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1、四川省外语学院重庆第二外国语学校2018-2019学年高一英语上学期第一次月考试题第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What did the woman buy in London?A. A sweaterB. A hatC. A dress2. How does Sara feel now?A. Excited. B. Nervous.C. Upse

2、t.3. What will the woman put on the tables?A. The napkins.B. The forks.C. The glasses. 4. How did the woman get to school today?A. By car.B. By bus. C. By bike.5. Where will the man go for further education?A. To Italy. B. To France. C. To Hungary.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,

3、从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Which place is the post office next to?A. A supermarket.B. A library. C. A bank.7. Whats the time now probably?A. 4:00pm B. 4:10 pm C. 4:30 pm听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What activities are the speak

4、ers preparing for?A. A birthday party. B. A traditional festivalC. A family picnic9. What food will the speakers give up?A. Chips B. Pizza. C. Chicken听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Why does the woman dislike the first place?A. It has a bad view.B. It is quite expensive. C. It is too crowded. 11. What does the

5、 woman say about The Stones?A. It is centrally located. B. It has a good cook. C. It is popular with actors.12. Which place does the woman prefer to go?A. To the Lighthouse. B. To the Harverys B. To the Belleview.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What does the woman think of her performance in the race?D. Satisf

6、ying.E. Disappointing. F. Surprising.14. Where does the woman usually go running?A. On the roads. B. Around a lake. C. Through the woods.15. How many days does the woman train a week? A. FiveB. Six.C. Seven.16. What is the womans hobby?A. Reading.B. SkatingC. Traveling. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Where w

7、ill the trees be planted? A. In Days Road.B. In Carberry.C. In Thomas Street.18. What is the talk mainly about?A. The importance of road safety.B. Changes planned in the area.C. Ways of reducing traffic jams.19. What will appear in Evelyn Street?A. A car -free street.B. A one-way section.C. A red ro

8、adway.20. What will the speaker talk about next?A. What to do for the children. B. Why to widen the sidewalks.C. How to control the cars. 第二部分 阅读理解(共二节 满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ASharon, Aged 22 The most important thing to keep in mind when going in

9、to high school is to be yourself. Besides, I dont know what your middle school was like, but high school teachers will not care about things such as how much homework you already have in one night. Its best to just learn to deal with things and manage your time wisely so you can achieve everything y

10、ou need to.Frank, Aged 21 I think almost every kid feels both nervous and excited before their first day. You will probably love it. I know I did. You should join some sports or activities that will make your high school experience more enjoyable. Good luck!Eddie, Aged 20 When I started high school,

11、 I was really nervous too, especially since I had been homeschooled all through middle school and didnt really know anyone. I suppose the best advice would be to just relax. The first couple of days can be a little bit hard, but things will become easier before you know it.David, Aged 19 Im not goin

12、g to lie. The first day is kind of frightening (令人恐惧的). But youll get used to it. Dont be afraid of anyone; upperclassmen will pick on you more if you let them know youre afraid. Just take it easy. Making some friends and staying with them will greatly help you get used to high school quickly. After

13、 the first week, its really not bad at all. Dont worry.21. What can we infer from Sharon about high school?A. Teachers are quite strict.B. Students often stay up at night.C. Teachers provide little care for students.D. Students should make good use of their time.22. How did Eddie feel on his first d

14、ay of high school?A. Excited. B. Bored.C. Worried. D. Relaxed.23. Who mentions the importance of friends?A. Frank. B. David.C. Sharon. D. Eddie.B When high school student Katie Shipley was born with a serious brain disease, doctors said she wouldnt live to go to school. Now, Katie is not only about

15、to graduate from Southridge High School in Oregon, but she was also named the schools prom (高中毕业舞会) queen. Knowing Katies wishes for prom queen, her friend Courtney Travis began reaching out to find her the prom king she needed to make her a queen. Courtney found Michael Parks, who also thought it w

