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1、江苏省东台市第四教育联盟2018届九年级英语上学期第二次质量检测(12月月考)试题第一卷(80分)一、听力测试(20分)第一部分 听对话回答问题 本部分共有10道小题, 每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,将有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。听到“嘀”的信号时,进入下一小题。1. How will the girl and her mother go to Beijing? A B C2. When are the two speakers going to the bank? A B C3. Which drink does L

2、isa want? A B C4. What is Peters favourite hobby? A B C5. How much does the toy ship cost? A. 300 yuan B. 100 yuan C. 200 yuan 6. What is the boy going to do?A. To ask Mary for help.B. To ask his teacher for help.C. To look up the word in the dictionary.7. What would the girl do if she found a walle

3、t? A. Shed look for the owner.B. Shed give it to the police.C. Shed give it to her teacher8. Where are the two speakers probably talking? A. At the airport.B. In a hotel. C. At home9. What does the girl mean?A. Tickets for the concert may be sold out now.B. There are probably still many tickets on s

4、ale.C.The tickets will not be on sale until tomorrow.10. How many books did Mrs. Black sell?A. 26.B. 30. C. 60第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题,听两遍听一段对话,回答第1112小题。11.From where can they see a long way?A. The bathroom. B. The balcony. C. The kitchen.12.What does the man think of climbing the stairs? A. It is great fun

5、. B. It is boring. C. It helps to keep fit.听第1篇短文,回答第13-15题。 Grandpas GlassesWhatGrandpa has a pair of 13 glasses.WhereHe often leaves them in 14 .HowThey often drop out of his 15 .Grandpas GlassesWhatGrandpa has a pair of 13 glasses.WhereHe often leaves them in 14 .HowThey often drop out of his 15

6、.Grandpas GlassesWhatGrandpa has a pair of 13 glasses.WhereHe often leaves them in 14 .HowThey often drop out of his 15 .Grandpas GlassesWhatGrandpa has a pair of 13 glasses.WhereHe often leaves them in 14 .HowThey often drop out of his 15 .Grandpas GlassesWhatGrandpa has a pair of 13 glasses.WhereH

7、e often leaves them in 14 .HowThey often drop out of his 15 .13.A. reading B. sun C. dark14.A. the sofa B. the supermarket C. the car15.A. paper bag B. pocket C. shopping bag听第2篇短文,回答第1620小题。16. Why did people around Mark dislike him? A. Because he was too lazy. B. Because he drank too much.C. Becau

8、se he had many bad habits.17.What did Mark promise God to do? A. To tell the truth.B. To be a brave man. C. To give up drinking.18. What did the man think of when he wanted to do something bad? A. His father. B. His promise. C. The people around him.19. How many bad habits did he give up? A. Two.B.

9、Three. C. All.20. Why could Mark become popular? A. Because he followed Gods advice.B. Because he became very rich. C. Because his neighbours helped him. 二选择(15分)。21. His excellent performance brought him to the of the great director. A. information B. operation C. attention D. invention22. Id rathe

10、r TV at home than shopping with you.A.watch; go B. watch; going C.watching; going D. watching;go23. Excuse me, could you tell me ?A. where can I have my MP4 player repaired B. how many students had passed the testC. how can I go to the e-shop D. what is wrong with your bike24. It rained so that peop

11、le could go out yesterday morning. A. hardly; hard B. hardly; hardly C. hard; hardly D. hard; hard25. Mrs Zhang Dr Yang shows great interest in the topic we are talking about. They want to know more about it. A. Both; and B. Either; or C. Not only; but also D. Neither; nor26. 一She didnt make great p

12、rogress,did she? 一 ,although she did her best. A. so; No B. so; Yes C. such; No D. such;Yes27. the little girl was hit by a truck,nobody gave a hand to the girl an old lady appeared. Why were they so cold-hearted? A. When; while B. Before; until C. After; until D. As; while28. 一Whose T-shirt is this

13、? 一It be Johns. Its small for him. A. cant; much too B. cant; too much C. mustnt; much too D. mustnt; too much29. He devoted his lifetime it possible for women a better education.A. to make; to receive B. to make; to receivingC. to making; to receive D. to making; receive30. 一Thank you,Millie and Ki

14、tty. It was kind of you to help me with my lessons.一 .A. With pleasure B. Better not C. Of course not D. Its our pleasure31. He seldom stays up late at night, _ necessary, to keep himself full of energy the next day. A. if B. unless C. until D. while32.What did your son say to you? He asked me _. A.

