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1、1,励德爱思唯尔信息技术(北京)有限公司,2007年8月,如需中断演示,请按ESC键,MD Consult 十分钟自动演示,2,为什么是MD Consult?,由世界上最大的医学出版社Elsevier倾情奉献; 专门为医院和医生而打造的医学信息咨询平台; 九大版块,内容权威,即时更新,最受信赖; 界面友好,智能检索,聪慧呈现; 还有更多.,缓,3,MD Consult包含哪些内容?,一、首页(Home) 二、参考书籍(Books) 三、医学期刊(Journals) 四、北美临床杂志(The Clinics) 五、病人教育(Patient Education),六、药物库(Drugs) 七、诊疗

2、指南(Guidelines) 八、医学图片(Images) 九、医学新闻(News) 十、继续医学教育(CME),缓,4,一、首页(Home),智能检索栏,热点关注栏,医学新闻与 数据库更新信息栏,缓,5,二、参考书籍(Books),目录框、全书搜索、电邮、收藏、打印, 给您全新的阅读体验!,图书检索栏,目录栏,阅读栏,电邮,收藏,打印,缓,缓,6,二、参考书籍(Books)- 示例1,Cecil Textbook of Medicine 希氏内科学 2004年,第22版,Braunwalds Heart Disease Braunwald心脏病学 2007年,第7版,Campbell-Wal

3、sh Urology 坎贝尔泌尿外科学 2007年,第7版,Sabiston Textbook of Surgery 克氏外科学 2004年,第17版,Millers Anesthesia 米勒麻醉学 2005年,第6版,Williams Textbook of Endocrinology 威廉姆斯内分泌学 2003年,第10版,Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 尼尔逊儿科学 2004年,17版,Campbells Operative Orthopaedics 坎贝尔骨科手术学 2003年,第10版,收录50多本经典的大部头,涵盖到医学的各个学科,让您快速的查阅参考,

4、引经据典。,7,二、参考书籍(Books)- 示例2,Clinical Oncology 临床肿瘤学 2004年,第3版,Rosens Emergency Medicine 罗斯急诊医学 2006年,第6版,Kelleys Textbook of Rheumatology 凯利风湿病学 2005年,第7版,Brenner & Rectors The Kidney 布伦纳-雷克托肾脏病学2004年,第7版,Ferris Clinical Advisor Ferri临床指导 2007年,第9版,Conns Current Therapy Conn氏现代治疗学 2007年,第59版,Textbook

5、 of Family Medicine家庭医学 2007年,第7版,Clinical Dermatology 临床皮肤病学 2004年,第4版,Textbook of Family Medicine家庭医学 2007年,第7版,Otolaryngology 耳鼻喉科学 2005年,第4版,8,二、参考书籍(Books)- 更多哦,Adkinson: Middletons Allergy 米德尔顿变态反应学,2003第6版 Rakel: Integrative Medicine 结合医学,2003第1版 Goldberger: Clinical Electrocardiography 临床心电学

6、,2006第7版 Park: Pediatric Cardiology for Practitioners 实用儿科心脏学,2002第4版 Auerbach: Wilderness Medicine 户外医疗,2001第4版 Ford: Clinical Toxicology 临床毒物学,2001第1版 Roberts: Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine 急诊医学临床操作,2004第4版 Noble: Textbook of Primary Care Medicine 基层医疗,2001第3版 Feldman: Sleisenger & For

7、dtrans Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease S&F食道与肝病学,2006第8版 Duthie: Practice of Geriatrics 实用老年病学,1998第3版 Hoffman: Hematology 血液学,2005第4版 Cohen & Powderly: Infectious Diseases 传染病学,2004第2版 Gershon: Krugmans Infectious Diseases of Children 克鲁格曼儿科传染病学,2004第11版 Long: Principles and Practice of Pediatri

