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1、Chinese- English Translation,2-3 weeks/ lecture Final test 70% Attendance 10% Performance 10% Assignments 10%,Books for Reference,1.新编汉英翻译教程,陈宏薇、李亚丹主编,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2004。 2.英汉对比研究,连淑能著,北京:高等教育出版社,1993。 3. 汉译英教程(第二版),司显柱编著,上海:东华大学出版社,2009。 4.汉英比较翻译教程,魏志成编著, 北京:清华大学出版社. 2006。,Chinese-English Translatio

2、n Technique, translation of words ,Choice of Words,2. Collocation of words,开 灯 to turn on the light 开 车 to drive a car 开 饭 to serve a meal 开 枪 to fire a gun 开玩笑 to make fun of, to crack a joke 开夜车 to work into the night,吃 药 to take medicine 吃 亏 to suffer losses 吃败仗 to suffer defeat 吃 苦 to bear hards

3、hips 吃 香 to be very popular 吃老本 to live off ones past gains,1. Choose words according to the context,Choice of Words,在这种情况下 这种情况必须改变。 现在情况不同了。 前线有什么情况? 我们可能去那儿,那得看情况而定。,under such circumstances This state of affairs must change. Now things are different. How is the situation at the front? We may go

4、there, but that depends.,上当 上坟 上告 上钩 上进 上口 上任 上相 上刑,To be taken in/ to be fooled To visit a grave to honor the memory of the dead To complain to the higher authorities or appeal to a higher court To rise to the bait To make progress To be suitable for/easy to read(ing) aloud/ delicious To take up an

5、 official post To come out well in a photograph/to be photogenic To put sb to torture,干部要能上能下。 A cadre should be ready to take a lower as well as a higher post. 这一盘你上。 You play this game. 一连上了好几道菜。 Several courses were served in succession. 这事已经上了电视。 It has been publicized on TV. 表该上了。 The watch nee

6、ds winding.,Choice of Words,3.Cultural Differences 翻译总会涉及文化。中西文化通过语言体现出来的差异,包含了两个民族方方面面的伦理观念、意识形态上的歧异。,节 日,风 俗,宗 教,哲 学,传 说,食 物,Culture-loaded words,文化负载词:那些在其原始意义或概念意义之上,蕴含丰富的社会文化意义的词语。是一个民族的物质文化、制度习俗文化和精神文化对其语言词汇系统影响和制约的产物。 Idioms, proverbs, fixed expressions,情人眼里出西施,得陇望蜀,三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮 crocodiles tea

7、rs,Trojan horse,meet ones Waterloo,armed to the teeth,只因薛蟠是天性得陇望蜀的,如今娶了金桂,又见金桂的丫头宝蟾有三分姿色,举止轻浮可爱,便时常要茶要水的,故意撩逗她。” Now Hsueh pan was a living example of the saying “to covet the land of Shu after getting the region of Lung.” after marrying Chin Kuei, he was stuck by her maid pao-chans charms. As she s

8、eemed approachable as well as alluring,he often flirted with her when asking to fetch him tea or water.,宝钗笑道:“我说你得陇望蜀呢。我劝你且缓一缓”。 “The more you get,the more you want!” chuckled Pao Chai. “As this is your first visit here,I advice you to start by paying your respects to all the ladies.”,就英汉两种语言的翻译而言,独

9、特文化负载词包括以下几类: 汉语文化有英语文化没有的 英语文化有汉语文化没有的 英汉词汇均有的,但在两种文化中却产生不同甚至截然相反的联想意义。 Dragon, west wind,Guasha: skin-scraping for acute filthy disease,论语中的文化词“天命”,许多翻译大家将其译为“the decrees/ laws/orders of Heaven”,或者“the truth in religion”, “the objective laws of nature” 将“天人合一”译为“the unity of man/human and nature”,

10、说着,一面又瞧她手里的针线,原来是个白绫红里的肚兜,上面扎着鸳鸯戏莲的花样,红莲绿叶,五色鸳鸯。(红楼梦第三十六回) While she was speaking, her eye fell on the sewing that Aroma had just put down. It was a pinafore of the kind children wear, with bib and apron in one. It was of white satin lined with red silk, and the pattern Aroma was embroidering on it

