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1、江苏省盐城市两校2017-2018学年八年级英语上学期12月联合质量调研试题 第I卷(选择题,共80分)一、听力部分(本题共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)第一部分 听对话回答问题( ) 1. What does Toms father do? A. B. C. ( ) 2. Which is Sandys favorite bird?A. B. C. ( ) 3. How is the weather today? A. B. C. ( ) 4. Which country did Nick visit? A. B. C. ( ) 5. What is the Mary doing? A.

2、 She is listening to music. B. She is watching TV. C. She is sleeping.( ) 6. How much is this orange balloon? A. 2 yuan. B. 4 yuan. C. 8 yuan.( ) 7. Which season might it be? A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Winter.( ) 8. Where are the two speakers now? A. In Britain. B. In France. C. In Italy.( ) 9. Who ru

3、ns the fastest? A. Lucy. B. Tom. C. Kate.( ) 10. What does the girl mean? A. She doesnt like swimming. B. She cant go swimming with Tom. C. She will go shopping with her mother.第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题听一段对话,回答第11-12小题。( ) 11. How long will Tony stay at home? A. For two days. B. For three days. C. For four da

4、ys.( ) 12. Whats wrong with Tony? A. He has a bad cold. B. He has a toothache. C. He has a headache.听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。Be in harmony (和谐) with wild animalsSome people think that all wild animals are dangerous.In fact 13 of wild animals hurt a man if he leaves them alone.Wild an

5、imals only hurt people when they are 14 to catch their usual food. when their babies are 15 . when people hunt them or make them angry.( ) 13. A. most B. quite a few C. very few( ) 14. A. too old B. too lazy C. too tired( ) 15. A. angry B. afraid C. in danger听第二篇短文,回答第16-20小题。( ) 16. What will the s

6、peakers clothes be like in 20 years? A. Colourful and light. B. Comfortable and cool. C. Dark and cool.( ) 17. Where will the speaker spend his vacation? A. In the mountains. B. In space or under the sea. C. In the city.( ) 18. The speaker will fly a plane with _. A. more pollution(污染) B. less pollu

7、tion C. no pollution ( ) 19. Why will the speaker make friends with people around the world? A. To play sports with them. B. To learn cultures from them. C. To watch TV with them.( ) 20. The speaker mainly tells us about his _ in 20 years. A. life B. house C. food二、单项选择(共15题,每题1分,计15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中

8、选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。( )21. It is believed that travelling to Yangzhou in_ March is _enjoyable experience. A . /; the B. the; an C./;an D. the; the( )22. Who will you advise the course in DIY? A. taking B. to takeC. bringing D. to bring( )23. The book is _. I wrote my name on it for _.A. my, myself B.

9、 mine, me C. mine, myself D. myself, mine( )24. The number of the students in our school is becoming_.A. more and more B. larger and larger C. less and less D. higher and higher( )25. If Linda _up,she _ the early bus.A. doesnt hurry; will catchB. wont hurry; will catchC. doesnt hurry; will missD. hu

10、rries; will miss( )26.Do you write a report_ wild animals_ danger for the newspaper?A. about; on B. on; in C. to; from D. in; with( )27. We should take action _wild animals.A. protectingB. to protectC. protectD. protected( )28. I will give you some nice picture books.Good. The _, the _. A more; bett

11、er B many; good C most; best D much; worse( )29. He worked_,but he felt _ Ahard,happy Bhardly, happily Chard,happily D. hardly, happy( )30. Come and cheer_ our team ! _ your support, we will play better!A. at; For B. at; With C. for; Under D. for; With( )31. There an exciting softball match on TV th

12、is evening. A. will have B.are going to have C.are going to be D. is going to be( )32. We had a lovely time _TV yesterday, but Simon had no time _TV. A. to watch; to watch B. watching; to watch C. to watch; watching D. watching; watching( )33. The ticket to the USA _ him ¥2000. And flying to the USA

