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1、新目标八年级英语上册寒假作业练习一一、重点单词1任何人 (pron.) _ 2.在任何地方 (adv.) _3.精彩的 (adj.) _ 4大多数 (adj.) _5.不多;很少 (adj.) _ 6.某事 (pron.)_7没有什么 (pron.) _ 8.每人 (pron.)_9.我自己 (pron.) _ 10你自己 (pron.) _11.母鸡 (n.) _ 12.猪 (n.)_13似乎;好像 (v.) _ 14.厌倦的 (adj.) _15.某人 (pron.) _ 16日记 (n.) _17.活动 (n.) _ 18.决定 (v.)_19尝试;设法 (v.)_ 20.鸟 (n.)

2、_21.自行车 (n.) _ 22建筑物 (n.) _23.商人 (n.) _ 24.想知道 (v.) _25差别 (n.)_ _ 26.顶部 (n.) _27.等待 (v.) _ 28雨伞 (n.) _ 29.潮湿的 (adj.) _ 30.在下面_31足够的 (adj.) _ 32.饥饿的 (adj.)_33.像一样 (adv.)_ 34小山;小丘 (n.) _35.鸭 (n.) _ 36.不喜爱 (v.)_二、重点短语1待在家里 _ 2.去海滩 _3去夏令营 _ 4.相当多 _5去度假 _6.当然 _7感觉到_ 8.因为 _9尽力做某事 _ 10.试着做某事 _11在过去_12.向上走

3、_13记日记 _ 14.一碗 _15玩得开心_ 16.乘火车_三、重点句子1汤姆好像是一个非常聪明的男孩。Tom _ _ _a very clever boy.2唯一的问题是晚上除了读书没什么事可做。The only problem was that there was _ _ _in the evening but read.3我们决定去旅馆附近的海滩。We decided _ _to the beach near our hotel.4我想知道过去这儿的生活是什么样的。I wonder what life _ _here in the past.5一天的差异是多么大呀!_ _differe

4、nce a day makes!6我的腿太累了以至于我想停下来。My legs were _tired _I wanted to stop.四、单项选择( )1Have you read todays newspaper? No,I havent. Is there _ in it? Asomething important Banything special Cnew anything Dnothing new ( )2Believe in _,Jack!Im sure you can make it. Thank you,Mum. Amyself Byourself Chimself Dh

5、erself( )3Who helped you clean the bedroom yesterday,Kitty? _.I cleaned it all by myself. ANobody BEverybody CSomebody DAnybody ( )4The Greens arrived _ New York _ a sunny day. Ain;in Bat;in Cat;on Din;on( )5Oh,the food smells good. But what does it _ like? Aseem Bsound Ctaste Dfeel( )6What a nice w

6、atch!When _ you _ it? Three days ago. Ado;buy Bdid;bought Cwere;buy Ddid;buy( )7Is your friend Michael still in Australia? I dont know. I have _ information about him because we havent seen each other for _ years. Aa little;a few Blittle;a few Ca few;that Dfew;a little ( )8The Great Wall is _ famous

7、 _ lots of visitors all over the world come to visit it every year. Aso;that Bsuch;that Cenough;that Dvery;that( )9Jane _ to Mount Tai with her family last summer vacation.Ago Bgoes Cwent Dis going ( )10Im going to spend my summer holiday in Hawaii. What a lucky boy!_ And dont forget to send me a po

8、stcard. AThat sounds good. BHave a good time! CGood luck! DCan I go with you? 五、完形填空This week,I asked my classmates about their vacations. Here are some of their answers. Linda _1_ to Sydney,Australia. The _2_ was sunny and the people _3_ friendly to her. She went there by _4_ and the air trip was r

9、elaxing. She went to Sydney Opera House. Itswonderful. She had a _5_ vacation. Alice went _6_ her aunt. At first the weather was _7_ and wet,she had to stay at the house. She watched TV _8_ the TV shows were boring. Later on the weather got better. So she went shopping with her aunt. The shop assist

10、ants were all _9_ and kind. She bought something nice for herself. Peter stayed at home. First he did his homework. It was a little difficult. Then he _10_ computer games. They were interesting. He thought his vacation was OK. ( )1A.comes Bgoes Cwent Dcame ( )2A.place Bweather Cmuseum Dbeach ( )3A.w

11、ere Bwas Cis Dare ( )4A.bike Btrain Cbus Dplane ( )5A.bad Bterrible Cgreat Dboring ( )6A.to visit Bvisiting Clooking Dto look ( )7A.sunny Brainy Cwindy Dwind ( )8A.but Band Cor Dwith ( )9A.friend BImpolite Cunfriendly Dfriendly ( )10A.play Bplayed Clistened Dwrote 六、阅读理解Our family went to the Yellow

12、 Stone National Park last summer vacation. Our son,Tom,wanted to see bears there. And what an experience ( 经历)it was! When we got there,we put up our tent and went to explore (探险)As we returned,we heard our daughter Susie cry out. And then we saw a bear go into our camp. Tom wanted his father to cha

