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1、复合式听写技巧总结,从文体类型上看,历年复合式听写全部为说明文,难度在增加。 1. 给分标准 1). 36至43每题为0.5分。拼写完全正确的单词给0.5分,凡有错不给分,大小写错误忽略不计; 2). 44-46满分为2分,答出第一和第二部分内容且语言正确各得1分; 2.扣分标准 1) 44至46题中有语法错误扣0.5分,每题语法错误扣分不超过0.5分,凡不得分部分如有语法错误不再重复扣分; 2)44至46题中凡有与问题无关的内容扣0.5分。 3)44至46题中如出现明显属于笔误造成的拼写错误和大小写、标点符号错误,不扣分; 4)用汉语回答问题不给分。,3. 复合式的四个考察点: 语音辨析能力

2、 拼写能力 速记能力 逻辑分析和归纳能力 4. 复合式的四大语音现象: 1)连读: 2)失去爆破和弱化爆破 3)爆破音连读(爆破音破坏短时记忆,所以要边听边写) 4)缩略音 Youll,youre, youd,连读,两个或多个属于不同单词的音素因语音规则,位置相邻或语速较快等原因连在一起读的现象。 前一个以辅音结尾,后一个词以元音开头,这两个词通常连着发音。 as it is, worn out, come in, not at all, rush hour, once in a week 元音与元音连读 go out, I am, you are, she is, too often 辅音与

3、辅音连读, 前词以辅音结尾,该辅音会击穿后一个词开头的轻辅音, 与后面的元音发生连读 isnt he, the rent here, dont have, for him, sell her books, must have,爆破explosion,爆破音指,, 如果两个爆破音或同一个爆破音连贯出现在同一单词中或连贯出现在前一单词结尾与后一单词首,前一音不发出音。 take place, put down, sit down, wet ground 爆破音后面的发音是,爆破音不发出来 check the, white chalk, great changes, loud cheers, goo

4、d try 爆破音,出现在,之前时,也要失去爆破 last minute, friendship first, step forward, bright future, ripe fruit, good morning, attend meetings, good night, not mine, at least, at leisure, red lantern a big black bug beat a big black bear make the black bear bleed blood,历年出现的单词拼写 Additional architecture artificial a

5、verage boring cancer Coupled crossed describe despite destroyed distant Emotionally ensure established experiences familiar focused Historical increasingly instruments investigated mysterious Normal common plain percent perhaps permitted popular printer quality quantity Recommend relatively retireme

6、nt romantic ruining species success typical uniform value 容易出错的地方: 1大小写问题:专有名词,句子开头 2单词各音节间的辅音字母注意是否双写。success, process, necessary, recommend. 3一个音节之中注意元音的拼写。 4注意不发音的字母: island, exhausted, isle, comb. 5检查词尾的变形 名词:单数,复数,所有格 非谓语动词与谓语动词(ed,ing,s)形式,填原型的很少见。,形容词注意比较级以及以al结尾的形容词。natural. personal. emotio

7、nal. artificial, additional, 副词结尾的ly wholly, completely, emotionally. 容易拼错的词: Campaign, species, apparent, calendar, category ,changeable, committed, conscious, definitely, discipline, equipment, exceed, guarantee, leisure, license, miniature, noticeable, occasionally, possession, referred, recommen

8、d, restaurant, relevant, separate admire schedule necessarily Symbol colleague particular Reference exception competition Accustomed determine responsible Comparison disturbing reverse Efficiency phenomenon vocabulary Presentation appreciation appropriate Album instrument Proportion unemployment ing

9、redient Figure generating procedure,复合式听写技巧,听 前:看 听 中:扔 听 后:补,1.提前熟悉内容,了解文章人意,为捕捉正确信息提供足够线索。 对全文进行全局性预览:尤其是第一句(topic)最后一句(conclusion) 为了提高复合式听写的答题准确率,在四级考试的备考阶段,考生就应对复合式听写的考试指令部分(directions)非常熟悉,这样在考试时,可以利用播放考试指令的时间提前熟悉文章内容,尽可能全面地掌握有关文章大意的信息,并根据空格的位置和上下文信息推断第一部分所缺单词的词性和可能的内容以及第二部分横线上所缺的内容。,“All lang

10、uages have two general levels of (37) _: a formal level and an informal level. English is no (38) _. ”,2.提前明确每一遍录音播放时的应试重点,为正确记录信息提供心理优势。 考生在考试之前对复合式听写应试过程中什么时间做什么事都应该有个科学的设计,做到心中有数。考生在考前应该明确:在播放一第一遍录音时,要以听为主,写为辅。把注意力集中在听上,以免造成信息的遗漏。在听第二遍 录音时,应听写结合,重要的是耳、手、脑并用;综合运用多种速记手段,把听到的信息尽可能全而地记录下来。第三遍注意力又回到听上

