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1、20192019中考英语完形填空精练(3 3)及答案 A (2018 中考教育类选练) In these years, computer games have become more and more popular in many cities and towns. A lot of small shops along busy (1)_ have changed into (2)_ game houses in order to get more money. These places are always crowded with (3)_ especially young boys.

2、In the computer game houses, people (4)_ a lot of money competing with the machines. Its (5)_ for one to win a computer, but one can make progress after (6)_ again and again. People have a kind of gambling psychology ( 赌博心理) when they play computer games. The more they (7)_, the more they want to wi

3、n. For school boys, they have no (8)_for their lessons. When class is over, they run to the nearby computer game houses. So me of them can get enough money from their parents. But some of them are not (9)_ enough to get the money. They begin to take away other students money and (10)_ thieves. ( )1.

4、 A. rivers B. cities C. villages D. streets ( )2. A. small B. big C. computers D. sports ( )3. A. peop le B. person C. women D. girls ( )4. A. take B. win C. use D. spend ( )5. A. easy B. hard C. important D. beautiful ( )6. A. drive B. to make C. trying D. ran ( )7. A. hope B. lose C. do D. make (

5、)8. A. difference B. secret C. mind D. duty ( )9. A. bad B. angry C. difficult D. lucky ( )10.A. are B. look like C. become D. like 答案:1D 2A 3A 4D 5B 6C 7B 8C 9D 10C B (2018 中考人生百味类选练) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答 案。 1 Tony and his friends found a strange old box filled with candies

6、 and a treasure map. They thought they 1 be Stickybeards, a famous candy-loving pirate (海盗) who 2 a lot of treasure in a secret place. They were very 3 and started to look for the treasure. They 4 the map and found another small box. In the box, they found a few candies, the letter 5 and another map

7、. The new map led them to a big tree where they found another box with some candies, a new map, and a big letter O. They went on and found another 6 boxes with the letters V and E. However, on the last map they found that was a puzzle (谜). They spent a long time guessing the meaning of the puzzle. 7

8、 , Alex, one of Tonys friends, found the answer. “The puzzle wants us to put the letters we have 8 beside our father and mother.” He added, “ 9 the answer to the puzzle is love your parents.” The great treasure Stickybeard or someone else left them was a great piece of 10 love your parents. From the

9、n on, Tony and his friends loved their parents more than ever. ( )1. A. might B. would C. cant D. mustnt ( )2. A. made B. took C. hid D. bought ( )3. A. tired B. sad C. excited D. nervous ( )4. A. found B. read C. drew D. forgot ( )5. A. M B. P C. Y D. L ( )6. A. two B. three C. four D. five ( )7. A

10、. Mainly B. Usually C. Probably D. Finally ( )8. A. written B. created C. collected D. chosen ( )9. A. If B. So C. Or D. But ( )10. A. paper B. advice C. land D. news 答案:1A 2C 3C 4B 5D 6A 7D 8C 9B 10B C (2018 中考政治经济文化类选练) Different countries have different customs. 2 In China, youre not 1 to start e

11、ating first if there are older people at the table. Very often people who travel to the United States 2 to tip (付小费) because there is no such habit in some countries. Waiters expect to get a 15% tip on the cost of your meal.In England, 3 to stand in line even if there are only two of you. Its import

12、ant to respect lines there, Its a good idea to talk about the weather. Its a favorite subject of 4 with the British. In Spain, its a good idea to have a light meal in the afternoon if someone 5 you for dinner. People have dinner very late, and restaurants do not 6 open until after 9 pm. In Arab coun

13、tries, men kiss one another on the cheek (脸颊). Your host may welcome you with a kiss on both cheeks. It is 7 of you to do the same. In Japan, people usually give personal or business cards to each other when they meet for the first time. When a person gives you a card, dont put it into your pocket 8

14、 . The person expects you to read it. Dont forget to be careful of your body language to 9 something in conversation. A kind of body language that is acceptable in one culture may be 10 in another. ( ) 1. A. made B. supposed C. thought D. kept ( ) 2. A. remember B. take C. forget D. turn ( ) 3. A. m

15、ake up B. make sure C. take out D. take turns ( ) 4. A. choice B. agreement C. conversation D. decision ( ) 5. A. prepares B. requires C. reflects D. inv ites ( ) 6. A. gradually B. silently C. generally D. excellentl y ( ) 7. A. polite B. beautiful C. kind-hearted D. humorous ( ) 8. A. in person B.

