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1、1,杨应强,Microflash electronics(Shenzhen)co.,ltd,2,CONTENTS,一.企業常用英文縮寫(item 155) 二. 品質不良常用英文(item 150) 三.部份材料英文名稱(item 128) 四.外貿中常見英文縮寫詞(item 161) 五. E-MAIL 常用英文及注意事項 (item 14&110),3,1. AVL : 認可的供應商清單(Approved Vendor List ) 對提供企業產品或服務的眾 多供應商中,某些符合公司的策略,對產品服務的要求,而成為合格或認可的供應商. 2. BOM :物料清單(Bill Of Materi

2、al) 3.ECRN 原件規 格更改通知(Engineer Change Request Notice) 現有產品更換零件或原包材規格時,通知採購 部門依新規格採購 甚至變 更BOM 的憑據.,一.企業常用英文縮寫,4,4.EOQ :基本經 濟訂 購 量(Economic Order Quantity ) 經濟批量法乃指為使每次發單之訂貨成本,儲存成本,購貨成本之總 和為最低的量. 5.ERP 企業資源規劃 (Enterprise Resource Planning ) 於1998年在制造業 市場上掀起一陣 熱潮 ,ERP 乃是一種企業再造的解決方案,藉由資訊 科技的協助,將 企業 的營 運策

3、略及經營模式導入整個以資訊系統為主干的企業體之中,其非只是科技的改變 ,而是牽涉到組織 內部所有關於人員,資金,物流,制造及企業及企業內部所有關於人員,資金,物流,制造及企業內部之跨地域或跨國際之流程整合管理. 6. FCST 預估(Forecast) 目前只在報表中看到一次,通常會與報表的性質相關,如銷售報表上為銷售預估,庫存報表上為庫存預估,一.企業常用英文縮寫,5,7.FQC成品品質管制 (Finish or Final Quality Control) 成品未裝箱前的品管工作。 8. IPQC製程品質管制 (In-Process Quality Control) 產品未完成前,尚在製程

4、中的品管工作。 9. IQC進料品質管制 (Incoming Quality Control) 所有原物料在進廠前的品質管制. 10.ISO國際標準組織 (International Organization for Standardization),一.企業常用英文縮寫,6,11. JIT豐田式即時管理 (Just In Time) a.零庫存。用戶需要多少,就供應多少。不會產生庫存,佔用流動資金。 b.最大節約。用戶不需求的商品,就不用訂購,可避免商品積壓、過時質變等不良品浪費,也可避免裝卸、搬運以及庫存等費用。 C.零廢品。JIT能最大限度地限制廢品流動所造成的損失。廢品隻能停留在供應方

5、,不可能配送給客戶。,12.MPS主生產排程 (Master Production Scheduling),13.MRP物料需求規劃 (Material Requirement Planning),一.企業常用英文縮寫,7,14.MRPII製造資源計劃 (Manufacturing Resource Planning) 從MRP發展出來並非取代傳統MRP,而是在生產規劃的同時,將著眼點擴展到人事、財務、行銷、管理等層面,融合各部門作業所需考量之實務需求,而非局限於單純之產銷供需,以使企業整體之運作能更加地有效率及制度化。 15.OQC出貨品質管制 (Out-going Quality Cont

6、rol) 出貨前的品質管制。,16.AQL 品質允收水准 (acceptable quality level) 17. Assy 裝配 Assembly,18. CD-ROM光碟機 Compact Disk Read Only Memory,一.企業常用英文縮寫,8,19. CE零件工程 Component Engineering 20. CPU 中央處理單元Center Process Unit 21. DVD數位影像顯示器 Digital Video Display 22. ECN工程變更通知Engineering Change Notice,23. ECR工程變更需求Engineerin

7、g Change Request 24. ETA預計到達時間Estimated time of arrival 25. ETD預計交貨時間Estimated time of delivery,一.企業常用英文縮寫,9,26.FDD硬式磁碟機Floppy Disk Driver 27. FIFO先進先出First In First Out 28. FYR僅供參考For Your Reference 29. HDD 硬式磁碟機 Hard Disk Drive 30. IE工業工程Industrial Engineering 31. LAN區域綱路Local Area Network 32. LCD