11、,用来核对己记录的信息的准确性,并补全第二遍没有记下来的信息。考生在考试前就明确这一点是至关重要的,否则在考试时就会乱了阵脚。,如何速记 1. 省略虚词如:如冠词,助动词等 2. 遇到词组记每个单词首字母如 break down 就记作B D ,但一定要自己看得懂的 3. 长单词记前三个字母 如:experience 就记作 exp 4. 符号记忆 如:more than 就记作” less than 记作 “” equal to 记作 “=”等等 5. 混合记忆 就是把上面几种方法混合起来用,还可以夹杂中文字等等,44 will be making decisions in such are

12、as as product development, quality control and customer satisfaction wi ma de are pro deve qua con cus sat,to acquire new skills that will help you keep up with improved technologies and procedures ac sk th he u kee tec pro,46. dont expect the companies will provide you with a clearly defined career

13、 path. no ex con pro u ca pa,听之后:after-listening 全面检查和补全前面记录下的东西 1. 检查漏词 a 检查漏掉的:介词(in ,on, at ),冠词(a ,an , the),代词( it , this , that ) 2. 检查错词 a 长单词容易发生拼写错误,要仔细检查一遍 b 短单词容易和同音异义词混淆 ,检查时要和上下文连起来看看意思是不是对 3. 检查大小写 人名 地名 国家名 时间名(月份什么) 节日名 书名 文件名 商标名 历史事件名 宗教名首字都要大写 句首单词首字母也要大写 4. 检查名词单复数,形容词、副词比较级最高级,动

14、词事态,语态,关于最后三句话的听写注意事项和技巧,复合式听写部分它的长句子是难点,所有听到的句子听写至少是两个句子,这两个句子中要么是主从关系,要么是并列关系,并列关系肯定会有并列连词,及其他表示转折或并列关系的连词,可以有意识地加以注意。其次是表示从属关系的复合句,这就涉及到了从句的类型。主要注意三大类型: 状语从句,宾语从句,名词性从句。,最后三句话一般比较难,要全部听出来有一定难度。但无论如何有几点要避免: 1.把句子写成一个个单词,把没听见的地方位置空出来。这个是绝对不可取的,老师看都不用看肯定扣分。因为这都不是句子嘛! 2.把句子的内容不断的涂改,搞的卷面非常难看。这个首先给老师的印

15、象就很恶劣,然后如果有一点点错误本来可以扣0.5分,1分什么的,这下就说不定全部扣光了。 3.充分抓住阅卷人的心理,不要有空白。所以不管对错都要把句子写成貌似像一个句子,要整洁不要涂涂改改,最好还没有语法错误。,44. What we may find interesting is /that it usually takes more words to be polite. 45. But to a stranger, I probably would say/, “Would you mind closing the door?” 46. There are bound to be/ so

16、me words and phrases /that belong in formal language/ and others that are informal.,Who is he ? How much do you know about the celebrity in the picture?,我之所以看得更远,是因为我站住巨人的肩膀上。 (try to translate),“If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants. ”,Isaac Newt

17、on,Answer more questions: What do you think is his greatest contribution to science?,2. How did Sir Isaac Newton discover _?,the law of gravity,Listen to the story and know more about Newton,Listen to it,/Law of universal gravitation,How did Sir Isaac Newton discover the law of gravity? What are the

18、 two things that make a planet in orbit around the sun? What is the exact relationship between distance and gravity? Can you write down the formula ?,Who is he ? How much do you know about the celebrity in the picture?,incandescent 白炽的, carbon microphone 炭粒传声器, film projector 投影仪, phonograph 留声机,唱机,

19、Edison edison.wav,Name: Title: Education: His achievements: 1. 2. 3. 4.,edison.wav,Edison, Thomas Alva, a famous American inventor with little formal schooling, developed the worlds first electric power station. His more than 1,000 inventions included: the automatic telegraph system, the incandescen

20、t lamp, the carbon microphone for telephones, the film projector and the phonograph. His early labs led to our modern research labs and his work pioneered the electric revolution of the 20th Century.,Tom Edison.mpg,How do people call Edison in different times? How long would they produce a new invention and how about the major ones? Did Edison often sleep well? Whats the example used in this video? Was the light bulb invented by Edison? And what was the problem with the former experiments? What was the material Edison used in the bulb?,


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