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1、零售银行业务最佳实践与中国银行业的选择 Best practice in retail banking & challenges for Chinese banks,“征信产品在商业银行信用风险管理中的应用”国际研讨会 天津 2007年6月20日 杭州联合银行副行长 阿德海兹 Symposium on Credit Reporting on Retail & SME Banking, Tianjin, June 2007, Ad Geerts,2,阿德海兹先生简介 Introduction of Ad Geerts,荷兰合作银行零售银行业务专家 Retail banker Rabobank N

2、ederland 曾担任荷兰合作银行两家大型分行的总经理 General manager in 2 large Rabo local banks 出任总行执行副行长 Executive vice president of Head office 在财务、市场营销、产品开发、系统开发、项目管理等方面拥有丰富经验 Broad experience in Finance, Marketing & Sales, Product development, System development, Project Management 拥有22年的管理经验 22 years experience in Ge

3、neral Management 担任杭州联合银行执行副行长,已在中国工作一年半时间 1 year experience in China: executive vice president URCB,3,荷兰合作银行集团主要数据 Introduction Rabobank Group: key figures,2006年 2005年 成员行 Member banks 188 204 网点 Offices : 分行 Branches 1,214 1,249 服务点 contact points 3,091 3,031 提款机 Cash dispensing machines 3,139 3,1

4、16 海外机构 Foreign offices 330 267 员工 Employees 员工总数 Total Employees 56,209 50,998 (单位:十亿欧元 in EUR billions) 利润 Profit 2.345 2.083 资本 Capital 27.114 25.272 资产 Assets 556.455 506.23,4,在荷兰的国内市场份额:拥有900万客户 Domestic market shares:9 million clients,公司客户 Corporate customers 农业 Agricultural sector 87 % 中小企业 S

5、mall and medium-sized companies 38 % 大企业 Large enterprises 12 % 个人客户 Private clients 住房按揭 Residential mortgage 23 % 个人储蓄 Private savings 40 % 投资基金 Investment funds 35 % 保险 Insurance 10 % 支付服务 Payment services 35 % 网上银行 Internet banking 欧洲第一位 No.1 in Europe,5,AAA/Aaa: 为什么能够被评为AAA级? AAA/Aaa: why?,合作制结

6、构和互保机制 Co-operative structure and mutual guarantee scheme 低风险级别和实力雄厚的资本金 Low risk profile and strong capital base 在零售业务方面市场份额较大 Large market shares in the retail sector 净利润逐年增长 Track record of rising net profits year after year 注重自身健康有机的成长 Focus on organic growth 高质量资产(按揭) High-quality assets (morta

7、ges) 持续达到财务目标 Consistently achieving financial targets 无分红 No dividends,6,荷兰合作银行集团的特点 Rabobank Groups Characteristics,宗旨 Mission 客户价值最大化 Maximising customer value 结构 Structure 客户合作制 A customer co-operative 经营风格 Business style 重视与客户实现长期合作关系 Focussing primarily on long-term relationship with customers

8、 优势 Strength 全方位(所有金融业务)分散化管理、AAA级、 在全球大型银行排名中列第31位 Broad (All finance) decentralised, triple A, 31st ranking on list of largest banks in world 社会责任 Social commitment 深深扎根于社会 Deeply rooted in society,7,杭州联合银行简介 Introduction of United Rural Cooperative bank of Hang Zhou,杭州:富于创业精神和旅游城市 Hang Zhou: Pros

9、perous entrepreneurial + Tourism city 杭州联合银行:80万城/乡客户 URCB: 800,000 customers rural/urban 140家分行+营业所 140 Branches + outlets 55部自动提款机 55 ATMs 总资产:430亿人民币 Assets : 43 billion 财务状况和业绩表现良好 Healthy financial position & performance 荷兰合作银行和国际金融公司是该银行股东(15%的股权)Rabobank & IFC investment (15% shares),8,中国在零售银

10、行业务方面的经验 Chinese experiences in retail banking,目前状况:与国外同行最佳实践相比较 Present situation : in comparison with western banking best practice 不足之处 Weaknesses 市场方面 Market: 客户资料 Customer information 市场信息 Market information 市场营销诀窍与技巧 Marketing & sales know how & Skills 客户满意度 Customer satisfaction 能提供的主要是传统的存贷产

11、品 Mainly traditional deposits & loans products,9,治理 Governance: 清晰且长期的战略、宗旨和政策 Clear, long term strategy, mission & policies 管理循环方式和技巧 Management cycle approach & skills 职能分离 Segregation responsibilities 高层管理人员投入日常业务的精力过多 Top management is too operational 中层管理人员的权限和技能 Mandates & skills of middle man