13、 _ him one day.A. cost; took B. spent; took C. took; spent D. paid; spent( )34. The weather in Nanjing is than that in Shanghai in summer.A. very hot B. much hotter C. much hot D. more hot( )35. -Im going to Disneyland in Shanghai next week. -_. There are many wonderful things to see there. A. Thats

14、 all right B. Have a good time C. Good luck D. I hope so三 完形填空(共15题,每题1分,计15分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。When I was young,my father told me that little acts of kindness may give one great happiness. Since then I have always tried to help people in 36 . One hot summer afternoon, I was 37 dow

15、n the highway to New York when another car suddenly 38 into my lane(车道). My car was in the far right lane,so it ran onto the roadside. As a(n) 39 driver, I moved my car quickly and skillfully back onto the highway without causing any accident. I was 40 with that driver, but I thought that he just di

16、d not pay attention to(注意) the lane change, and he 41 did not do that on purpose(故意).The car ran away 42 after cutting me off. Very soon it disappeared from sight. After a while,I came around a curve(弯道) and found the 43 car. The driver was walking along the roadside. He was an elderly man and looke

17、d 44 . As there was no telephone nearby and the nearest services were twenty miles away, I decided to 45 and see what the problem was. The mans car had a flat tire(瘪胎). Although he had another tire,he had nothing to work with. I decided to 46 him. I changed the tire for him and allowed him to sit in

18、 my air-conditioned car while I did it. Fifteen minutes later, I 47 the work. I was hot and tired, but I really felt 48 after an act of kindness to the man who had earlier 49 my car run off the road.You can really enjoy great 50 from kindness acts, so always lend your hands to others in trouble.( )3

19、6. A. need B. school C. danger D. summer( )37. A. walking B. riding C. running D. driving( )38. A. fell B. jumped C. came D. climbed( )39. A. new B. experienced C. frightened D. cheerful( )40. A. unhappy B. interested C. kind D. friendly( )41. A. even B. certainly C. almost D. simply( )42. A. quickl

20、y B. quietly C. politely D. carefully( )43. A. new B. red C. same D. other( )44. A. excited B. relaxed C. surprised D. worried( )45. A. stay B. search C. stop D. hide( )46. A. give B. train C. help D. encourage( )47. A. began B. finished C. took D. continued( )48. A. good B. sorry C. angry D. shy( )

21、49. A. kept B. made C. watched D. heard( )50. A. friendship B. success C. excitement D. happiness四、阅读理解A阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共15题,每题2分,计30分)AMany students in China are learning English. Some of these students are small children. Others are teenagers(十几岁的青少年). Many are adults. Some learn

22、at school, others study by themselves. A few learn English language (语言)over the radio, on television, or in films. One must work hard to learn another language. Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer that question. Many boys and girls learn English at school becaus

23、e it is one of their subjects. They study their own language and maths and English . Some people learn English because it is useful for their work. Many people often learn English for their higher studies, because at college or university(大学) some of their books are in English. Other people learn En

24、glish because they want to read newspaper and magazines in English.( )51.ManystudentsinChinaarelearningEnglish,arentthey?_.A.No,theyarentB.No,theyare C.Yes,theyareD.Yes,theyarent( )52.Ifonewantstolearnanotherlanguagewell,hemust_. A.learnatschoolB.studybyhimself C.workhardD.go abroad.( )53.Thesentenc

25、eItisdifficulttoanswerthatquestionmeans_.A. thatquestionisnotdifficulttoanswerB.thatquestionisdifficulttoansweritC.itisdifficultlytoanswerthatquestionD.itishardtoanswerthatquestion( )54.Theirownlanguagemeans_.A.Chinese B.English C.French D.Japanese( )55.WhatstheChineseofstudybythemselves?A.和他们一起学习 B

26、.自学 C.向他们学习D.通过学习BOn a cold, rainy day, a boy found a turtle(乌龟) along the river. He was very happy, hoping to raise the turtle as his lovely pet. He put the turtle on a stone and watched it for a long time. But the turtle didnt move. Out of curiosity(好奇), the boy started to find out what was wrong

