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1、第五章 美国文学史汉译 第一节 第二节 第三节 第四节 第一节 61-65 Original 61: The first American literature was neither American nor really literature. It was not American because it was the work mainly of immigrants from England. It was not literature as we know it in the form of poetry, essays, or fiction but rather an inte

2、resting mixture of travel accounts and religious writings. 1) Analysis of the original: A) Grammatical analysis B) Stylistic analysis A)Grammatical analysis: (1) Sentence structure (2) Additional complication (3) Notes (1) Sentence structure: The selection consists of three sentences, of which the f

3、irst is a simple sentence while the two others are complex sentences. The second sentence is composed of a main clause and an adverbial clause of reason while the third sentence is composed of a main clause and an attributive clause. (2) Additional complication: In the last sentence, there is a pare

4、nthesis between the two dashes. (3) Notes: The part before but in the last sentence could be understood as something like this: It was not literature, in the way we know that literature is often in the form of poetry, essays, or fiction. B) Stylistic analysis: (1) Periodicity (2) Structural complica

5、tion (3) Parallel structure (4) Cohesive device (5) Structural and lexical formality (1) Periodicity: The first two are loose sentences and the last is periodic in that the part between the two dashes serves as a parenthesis. (2) Structural complication: The selection is not very complicated structu

6、rally though the last sentence is longer than the other two and sentence patterns vary one from another. (3) Parallel structure: In the selection, parallel structures are found as follows: neither American nor really literature; It was not American because it was the work mainly of immigrants from E

7、ngland, it was not literature as we know it; poetry, essays, or fiction; and travel accounts and religious writings. (4) Cohesive device: In terms of cohesive device, examples could be found as follows: parallel structures are used; literature and American are repeated; travel accounts and religious

8、 writings are semantically related, and so on. (4) Structural and lexical formality: Structurally, the selection is formal in that the sentences it is composed of are grammatically complete and free from colloquial structures. Lexically, formal words, including nominalizations, are frequently used,

9、for example, literature, immigrant, mixture, account, religious, and many others. 2) Staged translation: A) Translation 1 with comments B) Translation 2 with comments C) Translation 3 with comments A) Translation 1: 最初的美国文学既不是美国的,也 不是真正的文学。它不是美国文学是 因为它主要是从英格兰来的移民的作 品。它不是文学是因为正如我们知道 的不是以诗歌、散文或小说的形式 出

10、现的而是些颇有情趣的旅行记载 和宗教作品。 Comments: This is basically a word-for-word translation, though minor adaptations could be found occasionally. The translation is acceptable, readable and even authentic to the Chinese ear. But this does not necessarily mean that improvements cannot be made on it. B) Translatio

11、n 2: 最初的美国文学既不是美国的, 也不是真正的文学。不是美国的,是 因为它主要是英格兰移民的作品;不 是文学,是因为我们知道的文学的形 式多为诗歌、散文或小说,而这些作 品都是些颇有情趣的旅行记和宗教作 品。 Comments: Compared with the previous, intra- and inter-sentential rearrangements are made, clauses are cut short and coherence is enhanced. Consequently, readability and authenticity are impro

12、ved C) Translation 3: 最初,美国文学既不属于美国, 也不是文学。作品大多出自从英格兰 来的移民的笔端,不是我们所熟知的 诗歌、散文或小说,而是些饶有情趣 的旅行记和宗教作品。 Comments: In the present translation, such expressions as it was not American because, it was not literature as, together with the dashes, have disappeared with ideas greatly contracted. To some, such

13、a translation may not be legitimate but to others it may be quite acceptable. Original 62: The earliest colonial travel accounts are records of the perils and frustrations that challenged the courage of Americas first settlers. William Bradfords History of Plimmoth Plantation describes the cold gree

14、tings which the passengers on the ship Mayflower received when they landed on the coast of America in 1620: Original 62 (continued): Being thus arrived in a good harbor, and brought safe to land, they fell upon their knees and Blessed the God of Heaven who had brought them over the vast and furious

15、ocean, and delivered them from the perils and miseries thereof, again to set their feet on the firm and stable earth, their proper element . But here I cannot stand half amazed at this poor peoples present condition; and so I think will the reader too, when he well considers the same. Being thus pas

16、sed the vast ocean, they had no friends to welcome them nor inns to entertain or refresh their weatherbeaten bodies; nor houses or much less towns to repair to, to seek for succour. 1) Analysis of the original: A) Grammatical analysis B) Stylistic analysis A)Grammatical analysis: (1) Sentence struct

17、ure (2) Additional complication (3) Notes (4) Paraphrase (1) Sentence structure: The selection consists of a narrative paragraph and a quotation. The narrative paragraph consists of two sentences, of which the first is a complex sentence, composed of a main clause and an attributive clause. The seco

18、nd is also a complex sentence, composed of a main clause and an attributive clause, in which there is an adverbial clause of time embedded. (2) Additional complication: The quotation consists of two paragraphs, of which the first paragraph is composed of a single complex sentence, which is composed

