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1、20192019 中考英语完形填空基础练(1212)及答案 【能力选练】 A It was the afternoon of April 1. The bell rang _1_ the end of school. The students _2_ their books into their bags. They were ready _3_ home. Just at the moment, their English teacher came into the classroom and said to them, “Hello, boys and girls. Now go over

2、 the English lessons, and well have a test _4_ half an hour.” _5_ these words, she left. The students looked at each other in surprise. How sudden! The teacher had never told them they would have a test, yet they took out their English books and began to work hard. They studied and studied. It was g

3、etting dark, _6_ the teacher hadnt come yet! The monitor went out to the teachers office. _7_ minutes later, the English teacher came in with a smile. But she had _8_ in her hand! “Im sorry, but do you know _9_?” she said. After the students heard this, they couldnt help _10_ and saying “April Fools

4、!” ( )1.A. on B. In C. for D. at ( )2.A. put B. were put C. would put D. were putting ( )3.A. to go B. go C. going D. went ( )4.A. in B. after C. later D. out ( )5.A. Without B. With C. For D. In ( )6.A. and B. but C. or D. so ( )7.A. Few B. A few C. Little D. A little ( )8.A. something B. nothing C

5、. everything D. anything ( )9.A. what day is today B. what day today is C. whats the date D. what the date is ( )10.A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughed D. laughing 参考答案 15 DDAAB 610 BBBBD 【能力选练】 B 1 2016中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案记事类 I took the bus to school every day when I was in grade school. Alvin, our bus driv

6、er, came by every morning at 8:00 to us children from poor families up. Alvin picked up around twenty in our area and dropped us off after school. About once a month he would make a at the local drive-in. Someone would come out and ask each of us if we wanted an ice cream or a drink. Alvin would the

7、 whole bus out of his own pocket. The kindness that he showed was . I remember him picking us up at the end of the school year and taking us to his home for a party. He would drinks and chips for everyone. Remembering the kindness he showed, I called him up twenty years and thanked him. I told him t

8、hat he probably wouldnt remember , but I sure remembered him! We didnt see much kindness from others as we grew up, so it made it all the more . I could hear the smile in his voice when he thanked me for calling. Hes the reason why I do my to show kindness to everyone whom I cross paths with. Hes ha

9、d such a huge impact in my life and Im so thankful that I was able to tell him. 【小题 1】 Apick Bget Cmake Dtake 【小题 2】 Agirls Bboys Ckids Dmen 【小题 3】 Ago Bstop Clook Dplay 【小题 4】 Aask for Blook at Cwait for Dpay for 【小题 5】 Aterrible Bsurprising Cmoving Dboring 【小题 6】 Agive Bprovide Coffer Dtake 【小题 7】

10、 Alater Bago Cafter Dbefore 【小题 8】 Aus BI Cwe Dme 【小题 9】 Adifficult Bspecial Ccareful Dusual 【小题 10】 Agood Bwell Cbetter Dbest 2 【能力选练】 C 【2012 重庆】完形填空。 根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题 卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 Are you nervous when you stand in front of the public? Are you afraid to make a speech?

11、 Li Jun, a middle school boy, felt shy when he was making a speech the other day. Li had thought it would be quite easy to speak in front of 41 classmates. “I was wrong. It was very different and much 42 than talking to my classmates during playtime,“ Li said. “I tried, but it was really difficult t

12、o speak. I felt like a mute (哑巴) and wanted to leave the classroom 43 “ Li is not alone. Many middle school students now have the same 44 : they can talk about their ideas freely 45 their best friends after class, but cant speak in public. According to Zhou Hong, a teacher from a university, the mai

13、n reason is that schools in China pay more attention to writing instead of 46 . Zhou hopes schools can give students more chances to open their 47 , such as speech competitions, English corners and class discussions. Students can join in any one they want to. 48 he also gives some advice to students

14、. “During your free time you should 49 more. When youre speaking in public, take it easy. Just imagine youre talking to nobody and speak up your ideas clearly,“ Zhou said. “That 50 a fine public 3 speech and youll feel confident. “ 41. A. her B. my C. your D. his 42. A. harder B. easier C. better D.

15、 later 43. A. slowly B. quickly C. sadly D. happily 44. A. answer B, subject C. problem D. question 45. A. except B. beside C. from D. with 46. A. listening B. speaking C. reading D. singing 47. A. mouths B. eyes C. minds D. hearts 48. A. But B. So C. And D. Or 49. A. play B. practice C. write D. wa

16、tch 50. A. reports B. keeps C. hears D. makes 【答案】41-45 DABCD 46-50 BACBD 【能力选练】 D Nowadays, some students seldom help their 31 do housework at home. Some parents love their children too 32 and dont let them work at home. 33 the one hand, they think that their children are too busy 34 their studies

17、and expect them to do well in their lessons only. On the 35 hand, they think their children dont know 36 to do the housework. 37 , I think students should help their parents do housework at home. First, that can develop their love for work. Next, that can help them 38 their parents better. 39 the mo

18、st importantly, that can help them cultivate (培养) their ability to 40 in the future. 31. A. parents B. teachers C. doctors 32. A. many B. much C. little 33. A. At B. In C. On 34. A. with B. for C. by 35. A. another B. other C. others 36. A. how B. what C. when 37. A. And B. Or C. However 4 38. A. mi