8、c Infectious Diseases 儿科传染病学理论与实践,2003第2版 Mandell, Bennett, & Dolin: Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases 传染病学理论与实践,2005第6版 Ferri: Practical Guide to the Care of the Medical Patien 患者治疗实践指南,2007第7版,Piccini & Nilsson: The Osler Medical Handbook 奥斯拉医学手册,2006第2版 Goetz: Textbook of Clinical Ne

9、urology 临床神经病学,2003第2版 Gabbe: Obstetrics - Normal and Problem Pregnancies, 产科学:正常与异常妊娠,2002第4版 Stenchever: Comprehensive Gynecology 妇产科学大全,2001第4版 Yanoff: Ophthalmology 眼科学,2004第2版 Browner: Skeletal Trauma 骨创伤,2003第3版 DeLee: DeLee and Drezs Orthopaedic Sports Medicine DeLee and Drezs矫畸运动医学 Green: Sk

10、eletal Trauma in Children 儿科骨创伤,2003第3版 McPherson & Pincus: Henrys Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods, 亨利临床诊断和治疗实验室方法,2006第21版 Johns Hopkins: The Harriet Lane Handbook 哈里特儿科手册,2005第17版 Frontera: Essentials of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 物理治疗与康复精要,2002第1版 Jacobson: Psych

11、iatric Secrets 精神病学精要,2001第2版 Moore & Jefferson: Handbook of Medical Psychiatry 精神病学手册,2004第2版 Grainger & Allisons Diagnostic Radiology: A Textbook of Medical Imaging, 格兰杰诊断放射学,2001第4版 Mettler: Essentials of Radiology 放射学精要,2005第2版 Khatri: Operative Surgery Manual 外科手册,2003第1版,缓,9,三、期刊(Journals),期刊检

12、索,期刊高级检索,检索涵盖 Medline哦!,期刊目录,知名期刊 重点文章摘要,缓,缓,10,四、期刊(Journals)- 浏览界面,过刊查询目录,当期期刊目录,提供PDF全文 下载哦!,缓,11,四、期刊(Journals)收录举例,缓,12,四、期刊(Journals)收录名单,Adolescent Medicine American Family Physician American Heart Journal The American Journal of Cardiology American Journal of Emergency Medicine American Jour

13、nal of Gastroenterology American Journal of Kidney Diseases The American Journal of Medicine American Journal of Medicine Supplements American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology American Journal of Ophthalmology American Journal of Sports Medicine American Journal of Surgery Anesthesiology Annals

14、of Emergency Medicine Annals of Family Medicine Canadian Medical Association Journal Chest Clinical Cornerstone Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine Critical Care Medicine Disease-A-Month Evidence-based Cardiovascular Medicine Evidence-based Health Policy & Management Evidence-based Healthcare and

15、Public Health Evidence-based Healthcare: A Scientific Approach to Health Policy Evidence-based Obstetrics & Gynecology,Evidence-based Oncology Family Practice Management Gastrointestinal Endoscopy General Hospital Psychiatry Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Journal of Clinical Anesthesia J

16、ournal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism The Journal of Mens Health & Gender Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology Journal of Pediatrics Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Journal of the American Acade

17、my of Dermatology Journal of the American College of Surgeons Journal of the American Dietetic Association Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Journal of the American Society of Nephrology The Lancet Infectious Diseases The Lancet Neurology

18、The Lancet Oncology Neurology Operative Techniques in General Surgery Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Pediatric Neurology Urology,都是提供全文下载哦!,缓,13,三、(Journals)中的彩蛋: Mosby Yearbook - 年鉴,Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology Anesthesiology and Pain Management Cardiology Critical Care Medicine Dentis

19、try Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery Diagnostic Radiology Emergency Medicine Endocrinology Family Practice Gastroenterology Hand Surgery Medicine Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine Neurology and Neurosurgery Nuclear Medicine,Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Womens Health Oncology Ophthalmology Orthopedi

20、cs Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Pediatrics Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery Psychiatry and Applied Mental Health Pulmonary Disease Rheumatology, Arthritis, and Musculoskeletal Disease Sports Medicine Surgery Urology Vascular Surgery,备受赞誉的Mosby年