11、was one of mandarin ducks disporting themselves in a background of lotuses. The ducks were in rainbow colors, and the lotuses had red flowers and green leaves. (Hawkes),说着,一面又瞧她手里的针线,原来是个白绫红里的肚兜,上面扎着鸳鸯戏莲的花样,红莲绿叶,五色鸳鸯。(红楼梦第三十六回) While saying this Baochai had been examining the work in Xirens hand. It

12、 was a white silk stomacher lined with red, which she was embroidering with mandarin ducks at play among some lotus. The lotus flowers were pink, the leaves green, and the ducks a medley of colors. (The Yangs),西方自古以来多以航海捕鱼为生,因此很多谚语、习语都与 “sea” “water” “fish”有关。,to be /get into hot water to keep ones

13、head above water fish in troubled waters fish in the air at sea throw money about like dirt spend money like water spend money generously or even wastefully,惹来麻烦或羞辱 奋力图存 混水摸鱼 缘木求鱼 不知所措 挥金如土,颜色寓意的不同,“红色”(red) For Chinese, it symbolizes such happy events as success and wedding. (get success at the ver

14、y beginning), (go-between), (have good luck/in favor/in demand), (flourishing/prosperous),开门红 红娘 走红 红火,For English-speaking people, red is likely to cause strong resentment, anger, violence, etc. For example, “red for danger” (不祥之兆), and “a red rag”(令人恼怒的事物) Try to translate: 红 茶 红 糖 不爱红装爱武装 “to fac

15、e the powder and not to powder the face”,we always connect high social status or the most distinguished with it.,also referring to some pornographic magazines, films or records.,“黄袍马褂” “黄袍加身”,“黄色书刊” “黄色电影”,is given the meaning of being cowardly, filthy, mean or shameless,“yellow belly”(胆小鬼),“yellow

16、streak”(生性怯懦),“yellow dog”(卑鄙的人),Positive,Negative,Negative,connected with some high social status/ position, especially with aristocratic descent/birth,in English they use “blue” to mean pornography,“blue films”, “blue jokes” “blue videos”,“blue blood”(贵族血统), “blue book of American Industry”(美国工业界名

17、人录).,No special meaning,Positive,Negative,There are some English expressions with the word “white” which has nothing to do with“白色”in Chinese. white man white lie white elephant white coffee,White: bad sign or purity?,(善良的人/有教养的人), (善意的谎言), (昂贵而有无用之物), (加牛奶或奶油的咖啡),White: bad sign or purity?,Meanwhil

18、e there are also some Chinese expressions with“白色”which has nothing to do with the color of white in English. For instance, 白痴 白开水 白菜 白字 白搭,(idiot), (plain boiled water), (Chinese cabbage), (wrongly written character), (no use/hopeless), etc.,一些字词本身无特殊意义,但在某些民族文化长期的演变中,被赋予了特定意义。,“她那人爱吃醋!” “人家是醋罐子,他是

19、醋缸、醋瓮!” (红楼 梦第六十五回) “Jar of vinegar,pot of vinegar,tank of vinegar” ? If other women are jealous,shes a hundred times so. 步行街:walking street? Pedestrian (street/ mall),Assignment (In-Class),浓 茶 浓 墨 浓 烟 青 山 青 天 青 布 又青又紫 最新消息 以后几星期,strong tea thick (dark) ink dense smoke green hill blue sky black clot

20、h black and blue the latest news the weeks ahead of us,Translate these Chinese into English,胸有成竹 半斤八两 张冠李戴 过五关斩六将 半路杀出个程咬金 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福,Assignment (After-Class),Use Chinese idioms or “four-character expressions” to translate:,He never leaves a piece of work half finished. 他做事从不_。 There is nothing c

