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1、2014年1月9日和1月11日 1月18日和1月25日 小白白雅思口语A/G类真题混搭 小白白还在收集陆续更新中。,清水出芙蓉 天然去雕饰,目录,雅思口语高频真题Part 2和Part 3,可以随机抽签滴!(未完待续!部分题目扩展说明O(_)O哈!),1、艺术品:(a work of art) 2、公共旅行 3、出国旅游 4、你尊敬的老人 5、历史趣闻 6、体育事件 7、讨厌的课程 8、不可或缺 9、名人 10、家族企业 11、语言学习 12、重要的决定 13、和陌生人交谈 14、别人的家,15、正装 16、近水之地 17、竞赛 18、未来计划 19、钟爱的时节 20、搬迁 21、帮助你的人

2、22、旅游胜地 23、团体 24、推荐的书 25、重要的信 26、好基友 27、建筑,目录,28、理想工作 29、网站 30、开心的事 31、户外运动 32、电台节目 33、音乐厅 34、电子设备 35、访客 36、购物街 37、有趣的国度 38、风趣的人 39、搞笑的节目或电影 40、工作或学习的地方 41、教你的人 42、美食,雅思口语高频真题Part 2和Part 3,可以随机抽签滴!(未完待续!部分题目扩展说明O(_)O哈!),1、艺术品:(a work of art) (Part 2),Describe awork of art that you have seen (such as

3、, a painting or, a sculpture). You should say: what it looked like when you first saw it where you saw it and explain your feeling about this work of art when you first saw it.,1、艺术品:(a work of art) (Part 3),what are some examples of(the various forms of)art? what forms of visual art(e.g.paintings,s

4、culpture are popular in nyour country?) Do you think art adds anything to the lives of people? How important is art in the a culture of a country(or,a cultural / ethnic group)? Are there any differences between the art in your country and the art in western(i.e.European culture countries?) Are there

5、 many art exhibitions in your country? Do you think people should be able to see these exhibitions for free? Do you think the government should(or,has a responsibility to)pay for the creation of art? Do you think its important to cultivate an appleciation of art in children? Do you think art should

6、be included in school curricylums?(why?) How do you imagine that art will be taught in the future? Have you attenfed any lessons about art? What have you learned from these lessons?,2、公共旅行Public transport(Part 2),Describe a trip you took by public transport You should say: When and where you went Wh

7、y you took the trip What you did and saw on the trip and explain how you felt about the trip,2、公共旅行Public transport(Part 3),Why do some prefer driving their cars to taking public transport? Is it true that driving cars means a higher status? Should government take measures to limit car? Do chinese p

8、eople like to travel overseas? How does international travel influence the economy of countries(or,a country)? After someone returns from traveling overseas,what effects can they have on their home country? What are some of the problem that people can have when they travel(including domestic travel)

9、? What are some of the problems that could occur when one travel overseas? If a chinese family migrates to a different country such as Canada or Australia, do the think the education of the children will be a problem? Why do people like to travel to different places(or,new places)? How does tourism

10、affect the economy of the tourist destination place(or country)? Is there much information about these on the internet? Compare the value of traveling to new places for children and for adults?,3、出国旅游 visit(coutry)(Part 2),Describe a place(not in your coutry)that you would like to visit You should s

11、ay: How and when you would go there How you know about this place What the scenery is like in this place Who you would go with and explain why you want to visit it,3、出国旅游 visit(coutry)(Part 3),whe people go travelling(as tourists),what do they spend money on? when people move to another country(migr

12、ate to another country),what changes do you think take place in their lives,compared to their lives before they left home? what do you think about children growing up abroad? Do you think children(with chinese parents)are affected by growing up abroad?How? what are the benefits of travelling to new

13、places? what are some of the best(or,most popular) travel destinations in china? which places(countries) are (chinese people) most interested in visiting?,4、你尊敬的老人 old person(Part 2),Describe an old person you know who you respect admire You should say who the person is How you know the person what

14、kind of person he or she is and explain why you respect / admire the person,4、你尊敬的老人 old person(Part 3),Are there any advantages to beijing old? what are the disadvantages of being old? In china today, what are the living conditions for old people like? why do old people today live longer than in th