8、液晶顯示器Liquid Crystal Display 33. LED發光二極管Light Emitting Diode,一.企業常用英文縮寫,10,34. ME制造/機械工程Manufacturing/Mechanical Engineering 35. MFG制造 Manufacture 36. MI領料單Material Issue Ticket 37. MIS管理資訊系統Management Information System 38. MO制造工單Manufacturing Order 39. MR退料單Material Return(Ticket) 40. MRB物料審驗會議Mat

9、erial Review Board 41. P/N料號 Parts Number,一.企業常用英文縮寫,11,42.P/R產品試作 Pilot Run 43. PC個人電腦Personal Computer/Desktop&Server System 44. PCB主機板 Personal Computer Board/Mother Board/Main Board 45. PCB印刷電路板 Printed Circuit Board 46.PMC 生產物料控制 Product and Material Control 47. R/D研究開發(product)Research&Develop

10、ment,48. RM入庫單(M/O)Receipt Ticket,一.企業常用英文縮寫,12,52. SOP作業程序標準Standard Operation Procedure 53. SPC統計制程品管 Statistical Process Control 54. SQC供應商品質檢驗 Subcontractor Quality Control 55. TE測試工程Test Engineering 56. TQC全面品質管制Total Quality Control 55. WIP 正存放在生產線上的制品 Working in process,一.企業常用英文縮寫,13,二. 品質不良常

11、用英文,1.標識不清Marking isnt clear 2.標簽錯誤 Label error 3.變形 Deformation 4.毛邊 Burr(metallic),flash(plastic) 5.段差Throw,step 6.頂白/打白Ejecting marks 7.脫落Keep out,come off,drop off,peel off 8.多件 Extra Component 9.缺件 Missing Component/ Lack in parts 10.錯件 Wrong Component,14,11.損件 Component damaged 12.流痕 Flow mark

12、 13.刮傷 Scratch 14.混料 Mixed material 15.缺料 Short shots,20.縮水 Sink marks 21.拖痕 Dragging 22.黏模part sticking 23.龜裂裂痕 Cracking 24. 結合線 融合線 Weld lines 25.噴射痕Jetting,16.翹曲 Warpage 17. 焦痕 Burn spots 18. 銀線 Silver streaks,26.黑點料污 Black specks 27.气泡 Voids/Blister 28.光澤不良 Cloudy,19.表層剝離 Laminations,二. 品質不良常用英文

13、,15,29.生鏽/氧化 Rust/Oxidation 30.雜質 Foreign material;foreign matter 31. (零件)錯位 Misplace component &Putting in the wrong position,32.錯件 Incorrect component& Incorrect parts used 33.錯位 Incorrect/Wrong position 34.色偏差 Color deviation 35.損件Damaged Component/parts 36.印刷不良/錯誤 Misprint 37.異物 Foreign material

14、,二. 品質不良常用英文,16,38.移位 Shift location 39.外觀 Appearance;Outside appearance 40.未點膠 Missing glue 41.污點/體 Spot/dirt 42.歪斜 Slanting,tilt,43.色差 : aberration 44.泛白 :blushing 45.污斑,油污: grease pits 46.廢料 : scrap,47.黑點 :black points 48.霧化 : atomization 49. 不良數 : Defect qty 50.不良率: Failure rate,二. 品質不良常用英文,17,三

15、.部份材料英文名稱,1.名板 Name plate 2.條碼標簽 Bar code 3.銅柱 Stand off/Screw hex 4.彈片Spring blade 5.鐵片扣架 Bracket 6.零件 Component/spare parts 7.螺孔 Screw hole 8.螺牙Thread 9.螺絲 Screws 10.干燥劑/除濕劑Oxygen Absorber-食品用,18,11.警告標簽 Warning label 12.主機外殼 Housing 13.主機板 Main board 14.設備 Device&Equipment 15.治具Fixture&Instrument

16、 16.夾具 Jig 17.機器 Machine 18.工具 Tool 19.紙箱 Carton 20.紙箱標簽 Carton label,三.部份材料英文名稱,19,21.ABS 丙烯晴-丁二烯-苯己烯塑膠 Acrylonitrible-butadiene styrene plastic 22.AS 苯己烯-丙烯晴共聚物 (SAN) Acrylonitrile styrene plastics 23.HIPS 耐衝擊聚苯己烯 24.PC 聚碳酸酯 Polycarbonate 25.PS 聚苯己烯 Polystyrene 26.PU 聚胺基甲酸己酯 Polyurethane 27.PPO 聚氧