21、omparable to it in diplomatic history. 在外交史上,这是_的。 In general, the design procedure is not straightforward and will require trials. 一般说来,设计过程不是_的,需要反复试验。,半途而废,无与伦比,一帆风顺,He was a voracious reader, spending much of his days and evenings devouring books. 他读起书来_,常常废寝忘食、_。 In the long run, basic knowledg

22、e and technological application go hand in hand one helps the other. 从长远来看,基础知识和技术应用总是_,_的。 Nothing, whether a weighty matter or small detail, was left over. _,无一遗漏。 Both Lockheed and CIA personnel were extremely tight-lipped when it came to matters of planning. 谈到计划时,洛克希德和中情局的人都_。,如饥似渴,夜以继日,携手并进,相辅

23、相成,守口如瓶,事无巨细,From there I could see the whole valley below, the fields, the river, and the village. It was all very beautiful, and the sight of it filled me with longing. (N.S. Momaday “The End of My Childhood) 从这里望下去,整个山谷一览无遗,只见那田野、河流和村庄,全都美不胜收,真叫我心驰神往。,Translation of Repeated Words,Grammatically o

24、r rhetorically speaking, repetition of the same word, same expression and even the same structure is more natural and idiomatic and thus much more frequent in Chinese than in English. English always tries to avoid the repetition of the same name. However, in Chinese the use of many different names f

25、or the same person may seem unnatural, or even cause ambiguity. 汉语多重复,英语多替换。,In a news report, “英国首相撒切尔夫人” is given such different names as: 1. Mrs. Thatcher 2. the Prime Minister 3. she 4. the leader of the Conservative Party 5. the Iron Lady 6. the first woman Prime Minister (of the U.K.),老舍小麻雀,译文

26、中出现的代名词: A young sparrow it The bird A tame bird The small bird The little bird Poor thing,2.1 Omission,在不影响明确、完整地传达原义的前提下,根据英语表达习惯,将汉语中重复出现的词或结构加以省略或简化。 这是宝地!要不是宝地,怎么人越来越多? This is a lucky place; if it isnt, why do more and more people come to live here?,我们能够去掉不良作风,保持优良作风。 We can get rid of a bad s

27、tyle and keep the good. 老赵:要是听我的话,我会帮助你,找条正道儿;要是不听我的话,你终究是玩完! Lao Zhao: If you follow my advice, Ill help you to get on the right track, if you dont, then you are done for.,Omission Combination,将重复词语或结构全部抽提出来,总译一次,加在全部有关词语或结构的前面或后面,统管兼顾。 要相信和依靠群众,相信和依靠人民解放军,相信和依靠干部的大多数。 We must have faith in and rel

28、y on the masses, the Peoples Liberation Army and the majority of the cadres.,坚持、奉行:hold, adhere to, abide by the principles of, follow,我们必须坚持社会主义道路,坚持人民民主专政,坚持共产党的领导,坚持马列主义、毛泽东思想。 We must adhere to the socialist road, the peoples democratic dictatorship, the Communist Partys leadership and Marxism-L

29、eninism and Mao Zedong Thought.,Omission Partial Repetition,汉语中重复使用的词语或结构,英译时只重复使用其部分词语或结构(如:介词)。这样可以保证译文达意,又不至于过份累赘。 决定什么东西是应当称赞或歌颂的,什么东西是不应当称赞或歌颂的,什么东西应当反对的。 decide what to commend and praise, what not to, and what to oppose.,这种新民主主义的文化是科学的。它是反对一切封建思想和迷信思想,主张实事求是,主张客观真理,主张理论和实践一致的。 New democratic

30、culture is scientific. Opposed as it is to all feudal and superstitious ideas, it stands for seeking truth from facts, for objective truth and for the unity of theory and practice.,在今后五年内,要实现财政经济状况的根本好转,实现社会风气的根本好转,实现党风的根本好转。 In the coming five years a fundamental turn for the better should be made

31、in the financial and economic situation, in standards of social conduct and in Party style. 中国人民历来是勇于探索、勇于创造、勇于革命的。 The Chinese people have always been courageous to _, to_ _and to _.,probe into things,make,inventions,make revolution,2.2 Substitution,英语惯于使用代词、“so, do”及其他词组来代替重复出现的部分。 他(蒋介石)上台了,非但不感谢