16、 right away C. in public D. by mistake 3 ( ) 9. A. tell B. speak C. express D. talk ( )10. A. unimportant B. unusual C. unlucky D. impolite 答案:1B 2C 3B 4C 5D 6C 7A 8B 9C 10D D (2018 中考选练) Secrets are everywhere in the world outdoors. Quite a lot of people are busy _1_ them because they are so intere

17、sting. All _2_ us are birds, animals, trees and flowers. The facts about how they live and grow are as interesting as anything could be. Do you know that one of the great presidents of the U.S.A. spent hours and hours studying birds? A businessman who lives near New York City became so interested in

18、 insects that he began to _3_ them. He now has over one thousand different kinds carefully kept in glass boxes. Come _4_ me, and I will help you find some of natures secrets. Lets go quickly _5_ the woods and fields. Here we shall find how a rabbit _6_ the other rabbits that there is danger. We shal

19、l follow a mother bear and her young ones as they search for food and get ready for their long winter _7_. We shall watch bees dancing in air to let the other bees know where they can find food. I will show you _8_ interesting things, but the best thing that I can teach you is to keep eyes _9_ when

20、you go _10_. Nature tells her secrets only to people who look and listen carefully. ( )1. A. searching B. keeping C. studyingD. looking for ( )2. A. out B. around C. among D. besides ( )3. A. capture B. catch C. collectD. keep ( )4. A. along B. into C. at D. with ( )5. A. through B. over C. intoD. o

21、n ( )6. A. says B. tells C. asks D. speaks ( )7. A. rest B. trip C. holiday D. sleep 4 ( )8. A. other many B. many other C. some others D. much other ( )9. A. open B. closed C. listeningD. big ( )10. A. into B. inside C. between D. out 参考答案 15 CBCDA 610 BDBAD E (2018 中考选练) Jeff Keith has only one le

22、g. When he was only twelve years old, Jeff had cancer. Doctors had to _1_ off most of his right leg. Every day Jeff puts on an artificial leg(假肢). The leg is plastic. With the plastic leg, Jeff can ski, ride a bicycle, swim, and play soccer. He can also run. Jeff made a plan with his friends who had

23、 plastic legs, _2_. They decided to _3_ across America. They all wore special T-shirts. On it was “Run, Jeff, Run, Jeff Keiths Run Across America”. Jeff Keith ran across the United States from the east to the west _4_ he was twenty-two years old. He started running in Boston. Seven _5_ later, he sto

24、pped running in Los Angeles. He ran 3,200 miles. Jeff wore out thirty-six pairs _6_ running shoes and five plastic legs. Jeff _7_ in cities on the way to Los Angeles. In every city people gave Jeff money. The money was not for Jeff, _8_ for the American Cancer Society. The Society used the money to

25、help people know more about cancer. On the way to Los Angeles, Jeff talked to people about _9_. Jeff is disabled, but he can do many things. He finished college and is studying to be a lawyer. Jeff says, “People can do _10_ they want to do. I want people to know that. I ran not only for disabled peo

26、ple. I ran for everybody.” ( )1. A. take B. cut C. put D. set ( )2. A. also B. tooC. either D. neither ( )3. A. walk B. fly C. swim D. run ( )4. A. whileB. because C. when D. if ( )5. A. months B. days C. hours D. minutes ( )6. A. at B. for C. in D. of 5 ( )7. A. reached B. studied C. stopped D. started ( )8. A. and B. but C. or D. so ( )9. A. cancer B. walk C. society D. America ( )10. A. any B. thing C. nothing D. anything 参考答案 15 BBDCA 610 DCBAD 6


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