17、化苯 Polypropylene oxide 28.PMMA 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 Poly (methyl a-chloroacrylate),三.部份材料英文名稱,20,四.外貿中常見英文縮寫詞,1. C&F(cost&freight) 成本加運費用 2. T/T(telegraphic transfer) 電洭 3. D/P(document against payment)付款交單 4. D/A (document against acceptance)承兌交單 5. C.O (certificate of origin)一般原產地證 6. CTN/CTNS(carton/cartons)

18、 紙箱 7. 8 PCE/PCS(piece/pieces)只支等 8. DL/DLS(dollar/dollars) 美元 9. DOZ/DZ(dozen) 一打 10. PKG(package)一包,一打,一捆,一扎,21,11. WT(weight) 重量 12. G.W.(gross weight)毛重 13. N.W.(net weight) 凈重 14. C/D (customs declaration)報關單 15. EA(each)每,各 16. W (with)具有 17.W/O (without )沒有 18. FAC(facsimile)傳真 19. IMP(import

19、)進口 20. EXP(export)出口 21. MAX (maximum)最大的,最大限度的 22. MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度 23.M 或MED (medium)中等,中級 24. M/V(merchant vessel)商船,四.外貿中常見英文縮寫詞,22,25 S.S(steamship)船運 26. DOC (document)單據,文件 27. INT(international)國際的 28. P/L (packing list) 裝箱單,明細表 29. INV (invoice)發票 30. PCT (percent)百分比 31. REF (referen

20、ce) 參考,查价 32. EMS (express mail special)特快傳遞 33. STL.(style)式樣,款式,類型 34. T或LTX或TX(telex)電傳 35. RMB(renminbi)人民幣 36. S/M (shipping marks)運輸般標志 37. PR或PRC(price) 價格,四.外貿中常見英文縮寫詞,23,38. PUR (purchase)購買,購貨 39. S/C(sales contract)銷售確認書 40. L/C (letter of credit)信用證 41. B/L (bill of lading)提單 42. FOB (fr

21、ee on board)船上交貨,離岸價格 43. CR=credit 貸方,債主 44. DR=debt 借貸方 45. debt card 銀行卡 46. credit card 信用卡 47. Exp=Expense 花費,費用 48. O/H=overhead 常用開支 49. TC=total cost)總費用 50. FC=fixed cost 常設費用,四.外貿中常見英文縮寫詞,24,51. VC=variable cost 變動費用 52. P=profit 凈利潤 53. S=sales銷售總額 54. Rev=revenue 利潤 55. MC=marginal cost

22、費用差額 56. GM=gross margin 毛利 57. MR=marginal revenue 利潤差額 58. PMT=payment支付款 59. N/I=net income 純收入 60. AMT=amount 總額 61. DCT=discount打折,四.外貿中常見英文縮寫詞,25,Data source: James B. De Lange“HOW TO WRITE PROFESSIONAL EMAIL” 1.Request 文件:要求收信人配合達成某項 目標即是所謂的REQUEST文件: 1.1.如果要向對方make a request , 聰 明的用法就是使用 I w

23、ould appreciate it if you could .( do something). 1.2.重點放在你希望對方配合的事項 上. 尤其應該 強 調你希望對方回覆的截止期限. 類 似像 at your earliest convenience 或 as soon as possible這類 較客套的句子,反而容易因目標不明確而增加對方延遲回覆的機率. 要提供明確的資訊讓 對方知道如何回覆.如please give me a call ,如果只用contact me (注意!不加with在台灣常見 有人喜歡用contact with me)似乎不夠具體.應說明方式email,fax,

24、.等.,五. E-MAIL 常用英文及注意事項,26,2.商業書信中另有一種 Follow-up文件,此類 書信往來多半直接表明來意, 2.1 可用開場白有Per your requirement, As our decision, As you requested .,As we discussed 2.2.商業書信往來有時亦可使用一些小技巧,其中在Follow-up文件中最常用到的便是 - 為對方留點顏 面,然後順 勢道出解決辦法. Example:I can understand how busy you are this time of year, especially with bu

25、dget reviews going on. However, I would really appreciate it if you could update me on the status of this order by Friday so that I can inform our customer.,五. E-MAIL 常用英文及注意事項,27,2.3.商業書信有軟 性訴求,當 然也有強 硬手段. 其中針 對慢郎中的對手,你就可以使用美國人最愛用的 If I dont hear from you by , I will Example :In order to complete o