15、e past? what are some things a person can do to help them live longer? Do you think we should respect old people?(why?),5、历史趣闻 interesting event(Part 2),Describe an interesting event in history you know. You should say who the event was when and where it occurred who was leading the event how you kn

16、ow about it and ecplain why you think it was interesting,5、历史趣闻 interesting event(Part 3),Do you thind its important to know about history? what can we learn from history? How do (or how can) people get reliable historical information? Do you think any famous historical figures can serve as models f

17、or young people today? Do people in your country like to visit museums? what can people learn from museums?,6、体育事件 Sports(Part 2),Describe a sports event you have never to but would like to take part in or watch You should say what it is what happens at this event who you would like to go with and e

18、xplain why you would like to take part in or watch this aports event,6、体育事件 Sports(Part 3),Is sports very popular in your country? In your country what are the most popular sports that people like to play? Is there much different between men and women when it comes to playing sports? Do biys and gir

19、ls play different sports? Why do boys and girls often prefer to play different spors?,7、讨厌的课程Subject(Part 2),Describe a subject you didint enjoy like in high or secondary school You should say what the subject was how the reacher taught this subject how long you studied this subject and explain why

20、you didt like it,7、讨厌的课程Subject(Part 3),which subject should not be taught in class? how do teachers help students who have difficulties in studies? what subjects are most popular in high school in your country?(why?) how has education in your country changed in the past few years? what are some dif

21、ferences between university education and high school education?,8、不可或缺 something(Part 2),Describe something(except phone and computer) that you cant live without You should say what the thing is where and when you bought it how often you use it and explain why you cant live without it,8、不可或缺 someth

22、ing(Part 3),what cant children live without? why do children always carry about toys? why is it difficult for people to give up their owns things? why do people buy something that they dont need?,9、名人 famouse person(Part 2),Describe a famous person who is important to your country You should say who

23、 this person is how you know about this person what sort of life they had before they become famous how this person became famous and explain why this person is important to your country,9、名人 famouse person(Part 3),how do people become famous? what types of people become famous in your country? Are

24、there any difference between the people who were famous a few years ago(e.g. 10-15 years ago )and the people who are famous today? what qualities do (all or most or many)famous people have in common? Do you think people are famous as a result of some real talent or are they famous for some other rea

25、sons?,10、家族企业family business(Part 2),Describe a family business you know You should say what this business is how you know it what kind of people their customers are and explain why this business is successful,10、家族企业family business(Part 3),Do you think what the business men need most to run compani

26、es? Do you think which is better, to do in a small company when the business fails? Do you think which is better, to go into a big company or to go into a small company for a job? Do you think what the causes for the success of a family business are? what are the advantages and disadvantages of a fa

27、mily business? what are the relationships a mong the members of a family business?,11、语言学习Learning language(Part 2),Describe something you didi to help learning another language. You should say: what you did where and when you did it who you did it with and explain why it was helpful,11、语言学习Learning

28、 language(Part 3),how do young people learn another language? how do old people learn another language? Is it easier for young people to learn another language than for old people? what changes does learning new languages bring?,12、重要决定important decision(Part 2),Describe an important descision that

29、took you long time to make You should say: what the decision was how you make your decision what the results of the decision were and explain why it was important or the impact that this descision had on your life,12、重要决定important decision(Part 3),what do you think are the most omportant decisions t

30、hat people make in their lives? what skills are necessary when making decisions? how can people improve their decision-making skiis? how do you think computers will change the way people make decisions? Do parents in china allow their children to make important decisions about the future?,13、和陌生人交谈

31、conversation(Part 2和Part 3),Describe an interesting conversation woth someone you didnt know You should say who the person was where and when you talked with the person what you talked about with the person and explain why it was interesting,14、别人滴家 house or apartment(Part 2),Describe a house a part

32、ment that you have (recently)visited.(Not your own home) You should say: where it was (or is) when you visited it what was interesting about it and explain who you visited it,14、别人滴家 house or apartment(Part 3),Do most people in your hometown live in a flat(=an apartment) or a house In your country,

33、do rural and urban people both live in the same types of homes what are the strengths and weaknesses of living in an apartment? Do you think its a waste of money for the government to maintain historic buildings? what makes a location suitable for young/old people to live?,14、正装formal (special) clot