12、agement 透明度和明确的职责划分 Transparency & clear responsibilities 组织结构 Organization: 由上至下的企业文化、Corporate culture, top down 管理信息(MIS) Management information (MIS) 绩效管理技能和工具 Performance management skills & tools 注重财务业绩+不良贷款 Focus on financial performance + NPL 不反映客户驱动因素 Not reflecting customer driven,中国的金融市场

13、Chinese financial markets :,离成熟还有5年时间 Mature in 5 years!,11,挑战(1):管理循环(戴明循环) Challenge (1): Management cycle (Deming) 绩效管理 学习型组织 Performance management Learning organization,沟通 Communication, 态度 Attitude,审核 Review 评估 Evaluation 报告 Report,组织 Organisation 员工 Staff 工具 Tools,运营 Operational 活动 Activities

14、,愿景 Vision 战略 Strategy 政策 Policies & 规则 Regulations,12,挑战(2):组织结构 Challenge (2): Organization Structure,董事会 Board of Directors,执行委员会 Executive board,合规官员 Compliance officer,业务支持 Business Support,控制 Control,商务支持 Commercial Support,销售 Sales,业务运作 Business operations,现金库和解款 Cash store & escorts,IT和电信系统I

15、CT,人力资源HRM,审计和内控 Audit & control,计划和财务 Planning & Finance,风险管理 Risk management,信贷管理 Credit management,信贷审核/审批中心Credit review/ Approval center,市场营销和沟通 Marketing & communication,公司和私人银行业务 Corporate & Private Banking,个人业务和小企业私人银行业务 Personal Banking & Small business Private individual,国际业务 International

16、 Business,分行 Branches,营业厅/自动提款机Business hall/ATM,个人业务/ Personal bus./Bo,公司业务/ Corporate bus. /Bo,外设 自动提款机 Outlet ATM,13,说明 Remarks 在开发市场和风险控制之间取得平衡 Balanced: Market driven risk control 职能分离 Segregation responsibilities 明确责任和权限关系 Clear responsibilities + mandates 分行+营业所:利润中心 Branches +outlets : profi

17、t center 矩阵式组织结构 Matrix organization 沟通方式(由上至下+由下至上) Communication structure ( top down + bottom up),14,挑战(3):市场和市场细分 Challenge (3): Market & Segmentation 大市场 Huge market 个人业务 personal business - 中小企业业务 SME business - (大型企业)(Large corporate),生命周期和生活方式 Life cycle & life styles,市场细分 Segmentation,大众市场

18、Mass Market,15,个人银行业务市场 Private individuals segmentation,16,个人银行业务市场成年人 Private individuals adults,17,企业业务市场细分 Segmentation business market,法人实体Legal entity,个体经营者 Personal Business,生命周期 Life cycle,说明 Remarks:员工 Employees 资产 Assets 部门 Sectors,18,荷兰合作银行 Rabobank,客户价值 Customer value,财务价值 Financial valu

19、e,员工价值 Employee value,客户第一 Customer fist,可持续的财务表现 Sustainable financial results,注重人力资源 Taking care of human resources,19,客户满意度=可持续发展=关键成功因素 Customer satisfaction =sustainable development =key success factor,业务运作:营业厅、结算中心等 Business operations: business halls, settlements etc. 服务:等候时间、电话接听时间 Service:

20、waiting time, telephone response time 营业环境:干净、整洁、注重隐私 Business environment : clean, tidy, privacy 员工:优待员工、尊重员工、使他们态度积极、经验丰富 Employees: well cared, treating with respect, pro-active attitude, skilled,20,客户满意度=可持续发展=关键成功因素 Customer satisfaction =sustainable development =key success factor,开发产品以激发客户的金融

21、需求 Developed to enhance financial needs customers 针对细分客户群提供差异服务 Differentiated to segmented customer groups 不同的差异化服务水平 Differentiated service levels,评估和制定适当的服务水平 Evaluating and setting right service levels 并用于绩效管理 Performance management,21,分行网络 Branch network,目前状况:99%的客户联系通过分行网络进行 Present situation

22、: 99% all customer contacts via network 但交易量 90% but 90% transactions! 网络非常重要:销售和服务 Network extremely important : Sales & Service 保留和吸引客户 retaining + attracting customers 但投资和成本较高 but high investments + costs,22,挑战(4)Challenge (4) :,注重分行网络 Focus on branch network,服务 Service 销售 Sales 高效的业务流程 Efficien