19、of a main clause and an attributive clause. The second paragraph consists of two sentences, of which the first is a complex sentence, composed of a main clause, which in turn consists of two coordinate clauses, and an adverbial clause of time; and the second is a simple sentence. (3) Notes: In the f

20、irst paragraph of the quotation, the sentence begins with a participle phrase being thus arrived , which means having thus arrived, and at end of the paragraph, their proper element means the proper element of the immigrants, referring to the earth or soil. (4) Paraphrase: The first sentence in the

21、second paragraph of the quotation begins with a conjunction and an adverb, and the last sentence in the paragraph begins with a participle phrase, and the whole sentence can be restructured, and paraphrased to some extent, in the following manner: having thus passed the vast ocean, they had no frien

22、ds to welcome them, nor inns to entertain them or to refresh their weatherbeaten bodies; nor did they have houses or much less towns to repair to or to seek for succour. B) Stylistic analysis: (1) Periodicity (2) Structural complication (3) Parallel structure (4) Cohesive device (5) Structural and l

23、exical formality (1) Periodicity: In the narrative text, the two sentences are loose in structure. In the quotation, the three sentences are periodic in that the first sentence begins with a participle phrase; the second begins with a conjunction and an adverb; and the third also begins with a parti

24、ciple phrase. (2) Structural complication: The structures are complicated to some extent, for there is only one simple sentence but with confusing coordinate structures. (3) Parallel structure: Parallel structures are frequently used, for example, perils and frustrations; being thus arrived in a goo

25、d harbor, and brought safe to land; brought them over the vast and furious ocean, and delivered them; perils and miseries; firm and stable; no friends to welcome them nor inns to entertain; entertain or refresh; nor houses or much less towns; and to repair to, to seek for succour. (4) Cohesive devic

26、e: In terms of cohesive device, examples could be found as follows: parallel structures are frequently used; the pronoun they is repeatedly used to refer to Americas first settlers or the passengers; the phrase the passengers is also used to refer to Americas first settlers; the pronoun I is repeate

27、dly used to refer to William Bradford; and so on. (5) Structural and lexical formality: Structurally, the selection is formal in that the sentences it is composed of are grammatically complete and free from colloquial structures. Lexically, formal words, including nominalizations, are frequently use

28、d, for example, colonial, account, record, peril, frustration, challenge, courage, settle, plantation, describe, passenger, receive, arrive, deliver, and so on. In addition, the structure and vocabulary of the quotation sound a little archaic. 2) Staged translation: A) Translation 1 with comments B)

29、 Translation 2 with comments C) Translation 3 with comments A) Translation 1: 最早的殖民者旅行记是灾难和沮丧的记录,这些灾难 和沮丧挑战了首批美洲移民的勇气。威廉.布雷福德的 普利茅斯种植园的历史描写了五月花船上的乘客所受到 的冷遇,当他们于1620年登上美洲海岸的时候: 就这样到达了一个良好的港口,被安全地带到了陆地 ,他们跪下了,天帝保佑他们,带领他们穿过辽阔愤怒的 海洋,将他们从灾难和痛苦那里带出来,又踏上了坚实稳 固的土地,他们的合适的元素 但是在这儿,我站在那儿,看到那些可怜的人们眼前 的状况,惊呆了。因此

30、我想,读者也会这样想,当他也这 样认为时。就这样穿过了辽阔的海洋,没有朋友迎接 他们,也没有旅店招待他们,使他们饱经风霜的身体恢复 疲劳;没有房屋,更没有城市供他们休息,来解决困难。 Comments: Generally speaking, the translation follows the original strictly, though with local readjustments made here and there. For example, in the second clause of the first sentence, 这些灾难和沮丧is repeated; n

31、ot in the second line of the second paragraph of the quotation is duly shifted in the translation, and others. However, the readability and authenticity could be further enhanced. B) Translation 2: 最早的殖民旅行记记录了挑战首批美国移民勇气的灾 难与挫折。威廉.布拉德福特的普利茅斯种植园的历史 描绘了他们乘坐五月之花号海轮于1620年到达美洲海 岸时所遇到的冷遇: 于是他们到达了一个良好的港口,安全

32、地登上了海岸 ,匍匐在地,感谢上帝带领他们跨过一望无垠的狂怒的大 海,带领他们逃离了危险与悲苦,再次踏上坚实而沉稳的 大地,踏上了适宜于他们的环境 这儿的人一贫如洗,环境极为艰苦,站在这儿,我感 到十分惊讶。我想,读者如想到眼前的境况,也会惊叹不 已。他们如此艰难的跨越了辽阔的海洋, 既没有朋 友迎接他们,也没有旅馆招待他们,饱经风霜,疲敝不堪 ,没有任何东西能使他们逐困解乏;没有房子,更没有城 市供他们落脚,没有人可以求助。 Comments: Compared with the previous, this translation has contracted the first two

