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1、Robinson Crusoe,By group 1,Summary,This is a novel by the English author Daniel Defoe, published in 1719. It is one of the most popular adventure novels in all literature. It is the story of Robinson Crusoe, an Englishman who is shipwrecked in a lonely tropical island. He builds himself a hut, grows

2、 his own food, and becomes self-sufficient. After 23 years he meets with a group of cannibals and rescues one of their prisoners, a young native whom he calls Friday.,Crusoe and his “man” Friday become close friends, and when they are finally rescued four years later, both return to England. Robinso

3、n Crusoe was partly based on the actual deeds of Alexander Selkirk, an 18th-century Scottish sailor who spent almost five years alone on a desert island. This novel is famous for its lovely details and its expression of belief in mans ability when left alone in nature.,Summary,Author,Daniel Defoe (D

4、aniel Defoe,1660 year - April 24, 1731) English writer of fiction, newsman, booklet author. Its work mainly for personally through diligently, depends on own wisdom and overcomes the difficulty bravely. The plot is winding, uses tells the way, readable. And displayed has at that time pursued the ris

5、k, initiated individual struggle social convention. Its representative works “Robinson Wanders Records“ world famous, Robinson also becomes with the difficult resistance model, therefore he is regarded does one of English novel pathfinders.,Sentence: Where as we could not possibly make our voyage to

6、 the coast of Africa without some assistance, both to ourship and to our selves. n.援助,帮助U(+in) Your technical assistance in the project is greatly appreciated. 您对这个项目的技术援助大受赞赏。 Children need parents care and assistance,especially in their early years. 孩子需要父母的关心和帮助,尤其是在他们年幼的时候。,vocabulary,Assistance,

7、n. 1)路障,街垒 Various barricades blocked off all the main streets of the city. 各种路障封锁住了城里所有的主要道路。 2)栅栏,挡墙,障碍物 Everyone should be guarded by legal barricades. 人人都应受法律保障。 vt. 1)在.设置路障;筑栅防御 They barricaded the main road with fallen trees. 他们用倒下的树堵住了主要道路。 2)阻塞,挡住 His mind was barricaded against new ideas.

8、他的头脑与新思想格格不入。,vocabulary,Barricade,Sentence: And as the rage of the wind was still great, tho rather less than at first, we could not so much as hope to have the ship hold many minutes without breaking in pieces, unless the winds by a kind of miracle should turn immediately about. n. C1)奇迹;奇迹般的人(或物)

9、 Its a miracle that you returned at all. 你能回来是一个奇迹。 2)惊人的事例(+of) That bridge was a miracle of engineering. 那座桥是工程学上的一个奇迹。,vocabulary,Miracle,1.表示, 表现, 表达 He closed his letter with expression of grateful thanks. 他在那封信的结尾表达了自己的感激之情。 2.表情 All their expressions were not true. 他们所有的表情都不是真的。 3.感情 Her voic

10、e lacked expression. 她的声音缺乏感情。 4.词, 措辞, 词组 The fashionable remarks of today often become the commonplace expressions of tomorrow. 今天的时髦话往往变成明天的陈词滥调。,vocabulary,expression,形容词 adj. 1.松的, 宽松的, 不牢固的; 未固定牢的; 可分开的 She is wearing a loose dress.她穿着一件宽松的连衣裙。 Loose shirts are good for summer wear.夏季适合穿肥大的衬衣。

11、 2.不精确的, 不严密的, 不严谨的, 不周密的 He is a loose thinker.他是个思维不严密的人。 3.自由的; 散漫的; 不受约束; 未束缚 The horse is loose in the field.马自由自在地在田野里。 及物动词vt. 1.释放, 放任, 失去控制; 不受约束地表达 He loosed the dog.他把狗放了出来。 The wine loosed his tongue.他酒后说话很随便。,vocabulary,Loose,sentences,What became of my second brother I never knew any m

12、ore than my Father or Mother did know what was become of me. What引导的主语从句,,Towards evening the mate and boatswain begged the master of our ship to let them cut away the fore-mast, which he was very unwilling to do; but the boatswain protesting to him that if he did not the ship would founder, he cons

13、ented; and when they had cut away the fore-mast, the main-mast stood so loose, and shook the ship so much, they were obliged to cut that away also, and make a clear deck. 句子大意:傍晚时候,大副和水手长恳请船长让他们砍去前面的桅杆,这是船长不愿意做的,但是水手长抗议说如果他不这样做,那船就要沉没,最后船长同意了,当他们砍去前面的桅杆时,主桅杆变得松动,从而船摇晃地厉害,他们不得不也砍去主桅杆,使甲板光秃秃的。 Which引导

14、的非限定定语从句,if条件状语从句 were obliged to,不得不,protest抗议 consent同意,勉强同意,sentences,About the Beginning of August, as I said, I had finishd my Bower, and began to enjoy my self. The third of August, I found the Grapes I had hung up were perfectly dryd, and indeed, were excellent good Raisins of the Sun; so I b

15、egan to take them down from the Trees, and it was very happy that I did so; for the Rains which followd would have spoild them, and I had lost the best Part of my Winter Food; for I had above two hundred large Bunches of them. No sooner had I taken them all down, and carryd most of them Home to my C

16、ave, but it began to rain, and from hence, which was the fourteenth of August, it raind more or less, every Day, till the Middle of October; and sometimes so violently, that I could not stir out of my Cave for several Days.,Appreciation,We really admire for Robinsons courage and knowledge. But I thi

17、nk that Robinson paid too much attention on settlements and wealth,he want to meet new things and challenge himself and he just did it, ignoring his obligation for his family. We all understand what a boy means to a home, so did him, of course. So .if he did know his importance to his parents and hi

18、s brothers, then he still went outside without hesitate following his so called self aspiration, we cant help but worry about his dearest. Our girls considered his mother as the most suffering person. Would she cry for the lost of her flash and blood for a long time? Meanwhile, thinking about Robins

19、ons relationship within “Friday”. Definitely, he is the benefactor for “Friday”, but does that mean the poor slave escaped from one slave owner are supposed to be a servant next time? In our eyes, Robinson should set up a more equal friendship with “Friday”. Its “Friday” who companied him in the com

20、ing years. Regarding “Friday” as a gift from God may change his attitude.,Critical thinking,Team work is so important that we cant ignore it. Yu Xue,Interest and goal make for a god learner. Zhang Daixin,After the processing, we eventually understand what a grop means and know more about our members

21、. We get along well and turned to be a family like a team. Jin Zhuyun,I think its a chance for us to know each other more deeply.And we have to manage our time more suitable Cao Yunqing,This program gives us more chance to work together and at the same time we can read good books and improve our ski

22、lls on many aspect. Xie Xiaoying,During evrey communication I felt we become more and more harmony.It depended on the strength of teamwork. MaYunyun,Reflection,Our work,1、Collecting part,喻雪:author 张岱昕:sentences 晋竹筠、曹云晴:summary and appreciation 解晓英、马云韵:words,Our work,2、speeching part,Summary-Stentences:马云韵 Appreciation:解晓英 Critical thinking:晋竹筠,PPT:喻雪、张岱昕,


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