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1、南京市六校联合体高三年级12月份联考试卷英语 2018. 12第卷(满分85分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the man imply? A. He wont listen to the woman. B. He doesnt know the woman. C. He mistook the woman for someone e

2、lse.2. Where might the speakers be? A. In a restaurant. B. At the mans house. C. In a supermarket.学+科3. What will the man probably do next? A. Check out of his hotel. B. Take some medicine. C. See a doctor.4. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Get a new car. B. Get a new job. C. Fix his car.

3、5. Why did the girl run into the man? A. She was running too fast. B. She was looking at her phone. C. She was holding too many papers.第二节(共15题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What d

4、oes the man care about most? A. Spending less money. B. Being comfortable. C. Using the least time.7. How many times will the man need to change trains? A. One. B. Two. C. None. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. What is the difference between the first two sandwiches? A. The meat. B. The vegetables. C. The bread.9.

5、 Where does this conversation happen? A. In a coffee shop. B. In a school canteen. C. In a fast food restaurant. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. How much does the man pay for car insurance? A. $100 a month. B. $200 a month. C. $1,000 a year.11. What is the womans point in the conversation? A. Men drive more ca

6、relessly than women. B. The man is a great driver. C. She seldom uses her car.12. How many accidents has the woman been in this past year? A. Four. B. Three. C. Zero. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. How does the woman feel about studying psychology? A. It would be easy to find a job. B. She would get good grad

7、es. C. It would help her writing.14. What degree does the woman already have? A. A Ph.D. degree. B. A masters degree. C. BA. degree.15. How will the woman start her new career? A. Start at the bottom and keep working. B. Go straight to Wall Street.C. Wait patiently for the perfect opportunity.16. Wh

8、at does the man think about the womans idea? A. Her kids might not support her. B. It might be hard to make money.C. She might have problems making friends. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Who is listening to the lecture? A. Psychology teachers. B. Psychology majors. C. High school students.18. How long does

9、each lecture last? A. One hour. B. Two hours. C. One and a half hours.19. What does the speaker say about the exams? A. There will be six of them. B. They can be made up later.C. They are harder than might be expected.20. How can the speaker be reached outside of class? A. Mainly by email. B. Only b

10、y calling him directly. C. By coming to his office from 3:00-5:00 p.m. any day.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请阅读下列各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡中将选项涂黑。21. According to the bank rules released recently, you have to pay a 25%_ on each cheque you cash.A. admissionB. pensionC. all

11、owanceD. commission 22. The people succeeded because they understood that you cant let yourfailures _ you you have to let your failures teach you.A. defineB. decline C. qualify D. simplify23. If you ever arent sure whether you have bought the very best smartphone, just _ “good enough.”A. make forB.

12、settle for C. answer forD. account for24. Hes quite _, but I cant imagine him as president of such a largelisted company.A. enthusiasticB. generousC. competentD. sympathetic25. A mother recognizes the feel of her childs skin when blindfolded. _, she can instantly identify her babys cry.A. SimilarlyB

13、. Meanwhile C. NeverthelessD. Accordingly26. Throughout history, China never colonized any nation. _ this peaceful tradition, it is committed to building a community with a shared future for mankind.A. In line withB. In regard toC. In harmony withD. In addition to27. What was wrong? Why didnt you go

14、 to the picnic as scheduled? Im sorry. I _ a seriously-injured old man to the hospital.A. would deliverB. deliveredC. had deliveredD. was delivering 28. The event that _ in my memory happened one morning in 1983 when I was 14 years old. It has never escaped.A. stood outB. stands outC. would stand ou

15、tD. has stood out29. Since many former drug abusers have psychological problems, they often need support groups _ they can talk about their struggles and find new ways to manage in the world.A. whichB. whatC. whereD. when30. I really dont know _ she gets by on such a modest salary.A. whatB. whyC. ho

16、wD. that31. _ you hear from me to the contrary, expect me on Friday at about 6 pm.A. UnlessB. UntilC. WhileD. Although32. Much to their delight, their new project _ at the conference, the excited scholars decided to have a barbecue in honour of the fantastic moment.A. to approveB. being approved C.

