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1、定语从句专项练习,概念:1.在句子中修饰名词或代词, 定语从句在句中充当定语. 2.定语从句必须有先行词, 并尽量靠近先行词. 3.在定语从句中, 关系词在从句中充当成分. 关系代词与关系副词 关系代词: 指人: 指物: 指人或物: 关系副词:,who(主格), whom(宾格), whose(所有格),which(主格,宾格), whose(所有格),that,when, where, why,注意:先行词有下列情况或附有下列修饰语时,通常用关系代词 that。 1)先行词是all, no, none, everyone, something, much, little 等; 2)先行词前有

2、序数词(the first), 形容词最高级(the best), the last, the same, the only 等; 3)如果先行词中既含有表示人的名词又有表示物的名词时; 4)若主句中有疑问代词 who 或者 which,为了避免重复, 关系代词不要再用 who, which,而用 that。,1. This is all _ I know about the matter. A. that B. what C. who D. whether 2. Is there anything else _ you require? A. which B. that C. who D.

3、what 3. The last place _ we visited was the Great Wall. A. which B. that C. where D. it,4. He talked happily about the men and books _ interested him greatly in the school. A. which B. that C. it D. whom,5. There is no dictionary _ you can find everything. A. that B. which C. where D. in that 6. Thi

4、s is one of the best books _. A. that have ever been written B. that has ever been written C. that has written D. that have written,7. Is oxygen the only gas _ helps fire burn? A. that B. / C. which D. it,提醒: 介词关系代词引导的定语从句, 关键是判断介词的选择, 方法一是看从句谓语部分缺少什么介词(习惯搭配), 再则可以通过整个句子整体含义来判断, 结合生活实际来判断.,例:The Sec

5、ond World War _ millions of people were killed in 1945. A. during which B. in that C. where D. on which,1. Do you know who lives in the building _ there is a well? A. in front of it B. in front of whose C. in front of which D. in front which 2. Ill never forget the day _ I joined the League. A. on w

6、hich B. in which C. which D. at which 3. Jean was her old friend, _ she borrowed a necklace. A. from who B. from whom C. to that D. to whom,5. His glasses, _ he was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke its leg. A. which B. with which C. without which D. that,6. Do you know the reason _ he

7、was late? that B. which C. for what D. for which,7. I have bought two ballpens, _ writes well. A. none of which B. neither of which C. none of them D. neither of them,提示: as ,which 均可以引出非限制性定语从句,如都 指前一句话, 二者可以互换。as 引导的从句可以放在句首, as 本身有“正如正象”之意,与之连用的词有 know, see, expect, announce, point out 等。此外, 在the

8、 sameas;suchas.中 as 引导的是限制性定语从句.,例:The earth is round, _we all know. A. that B. which C. who D. as,He went abroad, as / which was expected. He went abroad, which was unexpected.,1. _ was natural, he married Jenny. A. Which B. That C. This D. As 2. Such signs _ we use in the experiment _ Greek letter

9、s. A. as, are B. as, is C. that, are D. that, is 3. I passed him a large glass of whisky, _ he drank immediately. A. that B. as C. which D. who,4. She is very good at dance, _ everybody knows. A. that B. which C. who D. as 5. It was raining, _ was a pity. A. what B. that C. the which D. which 6. _ has been said above, grammar is a set of dead rules. A. Which B. What C. That D. As 7. We do the same work _ they do. A. which B. as C. than D. like,


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