23、cy business procedures 高效的组织结构 Effective organization 业绩 Performance,变革 Transformation,重塑分行网络 Redesign branch network 发展虚拟银行业务(网上银行) Developing virtual banking,23,荷兰合作银行:客户到分行的人次在25年里下降了96% Rabobank :Branch visits dropped by 96% in 25 year 但是,客户与银行的联系采用了更多不同的方式,且总人次呈上升水平 but: Customer contact: diffe

24、rent + more often,客户联系总人次 Total customer contacts,2005年共有700万客户人次 到访分行 Branch visits 7 mln in 2005,Direct Channel Contacts 选择直接渠道的客户人次,每位客户每年 Per year a customer: 到荷兰合作银行各分行的次数为1.5次 1.5 times visits a Rabobank branch 使用直接渠道(自动提款机、网上银行、电话银行)的次数为55次 55 times uses a direct channel (atm, internet, telep

25、hone),单位:百万 (x 1 mln),24,方案越统一清晰,越能使用同一个标准 The more uniform and clear the Formula is, the more you can use one standard,品牌战略 Brand strategy,金融服务市场 market for financial services,服务方案 Formula,渠道和提供方式变革管理 Channel & delivery change management,虚拟渠道 Virtual channels,分行管理 Branch management,分行/营业点的定位 Branch

26、/outlet positioning,丰富的市场经验(潜在市场) Extensive knowledge of market (potential),客户需求和行为 Customer needs and behavior,如果变革能够为客户提供更多的选择,那么客户行为的调整就能达到最佳效果 Customer behavior can be most successfully modified when the change is introduced in the context of enhanced customer choice.,重塑分行网络网络变革 Redesign Branch

27、NetworkNetwork Changes,新的分行理念 New Branch concepts,零售分行网络的变革计划 Transformation program for retail branch network,25,服务方案(标准程式) Formula,传递品牌价值 communicating the brand,银行宣传推广 Corporate communication promotion,产品和产品(开发) Products and product (development),直接渠道:手机、互联网、自动提款机 Direct channels: cellphone, inte

28、rnet, ATM,提供全面服务的分行 Full service branches,提供全面服务的分行 Full service branches,营业点 Outlets,营业点 Outlets,24小时自助服务自动提款机 24 hour Self service- ATM,来自城市的客户 Customers with Urban orientation,来自农村的客户 Customers with Rural orientation,形成统一的品牌和企业标识, 并据此向客户进行宣传,树 立形象,用核心价值来吸引客 户 Communicate one brand, one logo and c

29、reate the image that attracts the the customers to your core values,城市方式 Urban style,农村方式 Rural style,26,定位 Positioning,27,推广活动 promotion,服务 service,柜员、现金服务 tellers, cash service,开放式销售柜台 Open sales desk,设施 facilities,接待室 meeting room,接待室 meeting room,接待室 meeting room,产品推广 productpromotion,销售 sales,等

30、候区 waiting area,服务柜台 service desk,等候区 waiting area,24小时自助服务 24 h self service,28,29,30,挑战(5):绩效管理 Challenge(5):Performance management,沟通 Communication,目标对象 Goals - Targets,承诺 Commitment,能力 Capability,战略 strategy,监控和学习 Monitoring & learning,机遇 opportunities,威胁 threats,劣势 weaknesses,优势 strengths,绩效管理系

31、统 Performance Management system,行动 Action,31,挑战(6):分行表现基准比较 Challenge (6):Benchmarking system,基准系统 Benchmarking system,分行业绩 Branch performance,客户 CUSTOMER,财务 FINANCIAL,组织结构 ORGANIZATION,满意度 Satisfaction,市场定位 Market positions,产品 Products,支持部门和风险的管理及流程 General & Risk mgt. & processes,销售和服务的管理及流程 Sales

32、 and Service mgt. and proc.,员工 Employees,损益 Profit and loss (REM),风险 Risk,= 得分 Score,32,信贷业务(1)目前状况 Credit business (1) Present situation:,(过多)依赖于(央行/银监会)的政策指导和指引 (Too much) based on guidelines (PBOC/CBRC) 过于注重担保品和第三方保证 Over focused on collateral, mortgage, guarantee 不重视财务表现和现金流预测 Too little on fina

33、ncial performance and projected cash flow 很难获得可靠的财务信息(年报) Difficult to get reliable financial information ( annual report) 很难分析非财务信息 Difficult to deal with “non financial information” 主观因素太多 Too many subjective factors 贷款申请处理程序效率低下 Inefficient credit application business procedures 贷款审核效率低下(成本高昂) In