34、hing(Part 2),Describe an item of clothing that you wear on formal(special)occasions You should say: what this clothing look like where you bought it on what occasions you wear it and explain why you wear it on that occasions or what other people think about this item of clothing,14、正装formal (special

35、) clothing(Part 3),Do chinese people spend much monty on cloths?(why?/why not)? Do you think you can learn anything about a person from the clothes they wear?(eg.their identity.interests.income.personality.mood.feeling)etc. what are the differences between formal and casual clothes? In china,what ar

36、e some occasions when people wear casual clothes? Why do you think fashions in clothes seem to be constantly changing?,15、近水之地near water(Part 2),Describe a place near water (such as a river, a lake or the ocean)that you enjoyed visiting. You should say: where this place was what you did at this plac

37、e who you went there with and explain why you liked this place,15、近水之地near water(Part 3),why do so many people like going to places with water such as lakes, rivers or the ocesn? what kinds of leisure activities do people like to do in places such as on the ocean,at a beach, at a river, at a lake et

38、c? As a place to spend some leisure time, do you think the beach or the seaside is more suitable for children or for old people? Do you think children and old people do the same types of things when they go toy a beach? why do sopme people like water sports?,16、竞赛 Competition(Part 2&3),Describe a co

39、mpetition(talent show,etc)you would like to take part in. You should say: what the competition is? what cost you would have to pay to take part in this competition. how you would practice for it. and explain why you would like to take paty in it? how could company motivate staff to work?,17、未来计划 Pla

40、ns(Part 2),describe your plans for the future(such ad you career or study plans) You should say: what you plan to do who you plan to do it with how you will do it and explain why you want to do this,17、未来计划 Plans(Part 3),how did you form this plan (the one you just spoke about)? what different sorts

41、 of personal plans do people usually make in their everyday lives? why do people have these plans? when a student is doing a big assignment or a rather large-scale project, why do you think its a good idea to make some plans before they start?,18、钟爱滴时节 Favorite season(Part 2),Describe your favorite

42、season or time of the year You should say: what season (or time of the year)it is what the weather is like at this time what you usually do at this time and explain why you enjoy that season or time of the year,18、钟爱滴时节 Favorite season(Part 3),Is there anything you dont like about that season(the on

43、e you just talked about)?(what? why?) whats the difference between the different seasons in china? please briefly describle the different seasons in china? what are the sighs that the season is changing(for example,from summer to autumn)?,19、搬迁 moved into house(Part 2),Describe an occasion when you

44、moved into a new house or school You should say where you moved when you moved why you moved and explain whether you like to move there,19、搬迁 moved into house(Part 3),Do you rent a house? why do people move to a new house? how do people get along with their neighbor? what are the advantages and disa

45、dvantages of moving to a new place? what are the influences of moving on sdults,children and old people?,20、帮助你滴人helped you(Part 2),Describe a time when someone helped you You should say: who the person was where and when the person helped how the person helped you and explain how you felt after the

46、 person did this,20、帮助你滴人helped you(Part 3),Do you think its important for people to help each other? Are young people more willing to accept help(or, support?) from their friends or from their parents? would you say you are a kind person? how can you know whether or not somone is a kind person?,21、

47、旅游圣地 Tourist(Part 2),Describe a tourist attraction in your country that you enjoyed visiting. You should say: the name and location of the place. what it looked like. what you went with. and explain why you enjuyed it or why you think people are attracted to that place.,21、旅游圣地Tourist(Part 3),How ha

48、s the way chinese people spend their holidays changed in the past few decades? Do chinese people like to travel? what kinds of places do chinese people prefer to visit? In china, what are the differen kinds(types) of places that tourists can visit?,22、团体 Group(Part 2),Describe a group you would like

49、 to take part in. You should say: what the group is what you will do ib the group who you did it with and explain why you want to take part in it.,22、团体 Group(Part 3),Besides sports, what are some other group activities that people in your country engage in? Do you think some people behave differently when they are in a group, compared to when thay are alone?(why?) what kinds of teams, clubs, organizations or groups do some people in your country join? why do people join these groups when thay could do these activities alone?,23、推荐的书book(Part 2),Describe a boo


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