13、se (追赶) it away. His father said,“No.Its dangerous to chase a bear. And dont let it chase you.” Susie said,“What shall we do?Maybe we should climb a tree.” Tom said,“No.We have to get it out of there. It might go to sleep in our tent.” “Maybe we could make it leave if we put some honey outside for i

14、t to eat.” Susie suggested. Then I said ,“How are you going to get the honey?Its in the tent.” We watched the bear go into the tent and heard it upset (翻倒;弄翻) everything inside.“Its foolish for us to try to chase it away.” said my husband,“leave it alone and wait for it to come out.” We waited,but t

15、he bear stayed inside. We had to sleep in the car that night. ( )1Where did the family go on vacation last summer? AThey went to the Central Park. BThey went to Yellow Stone National Park. CThey went to a zoo. DThey just stayed at home. ( )2Tom wanted to go to Yellow Stone National Park to see _. At

16、igers Bwolves Cbears Dbirds( )3Who do you think saw the bear first? ASusie. BTom. CThe writer. DThe writers husband.( )4What did they do when they saw a bear go into their tent? AThey chased the bear away. BThey stayed outside the tent and did nothing. CThey climbed up a tree. DThey put some honey o

17、utside for the bear to eat. ( )5What did the bear do in the tent? AHe ate the honey. BHe chased the people away. CHe drank the beer. DHe turned things upside down. 七、词汇运用. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。1H_ can lay eggs,but cocks cant. 2He got wet in the rain because he didnt have an u_3You can ask _ (任何人) here f

18、or help if you are in trouble. 4Most people _ (不喜欢) selfish men. 5Both of Johns parents are _ (商人)Theyre very busy. 八、短文填空:选择方框中的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。(原创题)try,wonder,seem,bicycle,something,duck,everyone,bored,feed,anywhereI spent my summer vacation with my grandparents,my uncle and aunt at Nellore.

19、It 1._ to be the best time for me.I played with my cousins every day. We rode 2. _,and sometimes we walked on the beach. Therewere some little 3._ in my grandparents home. I 4._ them every day. After a few days,the ducks liked me.And they followed me 5._ I went. It was really interesting. My grandma

20、 6._ to make different kinds of food and drinks for us. Everything she made tasted great. I heard some 7._ stories from my grandpa. When he finished telling a story,he always taught me to learn 8._ from it.I loved all the stories and never felt 9. _But I had to go back to school at last. I said good

21、bye to 10._ there,and my father came to pick me up. I wanted to see them again!九、句子运用. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。1来看这场篮球比赛的人相当多。_people came to watch the basketball game.2因为下雨,我们只能待在家里。We had to stay at home _ the rain.3农场里的一切似乎都很有趣。Everything on the farm _.4我觉得我像一只小鱼。I _I was a small fish.5我真的很享受在镇上漫步。I re

22、ally _ around the town.十、书面表达假如你叫李鑫,上周你和家人一起去了三亚旅游。请你根据下表所提供的信息用英语给你的美国笔友罗丝(Rose)写一封电子邮件,介绍一下这次旅游的情况(邮件的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数)。要求:1.语句通顺,逻辑连贯;2不少于80词。whenLast weekwhereSanyaThe weatherSunny, hotWhat you didWent swimming, went boating, ate sea food参考答案一、重点单词1. anyone 2. anywhere 3. wonderful 4. most 5. fe

23、w 6. something 7.nothing8. everyone 9. myself10. yourself11. hen 12. pig13. seem14. bored15. someone16. diary17. activity18. decide 19. try20. bird 21. bicycle 22. building 23. trader 24. wonder25. difference26. top27. wait28. umbrella29. wet30. below31. enough32. hungry33. as34. hill35. duck36. dis

24、like二、重点短语1. stay at home 2. go to the beach 3. go to summer camp 4. quite a few 5. go on vacation 6 of course 7. feellike 8 because of 9 try to do sth 10 try doing sth. 11 in the past 12 walk up 13 keep a diary 14 one bowl of 15 have a good time 16 take the train三、重点句子1 seems to be 2 nothing much t

25、o do 3 to go 4 was like 5 What a 6 so, that四、单项选择1-5 BBADC 6-10 DBACB五、完形填空1-5 CBADC 6-10 ABADB六、阅读理解1-5 BCABD七、词汇运用1 Hens 2 umbrella 3 anyone 4 dislike 5 traders八、短文填空1 seemed 2 bicycle 3 ducks 4 fed 5 anywhere 6 tried 7 wonderful 8 something 9 bored 10 everyone九、句子运用1. Quite a few 2. because of 3

26、seems to be interesting 4 felt like 5 enjoy walking十、书面表达Dear Rose,Hows it going?Now let me tell you something about my tripLastweek, I went to Sanya with my parents. The weather was sunny and hot, so I went swimming with my parents first. Afterthat, we went boating. We took lots of photos and had a lot of fun. We also ate some sea food. It was very delicious. We stayed there for five days. We had a good timeBest wishes!Yours,Li Xin8


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