a parallel function within the target language tradition. 类比形式即选择目的语中业已存在的一种诗歌形式,以期达到与原作相当的功能.,,LOGO,C. the con

35、tentderivative type (内容派生式): take the original meaning of the primary text and allows it to develop into its own unique shape in the target language. 内容派生式则纯粹以原诗内容为出发点,强调诗歌形式和内容是一个有机整体,在翻译过程中顺其自然地形成符合诗作语义材料要求的独特形式。,,LOGO,D. the deviant forms (变异形式): not derive from the original poem at all, but deli

36、berately retain minimal similarity for other purposes. 译者采用的诗歌形式看似与原作形式或内容毫不相干,这是一种相对自由、灵活的译法。,,LOGO,Andre Lefevere 1946-1996,Lefevere ,比较文学家和翻译理论家,翻译研究文化学派的代表性人物,也可以说是翻译操纵学派的领军人物。 诗歌翻译:七项策略及方案的写作和发表,奠定了其在文学翻译领域主要理论家的地位。,,LOGO,Works:,Translation poetry: Seven Strategies and a Blueprint (1975) 诗歌翻译:七

37、项策略及方案 Translation,Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame (1992) 翻译、改写以及对文学名声的操纵 Translation, History and Culture (1990) 翻译、历史 与文化(与Bassnett合著),,LOGO,Translation poetry: Seven Strategies and a Blueprint,Phonemic translation(音素翻译法) Literal translation(直译法) Metrical translation(韵律/音步翻译法) Poet

38、ry into prose(散文翻译法) Rhyme translation(谐韵翻译法) Blank verse translation(自由诗翻译法) Interpretation (释意翻译法),总结庞德等人的译诗经验,列出七种翻译对策:,,LOGO,Lefevere 的主要思想,A.翻译研究中的文化方向。 Lefevere 认为,任何文学都必须生存在一定的社会、文化环境里,它的意义和价值,以及对它的解读和接受,始终会受到一系列互相关联,互为参照的因素的影响和制约。因此,就翻译研究而言,研究的目标就远远不止于探究两种文本在语言形式对不对等或怎么对等的问题,而是要同时研究与翻译活动直接或间

39、接相关的种种文化问题,要从超越单纯语言的形式范围,进入到更宽广也更深刻的文化层面去研究,这样才能找到真正有意义的答案,翻译研究也才有出路。,,LOGO,Lefevere 的主要思想,B.翻译中的操纵概念。 a. 按照Lefevere等人的翻译操纵观,操纵的核心意义就 是,译者在处理源文本以及生成目标文本的过程中,为了达到一定的目的,一定会取己所需,对文本进行该写。Lefevere认为,翻译就是对文本形象的一种形式的该写;而改写就是对文本的操纵,改写就是使文本按操纵者所选择的方式在特定的社会文化里产生影响和作用。,,LOGO,b. 凡翻译都是改写,那怕是“最忠实的”翻译也都是一种形式的改写。作为

40、翻译操纵者的这种改写抑或操纵,在本质上应被视作一种文化上的必然。因此,对于译者的“操纵”,不能用“正当”或“不正当”之类的道德价值词来评判,而只能从目标文本有没有达到翻译目的,符不符合受众的期望值,能不能被接受文化所接纳等方面的“合适性”标准来评判。,,LOGO,Raymond van den Broeck 凡登布鲁克,Raymond van den Broeck is emeritus professor in Translation Studies both at Antwerp University and at the University of Amsterdam where he

41、succeeded James Holmes. In the history of Translation Studies he is known as one of the foremost members of the Low Countries Group and, given this fact, is the ideal medium both geographically speaking and in terms of expertise for the Low Countries Conference.,,LOGO,Main points,“We must by all mea

42、ns reject the idea that the equivalence relation applies to translation” Opposes the terminology Redefine and recuperate “equivalence”,,LOGO,Redefinition of Equivalence was Based upon :,the semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce “ types” “tokens”象征 notion of correspondence the philosophy of Charles Ste

43、venson “megatype” the linguistics of J.C. Catford “source language” “target language” relatable,,LOGO,His Main Ideas,“ both texts must relatable only to the functionally relevant features of the communicative situation” “ it is therefore right to say with Lefevere that a translation can only be comp

44、lete, “if and when both the communicative value and time-place tradition elements of the source text have been replaced by their nearest possible equivalents in the target text”,,LOGO,Reason for Reclaiming Terminology of Traditional Metaphysical Philosophy for Translation Studies:,the new approach,

45、despite attempts to free itself, retained the same form versus content dichotomy that characterized traditional philosophical dualism.,,LOGO,Ostranenie as the Evaluative Standard,Susan Bassnett (苏珊巴斯内特)是文化翻译学派的领军人物,英国华威大学的教授, 在国际译坛有深远影响。 她的 翻译研究(Translation Studies)写成于1980年, 一版再版,已成为世界上翻译 研究领域最重要的教科

46、书。 她近年的著作还有与安德烈勒菲弗尔 (Andr Lefevere)合著的文化构建(Constructing Cultures,1998年),与Harish Trivedi共同编写的后殖民主义翻译(Post-Colonial Translation,1999)。后殖民主义翻译研究指描述存在于不同民族、不同种族和不同语言之间的不对称和不平等的关系。,,LOGO,Two Tenets of Early Translation Studies (fundamental yet contradictory),“There is no right way to translate a literary

47、 text” “The interpretation of the translation be based on the comparison of the texts function as original and as translation”,,LOGO,Trying to break down the readers narrow concept Get people to view translational phenomena in a broader sense Favor ostranenie effects Make the text relevant to the contemporary readers,,LOGO,Her Understanding of Translation Studies:,Was partially determined by terminological confusion within the field,


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