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1、Starter测试卷,(时间:45分钟 总分:100分),一、单项选择(15分),( )1.下列各组字母中,属于元音字母的一组是_。,Aa,e,i,o,r Ba,e,i,o,y,Ca,e,l,o,u Da,e,i,o,u,( )2.下列各项中,与字母Ee含有相同元音音素的一项是_。,AFf BDd CAa DIi,( )3.“联合国”的英文缩写是_。,AUFO BUN,CCD DBBC,( )4.在市场上购买衣服时,你看到的表示大、中、小号的字母依次是_。,AS,L,M BM,S,L,CL,M,S DS,M,L,( )5.下午3点,你如何与人打招呼?_,AGood evening! BGood

2、 afternoon!,CGood morning! DGood night!,( )6.Whats this? _ a ruler.,AThis BThats,CIts DIts,( )7.当你赞成某人的意见时,可以说_。,AF BQ COK! DV,( )8.Whats this?,Its _ F.,Aa Ban C/ Dthe,( )9._ is the pen?,Its green.,AWhat color BWhat colors,CWhats color DWhat colors,( )10._,MAP.,AWhats this? BWhat color is it?,CSpell

3、 it,please. DIs this a map?,( )11.This is _ orange._ orange is _ orange.,Aan;A;a Ba;An;a,Ca;A;an Dan;The;/,( )12.我们可以用_铅笔做作业;在数学上,_表示面积,_表示圆的半径。,AHB,S,r B2H,S,r,C2B,r,S DBH,r,S,( )13.This is a pen.Its _ blue pen.,Athe B/ Ca Dan,( )14.This is _ panda.Its _ black and white.,Aa;/ B/;a Ca;a Dan;/,( )15.

4、_ is it?,Its _.,AWhat color;a blue,BWhat color;blue,CWhats color;blue,DWhat;blue,二、完形填空(20分),Helen和Alice相遇。(AAlice HHelen),H: Good _16_,Alice.,A: How _17_ you?,H: Fine,_18_.And you?,A: I am fine,_19_.,H: _20_ that in your bag?,A: _21_ an orange.,H: _22_ is it?,A: Its _23_ orange.,H: Can you spell _2

5、4_,please?,A: Yes.ORANGE.,H: Thank you._25_.,A: Bye!,( )16.A.morning Bafternoon Cevening Dhi,( )17.A.is Bam Care Dbe,( )18.A.thank Bthanks you COK Dthanks,( )19.A.also Ball Ctoo Dboth,( )20.A.What BWhats CHow DHow is,( )21.A.Thiss BThats CIt are DIts,( )22.A.What color BHow CWhat DWhats,( )23.A.an B

6、a C/ Dthe,( )24.A.they Bhe Cyou Dit,( )25.A.Bye BOK CThanks DGood,三、阅读理解(10分),Bob:Hello,Dale.,Dale:Hello,Bob.How are you?,Bob:Im fine,thank you.How are you,Eric?,Eric:Im fine,too.,Bob:Eric,what color is your jacket?,Eric:Its red and blue and its good.,Helen:Good morning!,Bob:Good morning!Whats this?

7、,Helen:Its my (我的) ruler.Its yellow.,请根据对话内容选择最佳答案,( )26._ are fine.,ABob and Dale BBob and Eric,CHelen and Dale DHelen and Bob,( )27.Erics jacket is _.,Ared Bblue,Cred and blue Dyellow,( )28._ ruler is yellow.,ABobs BHelens,CErics DFranks,( )29.Erics jacket is _.,Agood Byellow,Cgreen Dred,( )30.Hel

8、en and Bob meet (遇到) in the _.,Amorning Bafternoon,Cevening DMonday,四、根据汉语提示完成英语句子(10分),31格雷斯,晚上好。,_, Grace.,32这个用英语怎么说?,_ this _?,33弗兰克, 你身体好吗?,_, Frank?,34这件夹克是黄色的。,This_.,35它是一把钥匙。请拼写出来。,_,五、任务型阅读(10分),Whats this? Its a backpack (双肩背包). Its color is blue and white. Whats in it? A pen, a pencil (铅

9、笔), a ruler, and an eraser (橡皮)What_color_are_they? The pen is green. The pencil is red. The eraser is brown. And the ruler is red, too.,36在下面的横线上写出文中所提到的颜色词或词组。,_,37The _ and the _ are red.,38翻译文中画线的句子。,_,39将下面的句子译为汉语。,The blue pen is in the backpack.,40What color is the pen?,六、根据所给汉语意思完成句子,每空填一词(1

10、0分),41那个用英语怎么说?,Whats that _ _?,42这是一个橘子。,This is _ _.,43请拼写jacket。,Please _ “ jacket”,44这支钢笔是什么颜色的?,_ _ is the pen?,45那件夹克衫是红黄相间的。,The jacket is _ and _.,七、根据图画提示完成下列对话(10分),46. 47.,48.,49. 50.,46Whats this in English?,_.,47_?,Its yellow.,48_?,Hi,Ann!Im OK,thanks.,49_!,PEN.,50Whats this?,_.,八、书面表达(

11、15分),51埃里克与戴尔下午见面,相互问好,询问一件物品(钢笔)用英语怎么说,是什么颜色,如何拼写,请编一段对话(至少八句话)。,Eric用E代替,Dale用D代替。,1D 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.C,11D 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.D 19.C,20B 21.D 22.A 23.C 24.D 25.A 26.B 27.C 28.B 29.A 30.A,31Good evening 32.Whats, in English,33How are you 34.jacket is yellow,35Its a

12、 key. Spell it,please.,36blue and white,green,red,brown.,37pencil,ruler 38.它们是什么颜色?,39蓝色钢笔在双肩背包里。 40.It is green.,41in English 42.an orange 43.spell 44.What color,45red yellow,46Its a UFO 47.What color is the orange,48Hello,Cindy! How are you 49.Spell pen,please,50Its a map,51范文:,E:Good afternoon,Dale!,D:Good afternoon,Eric!,E:Whats this in English?,D:Its a pen.,E:Spell it,please.,D:PEN.,E:What color is it?,D:Its black.,


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