17、having approvedD. having been approved33. David should lie to his best friend in order to get the well-paid job! It is typical of him because he _.A. is facing his WaterlooB. is visually challengedC. has cast-iron nervesD. worships the golden calf 34. Congratulations on your promotion. Go out for di

18、nner, OK? Good! _, just you and me.A. Follow meB. My treatC. My pleasureD. Allow me35. Why _ you choose to work in a remote village school when you canown a respectable job in a city?A. needB. shouldC. mustD. will第二节:完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Danielle was

19、living in a new city with no local bank of her own. She desperately needed to 36 a bank to cash her paycheck. For more than two weeks, she made 37 one after another but in vain. How could she continue to 38 herself and her two children as a single mother?Taking a break from her 39 , Danielle decided

20、 to attend a meeting at the local womens resource center. The women there had been a strong source of encouragement since she fled her home 40 for her safety. Sitting next to Danielle, Amy began to share the details of her 41 situation. She was just days away from 42 her home and her car. Her phone

21、and electric services were both scheduled to be 43 . Her husband had gambled away their money. She had nothing left. Nothing! As Amy described the degree of the situation, Danielle 44 Gods soft whisper in her heart: “After the meeting, give Amy twenty dollars.” Danielle immediately thought, “But I c

22、ant. I only have forty dollars.” She heard the 45 again. Danielle knew she needed to follow. When the meeting 46 , she reached into her purse and 47 handed twenty dollars to Amy. Knowing Danielles situation, Amy was 48 to accept it at first. But as a crowd of women 49 to give Amy hugs of support, Da

23、nielle told her that God wanted her to have it. Then Danielle left. Now with just twenty dollars left in her wallet, Danielle decided to 50 cashing her paycheck at just one more bank before heading home. 51 she expected the rejection she had received at so many other banks, she was 52 filled with re

24、newed confidence and optimism. Hopefully, she walked into the bank next to the womens center. Moments later, the bank 53 her paycheck with no questions asked. Wearing a big smile, Danielle returned home. As for Danielle, it has been three years since that day. Realizing true hope has no 54 , she con

25、tinues to be 55 for the lifetime supply that she received for just twenty dollars. 36AselectBfindCconsultDsearch37AdecisionsBchoicesCappointmentsDattempts38AencourageBbelieveCsupport Dcomfort39AambitionsBstruggles Cfailures Dexperiences40AinfearBindebtCinpublic Dindoubt41AsimilarBuniqueCdesperate D.

26、social42AruiningBleavingCmissingDlosing43AcancelledBreducedCabolishedDcharged44AreceivedBfoundCheardDfelt 45AstoryBadviceCorderDvoice46AfollowedBlastedCconcludedDagreed47AquietlyBpolitelyChappilyDsadly48AunlikelyBunwillingCeager Dembarrassed49AintendedBapproachedCmanagedDcontinued50AavoidBtryCconsid

27、erDrisk51AIfBButCSinceDWhile52AanyhowBsomehowCthereforeDotherwise53AcountedBcheckedCcashedDtested54ApriceBcost CcauseDpurpose55AreadyBwelcomeCfortunateDthankful第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AFor many parents, the most confusing part about choosing pre-s

28、chools is trying to make sense of terms such as “Montessori Method”, “Waldorf Approach”. What do these terms mean and how can these terms help you choose a preschool? Oftentimes, the key difference between settings is connected to the preschools “educational philosophy”. While educational philosophi

29、es are numerous and their definitions are not set in stone, we have provided you with definitions for some of the most popular philosophies. The Montessori Method Focuses on maintaining the individuality of each child in the learning process. This method believes each child learns at their own pace

30、and educational progress should not be rendered based on comparing students to one another. The Reggio Emilia ApproachThis approach focuses on providing opportunities for problem solving through creative thinking and exploration. The Waldorf ApproachThis approach places an emphasis on imagination in