15、 when would we go to Tainwan for a holidayB. who was America discovered byC. how the life will be like in 500 yearsD. if he could play computer games after finishing his work33.Lets watch the popular TV program “China Idol”, shall we? _. It has been over for some time. A. Sounds greatB. Yes, we shal

16、lC. Im afraid not D. No, we shant34I Was riding along the street and all of a sudden,a car cut in and knocked me down。 You can never be careful in the street Amuch Bvery Cso Dtoo35. There were many people _ at the painting _by this painter.A. looked;painted B. were looking;paintedC.looking;was paint

17、ed D looking;painted三、完形填空 (15) Will you put others needs before your own? What 16 will you get lf you do? Here is an experience of mine.It was a wet day and I had a 17 time. I was busy and everyone I talked to was in a bad mood. Whats more,I went out without breakfast and I left my 18 at home. So I

18、 couldnt get lunch and was terribly hungry.When I finished my work,I 19 to ask my wife to meet me at the door with some money so that I could quickly go to buy 20 .Then I quickly made my way home in home of eating my 21 meal of the day at 5:00 p.m.As I was halfway(半路上)home,my wife told me by phone t

19、hat a friend of ours was in 22 and needed a lift(搭便车)home. My mind said,“I will get him 23 I get the meal. ”But my mouth said,“All right, Ill give him a 24 .”He jumped in the car with a smile on his face and repeated how 25 he was that I would drive him home. He told me he usually walked home from h

20、is company but that day the 26 stopped him from making that journey.Traffic was a 27 . A drive to him normally took 10 minutes but that day it took 30 minutes.Now you would guess the person that I was helping is a 28 friend of mine. But,in fact,he is a friend of a friend.I wonder if I will ever see

21、this person again but I feel glad I was there when he 29 me.So you will feel yourself helpful and useful when you 30 more about others.( )36. A. help B. feeling C. change D. reward(奖励)( )37.A.fun B. quiet C. hard D. good( )38.A.keys B. glasses C. wallet D. notebook( )39.A.called B. wanted C. tried D

22、. remembered( )40.A.gifts B. clothes C. fruit D. dinner( )41.A.hot B. first C. simple D. free( )42.A.trouble B. danger C. fear D. treatment( )43.A.since B. after C. before D. when( )44.A.choice B. suggestion C. ride D. greeting(问候)( )45.A.sorry B. grateful C. surprised D. satisfied(满意)( )46.A.rain B

23、. time C. work D. traffic( )47.A.view B. stop C. joy D. mess( )48.A.new B. lovely C. close D. common( )49.A.chose B. phoned C. joined D. needed( )50.A.learn B. worry C. care D. talk四阅读理解(30分)A History was made in 2008 When Barack Obama became Americas first African-American presidentAre you looking

24、forward to a Chinese-American president? Ten-year-old Alena Mulhern is working hard to make this idea come true However,there is a big problem aheadIt is that Alena was not born in AmericaBorn in Hunan Province,China,Alena was adopted (收养) by an American couple when she was ten months oldWhen Alenas

25、 foster mother asked about her ambition (志向),Alena said that she would like to be the US presidentBut she was told that,according to the law,the US president has to be born in the United States Unlike other kids,Alena didnt think of giving upShe considered the law was unfair and planned to make some

26、 changesShe wrote to President Obama with a joint letter signed by her classmatesIn the letter,she talked about her ambition and how she would like his support to change the lawThough she received a reply from the White House,she was not satisfied with it As a result,Alena started to attend Massachu

27、setts state council meetings (州议院听证会) herself,hoping to change the lawIn Alenas opinion,an old law written 200 years ago shouldnt stop the talents serving America now51When did America have its first African-American president? AIn 2000 BIn 2005 CIn 2008 DIn 201052According to the law,Alena cant be

