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1、江苏省启东市2018届九年级英语下学期期初考试试题满分:150分 时间:90分钟 第卷 (选择题, 共75分)一、单项填空 (本大题共20分,每题1分)( )1. You have to be 18 years old before you are _ to drive a car.A. allowed B. promised C. accepted D. decided( )2. We are doing a survey _ how the young ask the old _ advice at work. A.for; about B. by; up C. about; for D.

2、 with; for( ) 3. Do you know if _ back next week? If he _back, please let me know. A. he comes; will come B. will he come; comes C. he will come; comes D. will he come; will come( ) 4.-How long _Hepburns successful career _? - For about forty years. A. did; last B. has; lasted C. was; lasted D. has;

3、 been lasted( )5. The girl devoted all her time she had_others. A. to help B. helping C. helped D. to helping( )6. Tom used to_ ice cream when he was a child. But now he is used to _ water. A. eat; drink B. eat; drinking C.eating; drink D. eating; drinking( )7. My family were sitting at the table _

4、the door bell rang. A. as B. while C. until D. when( )8.The film _ for five minutes when I reached the cinema. A. has begun B. has been on C. had begun D. had been on( )9. Dont worry_me. Im not a child _.A. about; no longer B.for; no longer C.for; any longer D. about; any longer( )10. My watch doesn

5、t work. I must have it _. A. repair B. repairing C. repaired D. to repair( )11. -Must I finish my homework at once? -No, you _. A. cant B. mustnt C. may not D.neednt( )12. She was so angry at _ he was doing _ she walked out without a word. A. what; that B.that; what C. that; that D. what; what( )13.

6、He is ill, but he goes to school _ at home.A. instead B. instead of C. instead of to stay D. instead of staying( )14. To my surprise, he could get over_ difficult problems that he succeeded at last. A. so many B.such many C. so few D.such few( )15. Shirley is the girl _ taught me how to use WeChat(微

7、信). A. whom B. which C. who D. What( )16.Dont _ too late tonight, or you will feel sleepy in class tomorrow. A. get up B. put up C. stay up D. wake up( )17. Could you tell me _? A. where do you live B. who you are waiting forC. who were you waiting for D.where you live in( )18. The leader always com

8、es up _ good solutions _ peoples problems. A. with; to B. with; of C. at; to D. of; of( )19. My teacher has a lot of experience _English at school. A. to teach B. teaching C. to learn D. learn( ) 20. -Would you mind lending me your bike?-_.A. Certainly not, here you are B. Yes, OKC. Yes, my bike is

9、broken D.Yes, here you are二、完形填空(本大题共15分,每小题1 分)Once there were three travellers checking in a hotel. When they went out in the morning, one traveller brought an umbrella and another one took a crutch(拐杖)_21_the third one left with nothing.When they were back in the evening, the man who brought an u

10、mbrella got his clothes_22_in rain; the one taking a crutch fell, all covered with mud(泥土);but the man empty-handed kept his clothes dry_23_ any mud on it. The two men felt it was so _24_that they asked the third man why.The third traveller didnt reply but _25_asked the man with an umbrella,“Then wh

11、y were you caught in the rain without falling?”“When it was falling, I felt so_26_for my prediction that I opened the umbrella and walked in the rain bravely. I didnt think I would be caught in the rain but _27_my clothes got so wet. I went to the places which were too muddy to cross, considering th

12、at I didnt have a crutch for fear of (唯恐)falling. I walked very carefully. It _28_that I walked all the way back sound and _29_. ”After hearing _30_the first man said, the third man then asked the man with a crutch why he became muddied all over himself instead of getting wet.He answered like this “

13、When it was raining, I had no umbrella so I_31_ chose those places that_32_me from the rain to walk through. In the muddy places I went on with my crutch but I didnt thought I fell.”The empty-handed traveller _33_, “When it was raining I chose the places protecting myself from the rain and in the mu

