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1、你爱永不变 Your Steadfast Love,You shed your precious blood, to cleanse me from within, saved me, gave me whole new life. Helpless in my sins, You came to die for me, O, what boundless grace and love!,You Steadfast Love : Verse A,Now I realize, how much You care for me, I give my life to follow You! Thru

2、 all my brokenness, thru all my grief and deaths, Ill stand by You, Lord, never be despaired!,You Steadfast Love : Verse B,O! Lord Your steadfast Love, now and forever more, flowing deeply in my soul! Thru all my pains and tears, thru all my trials and dreams, O, nothing that will take me from Your

3、Love!,You Steadfast Love : Chorus,You Steadfast Love : Verse 1,你流出宝血 洗净我污秽 Ni liu chu bao xue xi jing wo wu hui 将我的生命赎回 Jiang wo di sheng ming shu hui 为了我的罪 牺牲永不悔 Wei le wo di zui, Xi sheng yong bu hui 显明你极大恩惠 Xian ming ni ji da en hui,You Steadfast Love : Verse 2,我深深体会 你爱的宝贵 Wo shen shen ti hui ni

4、ai di bao gui 献上自己永追随 Xian sheng zi ji yong zui sui 或伤心或气馁 或生离或死别 Huo shang xin huo qi nei huo sheng li huo si bie 愿刚强壮胆 永远不后退 Yuan gang qiang zhuang dan yong yuan bu hou tui,You Steadfast Love : Chorus,哦! 你爱永不变 从今直到永远 O! ni ai yong bu bian cong jin zhi dao yong yuan 深深浇灌我心田 Shen shen jiao guan wo xin tian 或天旋或地转 经沧海历桑田 Huo tian xuan huo di zhuan jing cang hai li sang tian 都不能叫我与你爱隔绝 Dou bu neng jiao wo yu ni ai ge jue x2,你爱永不变 Your Steadfast Love,


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