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1、全民英語能力分級檢定測驗 中級初試聽力測驗 第五回 模擬試題,本試題參考書目 中級初試模擬試題測 東華書局出版,For question 1 and 2, please look at picture A. Question 1. What do you see here? A famous place. B. A street corner(街角). C. A street stand(路邊攤). D. A vending machine(販賣機).,Question 2. Which sentence best describes this picture? A. Business as

2、usual(如往常一樣). B. Business is slow(生意清淡). C. Business is war(商場如戰場). D. Business is pretty good.,For questions 3 and 4, please look at picture B. Question 3. What kind of sign(標誌) would you most likely see in this place? Be careful! Wet paint!(小心!油漆未乾) B. Do not cross the line(越線). C. No running!(不可奔

3、跑) D. Please be quiet at all times.,Question 4. What are they most probably saying? Whos Picasso? (畢卡索) B. Thats fantastic. C. I love this program. D. Hes very good looking.,For questions 5 and 6, please look at picture C. Question 5. What kind of movie are they probably watching? A. A comedy. 喜劇片 B

4、. A drama. 劇情片 C. A romance. 愛情片 D. An action movie.動作片,Question 6. Which announcement(廣播) would you most Likely hear in this place? We should be landing(着陸) at about 6pm local time(當地時間). B. There are four emergency exits(緊急出口) on this plane. C. Warning: Some people may find this movie humorous(幽默

5、、爆笑). D. Thank you for turning off(關閉) your cell phone(手機).,For questions 7 and 8, please look at picture D. Question 7. Whats the customer(顧客) going to ask? A. Do you have any change(零錢) ? B. Have you changed? C. How much do I weigh(稱重量)? D. How many pennies (penny 一分錢) are there in a dollar?,Quest

6、ion 8. Who is the man standing behind the counter? Hes a counter. 會計師 B. Hes a cashier. 收銀員 C. Hes salesman. 推銷員 D. Hes a manager.,For question 9, please look at picture E. Question 9. Which statement(敘述) matches(切合) this picture the best? They are all staying inside today. B. The waiter will take t

7、hem to a table. C. The couple recently got married. D. They are looking for a new apartment.,For question 10, please look at picture F. Question 10. Which statement matches this picture the best? A. It must be rush hour(尖峰時間). B. It must be winter vacation(寒假). C. This is Hsin Tien Station, the term

8、inal station(終點站). D. Its convenient.,For questions 11 and 12, please look at picture G. Question 11. Where are these people? In a parking lot(停車場). B. In a forest. C. In a botanical garden(植物園). D. On public transportation(公共交通).,Question 12. What sign would you most likely see in a place Like this

9、? A.Do not leave children unattended. (要隨時注意身邊的 小孩) B. Do not pick the flowers(摘折花). C. No right turn(右轉). D. You may not take pictures (照相)inside this temple(廟).,For question 13 and 14, please look at picture H. Question 13. Where are these children from? Theyre from Spain. B. They must be from the

10、 Philippines. C. Theyre from Canada. D. They must be from Australia.,Question 14. Which statement is not true? Its the wintertime(冬天時節). B. They are skiing(滑雪). C. They are making a snowman. D. The weather is cold and snowy(下雪).,For question 15, please look at picture I. Question 15. Which statement

11、 is true? .Its Sunday afternoon. B. Not many people like to shop at this store. C. Its a weekday(平日、週日). D. The beds here must be overpriced(價格過高).,第二部分:問 答 Question 16. Was Janet at the meeting this morning? Yes, we were. B. No, she isnt. C. She met her husband this morning. D. No, she wasnt.,Quest

12、ion 17. What happened to John? He was in Japan for two weeks. B. Not much, thank you. C. Hes quitting (quit 停止、辭去) his job. D. He hurt his ankle(腳踝) playing tennis. 從頭到腳: Cheek, chin, forehead, chest, Waist, wrist, elbow, thigh, belly, sole, Ankle, hip.,Question 18. Excuse me. Is there a convenience