27、with it. But the turtle pulled in its head and firmly(牢固) closed its shell. The boy was sad. He caught the turtle and began to shake it. But the turtle still stayed in its shell. The boy picked up a stick to try to pry it open. The boys uncle was watching all of this. “No, thats not the way,” he sho

28、uted. “In fact, you may kill the turtle before you make it open up with a stick.” The boys uncle took the turtle into the house and set it near the fireplace. The turtle didnt move at all until it got warm. Then it pushed out its head, stretched(伸展)out its legs and began to climb.“Turtles are like t

29、hat,” said the uncle,“and people, too.”( )56.Why did the boy want to have the turtle? A. To kill it for study B. To sell it for money C. To keep it for fun D. To eat it as food( )57.What did the boy do when he couldnt open the turtle shell? a. He caught it and shook it. b. He broke the shell. c. He

30、tried to open it with a stick. d. He put it near the fire place. A. a b B. a c C. a d D. c d( )58.Which of the following is the meaning of the underlined word“pry” in Paragraph 3? A.杠杆 B.窥探 C.撬动,撬开 D.敲打( )59. The turtle moved after getting _. A. full B. cold C, hungry D. warm( )60. Whats the meaning

31、 of the last sentence in the story? A. Like humans, turtles like to stay in warm places. B. Turtles will like humans only if they are warm-hearted. C. Like humans, turtles like to be treated nicely.D. There are many similarities(相似)between humans and animals.C Once there lived an old man in a mounta

32、in village. He was a famous hunter. he often went hunting alone in the mountains . he was not afraid of any wild animals, even a tiger. One night, someone saw a tiger come into the village, and stole (偷) two sheep away. The next night the tiger came again .People were frightened. They asked the old

33、hunter to catch it so that they could have a safe life.When the old man heard about the tiger, he thought hard. He wondered why the tiger came at night twice but only stole the sheep. The next night he walked about outside the village. Suddenly he saw the tiger coming. He quickly threw himself on th

34、e ground. To his surprise , the tiger did not come at him , but went away . He followed it quietly and found it was running on two of its feet just like a man . Then everything was clear.On the fourth day, when it got dark , the hunter took some animal skins(皮) with him and hid himself behind a big

35、tree near the village. He was waiting for the “tiger”. As soon as the “tiger” came near the tree, the old hunter jumped out , caught the “tiger” by the “leg” and said , “ Dont be afraid . I do not mean to hurt you . You know who I am, dont you ?” The “tiger” said “ Yes” and took off the tigers skin.

36、“Youre poor. But you mustnt steal(偷) anything from others. Here are some animal skins for you. You may sell them at the market . With the money, you can buy food and clothes for your family. Work harder and try to make a living.” With tears (泪) in his eyes, the poor man thanked the kind-hearted old

37、hunter and walked home.( )61. Where did the old hunter live? A. Outside a village B. On a farm. C. In a village D. Near a village.( )62. How many times did the tiger come into the village ? A. Only once. B. Twice C. Three times D. Four times( )63. What did the old hunter do when he first saw the tig

38、er ? A. He was frightened. B. He threw himself on the ground. C. He ran away. D. he hid himself behind a tree.( )64. How did the old hunter know the tiger was a man ? A. The tiger came to the village only at night . B. He saw the tiger run on its two feet. C. The tiger only stole sheep. D. The tiger

39、 could speak.( )65. Why did the old hunter take some animal skins with him when he was waiting for the “tiger”?A. To help the poor man. B. The make himself well hidden.C. To sell them at the market the next morning D. To buy food and clothes on his way home.第卷(非选择题,共60分)五、A.阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每

40、空一词。(共10题,每空1分,计10分)Autumn is a good time for children to go outside and see the changing colours of nature. What outdoor activities do children in China like ? What do children in other countries like to do in autumn ?Follow teens and Lets have a look. The wind is cool, the days are short and the l

41、eaves are changing colours. Autumn is a great season for kids to play outside. In China, students often have an autumn picnic held by their school. Usually, they will go to an amusement(娱乐)park or to places that are close to nature. What kinds of autumn activities are there for children in other countrie


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