14、ddy places I kept_34_ so I was neither wet nor fell.”The advantages are _35_. Only if we create advantages by virtue of the objective environment can we make a success.( )21. A. when B. as C. while D. since( )22. A. wet B. dirty C. dry D. tidy( )23. A. over B. beyond C. without D. with( )24. A. comm

15、on B.strange C. strict D. happy( )25. A. however B.otherwise C. moreover D. instead( )26. A. pity B.glad C. sad D. afraid( )27. A.unlikely B.unexpectedly C. unacceptably D. unusually( )28. A. turned out B.brought out C. carried out D. picked out( )29. A. safe B.dirty C.hurried D. worried( )30. A. wh

16、at B. which C. how D. why( )31. A. already B. yet C. still D. just( )32. A. avoided B. protected C. provided D. gave( )33. A. thought B. regretted C. surprised D. laughed( )34. A. curious B. serious C. honest D. careful( )35. A.important B. relative C. good D. exact三、阅读理解(本大题共40分,每小题2分)(A)Many stude

17、nts are always afraid not to do better in the tests and become worried. Here are some tips to get over the test anxiety(考试焦虑症).Before the test:Review and practice lessons until you are full of confidence.Get a good sleep the night before the test.Arrive at test places a bit early.Avoid reviewing the

18、 lessons with other anxiety-filled students.During the test:Write down key information that might be forgotten .Take a moment to look through the test to learn about the type and quantity(数量) of questions.If you meet a hard question, relax and move onto the next question you feel confident answering

19、.Take deep breaths if you feel stressed in the test.Stop negative(消极的) and self-defeating(自我怀疑) thoughts. Repeat “I can do this”.Dont rush. High points are not given to students who hand their test in early.Review the test carefully before handing it in . Make sure that you are careful and wont make

20、 any mistakes(错误).( ) 36.What should students do on the night before the tests?A. Have some good food B. Listen to lots of musicC. Have a good sleep D. Exercise and surf the Internet( ) 37. Students should spend some time to look through the papers to _.A. get to the test places earlier B. write dow

21、n key informationC.make sure to get the answers all rightD.learn about the type and quantity of questions( ) 38. If you meet a hard question, you should _.A. move onto the next question B. copy others papersC. put up your hand and ask the teachers D. go on doing it( ) 39.The sentence “Stop negative

22、and self-defeating thoughts. Repeat “I can do this”means _.A. negative and self-defeating thoughts are necessaryB. students should be confident during the testsC. everything is very easyfor youD. students should have many self-defeating thoughts( ) 40. The passage mainly tells us _.A. tests are very

23、 important for studentsB. how to do well in the testsC. some advice to get over the test anxietyD. students shouldnt hand in paper earlier(B)Hotels are no longer the first and only choice for travellers in China to sleep at night. A new type of accommodation(住宿)choice called bed-and-breakfast is wel

24、coming more visitors in China.During this months Golden Week, bookings for the B&Bs in China grew by 400 percent from 2016, according to B&B booking website T. Starting in Europe, B&B is often a private family home. Travellers pay to stay overnight and have breakfast. In China, many B&Bs are in rura

25、l(农村的) areas and are more about fun, experiences and new friendships, reported by China Daily.“The meals are cooked by the host. Very often, vegetables are homegrown. Hosts and guests chat over a meal and play with the pets together,”Yu Minliang, a 23-year-old tourist from Shanghai, told China Daily

26、. However, as more B&Bs come out, the service sometimes may not be good enough. Some guests complained the soundproofing(隔音) is bad and the house is dirty.To solve the problem, the first national industry standards were carried out on Oct.1. For example, every B&B should provide no more than 14 gues

27、t rooms and things like towels and sheets must be changed after every visitor. The standards will help the B&B industry develop in a healthy and sustainable(可持续的) way, reported CNR(中国广播网). ( ) 41.What is B&B?A. A new way of welcoming visitors in Europe. B. A new type of sleeping at night in China.C.