26、ur customers order and deliver on schedule, I will need your reply by September 20 at the latest. If I dont hear from you by October 20, I will assume that you are committed to the travel dates we set in last week Fridays meeting (December 3-6 Shanghai;December 7-8 Beijing). 2.4.慎用“kindly”: Please k

27、indly give me your reply. 對英國人而言可是很不禮貌的.因為kindly 和please一樣,當 你連說了二次please通常是表示有些生氣和不耐煩的.,五. E-MAIL 常用英文及注意事項,28,2.5. I hope.為何不用I wish.,因為wish通常指這件事實 現的可能性很小.例如. I wish I can fly in sky. 2.6不要再用Your prompt response will be highly appreciated. 或 I would highly appreciate your prompt response. 這類 文字用在

28、follow-up文件根本是裝飾 品. 2.7.常見 的錯誤: 2.7.1. 簡 (縮)寫 Bst rgrds, - 對方看到這種結語,只會覺得You really like a busy person. 2.7.2.不當 寫: REGARDS, Best Regards - 對歐美語系國家字母大寫文句通常是想強 調某件事,這種大寫 結尾讓人感覺你是很生氣的結束本文喔!,五. E-MAIL 常用英文及注意事項,29,2.7.3.Truly yours: 這通常是LOVER間才會用到,所以千萬別表錯情囉! 2.7.4.Thanks and best regards: 多禮的中國人最常犯的錯誤Th

29、anks只用於本文,並不適合用來和regards合併使用. 3. 商業書信中的reminder文件有提醒及催促的作用: 3.1.常用開場白如例句.Just a reminder to you that Just a note to confirm you will be . Im just writing to remind you of 或直接在標題列以及正文中註明“reminder”這個 字,可以幫助收信人快速進入狀況.,五. E-MAIL 常用英文及注意事項,30,五. E-MAIL 常用英文及注意事項,3.2.假若你發此信的目的是提醒對方原先協議已變 更, 建議你可以將新的內容/條款單

30、獨一個 段落特別敘述,或者也可將其用全部大寫 以及文字加底線 的方式來強 調,提醒對方特別意.example Please note we had originally This location is different from the one we had previously discussed on the phone. Theres been a CHANGE ! Please re-mark your calendars 3.3.當 你發出一份Reminder時, 若需要對方作一個 confirmation的動作,可在結束語使用下列例句提醒收信人注意. Would you ple

31、ase reply to this email if you plan to attend? If we dont hear from you by May 6, we will assume you will be unable to join us in this effort.,31,五. E-MAIL 常用英文及注意事項,4.Postponements 文件: 4.1.Example:看看Nicole如何向James要求暫緩 目前的Training Dear James, I apologize for not replying sooner. Christine is back th

32、is week. After we discussed the Management training with our production managers, we are afraid we have to postpone this training due to the recent economic downturn and sales below our projections. Because of this, we are utilizing our financial and time resources in other areas at this time. Produ

33、ction management prefers to postpone this training until at least the 2nd quarter of 2002.,32,五. E-MAIL 常用英文及注意事項,Your patience and cooperation are highly appreciated. I will inform you at the appropriate time to reschedule this training. Best regards Nicole 4.2.常犯的錯誤: I apologize you for not replyi

34、ng you sooner .正確應是 I apologize for not replying sooner to you.,33,五. E-MAIL 常用英文及注意事項,Data Source : e-mail of English 1. If you have any concern please come to me directly w/o hesitation. 2. If you have any question, please keep free contact me at any time. 3. Looking forward to cooperating with yo

35、u in the future. 4. wed like to take a review meeting to deal with these goods . 5. Thanks for your reminder. I really appreciated your kind support in pass months . 6. The first important thing is to get all key parts delivery schedule from vendor. 7. If there is any difficulty, Please highlight wi

36、th aloud.,34,五. E-MAIL 常用英文及注意事項,8. Highly appreciated to your good news . 9. With such condition, its too risky for us to prepare the other material except for touchpad as all of these may become dead-stock 10. MC job function is to well control material to meet production plan no matter what probl

37、em happen ,you should remove all issues impacting our material demand,of course you have the right to ask someone who can solve the issue to support you, but not use the wrong way against our system operation & enterprise culture.dont just highlight the issue or you will loss your existing value !,35,End of the performance Thanks for your attention,本文来自网络,请不要使用盗版文档,尊重作者的辛苦劳动,谢谢 G 我爱朱丹老婆 20100808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080,Lvdd我爱你ZDLP,


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