32、人民,还把人民一巴掌打了下去,把人民推入了十年内战的血海。 Once in power, Chiang Kai-shek far from being grateful to the people, knocked them down and plunged them into ten years of civil war. (代词),一个地方有一个地方的全局,一个国家有一个国家的全局,一个地球有一个地球的全局。 A locality has its own over-all interest; a nation has another and the earth yet another. (

33、代词) 那时将不要军队,也不要兵船,不要军用飞机,也不要毒气。 Neither armies, nor warships, nor military aircraft, nor poison gas will then be needed. (连词),一定的文化,是一定社会的政治和经济的反应,又给予伟大的影响和作用于一定社会的政治和经济。 Any given culture is a reflection of the politics and economies of a given society, and the former in turn has a tremendous influ

34、ence and effect upon the latter. (代词),“do”, “do so” ,“so, as”或其他词组来代替重复出现的主要动词或整个谓语部分,我们开了一次会,劝大家到群众里面去。后来许多人去了,得到了很好的效果。 We held a meeting and advised them to go among the masses. Later on, many did, and the results were very good. 你答应了帮助他就应该帮助他。 Since you promised to help him, you should do so.,自周

35、秦以来,中国是一个封建社会,其政治是封建的政治,其经济是封建的经济。 From the Zhou and Qin dynasty onwards, Chinese society was feudal, as were its politics and economies. 你没有搞好,我是不满意的,得罪了你就得罪了你。 You have done a poor job and I am not satisfied, and if you feel offended, so be it.,一个人的工作,究竟是三分成绩七分错误,还是七分成绩三分错误,必须有个根本的估价。 We must have

36、 a fundamental evaluation of a persons work and establish whether his achievements amount to 30 percent and his mistakes to 70 percent, or_.,vice versa,代替法是处理重复问题的有效方法之一,方式多样,好处明显。但是运用时一定要紧密联系上下文,做到指代分明,毫不含混;否则,宁可重复不要滥用代称。 Former, latter, They, them, it, he, her,2.3 Variation,他们讲唯心论,我们讲唯物论。 They pre

37、ach idealism whereas we advocate materialism. (同义词) 另外一种方法是化学方法。 Another approach is the chemical method. (同义词) 两篇文章,上篇与下篇,只有上篇做好,下篇才能做好。 In the writing of an article, the second half can be _ only after the first half is _.,电子管通常用来放大,而真空管则是电子管的另一名称。 An electron tube is generally used for amplificat

38、ion, and vacuum tube is another name for this device. (上义词) 非洲人民正在为争取非洲的彻底解放进行着艰巨的斗争。 The people of Africa are waging a hard struggle to win the complete emancipation of the _. (上义词),continent,2.4 Translation of Reduplication,Chinese often employs various patterns of character-reduplication for rhet

39、orical or other purpose, while English has much less this kind of device.,路上挤满了男男女女,他们熙熙攘攘,正在买卖各种各样的东西。 The road was packed with a noisy crowd of men and women, who were selling and buying all kinds of things. 房间空空荡荡,他走来走去,这儿停停,那儿停停,东摸摸,西瞧瞧。 Walking up and down the empty room, he stopped here and th

40、ere to touch or look. 她希望所说的情况真真假假,足以使他胡里胡涂。 She hoped she had mixed enough fact and fiction in her story to mislead him.,Assignment (In-Class),他说他的,我干我的。 不懂就是不懂,不要装懂。 想吃就吃,想喝就喝,别客气。 我们一些旧衣服和旧家具,当的当了,卖的卖了。 肝炎(Hepatitis)是全球关注的健康问题。亚洲是全世界肝炎患者最多的地区。 他总是喜欢夸大事实,高的说得更高,低的说得更低。,Assignment (After-Class),Translate the following: 十年以前津津有味地看偶像剧,逢到中间插播的广告,连忙换台或上厕所;十年以后津津有味地看各种广告,逢到偶像剧,连忙换台或者上厕所。,the end,


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