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1、Unit 6 Shopping Lesson 12,To the Supermarket,To the supermarket, To the supermarket, To buy a sweater and a jacket. To the supermarket, To the supermarket, To buy a football and a racket. To the supermarket, To the supermarket, To buy a robot and a basket.,Question 1: Where are they? Question 2: How

2、 much are the goods(商品)? Question 3: Whats the meaning of “Heres the money”? Question 4: Whats the meaning of “Heres the change”?,Answer: They are in the supermarket.,Answer: Ninety-five yuan.,Answer: 给你钱.,Answer: 给你找的钱.,Game: 谁最快 请每位同学拿出事先准备好的写有money 和 change 的两张纸片,全班起立,以小组为单位,每组的第一排左边位的同学说Heres th

3、e money并将money纸片传给同桌,同桌接过纸片说Heres the change,并将写有change的纸片给左边的同学,完成后坐下,以此类推,用时最少的小组获胜得分。,Picture 1: Can I help you, Madam? Yes, I need two fish.,Picture 2: How much is it? Its forty-eight yuan. Do you want one? Yes, please.,Picture 3: How much is it? Thirty-eight yuan. Heres the money. Thanks. Heres

4、 the change, Bye!,Game: 购物棋 将全班分为Group A (1,2组) Group B (3,4组) ,每组一份购物清单,每组请一位同学当售货员S,一位同学投掷股子,其余同学做顾客C,每组都有四次投掷股子的机会。 如果该商品在购物清单里,那么该组的顾客进行购物对话后可顺利买到物品并累计积分: S: Can I help you? C: Yes, I need a .How much is it? S: yuan. C: Heres the money. S: Heres the change. 如果该商品不在购物清单里.则无法得到积分: S:Can I help you

5、? C: Yes, I need a. How much is it? S: Sorry, we have not the C: Ok, thank you. 最后积分的积分累积到小组的成绩中。,Pair Work 请同学以超市,书店,水果店,玩具店为背景准备购物对话(选择其中一个即可),参考句型: Can I help you? /What can I do for you?/What do you need? Yes, I need What about? / How about? Thats nice. / Good idea. How much is it? Itsyuan. Do y

6、ou want one? Ok, Ill take it./ Yes, please. Heres the money. Heres the change. Thank you./ Good bye.,1. Words line up 排队 money 钱 change 找的钱 2. Sentences How much is it? Ninety-five yuan. Heres the money. Heres the change. Thanks, bye. 3. Pronunciation igh light right night ea head bread sweater breakfast weather,1听P55的录音3遍 2. Activity Book Lesson 12 3. Recite Lesson 12 4. Review Unit 6,Homework,


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