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1、The Participles,1.The Present Participle 2. The Past Participle 3.Exercises,BACK,现在分词的句法作用,1.用作定语: a. Groups of young workers passing(=who passed) them on the way would shout out friendly greetings. b.People working(who worked) there were mostly women.,2.用作状语 a. Bruce lay on the ground, listening to

2、 the sound of the rain on the roof. b.“ Good morning,” said Hans, Smiling from ear to ear. c. Not Knowing the language, he didnt know how to ask the way.,3 用作表语 The report is quite inspiring. The news seemed very encouraging.,4. 用在象I found him reading 这样的结构中,如: I saw him coming to the house. I heard

3、 him knocking at the door. I found him working at top speed.,过去分词的句法作用,1用作定语: a. Once upon a time there lived a king named Midas (who was named Midas). b. I like the poem recited ( that was recited) yesterday evening. c. A written answer; an unfinished job.,2.用作表语 a. The road was covered with snow.

4、b. One of the cups is broken. c. We were surprised to hear the news.,3.用作状语 a. The people, led by the Party, have won victory after victory. b. The visitors watched the show fascinated.,4. 用在象I found the cup broken这样的句子中。 a. I saw the visiting team beaten at basket-ball. b. Weve just had the walls w

5、hitewashed. c. Dont leave the work unfinished.,Write Through Applying Grammar Rules,Write Through Correcting Mistakes,Write Through Translating,Write Through Describing a picture,Exercises,attributives,present participle past participle,1. There are a lot of fans _ (hoped, hoping) for a glimpse of t

6、he movie star. 2. The tourist _ (looking at, looked at) the map is a relative of my father. 3. People _ (lived, living) in cities can enjoy more of modern life.,living,looking at,hoping,Make correct choices of words or phrases in the brackets to complete the sentences.,Write through Applying Grammar

7、 Rules,4. Here is a notice _ (warned, warning) people not to litter the beach. 5. Computers _ (imported, importing) from abroad are usually more expensive. 6. People _ (wishing, wished) to go on the tour have to book in advance. 7. Do you hear a man _ (talked with, talking with) your brother in the

8、living room?,warning,talking with,wishing,imported,Write through Applying Grammar Rules,8. Those houses _ (pulled down, pulling down) were built thirty years ago. 9. The devices _ (using, used) by advertisers to gain peoples attention seem to be effective (有效的). 10. Most of the people _ (invited, in

9、viting) to the reception are old friends of mine.,pulled down,used,invited,Write through Applying Grammar Rules,1. He is reading a book calling The Way of All Flesh.,Pick up the rotten “cherry”,Write Through Correcting Mistakes,2. Engines are machines produced power or motion.,called,producing,3. Yo

10、ud better not wake up the sleep baby.,6. There were twenty people injuring in the accident.,4. She wants to buy a ready-make dress.,5. A losing opportunity never returns.,sleeping,ready made,lost,injured,7. The language speaking in that African country is French.,8. He thought something excited had

11、happened.,9. Many products making from crude oil (原油)are now in daily use.,spoken,exciting,made,10. Animals can do many amaze things when properly trained.,amazing,1. 昨天讨论的问题十分重要。 2. 他是一个举止得体的人。 3. 已经养成的习惯很难改变。 4. 主席宣读了一份预先准备好的声明。 5. 孩子们更喜欢由橘汁、糖和水制成的饮料。 6. 他得在规定的时间内做出决定。 7. 我们将在下次会议上讨论他提出的计划。 8. 你认识在台上唱歌的那个女孩吗?,Write Through Translating,discussed,well-behaved,established,prepared,made,given,put up,singing,key,


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