34、efficient (high costs) credit reviews 市场拓展需时太长 Time to market too long 缺乏管理信息系统 Lacking MIS,33,挑战(7):信贷业务(2)Challenge(7) :Credit business (2),基本原则 Fundamentals: 平衡 Balancing : 利润 Profit 风险 Risks 管理风险 Managing risks: 每笔信贷 each credit 贷款组合 total portfolio 3. 成本效率 Cost effective 4. 风险偏好 Risk attitude 5

35、. 风险审查和审计 Risk inspections & audits 6. 监管与合规 Regulations & Compliancy 7. 可持续风险管理 Sustainable risk management,信贷政策 Credit policy,34,8. 道德操守问题 Ethical questions 9. 风险敞口比率(央行/银监会)Risk profile ratios (PBOC / CBRC) 10. 风险敞口目标 Risk profile targets 11. 管理信息、报告和监控 Management information ; reporting & monito

36、ring 12. 一般规则 General rules 职业道德 Morality 财务报告 Financial reports 不动产估价 Valuation real estate 累积风险 Accumulated risks 个人责任 Personal liability 控股公司/分支机构 Holding company / subsidiaries 13. 担保品和第三方保证规则 Collateral + guarantee rules,35,14. 业务流程+贷款发放+贷款审核 Business procedures + granting + reviewing 15. 职能分离

37、Functional segregation 16. 授权体系和信贷委员会的职责 Mandate system & credit committee responsibilities 17. 定价系统 Pricing system 18. 信贷业务的评估 Evaluating credit business 19. 信贷业务管理循环,等等 Credit business management cycle etc.,36,挑战(8):信贷业务(3) Challenge (8) :Credit business (3),客户风险评级 Client risk rating,财务得分 Financia

38、l scores,9个比率:9 x 权重 = 得分 9 ratios : 9 x Weight = Score,非财务得分 Non-financial scores,管理能力 Management ability 市场 Market 25 个因素x 权重 weight = 得分 score 质量关系 Quality relationship 其它 Others,评级工具:中小企业 Rating tools: SME,内部客户风险评级R1-R10 Client Risks Rating R1- R10,37,2. 担保物评级 Collateral rating,担保物比率的保证人记分卡 Coll

39、ateral ratios Guarantor score card,偿债保障比率 Coverage ratio,担保物评级C1-C8 Collateral rating C1- C8,银监会有关按揭和担保比率的指导意见 CBRCs mortgage and collateral ratios 在个人充当保证人的情况下,需有一个特别的保证人记分卡 For personal guarantees a special guarantor scorecard is included. 调整后的担保品价值/总债务 = 偿债保障比率 Corrected collateral value / Total

40、debt= Coverage ratio,38,计划 Plan,操作 DO,核查 Check,执行 Act,信贷政策 Credit policy,中小企业评级 SME Rating,个体工商户贷款评级 PBL Rating,担保物评级 Collateral rating,数据库(贷款组合)Database (portfolio),S 3 C6,R4 C2,挑战(9)Challenge(9):,39,客户和担保物评级 中小企业和个体工商户贷款 (数据库) Client and collateral rating sme and pbl (Database),定价 Pricing,信贷授权表 Au

41、thorities table,审核 Review,挑战(10) Challenge (10):,40,征信系统 Credit registration,目的 Aim: 防止个人客户过度借贷 protection personal customers against over crediting 保护金融机构 Protection financial institutions 央行系统 PBOC system: 符合国际标准和操作实践 Meets international standards & practices 所有金融机构都必须向征信机构提供信息 Compulsory registra

42、tion by all financial institutions 全国统一的中央系统 Nationwide 1 system 数据库!信用记录 Database ! Credit history 荷兰模式 Dutch situation: 所有金融机构都必须成为征信局会员 Compulsory membership all financial institutions 强制性提供信息 Compulsory registration 征信局经营时间超过25年 History 25years 独立机构:(BKR) Independent institution : BKR,41,荷兰合作银行 Rabobank : 信用记录 credit history,BKR,荷兰合作银行专家评级系统Rabobank Expert Credit Rating system,荷兰合作银行Rabobank,信用状况 Credit situation 信用记录 Credit history 个人状况 Personal situation 财务状况 Financial situation,全自动化的客户信贷发放,只需15分钟,欧元 Fully automated Consumer credit granting 15 min, Euros ,


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