21、鉴系列,作为评论和总结各个临床学科每年重要发展的权威性参考,是埋藏在(Journal)版块中“彩蛋”! 收录如下:,mdcyb 关键词,检索技巧是 “mdcyb+空格 +关键词”,缓,14,四、北美临床杂志(The Clinics),缓,15,四、北美临床杂志(The Clinics)收录名单,Adolescent Medicine Clinics Anesthesiology Clinics Cardiology Clinics Clinics in Chest Medicine Clinics in Family Practice Clinics in Geriatric Medicine

22、 Clinics in Laboratory Medicine Clinics in Liver Disease Clinics in Perinatology Clinics in Sports Medicine Critical Care Clinics Dermatologic Clinics Emergency Medicine Clinics Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics Gastroenterology Clinics Hematology/Oncology Clinics,Immunology and Allergy Clinics I

23、nfectious Disease Clinics Medical Clinics Neurologic Clinics Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics Ophthalmology Clinics Orthopedic Clinics Otolaryngologic Clinics Pediatric Clinics Primary Care Clinics in Office Practice Psychiatric Clinics Radiologic Clinics Rheumatic Disease Clinics Surgical Clinics

24、Urologic Clinics,作为临床类医学期刊的佼佼者,北美临床医学系列杂志一直为世界临床工作者所瞩目,其针对性地、有效性,权威性更令全球医学工作者所关注。,缓,缓,缓,16,五、病人教育(Patient Education),提供将近10000份病人教育手册,可以按照: 疾病与治疗 药物名称 学科专业 西班牙语 四种方式浏览,缓,17,五、病人教育(Patient Education)示例:,什么是红斑痤疮?,红斑痤疮是如何引起的?谁会得红斑痤疮?,红斑痤疮是否可以被治愈?,红斑痤疮如何治疗?,我如何做才能帮助治疗红斑痤疮?,缓,缓,缓,18,六、药物库(Drugs),由Gold St

25、andard公司提供的药物资源库; 可按照药品名称,适应症,禁忌症和不良反应四种方式浏览; 是全球更新最为勤快的药物库; 即时提供用药安全信息和FDA最新批准信息; 还包括营养药物和营养产品的信息哦,缓,缓,19,六、药物库(Drugs),药品名,适应症,药物相互作用,不良反应,用药安全更新,FDA最新批准信息,缓,缓,四种浏览方式,20,六、药物库(Drugs)- 内容举例:文迪亚,患者须知,适应症与用量,用药方法,禁忌症/注意事项,相互作用,副反应,监测参数,缓,21,七、医学图片(Images),检索,下载,打印超过50000张以上的精美专业医学图片,图表; 提供超链接,与相关图书章节内

26、容呼应,图文并茂; 增强的图片对比(Compare)功能。,缓,22,八、诊疗指南(Guidelines),汇集全球知名医学协会,团体的Guidelines; 提供按照主题,专科,发布机构的三种浏览方式; 即时发布Guidelines更新; 是您查询,跟进Guideline的一站式解决方案!,按照主题,按照专业,按照发布机构名称,Guideline 更新,缓,缓,三种方式浏览,23,九、医学新闻(News),每日更新,提供医学各学科的专业新闻; 专业医学新闻排行榜 免费订阅每周医学新闻Email (Newsletter); 跟踪世界四大医学杂志和其他知名期刊,提供重要文章摘要,让您快速把握医学

27、发展潮流: The Journal of the American Medical Association (美国医学会杂志) The New England Journal of Medicine (新英格兰医学杂志) The Lancet (柳叶刀) British Medical Journal(英国医学杂志) 。,浏览方式,定制学科新闻,定制的学科新闻,近期热点新闻排行,上周新闻排行,注册免费新闻Email,知名期刊本周 重要文章摘要,缓,缓,24,九、医学新闻(News)-免费新闻Email展示,本周医学新闻,本周知名期刊热点,本周药物新闻,本周热点好文,每周一封这样的免费email

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