16、as a great idea.“I really got to know Shipley,” said Michael. “When you take the time to get to know other people, it really gives you a great chance to live for more than yourself.” Courtney took a picture of the couple together and put it on her Twitter, explaining their plans for the prom. “It be

17、came very popular in the school,” she said. Their efforts paid off, and Katie was very excited to be named prom queen.On the day of the prom, Katie wore a very beautiful dress. Her grandmother, Joan Fraley, who also went to the prom, said the night will stay with her always.“I was standing there and

18、 the children were shouting her name,” she said. “They called her name as the new prom queen I started crying. Im greatly thankful to the students of Southridge High School.” Katie repeated that feeling.“I just want to say thank you to my friends for all they did for me. I love you all.”Todd Corsett

19、i, the principal (校长) at Southridge High School said that seeing Katie as prom queen and the energy and help of his students is one of his“proudest moments.”“I think teenagers have great hearts and are really looking to make the world a better place,”Todd said.“As we finish our school year, its a gr

20、eat legacy (遗产) to leave the other classes who come after them.”24. When Katie was born, she _.A. nearly died in hospitalB. wasnt expected to live longC. wasnt supposed to finish high schoolD. caught a disease caused by doctors mistakes25. Hearing about Katies story, Michael _.A. turned to his frien

21、ds for helpB. began to raise money for KatieC. decided to live for others rather than himselfD. was very happy to help Katie realize her dream26. Why did Fraley cry at the prom?A. She felt sorry for Katie.B. She thought of Katies hard life.C. She was invited to Katies graduation.D. She was moved by

22、what others did for Katie.27. What is Todds opinion on the students?A. They are the kindest teens.B. They are the hope of the world.C. They set a good example to others.D. They can do much better in the future.CYou may think there are no differences between British and American people. After all, th

23、ey speak the same language, dont they? If you ask a British or an American person, he will probably tell you that there are differences. And the differences are quite great. What do British people think American people are like? The British think American people are very strange. They make a lot of

24、noise and they laugh too loudly. They are rich, and they only think about money. But the British do say that American people are kind, and friendly people. Theyre happy to help you if you are in trouble. What do Americans think of the British? Well, they think the British are cold and very unfriendl

25、y. They are not interested in success or in making lots of money. They think British is the best country in the world. They look down on other countries. But Americans say that the British are quite hard workers. They are brave and honest. And in time of trouble they face difficulties happily. You c

26、an see that these ideas can cause misunderstanding between the British and Americans. But when American and British people become friends, they usually find things are not as bad as they expected. 28. Are there any differences between British and American people? A. Yes, but the differences are very

27、 small. B. Yes, and the differences are quite great. C. No, there isnt any difference between them. D. Some people think there are, but some people dont think so. 29.What do British people think Americans are like? A. They are selfish. B. They are poor. C. They are strange people. D. They are unfrie

28、ndly.30.What do the Americans think of the British? A. They are cold and unfriendly. B. They are kind. C. They are lazy. D. They are rich. 31.The American and British people usually get along quite well_. A. when they become friends B. when they become enemies C. after they fight D. after they quarr

29、el D Time: 7:00 A.M. Emily Stupi dives into (跳进) the pool. Cold water hits her, and its hard to catch her breath. Pulling her arms through the water, Emily begins her first of eight laps (圈). She wants to complete the triathlon (铁人三项). Emily shakes with cold as she gets out of the pool. Along with t

30、hree hundred other children and adults, she heads into the one-mile run, followed by a four-and-a-half-mile bike ride. The triathlon is being held in Glendale, Arizona, and the temperature is freezing on the late-October morning. But seeing her fathers warm smile makes Emily forget about the cold. E

31、mily feels lucky to have her father here today. Three years ago, doctors discovered that he had skin cancer. His treatments made him feel tired and sick, but he believed he was going to get better. Emily says, “Courage is something that all people have inside, and they use it to make the world a bra

