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1、,洛利金石织锦系列艺术品,,第一位实践于作品产品化的著名品牌女作家 刘世锋于2005年创办世锋创意文化艺术中心,成功推出洛利系列玉器、藏传佛教“马头明王”系列护身符、洛利宗教系列珠宝、金石国学系列藏书等收藏拍卖级艺术品 此次特邀参展作品为:两岸合璧版富春山居图全卷;全球首例纯金石织锦吴兴赋(两幅作品均已被浙江博物馆收藏);首例金石真丝交织织锦兰亭序,Roleigh Gold Stone Brocaded Artworks,,The first woman writer who commoditizing literature works In 2005, Liu Shifeng founded

2、 Shifeng Art and Culture Studio and ever since successfully developed Collection and auction leveled artworks such as Roleigh Jade Series, Tibetan Buddha Hayagava Series Amulets, Roleigh Religious Jewlries and Gold Stone Brocaded Chinese traditional books The exhibited auctions are: the complete ver

3、sion of the two sides of Taiwan Straits, the worlds first gold stone brocaded roll (these two have been collected by Zhejiang Provincial Museum), and the worlds first gold stone and silk brocade roll,洛利金石织锦书画艺术品简介,洛利金石系列书画艺术品,是由著名品牌女作家刘世锋创办的“世锋创意文化艺术中心”从艺术创意和产品原料入手,率先支持中国原创的自主知识产权高技术纤维产业所实现的全球首例融岩长丝

4、类中国传统书画艺术品。 洛利金石艺术品做为第一例将文化、艺术、宗教和科技与时尚品牌完美结合的高端藏品,金石织锦画的研发成功将对唐卡字画文献类的收藏与保存起到防水火虫蛀的革命性作用!“我们将使保贵的艺术财富海枯石烂不变,更赋予洛利宗教艺术品石来运转的吉祥永恒的品牌理念。并且可率先将LED防伪技术应用于我们的艺术品装裱产品上,实现真正意义上的收藏与限量概念。 艺术珍藏品-纯金石织锦吴兴赋和两岸合璧版富春山居图日前巳由浙江博物馆收藏。由“世锋文化”历时一年时间研发成功的全球首例洛利金石织锦书画的问世,将为中国传统书画艺术品与国学典籍的收藏与传承展开新的画卷,为书画藏品市场注入新时代的科技元素。,,R

5、oleigh Gold Stone Brocaded Artworks,Created by Shifeng Art and Culture Studio founded by the famous Chinese woman writer Liu Shifeng, Roleigh Gold Stone Brocaded painting and calligraphy artworks are worlds first lava filament artworks series of Chinese traditional painting and calligrahy. It is bas

6、ed on a high fiber technology, one of Chinas original independent intellectual properties. As the worlds first high-leveled collection artworks combined with culture, art, religion and technology, Roleigh Gold Stone Brocade painting and calligraphy artworks are waterproof, fireproof and anti-moth. T

7、hus the success of Roleigh Gold Stone Brocade painting and calligraphy artworks will play a revolutionary role for the preservation and collecting of Thangka, painting and calligraphy works. This will make the treasured artworks eternal, further, Roleighs brand principle of eternal luck will be bett

8、er delivered. The LED anti-counterfeiting technology will be used for the framing in order to make the artworks more valuable as limited eitions. The treasured pure gold stone brocaded artworks of the famous calligraphy work and the famous painting work have been collected by Zhejiang Provincial mus

9、eum. With one years effort, Shifeng Art and Culture Studio has successfully developed the worlds first Roleigh Gold Stone Brocaded artworks. Has poured new technology into the painting and calligraphy collection market, the success of Roleigh Gold Stone Brocaded Artworks has opened up a new era for

10、the collecting and inheritting of the Chinese traditional painting and calligraphy artworks.,,富春山居图两岸合璧版金石全卷,长642cm 宽32cm,(已由浙江博物馆收藏),,富春山居图两岸合璧版金石全卷,富春山居图,始画于至正七年(1347),于至正十年完成。 虽黄公望晚年定居今富阳市境内,但画卷内容对比宽敞平坦的“富阳江“和山峰峻奇峡谷雄伟的“桐庐江“,就可得知,富春山居图所画内容约80%在桐庐境内富春江的景色,20%为富阳的景色. 富春山居图是黄公望82岁时为无用师所绘,用三、四年时间才画成,画

11、面表现出秀润淡雅的风貌,气度不凡,以浙江富春江为背景,是黄公望的代表作。 明朝末年富春山居图传到收藏家吴洪裕手中,吴洪裕极为喜爱此画,每天不思茶饭的观赏临摹。甚至在临死前下令将此画焚烧殉葬,幸被吴洪裕的侄子及时从火中抢救出,但此时画已被烧成一大一小两段,前段较小,称“剩山图”;后段画幅较长,称“无用师卷”。乾隆年间,一幅富春山居图被征入宫,乾隆皇帝爱不释手,但在隔年又一幅富春山居图进入清宫。前者称“子明卷”是后人伪造;后者是“无用师卷”,这才是黄公望的真迹。但乾隆皇帝认定“子明卷”为真,并在假画上加盖玉玺,并和大臣在留白处赋诗题词,将真迹当赝品处理。直到近代学者翻案,认为是乾隆皇帝搞错了。从而

12、保住了一个完整的无用师卷。 “剩山图”今天收藏于浙江省博物馆,而富春山居图“无用师卷”则藏于台北故宫博物院。,, the complete version of the two sides of Taiwan Straits, the auction is a complete version of the broken two parts collected by the two sides of Taiwan Straits. , one of the most distinguished Chinese painting works, was started by Gongwang Hu

