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1、2019中考英语阅读理解优练(3)及答案【能力选练】 A(2019中考教育类选练)Next time youre unhappy or complaining about your life, dont turn to a cheerful comedy. You might find a tear-jerking tragedy(催人泪下的悲剧) is just the thing you need to brighten your day. A team of researchers at Ohio State University, US, has found sad movies ca

2、n make people happier, Science Daily reported last month. Many people find tragedies make them realize how good their own lives are, the study showed. “People seem to use tragedies as a way to reflect on the important relationships in their own lives,” said Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick, leader of the

3、study. “Tragic stories often focus on themes of eternal(永恒的) love, and this leads viewers to think about their loved ones and count their good and helpful things.” In the study, researchers gathered 361 college students and showed them the 2007 movie, Atonement. The movie is about two lovers who are

4、 separated(分离) and finally die during World War II. Before and after the movie, the students were asked questions measuring(衡量) how happy they were with their lives. Researchers also asked them before, after and three times during the movie to measure various emotions, including sadness. Researchers

5、 found that the sadder students felt while watching the movie, the more likely they were to think about real people they had close relationships with in life. This increased their happiness after watching the movie. Knobloch-Westerwick explained that negative(消极的) moods make people more thoughtful.

6、“Positive(积极的) emotions show that everything is fine, you dont have to worry, you dont have to think about problems in your life,” she said. “But negative emotions, like sadness, make you think more critically about your situation. So seeing a tragic movie may make you sad, but that will make you to

7、 think more about your own close relationships and appreciate them more.” The link between watching a tragic story and feeling better has long been recognized. The ancient Greeks even had a word for the feeling of happiness after seeing something sad that led to the modern English word “catharsis (宣

8、泄)”. The study also showed that relationships are a very important source of happiness in our lives, so it is no surprise that thinking about your loved ones makes you happier, researchers said. 1. Which of the following about the study of Ohio State University is NOT true? A. Only sadness is measur

9、ed in the study. B. Students emotions are measured by asking questions.C. The study shows relationships are a source of happiness. D. Those who felt sadder when watching the movie were more likely to be happier after that.2. Why are ancient Greeks mentioned in the passage? A. To introduce the meanin

10、g of the word “Catharsis”.B. To explain the importance of knowing how to become happier.C. To prove that they were of high intelligence and guessed its meaning.D. To tell readers the relationship between tragedies and happiness was found long ago. 3. From Knobloch-Westerwicks explanation, we can lea

11、rn that . A. seeing tragedies makes you more thoughtful B. positive emotions make you think more about your relationshipsC. negative emotions show you have no need to think about your situation D. after seeing comedies, you will appreciate your close relationships more4. Which is the title of the pa

12、ssage? A. Watching sad films may start smiles B. There is eternal love in the world C. Its useless to complain about life D. Comedies should make way for tragedies参考答案1A 2D 3A 4A【能力选练】 B2016中考英语阅读理解分类练习:记叙文A 2-year-old boy is being described as a hero after using Face Time to save his mother after s

13、he was badly hurt. According to a report from KGUN, Laura was trying to stop a fight between two dogs when one of the dogs bit part of her middle finger almost completely off. Laura tried to call 911 herself, but she said her hands were too badly hurt to make the call. “I asked my daughters to call

14、911, but theyre four, and they were quite afraid to even touch the phone, because it was covered in my blood.” Laura told KGUN. The mother continued to lose a lot of blood and thought she would go into a deep sleepuntil her 2-year-old son Bentley came up with a dishcloth from the kitchen. After clea

15、ning some of the blood off his mothers iPhone, Bentley continued to use Face Time to call Lauras friend Connie. “All I could see was his little forehead (前额). I said Hi Bentley and it was quiet for a little while. Then I heard Laura shouting.” Connie told KGUN.Connie then called 911, and Bentley unl

16、ocked the door to let firefighters into the house. Laura told KGUN she was very thankful for her little hero and had taught all of her children how to call 911 since then.【小题1】Laura was badly hurt when she was _. Aopening the doorBcooking in the kitchenCmaking a phone callDtrying to stop a dog fight

17、【小题2】Through Face Time, Lauras _ learned about the accident and called 911 at last. AsonBdaughterCfriendDhusband【小题3】The passage is probably taken from _. Aa newspaper Ba posterCa science magazineDa guidebook【能力选练】 C判断正误-阅读理解。许多年前,农民为保护他们的鸡而猎杀了很多老鹰。然而新的问题来了,田里的田鼠猖狂了起来,结果农民的庄稼大多给吃光了。这是怎么回事呢?看看下文你就知道了

18、,但一定要记住:It is important for us to keep the balance of nature. Not many years ago, some farmers were worried because hawks were taking many of their chicken. The farmers didnt know what to do. Finally they went to the country officials and asked for help. “Kill the hawks,” the officials said, “We wil

19、l even pay for them,” so the farmers began to think of ways to kill the hawks. The farmers killed many hawks. They no longer had to worry about their chickens. But they now had a new worry. Field mice were eating up a lot of the farmers grain. How did this happen? Hawks eat not only chickens but als

20、o field mice. They eat more field mice than chickens. But the farmers didnt know this. When they killed a lot of hawks, they changed the balance. When people move into a new place, they often destroy many wild plants. Often these plants are food for the animals. If the animals cant find enough plant

21、s to eat, they will starve or have to leave the place. In one part of the USA, for example the deer there like to eat a certain kind of wild roses. The mountain lions there eat the deer. The number of deer, mountain lions and wild roses doesnt change much if people leave things as they are. But peop

22、le killed many mountain lions in order to protect the deer. Soon there were so many deer that they ate up all the wild roses. Then the deer began to eat the green leaves of young trees. These trees were important to the farmers. So the farmers thought of ways to protect their trees. Now the deer had

23、 nothing to eat, and many of them died. This was another lesson from nature. To keep the balance of nature is important for us to remember. 根据以上短文内容判断正误,正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。1. Finally the officials told the farmers to kill the hawks. 2. Field mice eat not only chickens but also the farmers grain. 3.

