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1、An Advanced Course in Interpretation 高级口译教程 Unit 8,Mouth Warm-up:,What is Virtue (美德)?,What is virtue?,Virtue is goodness(善良). Virtue is fine quality(优良品质). Virtue is love for truth(热爱真理). Virtue is lofty character(崇高的人格). Virtue is noble behavior(高尚的行为). Virtue is beauty of mind(美丽的心灵). Virtue is s

2、haring others pain.(分担他人痛苦) Virtue is conferring happiness.(向他人施舍欢乐) Virtue is thinking and doing what is right.(想和做正事),What is virtue?,Virtue is the basis of dignity(尊严的基础). Virtue is the source of esteem(尊敬的源泉). Virtue is honesty and diligence(诚实与勤奋). Virtue is modesty and temperance(谦虚与自制). Virtu

3、e is synonymous with charity(与慈善同义). Virtue is courage and perseverance(勇敢与坚毅). Virtue is what you feel good after(事后感觉良好之事). Virtue is following ones own conscience(按良心行事). Virtue is boundless power without abusing(权无限而不滥用).,Conclusion:,Virtue is beauty of mind, nobility of behavior, reflection of

4、goodness and origin of happiness. It means always conferring benefits and never inflicting pains. It embodies itself in such qualities as kindness, honesty, courage, modesty, perseverance and temperance.,Quotations from Celebrities on Virtue,美德足以使一个人变得伟大、光荣和快乐。 富兰克林 Virtue alone is sufficient to mak

5、e a man great, glorious and happy. Benjamin Franklin 我要告诉你,美德并不源于金钱,相反,金钱以及公众和私人的一切其他福利均源于美德。 苏格拉底 I tell you that virtue does not come from money, but that from virtue comes money and every other good of Man, public as well as private. Socrates,Quotations from Celebrities on Virtue,真正的美德在于遵守这样的行为准则

6、,即不要让别人痛苦。 斯宾塞 Real virtue is the regulation of conduct in such a way that pain shall not be inflicted. Herbert Spencer 人类的幸福和尊严存在于美德之中。 亚当斯 The happiness of man, as well as his dignity, consists in virtue. John Adams 是美德而不是出身使我们成为高尚的人。 博蒙德 It is virtue and not birth that makes us noble. Francis Bea

7、umont,Quotations from Celebrities on Virtue,美德体现为心灵的一种健康、美好和良善的习惯。 柏拉图 Virtue is a kind of health, beauty and good habit of the soul. Plato 人类的幸福和尊严存在于美德之中。如果没有美德,人类只是一种忙忙碌碌、有害而可怜的生物,比害虫 好不了多少。 培根 Without virtue Man is a busy , mischievous, wretched thing; no better than a kind of vermin. Francis Ba

8、con,Up-to-date Expressions (33),猎头公司 A head-hunting company 留职停薪 Retain a job but suspend the salary 流动人口 Transient population 绿化 afforestation 民族凝聚力 National cohesion 磨洋工 Dawdle over ones work,企业联合兼并 Conglomeration and merger of enterprises 纳米技术 Nanometer technology 泡沫经济 Bubble economy 配套政策 Support

9、ing policies 贫富悬殊 Polarization of the rich and the poor (Wide gap between the rich and the poor),Up-to-date Expressions (34),内耗 In-fight, disunity in an organization 勤工俭学 Work-study program 人才流失 Brain drain 人情债 Debt of gratitude 三角债 Chain debt 审时度势 Size up the situation,市场准入 Market access 双刃剑 A doub

10、le-edged sword 网上冲浪 Surf the Internet 新秀 An up-and-coming star 吸收游资 Absorb idle fund 稳定压倒一切。 Maintaining stability is of top priority.,Up-to-date Expressions (35),一刀切 Impose uniformity in all cases 摇钱树 Cash cow 以权谋私 Abuse power for personal gains 义务兵役制 Compulsory military service 以质量求生存、求发展、求效益 Stri

11、ve for survival, development and efficiency on the basis of quality,优化结构 Optimize structure 硬道理 Absolute principle, top priority, only way out 舆论监督 Supervision by public opinion 造假帐 Falsify financial reports 有法必依,执法必严,违法必究。 Law must be observed and strictly enforced, and law-breakers must be prosecu

12、ted.,Some Up-to-date Expressions (36),一二把手 Leader and second-in-command of a management team 软指标 Unspecified target 黄害 Scourge of pornography 开小灶 Bestow special favors on (somebody),烧香 Present gifts in order to get favorable treatment 两权(所有权和经营权) Property rights and management power 第四产业 The high-te

13、ch sector 反弹 Bounce back, the recovery of a falling price,Please watch and interpret:,我们听得见孩子们在外面玩耍。 这一罪行使世人感到震惊。 她责备她的孩子迟迟不回来。 解决这个问题时间是关键因素。 他们具备成功的一切条件。 跑步者用足力气做最后冲刺。 地下埋藏着大量的贵重金属。 我看不出有什么好忧虑的。 出国旅游已对她失去魅力。 大众媒体有时能左右局势。 读书是逃避现实的一种方式。,We could hear the children at play outside. The outrage shocked

