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1、如何提高我们的基础写作,How to improve the basic writing,湛师附中 林晓韵,Learning objectives (学习目标),Make a discussion to correct the basic writing in a group (互改作文提高句子写作能力),基础写作的考查方向:(明确目标),基础写作主要考查同学们对英语基本句型的运用, 整合知识的能力和语言结构安排及基本表述的能 力此题基本不要求考生对写作内容进行发挥, 只需将所给信息完整准确连贯地写出就可以了 其实际上就是翻译和连词成句,扩句成文的形式,基础写作 (来自单元测验卷) 请根据以下

2、的情景说明,使用5个规范的英语句子描述全部所给的信息内容. 写作内容 写一篇记叙你的英语老师Miss Michelle 1. Miss Michelle 来自加拿大,教我们英文. 2. Miss Michelle 今年28岁,身材修长,金发碧眼,参加过中国许多名胜古迹. 3. Miss Michelle教学有方,课堂生动有趣,严格要求学生,耐心回答学生问题. 4. 下月Miss Michelle 将要离开中国回加拿大. 写作要求 只能用5个句子表达全部的内容 评分标准 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯,试卷作文情况分析,本作文贴近生活,能考查学生的基本语言表达能力!,学生答卷分析,学生

3、基本能按照写作要求完成写作任务,但是存在着严重的中文思维和中国英语情况,最薄弱的环节是基础词汇拼写错误。,改错独立完成,S1: Miss Michelle is come from Canadian, she teach our English. S2: Miss Michelle is 28 year old, she has a long body, gold hair and green eyes. S3: She joined in many China interest of place. S4: She teach is good, it is interesting, and s

4、he happy to answer our questions. S5: Next mouth, she leave China to Canada.,经典错误代表作归纳错误类型(小组活动),S1:Miss Michelle cames from and she teached our English. S2:She is 28-years old, tall, she have yellow hair and green eyes, and she visited many Chinese interesting place. S3:Miss Michael is good at teac

5、hing, the classes of her are very interesting. S4:she is patient answering classmates questions. SadlyS5:Miss Michael will leave China to come back to Candana in next mouth. S6:We will miss her in the future.,存在问题总结:方法点拨,1.单词拼写错误,动词的过去式过去分词拼写有误。 2.时态运用不当。 3.人称特别是主谓不一致。 4.信息不完整或多余。 5.句子结构错误。 6.缺乏一些好句

6、型。 避免中文式英语的最佳途径: 加强朗读,背诵!,优秀代表作 (找出好的地方),Miss Michael, who is a girl of 28 years old, is very tall and has golden hair and blue eyes. She comes from Canada and teaches us English. Interested in China, she has visited many places of interest in China. Miss Michael is good at teaching so that we all f

7、eel happy and funny in her class. Though she is very strict with us, she answers our questions in patience. It upset us that Miss Michael is leaving for Canada next month.,范文 青出于蓝(分析亮点),Miss Michael, aged 28, is a fairly tall Canadian girl teacher with fair hair and blue eyes, who has been to many p

8、laces of interest since she came to China. She is a good teacher, who always makes her classes lively and interesting by her curious way of teaching. She is strict with us but is always warm-hearted and ready to help us with our questions. However, she will return to Canada. We like her and will mis

9、s her a lot.,基础写作:写作步骤,)确定标题(如果题中要求写标题就确定标题,若题中没做要求则可以不写),)写出要点(如:文中涉及到的重点词汇,短语及句型),)仔细审读写作要求和写作内容,)列提纲(列提纲的过程实际上是一个谋篇布局,把内容要点按恰当合理的顺序排列,使文章条理,通顺的过程,)认真书写,6)复查(复查的项目包括:格式是否正确,内容是否完整, 表达是否准确,行文是否连贯等),评分标准,1.句子结构准确 2.信息内容完整 3.篇章结构连贯 4C 原则 准确性 完整性 复杂性 连贯性,再次实践限时作文,在日常生活中,因特网起着越来越重要的作用。请根据以下提示,为某英文报纸写一篇题为 About the Internet 的征文稿。 因特网的主要用途: 资讯:看国内外新闻,获取其他信息 通讯:发e-mail, 打电话 学习:上网校学习,阅读各种书籍,自学外语 娱乐:欣赏音乐,观看体育比赛,玩棋牌游戏 生活:购物、聊天、交友等;,homework 作业,6,.读熟甚至背诵范文 .以小组为单位, 每小组抽出2个人的 作文一起更改。,Thanks for your attention!,


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