32、ve and happy place. My dad showed great courage when he got cancer.” Emily asked a lot of questions about her fathers illness. Her mom says,“We had a family discussion and gave her all the facts. We talked about what cancer is and how money is raised for aid (援助) and research.” Emily made a promise

33、to herself and to her family that she would compete in the triathlon to raise money to help cancer patients. She trained hard for three months, swimming, running and biking several times a week. She then sent out 150 letters asking for donations (捐赠). Her dad matched the money, and Emily gave $7,000

34、 to the American Cancer Society. Emily says she was nervous on the day of the race. “My stomach felt weak, and the water was cold.” But Emily completed the race and lived up to her promise to help fight cancer.32. What is Emily doing at 7:00 A.M.?A. She is competing in a race.B. She is training for

35、the triathlon.C. She is swimming as a warm-up.D. She is teaching children swimming.33. When Emilys father had cancer, he _.A. felt lonely and hopelessB. refused to receive treatmentC. hid his illness from his familyD. fought against the disease bravely34. In order to help cancer patients, Emily _.A.

36、 wrote to the American Cancer Society for helpB. decided to take part in a sports competitionC. completed the triathlon and raised $7,000D. researched on cancer for three months35. What words can best describe Emily?A. Careful and generous.B. Friendly and humorous.C. Easy-going and hard-working.D. K

37、ind-hearted and strong-willed.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Celebrate!Piatas In Mexico, children often get piatas on their birthday. Their parents put chocolates and other sweets inside the piata and hang it on a tree. Then the children hit the piata with a stick.36No

38、odles In China, people often celebrate birthdays by eating with family or friends, and the last dish of the meal is always noodles. The noodles are long and thin.37 You cant cut them. In Chinese culture, long noodles mean you will have a long life.Business birthdays A business birthday shows that a

39、company is successful. Many businesses in the USA celebrate important birthdays, like 10, 50 or 150 years.38Sometimes they make TV advertisements. It is a good chance to advertise the business.Name days As well as a birthday, many people in Southern Europe also celebrate their name day.39People have

40、 big parties and open their houses to anybody who wants to come. People bring small gifts, often flowers or a box of sweets.Islamic New Year In Muslim countries across the world, people celebrate Eid.Eidmeansfestivalorcelebration. During Eid, people visit family and friends, as well as people who ar

41、e sick or in hospital.40 Children receive toys, too. Children often wear special traditional clothes during the Eid celebrations.A. You have to eat them in one piece.B. They go out for a meal to celebrate.C. Companies hold parties and send cards.D. They give presents, such as sweets and food.E. It b

42、reaks and the sweets fall out on to the ground.F. This is one of the two important festivals in this country.G. In Greece, name days are more important than birthdays.第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。“Its nice having a friend,”said Mole

43、 (鼹鼠) to Rabbit as they sat talking in the sun one day.“Oh, it is!” said Rabbit. “Very useful, too, 41 if you need help.42, I think Id like Bull (公牛) to be my friend.”“But Im your friend!” said Mole, feeling 43.“Oh, yes,” said Rabbit. “You are good for talking to and laughing with, 44 you are too sm

44、all. When I need help, I 45 someone big and strong like Bull. He would be a very good friend to have. It would be 46 shouting for him when I need help.” Mole went off in anger.“Oh, well, I need to 47 something,” Rabbit thought. He moved along 48 he found a tiny garden. He had just started on his fir

45、st leaf when there was a big 49 People were shouting and dogs were barking (吠叫). Rabbit was so afraid and in such 50 to get away that he ran into the wrong hole. The hole was too 51 and Rabbit got stuck. He could not 52 at all.“Help!” cried Rabbit. Mole 53 him. He ran up to see what was the matter.“

46、Help!” cried Rabbit. “Im stuck in this hole.”“If you want help,” said Mole, “Id better 54 Bull.”“No!” cried Rabbit. “Hes no good! Hes too big to get into this 55. Youre just the right 56! Please help me, Mole!” So Mole began digging around Rabbit. He 57 so fast that Rabbit was 58 in no time.“Im sorry, M


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