13、 store (便利商店)around here? No, sorry. I dont. B. I have two. C. Yes, there is. D. They are next to the police station(警察局).,Question 19. Do you want to study together for our math test? A. Sure. That sounds good. B. No good ideas. C. Tomorrow at 9 am. D. OK. See you later.,Question 20. Is that your d

14、og? Its my old one. B. These are not mine. They are his. C. Of course, its a dog. D. It is.,Question 21. Excuse me. Is anyone sitting here? Sorry, its not for sale. B. You first. C. Thats OK. D. Sorry. My friend just went to the bathroom for a minute.,Question 22. How much is it for two of them? A.T

15、heyre seven dollars each. B. Its free. C. If you buy ten you get one free. D. Our tuna sandwich(鮪魚三明治) costs two dollars and forty-nine cents.,Question 23. Its already midnight. Happy New year. B. I dont know. C. I know. I just checked my watch. D. I just checked my e-mail.,Question 24. See you late

16、r. Stay in touch. (See you=see you later=再見) (stay in touch=keep in touch保持聯絡) A. OK. Ill call you next week. B. I wrote you a letter last month. C. OK. Im calling you now. D. I know. I just called you.,Question 25. I think youd better go see a doctor. A. Thats right. B. Perhaps youre right. C. Its

17、not that cereal(榖類碎片). D. Im always too serious(嚴肅).,Question 26. Have you done your homework? I only wash the dishes. B. Yes, I have. C. It was easy. D. My mother does it because my father works.,Question 27. Your boss sounds terrible(聽起來很糟糕)! I think you should quit and get another job. A. Thanks

18、for the advice. B. But I like my classmates. C. That sounds like fun. D. Thanks for your invitation.,Question 28. Where is the restroom? Theres a fast food place across the street. B. Its down the hall on the right. C. Lets just eat at home tonight. D. There are restaurants everywhere in Taipei.,Que

19、stion 29. How will you be paying for that today, sir? (pay for 付款) By subway. 搭地鐵 B. By credit card. C. By the way. 順便一提 D. By myself.,Question 30. Where in Taiwan are you from? A. Im from Tai Chung. B. Im originally (最初、原本)from Taiwan. C. Of course, Im from Kaoshiung. D. Since I was born.,第三部份: 簡短對

20、話 Question 31. W: What size do you wear? M: Size ten. W: OK, here you are. M: That feels pretty comfortable. W: Why dont you try them both on? And then you can get up and walk around. M: OK, I will. Good idea. try on:試穿 get up:站起來,Question : Where is this conversation occurring(happening)? In a drug

21、store. B. In a clothing store. C. In an appliance store(家電行). D. In a shoe store. Size可用號碼2, 4, 6, 8, 或 XS, S, M, L, XL分類,Question 32. M: Are you on? W: I think so. M: Is your helmet on correctly? W: Just a minute. I will have to tighten it. M: How about now? W: OK. We can go.,Question : Whats the w

22、oman doing? Shes riding a subway.(搭乘捷運) B. Shes riding an escalator(手扶梯). C. Shes waiting for an elevator(電梯). D. Shes riding a motor scooter(摩托車).,Question 33. W: What should we get? M: Lets get some dumplings. W: Good idea. And I think I want the hot and sour soup. M: Should we order rice or noodl

23、es? W: Why dont we try the fried rice? I heard its really good. M: Alright. Lets order.,Question : What kind of restaurant are they dining in? An American restaurant. B. A Chinese restaurant. C. A German restaurant. D. A French restaurant.,Question 34. W: How much do you want for this table? M: Our

24、price is NT$25,000. W: And whats the best price you can offer? M: That is the best price I can offer. W: You must be kidding.,Question : What does the woman think? The man is quite funny. B. The man must have several kids. C. The price is reasonable. D. The price is too high.,Question 35. W: What ar

25、e you watching? M: A show about the Great Wall of China. W: How is it? M: Its quite interesting. Did you know it was begun over 2,000 years ago? W:No, I didnt. And I didnt know you like to watch shows like this.,Question : What kind of television program are they talking about? A variety show(綜藝節目).