13、ang in the year of 1347 , the 7th year of the period of Zhizheng. And it was finished three years later The artist Gongwang Huang lived in the city now called Fuyang in his late years, but bycomparing the spacious and flat River area at Fuyang with the steep mountain and the grand valley at Tonglu,

14、a conclusion comes out that 80% of was drawn around Fuchun River at Tonglu, and the rest 20% was the landscape of Fuyang. was drawn for Wuyong Master when Gongwang Huang was 82 years old, it took him three tofour years to finish it. Taking Fuchun River in Zhejiang Province as thepainting background,

15、 Gongwang Huang delivered a remarkable grace in this workwith a simple, elegant and beautiful painting style. Further, has been seen as the representative work of Gongwang Huangs. At the late years of the Ming Dynasty, was spread to Hongyu Wu, a collector. Wu loved the painting so deeply that he spe

16、nt whole days staring at the painting and couldnt even think about food or drink. Athis last days he even issued an order to burn the painting as his grave goods. Fortunately his niece saved the painting from the fire when it was broken intotwo parts, the bigger part was named “Wuyong Master roll”,

17、the smaller part was named “Left Mount Roll”. At the period of the Emperor Qianlong, a painting named was collected by the Emperor Qianlong, and soon became Qianlongs beloved painting work. However the next year another was gifted to the palace of the Qing dynasty. The first one named “Ziming Roll”

18、was fake, the second one was the “Wuyong Master Roll” which was the authentic work of Gongwang Huang. However Emperor Qianlong firmly believed that the first one was authentic and stamped with the imperial jade seal. Further he and his ministers composed poems and wrote inscriptions in the blanket p

19、arts ofthe roll. It wasnt until contemporary researchers reversed that Emperor Qianlong made a mistake. Thus the “Wuyong Master Roll” was fully preserved upto today. Nowadays the “LeftMount” is collection in Zhejiang Provincial Museum, while the “Wuyong MasterRoll” is one in the Palace Museum in Tai

20、bei.,,吴兴赋全球首例纯金石织锦,长269cm 宽32.2cm,,吴兴赋全球首例纯金石织锦,吴兴赋是赵孟頫书法作品中的得意之作,且其所书之内容出于本人结撰,仅就后者而言,在其传世作品中也是极为罕见的。据他于卷后之自跋可知,此赋乃赵孟頫二十余岁所为,是其早期文学代表作品(后被列入松雪斋集之开卷第一篇)。在吴兴赋中,作者不无自豪地讴歌了家乡之富饶美丽,又列数历代之才俊名彦,还对故乡的漓淳朴民风作热情赞誉。大德六年,赵孟頫49岁,正任江浙等处儒学提兴。此时,他已于宦海沉浮十数年。故里情深,乡情难忘。吴兴山水清远,无时无刻不萦绕心头,难以去怀,因将此赋创作成为书法作品。此作书于绢上,因而墨色苍润,

21、时见经纬,具有宣纸所无法体现的笔墨效果,允称是赵氏书法中得心应手,不可多得之上品。此卷原为北京故宫博物院所藏。1955年,经著名书法家沙孟海先生之联系相商,始入藏浙江省博物馆至今。,, the worlds first gold stone brocade roll,As one of the greatest works of Mengfu Zhaos calligraphy, is also a written work composed by Mengfu Zhao, making the calligraphy work a rarely seen exceptional one of

22、 all his works which have been handed down from ancient times. The stamp at the end of the roll shows the rhapsody was composed at his twenties, and it is seen as a representative work at his early ages. Through , Mengfu Zhao proudly expressed his great love to his hometown, listed talents from the

23、past dynasties, and commended the unsophisticated folk customs at his native place. In the 6th year of the period of Dade, when Mengfu Zhao is 49 years old, there raised up a trade of confusion learning. By then he had been working for the government for decades. His nostalgia made his hometown a me

24、mory he couldnt let go. The gorgeous landscape was so far away and memorable that he remade the rhapsody a calligraphy work. Because it was made on the thin and tough silk, the color of the ink looked glossy, creating an affect that the rice paper could not present. Thus it is indeed an exceptional

25、work of Zhaos calligraphy. This calligraphy work used to be a collection of The Palace Museum of Beijing. Since 1955, under the effort of the well-known calligrapher Mr. Menghai Sha, it has been a collection of Zhejiang Provincial Museum till today.,,兰亭序全球首例金石真丝交织织锦,长212.5cm 宽42cm,,兰亭序全球首例金石真丝交织织锦,兰

26、亭集序又名兰亭宴集序、兰亭序、临河序、禊序和禊贴。东晋穆帝永和九年(公元353年)三月三日,王羲之与谢安、孙绰等四十一位军政高官,在山阴(今浙江绍兴)兰亭“修禊”,会上各人做诗,王羲之为他们的诗写的序文手稿。兰亭序中记叙兰亭周围山水之美和聚会的欢乐之情,抒发作者好景不长,生死无常的感慨。,, the worlds first gold stone and silk brocade roll,In the late spring of the ninth year of the reign Yonghe, AD 353, Xizhi Wang and a number of celebritie

27、s gathered together at the Orchid Pavilion in Shanyin (Nowthe city of Shaoxing in Zhejiang Province) to celebrate the Water Festival. During the meeting, attendees composed poems to express their emotions, while XizhiWang wrote drafts in Chinese calligraphy of those poems, conducting a collection wo

28、rk which passed on both Xizhi Wangs treasured calligraphy handwriting and those poets poetic talents. describes thebeautiful sightseeing around the Orchid Pavilion, conveys the happiness offriends gather, and also embodies their emotions that good time does not endure for long and the impermanence of living and death.,,Thanks,,


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