14、 the whole world. She reproached her child for staying out late. Time is the key factor in solving the problem. They had every qualification for success. The runners were rallying for a final sprint. Hidden underground is a wealth of precious metals. I have seen no reason to worry. Foreign travel ha

15、s lost its glamour for her. The mass media sometimes manipulate events. Reading is an escape from reality.,Please watch and interpret:,我无法抹去对童年的回忆。 事故是人为的过失造成的。 他的博学来自他的刻苦钻研。 他挥霍无度,已耗尽财产。 我打算根据亲身的体验发言。 杰克目前正在主修国际贸易。 我们选他当人民代表。 房间里充满了孩子们的笑声。 约翰不敢向他的老板要求加薪。 你有话要说就尽管说出来。,I cannot erase the memories of

16、childhood. The accident was caused by human error. His erudition comes from his assiduous study. His extravagance has drained his fortune. I am going to speak from personal experience. Jack is majoring in international trade now. We elected him a deputy to the peoples congress. The room is alive wit

17、h childrens laughter. John is afraid to ask his boss for a pay raise. If you have something to say, speak up.,Please watch and interpret:,我们常从自己的错误中学习。 我们要设法削减本年度的开支。 你的证言将证实他的无罪抗辩。 供分析用的样品是随意挑选的。 我在哪儿可以把美元换成法郎? 整个事情自始至终都异乎寻常。 没有调查就没有发言权。 你必须使自己具备担当此任的条件。 必须把新皮移植到烧伤的腿上。,We often learn from our own m

18、istakes. We must try to keep down expenses this year. Your testimony will support his plea of innocence. The specimens for analysis were chosen at random. Where can I exchange my dollars for French francs? The whole thing is unusual from beginning to end. He who makes no investigation has no right t

19、o speak. You must qualify yourself for the post. New skin must be grafted onto the burnt leg.,Please watch and interpret:,没有顺利就无所谓困难。 东西在门口摊了一地。 供电受到了罢工的威胁。 指挥官命令二排进行警戒。 地震使整个村庄成了废墟。 学习外语你要有耐心和决心。 医院收下了那受重伤的男孩。 你应该有近期和远期目标。,Without facility, there would be no difficulty. Things were littered on the

20、ground at the doorway. The electricity supply has been threatened by the strike. The commander ordered the second platoon to keep watch. The earthquake reduced the whole village to ruins. You must have patience and determination to learn English. The seriously injured boy has been admitted to the ho

21、spital. You should have your immediate and long-range objectives.,Unit 7,我们应该扩大知识面,发展个性特长,陶冶情操,在德智体美诸方面全面发展。 We should extend our scope of knowledge, develop our personality and special skills and talents, foster healthy values and grow morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically in an all

22、-round way.,Unit 7,枫树叶是加拿大的象征,加拿大的国旗上印有一片枫树叶。枫树会产生一种独特的液汁,可以用来制作甘甜可口的糖浆。加拿大人对这些神奇之树都怀有一种感激之情,因为这些枫树给秋天的加拿大带来美景,给春天的加拿大带来了口福。 The maple tree leaf is the national symbol of Canada and it is printed on Canadas national flag. The trees produce a peculiar sap, which can used to make sweet and delicious s

23、yrup. The Canadian people are all grateful to these magic trees, because they make the Canadian landscape beautiful in autumn and bring the Canadian people gourmets luck in spring (because they color the Canadian landscape in autumn and sweeten the Canadian palate in spring ).,Current Affairs,中国经济建设

24、和改革的主要任务是完善社会主义市场经济体制,推动经济结构战略性调整,基本实现工业化,大力推进信息化,加速建设现代化,保持国民经济持续快速健康发展,不断提高人民生活水平。 The main tasks of Chinas economic construction and reform are to improve the socialist market economy system, promote strategic adjustment of the economic structure, accomplish basic industrialization, energetically

25、 apply information technology, accelerate modernization, maintain a sustained, rapid and sound development of the national economy and steadily uplift the peoples living standards.,Current Affairs,为了实现新时期的目标,发展要有新思路,改革要有新突破,开放要有新局面,各项工作要有新举措。 To attain the objectives of the new period, it is imperat

26、ive to come up with new ideas for development, to make new breakthroughs in reform, to break new ground in opening-up and to take new moves in all fields of endeavor.,Current Affairs,和平是全球和地区经济增长的重要前提。恐怖主义是对世界和平的严重威胁。 Peace is the important prerequisite for global and regional economic growth while

27、terrorism is posing a serious threat to world peace. 反对恐怖主义,既要治标,又要治本,只要遵循互信、互利、平等、协作的新安全观,就能共同维护世界的和平与安全。 In the struggles against terrorism, we should focus on both remedies to cure the symptoms of terrorism and solutions to address its root causes. World peace and security will be safeguarded if

28、the principles of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and cooperation are followed as a new security concept.,Current Affairs,中国加入世贸组织标志着中国的改革开放进入了新的发展阶段。中国将恪守承诺,进一步发展多层次、全方位、宽领域的对外开放,在更大范围内参与国际经济合作。 Chinas accession to WTO marks a new stage in in its reform and opening-up. We will remain true to our commitments, making further efforts to develop a multi-level, all-directional and wide-ranging pattern of openness, and participate more broadly in international economic cooperation.,


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