33、clauses into a single sentence and rearranged the next sentence so that it sounds more authentic. Similarly, the quotation is reorganized and it now sounds more coherent. C) Translation 3: 首批移民旅行记记录了移民们来到美洲时遇到的灾难 、经历的沮丧、经受的挑战。威廉.布雷福德的普利茅 斯种植园的历史描绘了他们乘坐五月之花号海轮于 1620年抵达美洲海岸时受到的种种冷遇: 就这样受尽了折磨,终于抵达了盼望已久

34、的港口,安 全地登陆了。他们匍匐在地,感谢上苍保佑他们穿越了波 涛汹涌的辽阔海洋,将他们从死亡和灾难中拯救出来,使 他们踏实地踏上了坚固的土地,他们的适宜之所 我站在这儿,看着眼前这群可怜的人,不禁瞠目结舌 。我想,当读者看到这儿也会有同感。他们就这样穿越了 汹涌澎湃的辽阔海洋,没有亲朋好友来迎接,没有店 铺来招待,饱经风霜的躯体无法恢复疲劳,没有房屋供他 们休息,没有城市供他们游逛,供他们采购生活必需品, 供他们消愁解闷。 Comments: Apparently, the first sentence is reorganized and so is the quotation, espe

35、cially the last part of it. And the reorganization is executed to such a drastic extent that the parts concerned have deviated from the original to some extent to cater for Chinese norms. Consequently, the translation sounds like a piece of rewriting in terms of readability, coherence and authentici

36、ty, although the ideas in the original could be easily identified. Original 63: If the American wilderness did not provide a hearty welcome for the colonists, it nevertheless offered wealth of natural resources. “He is a bad fisher who cannot kill in one day with his hooke and line, one, two, or thr

37、ee hundred Cods” is a claim made by Captain John Smith in A Description of New England (1616). “A sup of New Englands air is better than a whole draft of old Englands ale” is a testimonial given by Francis Higginson in his New-Englands Plantation (1630). Higginson adds: Original 63 (continued): Besi

38、des, I have one of my children that was formerly most lamentably handled with sore breaking out of both his hands and feet of the kings evil, but since he came hither he is very well over what he was, and there is hope of perfect recovery shortly, even by the very wholesomeness of the air. Poor Higg

39、inson did not fare as well as his son; he died the same year the New- Englands Plantation was published. 1) Analysis of the original: A) Grammatical analysis B) Stylistic analysis A)Grammatical analysis: (1) Sentence structure (2) Additional complication (1) Sentence structure: The selection consist

40、s of two narrative paragraphs and a quotation, of which the first narrative paragraph consists of a sentence and two inter-textual quotations with their narrative clauses, and a reporting clause for the extra-textual quotation. In the first narrative paragraph, the sentence is complex in structure,

41、consisting of an adverbial clause of condition and a main clause. The first inter-textual quotation together with the narrative text can be regarded as a complex sentence, consisting of a main clause and a nominal clause serving as the subject of the sentence, which in turn contains an attributive c

42、lause. The second inter-textual quotation together with the narrative text can also be regarded as a complex sentence, composed of a main clause and a nominal clause serving as the subject. Sentence structure (continued): The quotation is complex compound in structure in that it consists of a main c

43、lause and an object clause, which in turn consists of two coordinate clauses, of which the second in turn is composed two coordinate clauses, with the first having an attributive clause embedded. The second narrative paragraph consists of a compound sentence, composed of two coordinate clauses, loos

44、ely connected. (2) Additional complication: In the first narrative paragraph, the sentence begins with an adverbial clause; in the narrative part of the first inter- textual quotation, there is a parenthesis embedded in the brackets and so is a parenthesis embedded in the narrative part of the secon

45、d inter-textual quotation; and the quotation begins with an adverb. (3) Paraphrase: In the selection, the first inter-textual quotation together with the narrative text can be paraphrased like this: In A Description of New England (1616), Captain John Smith claims that the man is a bad fisher if he

46、cannot get in one day with hook and line one, two or three hundred cods. And the sentence that follows can be understood in the same manner. In addition, the quotation may be paraphrased in the following manner: Besides, I have a child, who suffered from the kings evil. When he moved, both of his ha

47、nds and feet would give great pains. But since he came here, he does not feel any pain at all. And it is hoped that he will recover completely thanks to the wholesome fresh air. B) Stylistic analysis: (1) Overall stylistic features (2) Periodicity (3) Structural complication (4) Parallel structure (

48、5) Cohesive device (6) Structural and lexical formality (1) Overall stylistic features: In the present selection, there are two narrative texts and an extra-textual quotation, and in the first narrative text, there are two inter-textual quotations. In this sense, we can say that the selection is cha

49、racterized by quotations. (1) Periodicity: In the first narrative text, the first sentence is periodic for it begins with a conditional clause, and the second and the third both begin with quotations, which are actually clauses with or without further subordination. And in this sense, they can both be regarded as periodic sentences. (2) Structural


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