31、 learning, providing students with opportunities to explore their world through the senses, participation and analytical thought.The Bank Street ApproachThis approach places an emphasis on learning through multiple perspectives, both in the classroom setting and in the natural world. The High/ Scope

32、 ApproachThis approach focuses on letting children be in charge of their own learning. Children are taught to make a plan for what they would like to do each day and participate in a review session to discuss the success of their plan and brainstorm ideas for the next day. Outside of the formal educ

33、ational philosophy, knowing the difference between other common early childhood terms will help you make informed decisions regarding your childs education.56. If a pre-school stresses each childs learning progress, it may employ _.A. The Reggio Emilia Approach B. The Montessori MethodC. The Bank St

34、reet Approach D. The Waldorf Approach57. According to the passage, which of the following is True ?A. The Scope Approach is to let children learn all by themselves.B. The definitions of educational philosophy remain the same.C. To some extent, educational philosophies determine the differences betwe

35、en preschools.D. The most confusing part about choosing pre-school is to choose educational philosophy.BHigh-sugar diets raise risks for heart disease, obesity and diabetes, but we do love our sweets, so health experts have tried to suggest alternatives, and honey has been foremost among them.Honey

36、is actually sweeter than sugar is , which means, in theory at least, that you could enhance flavor equally with a smaller quantity of honey. But honey actually has a higher calorie count. It may have more minerals, which looks better on a label but, in reality, these are such trace amounts that they

37、 dont offer any real advantages.Honeys reputation as a medicine is not wholly unfounded. Some honey does indeed have antibacterial properties. One byproduct of enzymes in honey is hydrogen peroxide, a powerful germ killer. Plus, honeys texture and consistency are good for keeping wounds clean, and b

38、ad for bugs that might want to infect them. Honey is moist and its gooey consistency mean it can easily spread over and stay over wounds while keeping the tissue from becoming dry and fragile. The sticky substance means bacteria can not accumulate and multiply easily. It is particularly well-known f

39、or fighting bacteria like staph, salmonella, E. Coliand certain bacteria that can infect the gut and cause ulcers.However, scientists can only say this for sure about Makuna and Malaysian Tualang honey. We dont know yet whether local home grown honey has the same potency-or safety. A hot cup of tea

40、with some honey stirred in certainly sounds like it would make you feel better. But its difficult to say for sure that it will.When you have a cold, contact with warm water (from tea) may help to bust up phlegm(痰)that blocks your airways. But some suspect the real secret to the qualities of a cuppa

41、is in the honey. There are studies that suggest that honey does work as well or better than cough suppressant(抑制性的)drugs like Robitussin.Most of these, however, were considered by the academic world to be widely misinterpreted by the media. One of the findings that seemed to have given the honey tre

42、nd some additional legs came from a study that said there was “no difference”, statistically speaking, between honey and one particular cough suppressant. 58. What can we learn from the passage?A. Honey has more minerals than sugar.B. Honey can be used to treat wounds.C. The sweetness in honey can f

43、ight bacteria.D. All kinds of honey can act as medicines.59. What is the authors attitude when it comes to the functions of honey?A. Objective B. Critical C. Supportive D. Skeptical60. What might be talked about next?A. Honey will be widely used in other fields.B. Honey will not be recommended in me

44、dical treatment any more.C. Other studies showed honey worked better than some cough medicines.D. Other studies showed neither honey nor some cough medicines functioned well.C Early in the Iliad, Homers epic poem(史诗)about the legendary, Trojan War, there occurs a famous anecdote known as the catalog

45、ue of ships, which names all the Greek leaders and contingents(小分队) who came to fight at Troy. Before unfolding this impressive muster roll (花名册),Homer makes a special, public appeal to the Muses to ensure he gets the facts right:Tell me now, Muses, who have your homes on Olympus-for you are goddesses, and ever-present, and know all things,and we hear only rumour: nor do we know anythingThese lines reflect a central claim of epic poetrythat through the inspiration of the Muses, daughters of Memory, it can preserve the knowledge of people and the events of


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