28、the US president because Ashe is too young密封线内不准答题学校_ 班级 姓名 考试号 考场 座位号 Bshe is a Chinese-American Cshe doesnt know the law well Dshe wasnt born in America53In the third paragraph,the underlined word“it”refers to Aold American law Bher born place Ca reply from the White House DMassachusetts state cou

29、ncil meetings54Which is NOT true according to the passage? AAlenas foster parents are both from America BChinese-American cant be the American present CAlena wants to be an American president DObama replied Alenas letter55The passage mainly talks about AAlena is a Chinese-American girl BAlena wrote

30、to President Obama CAlena is trying to change the old American law DAlena attended Massachusetts state council meetingsBJust 28 years ago, Berlin was a city divided into two by the Berlin Wall. How excited people were as the Berlin Wall came down. Since then, Berlin has become one of the coolest cit

31、ies in Europe. Here are the main reasons why I think Berlin is cool. First, Berlin has cheap hotels and everyday objects (物品). You neednt worry about spending too much money when visiting Berlin.Second, Berlin knows how to give parties, and there is a festival here every month of the year. Perhaps t

32、he most famous is the Berlin International Film Festival (the BIFF).Third, Berlin has beautiful buildings of its own. The Brandenburg Gate is one of the citys most famous buildings. Its the symbol (象征) of more than 200 years of history. The TV Tower is as good as the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Lo

33、ndon Eye.Lastly, Berlin is a city of living art. Artists can create works of art on the sides of buildings. If you want to visit a European city with culture, cheap objects and lots of colours, Berlin is the place to be. What are you waiting for? Get to Europes coolest city before anyone else discov

34、ers it56. The Berlin Wall came down in_.A. 1969. B. 1979. C. 1989 D. 1999.57. The writer does NOT tell us that_ in Berlin.A. everyday objects are cheap B. how often a festival is heldC. people know how to give parties D. in which month the BIFF is held58. According to the 4th paragraph(段落 ), _great

35、buildings of Berlin are mentioned. A. two B. three C. four D. five59. The writer suggests that we_.A. create works of artB. choose Berlin as the city to visitC. build some towers like the Eiffel TowerD. discover a cooler city than Berlin to visit60. Which is the best title (题目) for the passage? A. B

36、erlins festivals B. Berlin - a really cool city C. Berlins beautiful buildings D. Berlin - a city of living artCCalvin waited outside Trudys bedroom. Then it happeneda scream, a very loud scream. Calvin ran to his room and dived into bed. He heard Mama coming down the hall. “Did you do this?” his mo

37、ther asked. Calvin looked out from under the covers. His mother stood over him, holding a rubber spider. “Do what?” he asked. “You put that thing in my bed,” Trudy told him, stepping out from behind Mama. “Dont think that just because its your birthday you can get away with something like this,” Mam

38、a scolded (责骂). “You do want your present, dont you?” That wiped the smile off Calvins face. “Course I do,” he said. “Then you apologize (道歉).”Calvin dropped his head. “Sorry Trudy,” he muttered (嘟囔). “Here,” Mama said. “Happy birthday.” At the breakfast table she handed Calvin an envelope. Inside w

39、ere tickets to the matinee show of Lomax the Magnificent, the world-famous magician and hypnotist. “Youve got two tickets there,” Mama said, “and I know someone whod really love to go along.” She smiled at Trudy. “You dont mean here, do you?” Calvin asked, eyeing his little sister. “Well, that would

40、 be really nice. But those tickets are yours. If you want to ask somebody” Calvin didnt wait for his mother to finish. He rushed out of the house to call Rodney, his pal next door, that the two of them were going to see Lomax the Magnificent. 61. Who screamed at the beginning?A. Calvin. B. Calvins s

41、ister. C. Calvins friend. D. Calvins mother. 62. Calvin apologized to Trudy _. A. unwillingly B. truly C. happily D. excitedly63. Calvin received his present _.A. in the kitchen B. in his bed C. inside the theatre D. outside his house64. Calvins mother Rally wanted Calvin to _.A. ask his friend to t

42、he show B. find out what his friend thoughtC. do what she thought was right D. watch the show without his sister65. What is the best title for this passage?A. Trudys Spider B. Mothers TicketsC. Calvins Birthday D. Rodneys Present五阅读表达(每个答案不超过5个词)(10分)Many parents like setting family rules for their kids. When kids brea


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