28、 The first choice to sleep at night in China.D. A new type of accommodation choice in China.( ) 42.“Bookings for the B&Bs in China grew by 400 percent from 2016”shows that_.A. people inChina dont like B&B very much B. B&B now is more popular among ChineseC. B&B is very difficult to book because of t

29、oo many peopleD. there are a lot of B&Bs( ) 43.What do travellers usually do in B&Bs in China?A. Cook meals and grow some vegetables B. Sleep at night and have some meals.C. Chat with each other and draw some picturesD. Cook meals and play with the pets together.( ) 44. Which of the following is NOT

30、 included in the standards?A. Change towels and sheets. B. Provide no more than 14 guest rooms.C. Make sure the rooms are clean and tidy. D. Make sure hot water is in service all day.( ) 45. According to the last paragraph, we can predict _. A. the national standards are useless for B&B industryB. p

31、eople have no interest in B&BC. there will be a brighter future for the B&B industryD. people will no longer choose B&B to live(C)A round face, white fur, fatty body but more importantly, a full set of funny poses pushed a cat to be a star on Chinese Internet. Lou Lou, an online famous cat with over

32、 680,000 fans on Sina Weibo. Its facial expressions have been used to make a number of emojis(表情包) and widely used on the Internet. “You may not know the cats name, but you must have seen its emojis,” says Lou Banniang, the cats owner.Sadly, Lou Lou died of a heart attack on Oct. 14, leading to a wa

33、ve of despair among quite a few online users. “I cannot accept the fact that Lou Lou has gone forever, and my favorite emojis cannot update any more,” Weibo user Xiao Pihai_223 said. “One of the necessities(必须) in my life is watching each and every move of Lou Lou. It looks like an angel to me, and

34、it has now gone back to paradise(天堂),” added Pai Dadui, another user.The cat first got public attention last year,because of a short video recording its naughty (淘气) yet interesting movements in the bathing process, and a clip that has been viewed millions of times. Besides emojis, Lou Lous image(图像

35、)has appeared on pillows, cups, clothes and cartoons. People may feel sorry about the death of such a cute cat, but also are surprised by the animals power and influence. Cat culture seems to have exploded over the past few years, from millions of funny cat videos being shared all over social media,

36、 to cats becoming Internet famous in their own right.Throughout human history, cats have been our best friends, just like dogs. They make fantastic company as pets, make us laugh and welcome us when we get home by walking about at our feet. In Chinas largest question and answer community Zhihu, catr

37、elated topics number 18,000, while dog-related topics are up to 90,000.( ) 46. How many cat-related topics are there in Chinas largest question and answer community Zhihu?A. 680,000 B. 18,000 C. 223 D. 90,000( ) 47. What does the underlined word “exploded” mean in the passage?A. Disappeared B. Sprea

38、d quickly C. Changed D. Died out( ) 48. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The cat was famous because of its owners name.B. Cats have been our best friends instead of dogs.C. Many fans were very sad because of Lou Lous death. D. Lou Lou was dead because of an accident.( ) 49.

39、 What do you think makes the cat Lou Lou so special?A. Welcoming its owner when the owner gets home B. Being the owners best friend.C. Its naughty but interesting emojis. D. Its sudden death.( ) 50. Where can we probably read this passage?A. In a musical magazine. B. In a detective story. C. In a sc

40、ience magazine. D. In a daily newspaper.(D)There were two warring tribes(部落) in the Andes, one that lived in the lowlands and the other high in the mountains. One day the mountain people invaded(侵略) the lowlanders , and as part of their plundering(掠夺) of the people, they kidnapped the baby of one of

41、 the lowlander families and took the baby with them back up into the mountains. The lowlanders didnt know how to climb the mountain. They didnt know any of the clue of the path that the mountain people used and they didnt know where to find the mountain people or how to track them in the steep mount

42、ain(地形). Even so, they sent out their best party of fighting men to climb the mountain and bring the baby home. The men tried one method of climbing after another. After several days of effort, however, they had climbed only a couple hundred feet. Feeling hopeless and helpless, the lowlanders decided that they gave up continuing climbing up, and they prepared to return to their village below. As they were packing their gears for the descent(下降), they saw the babys mother walking toward them. They realized that she was coming down the mountain that they hadnt known how


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