26、 B. A documentary(紀錄片). C. A palm reader(看手相的 人). D. A world news program. International news國際新聞, Weather report, Soap opera電視影集,TV series連續劇, Puppet show布袋戲,Cartoon network卡通頻道,Question 36. M: OK, so thats one large Italian pizza with extra cheese and no onions, right? W: Yes. M: And would you lik

27、e anything to drink, maam? W: What do you have? M: We have cola, and iced tea. W: Ill have a cola please. M: OK. Your pizza will be there in thirty minutes. W: Thank you.,Question : Which of these statements is not true? The woman doesnt want iced tea. B. This is a telephone conversation. C. The wom

28、an doesnt like onions. D. She wants extra cheese on her Hawaiian pizza.,Question 37. M: How does this work(如何操作)? W: You just choose the size of the paper you want, choose the number here, and then press this green button. M: That sounds easy enough. Thanks. W: Dont mention it.,Question : What are t

29、hey talking about? A computer printer. B. A photocopier.(影印機) C. A camera. D. An ATM.(提款機),Question 38. W: Good evening. M: Hello, I have a reservation. W: Could I have your name, please? M: Its David Thompson. W: OK, Mr. Thompson. Here you are. you are in 402. The elevators are right there.,Questio

30、n : Where is this conversation taking place? At the airport. B. On an airplane. C. In a restaurant. D. In a hotel.,Question 39. M: Whats the score now? W: Its 72 to 65 for New York. M: Come on L.A. ! We need some points! W: I didnt know you were a Los Angeles fan. M: Im not. I just dont like New Yor

31、k.,Question : What sport are they most likely talking about? Baseball. B. Bowling. C. Basketball. D. Volleyball.,Question 40. M: How was the movie? W: It was just OK. M: Oh, I see. What kind of movie was it? W: It was a horror movie. Question : What did the woman think of the movie? It was horrible.

32、 B. It was good. C. It was so-so(還可以). D. It was scary.,Question 41. M: What can I do for you? W: Ill take this cough medicine. M: Anything else? W: Yes, I need some aspirin and some bandages. M: Alright. Make sure you are careful with the cough medicine. Dont take it before you drive. Itll make you

33、 sleepy.,Question : Where are they? At a clinic. B. At a drugstore. C. At a medicine company. D. At a hospital.,Question 42. M: Dont forget your gloves, Jessica. W: I know, Dad. M: And you had better bring your scarf. W: I have it right here. M: And how about your hat? Do you have your hat? W: Will

34、you stop it? Im not five years old, you know?,Question : Which statement is true? Jessica is six years old now. B. The mother is at work. C. It must be cold out. D. Jessica is getting ready to go to school.,Question 43. W: And now we go over to Paul Wilson. (把現場交給) M: Thank you Mary. W: Do you have

35、any good news for us, Paul? M: Unfortunately not, Mary. As you can see from the map, its going to rain all weekend here in Springfield, but it should clear up on Monday morning.,Question : Who is Paul? Hes a reporter. B. Its a weather balloon(氣球、氣象) C. Hes a weatherman.(weather reporter) D. Hes a ma

36、pmaker.,Question 44. W: Everything looks so good. M: I know. Look at that chocolate cake. That looks great. W: I think Id rather buy some cookies. If I buy some, will you help me eat them? M: I think I can help you do that. W: Youre always so helpful. M: I try my best.(我盡量囉!),Question : Which statem

37、ent best matches this dialogue? They are old friends. B. They are married. C. They are shopping. D. They are in a bakery.,Question 45. M: According to this map, theres another museum up this street. W: Another museum? How many museums does this city have? Why dont we go watch a movie? M: A movie? We

38、 could do that at home. Come on. Lets go take a look at this museum and then we can take a break. W: A break sounds good. My feet are sore from walking all day.,Question : What are they doing? A. They are sightseeing(觀光). B. They are enjoying the view. C. They are in Paris. D. They are studying abroad.,解答 第一部份 CDBBA DABDA CBCCA 第二部份 DDCAD DACAB BABBA 第三部份 DDBDB DBDCC BCCDA,


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