19、nd B. understand C. hate 39. A. Then B. Second C. Last 40. A. live B. study C. think 【主旨大意】这是一篇议论文。文章描述现在父母们太溺爱孩子而不让孩子做家务的现象,从而 阐述作者自己的观点:孩子们应该帮助父母做家务,并列举了做家务的好处。 【解析】 31. A 根据后文中Some parents love their childrenand dont let them work at home 可知, 此处是几乎很少有学生帮助他们的父母做家务,B.老师,C.医生均不符合题意。故选A。 32. B 根据后文中,

20、dont let them work at home 可知,父母是太溺爱孩子,而不让孩子做家 务。A. too many 修饰可数名词,意为数量上太多。 B. too much 除修饰不名词,表示数量上的 多之外,还可修饰动词,表示程度深。C. too little 意为太少,不符合题意。故选B。 33. C On one hand, On the other hand,. 为固定句式,意为“一方面另 ”一方面A. At, B. In均不能构成该句式。故选C。 34. A 由be busy with sth.固定搭配可知,此题选A。 35. B 根据33 题中的固定句式可知,此题选B。A. a

21、nother 指三者或三者以上的另一个。 C. others 等于other加名词,而此空之后hand 为名词。故选B. 36. A 根据本句句意可知,父母认为孩子们不知道如何做家务,此处应选how 表示如何。B. what“”意为什么,在宾语从句中通常翻译为 什么 如果意为不知道家务是什么,则表达为what is the housework. C. when意为什么时候,通过常识可推断,不知道什么时候做家务与文章的主 题思想不符。故选A。 37. C 根据上下文,第一段阐述父母不让孩子做家务的现象,第二段中,I think students should help their parents

22、 do housework与第一段中父母的观点相反。此处需要表示转折 的词汇。A. And 表示并列, B. Or表示选择或者结果,C. however 意为然而,表示转折。 38. B 由本句话中的better 可推断,事情是朝着积极的方面发展。A. mind 意为介意。B. understand 理解。 C. hate 讨厌,憎恨。 39. C 由本句的位置可知是文章中表达的最后一个观点。Last and the most importantly 为固 定句式,常在议论文中表达最后一个主要观点。A. Then 意为然后,表示顺承,作为副词时接一 个句子,作为连词是通常连接表示连续的动作。

23、B. Second 意为第二,而上文中的Next 之后即作 者表达的第二个观点。故选C。 40. A 根据本句的含义及上下文可知,做家务可以帮助孩子培养他们生存的能力,而非B. study 5 学习 C. think思考。故选A。 【能力选练】 E 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 或者 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Eric was terribly ill. He couldnt move and had to spend all day in _1_. Because his friends were not allowed to go near him, he f

24、elt quite _2_. Every day he just looked out of the _3_, doing nothing at all. As time passed, Eric became more and more hopeless. One day, however, he saw something very _4_ in the window. A panda was eating sandwiches there. Eric was very surprised. Before he could _5_ what had happened, he saw a m

25、onkey playing the violin. After a while, he saw more and more _6_ characters outside the window. This time he began to _7_ a lot and could hardly stop. No one would stop laughing when they saw a pig playing a drum, or a dog _8_ a pair of glasses and acting like a teacher. Eric didnt tell anyone abou

26、t this _9_ he thought nobody would believe this. Anyway, those strange characters brought happiness back _10_ his heart. Soon he got well and was able to go back to _11_ again. When class was over, Eric told his _12_ about all the strange things he had seen. While he was talking, he saw something co

27、ming out of Toms _13_. He wanted very much to know what it was, so he asked Tom _14_. Finally Tom had to _15_ him what was in the bag. There, inside, were all the fancydress(假面) toys that Tom had used to cheer him up! And from that day on, Eric always did his best to make sure that no one was sad or

28、 lonely.(2011 丽水) ( )1. A. school B. bed C. church D. class ( )2. A. happy B. tired C. sad D. excited ( )3. A. window B. book C. door D. wall ( )4. A. delicious B. warm C. useful D. strange ( )5. A. find out B. pick up C. take away D. get back ( )6. A. quiet B. brave C. funny D. dangerous ( )7. A. c

29、ry B. laugh C. run D. sing ( )8. A. making B. selling C. inventing D. wearing ( )9. A. because B. but C. so D. or ( )10. A. for B. with C. into D. by ( )11. A. work B. school C. town D. hospital 6 ( )12. A. parents B. brothers C. sisters D. classmates ( )13. A. eyes B. shoes C. jacket D. schoolbag (

30、 )14. A. again and again B. as usual C. day and night D. in time ( )15. A. teach B. show C. lend D. sell 语篇解读:本篇短文通过讲述汤姆默默帮助病重男孩艾瑞克树立生活的希望的故事,告诉大 家没有人是孤单悲伤地。 1. B。根据句意艾瑞克不能动,只能是躺在床上。 2. C。别的朋友都不和他玩,说明他感到很悲伤。 3. A。look out of the window “意为 向窗外看”。 4. D。由后面的文章可知,这些事情很奇怪。 5. A。find out 意为弄明白,pick up 意为

31、捡起,take away意为拿走,get back 意为取回。 6. C。只有 funny 和 dangerous 的比较级前面加 more,但 dangerous意为危险的,不符合本 意。 7. B。由上面的句子知道这些可笑人物特征让艾瑞克笑了。 8. D。戴眼镜用 wear。 9. A。解释原因用 because。 10. C。bring sth. into ones heart给某人的内心带来 11. B。病好了之后当然要去上学了。 12. D。下课之后,只能和同学们讲述自己的经历了。 13. D“。由下文 what was in the bag”可知,应该是书包。 14. A。again and again 意为一次又一次地。 15. B。show意为出示给某人看。 7


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