24、 When the animals cant find enough plants to eat in a place, they will starve or have to leave. 4. The number of animals changes much if people leave things as they are. 5. It is important for us to keep the balance of nature. 【答案及解析】1. 选T。根据句子 “Kill the hawks,” the officials said. 可知,此题与短文内容相符合,所以可

25、判断为正确。2. 选F。本题句意为“田鼠不仅吃小鸡还吃农民的庄稼”,但由句子Field mice were eating up a lot of the farmers grain. 可知,田鼠只吃庄稼,3. 选T。由句子If the animals cant find enough plants to eat, they will starve or have to leave the place. 可知本题正确。4. 选F。由短文内容可知,如果人们不破坏生态平衡,而顺其自然,则动物的数量不会有多大的改变。故本题与原文不一致,所以判断此题错误。5. 选T。从短文的最后一句To keep th

26、e balance of nature is important for us to remember. 我们知道:保持生态平衡对我们来说是非常重要的。【能力选练】 D(2019中考教育类选练)We all s ee and hear about extraordinary(优秀的) people around us and wonder why we cant be more like them. Its not the big things that make someone extraordinary. Its the small things. They become extraord

27、inary by making a difference in someones life. Here are some of the things extraordinary people do every day:Praise(表扬)someone. It can make the others feel great about themselves. A compliment can have a positive impact(影响) on their lives. Your team or family will love you for it. Its OK to admit(承认

28、) you were wrong. You will not only gain the respect of your team mates, but you will also gain credibility(信用).When you need help, dont be shy or stop yourself. Everyone needs a little help sometimes. When you ask for help, you receive help. Youre willing to listen; you also need support at times.W

29、hen you dont understand how something works, let an expert show you. When you let someone teach you something, you are telling the person that you respect his talent, time and what he is talking about.Sometimes it is very important to stay silent. Especially when youre angry, process your emotions,

30、think back to what happened, and then come to a decision about how to deal with it. Before you say anything, consider others feeling. Never be rude with words or actions.( ) 1. In the passage, how many points about being an extraordinary person does thewriter refer to? A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven. D.

31、Eight.( ) 2. For an extraordinary people, if he makes a mistake, what will he do? A. Praise others. B. Be angry. C. Admit his mistake. D. Stay silent.( ) 3. What makes a person become extraordinary? A. Do some big and great things. B. Some small things. C. Having a lot of money. D. To be a famous pe

32、rson.( ) 4. Something unhappy happens, and you have to make a decision. What shouldnt you do? A. Stay silent. B. Process your emotions. C. Think back to what happened. D. Be rude with words or actions.( ) 5. What is the best title for the passage? A. How to process your emotions. B. How to admit mis

33、takes.C. How to become an extraordinary person. D. How to do more small things. 参考答案1A 2C 3B 4D 5C【能力选练】 E(2019中考保健与健康类选练)How much sleep is enough? To stay in good health, some expert in the US say, adults should get seven to eight hours of sleep. Teenager need nine to ten hours. And pre-school chil

34、dren need more than 10 hours of sleep a night. Experts say the quality(质量)of our sleep becomes poor as we grow older. This happens because the brain unit that controls sleep begins to weaken slowly as we age. Experts say the change starts in our 30s. By the time we reach our 50s, a person may have l

35、ost 50 percent of their ability to have a restful sleep.These people have trouble failing and staying asleep through the night. From middle age on, these problems only get worse, and they can have a bad effect on their health. Signs that show you may not be getting enough sleep.Youre always hungry o

36、r youve got unwanted weight. If you are in short of sleep, certain chemicals in your body will not work well and tell your brain in time that you have eaten enough.You have trouble making decisions. Not having enough sleep may make your brain work slower in problem solving.You have trouble rememberi

37、ng things. Sleep helps prepare the brain for new memories.Your feeling changes unreasonably. People who dont sleep well may feel unable to control their feelings.You are having trouble seeing. If there is a shortage of sleep, you may not be able to see thing as clearly as usual.How to improve your s

38、leep? Here are a few things people can do to get better sleep.Health experts say that exercise and avoiding work on computers make people go to sleep more easily. A cool room is also a good choice for sleeping well.1.What can we learn from the passage?A. With the help of medicine, we can sleep bette

39、r.B. People begin to have sleep problems in their 40s.C. Teenagers usually need more sleep than adults.D. Few people have sleep problems in their late years.2.The underlined word”effect” in the passage is close in meaning to .A. Knowledge B. influence C. excuse D. activity3.According to the passage,

40、 which of the following is NOT a sign that you are not sleeping well?A. You often get hungry. B. Your eyesight is failing.C. You have proper memory D.You always feel tired.4.It is possible that the article is taken from . A. a middle-school textbook B. a scientific reportC. A magazine on health D. an ad in the newspaper参考答案1C 2B 3D 4C 8


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