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1、Unit 1 School life,简单句的五种基本句型(一) 主语系动词表语 经典背诵 1.Your dream will come true. 2.Are you feeling any better? 3.She grew rich within a short time. 4.How humorous Xiao Shenyangs words sound! 5.To his parents worry, the child fell ill. 6.Cleaning women in big cities get paid by the hour. 7.The way to stop

2、blowout proved useless.,8.Many people are still going hungry in the world. 9.Success is one percent inspiration plus ninetynine percent diligence. 10.In spite of repeated wrongs done to him, he looks friendly to people greeting him., 趁热打铁 1.舟曲今年的气候比过去恶劣。_ 2.价格听起来很合理。_ 3.英国学校生活证明是丰富多彩的。_,4.春天来了,树叶变绿了

3、。_ 【答案】 1.The climate in Zhouqu this year is worse than that in the past. 2.The price sounds quite reasonable. 3.The life in British schools proves colorful. 4.When spring comes, leaves turn green.,【名师点注】 掌握此句型的关键是记住常用系动词:be; seem; look; appear; remain; prove; become; get; grow; turn; come; fall; ke

4、ep; stay; smell; sound; taste; feel等;形容词、名词、to be不定式等常作表语。,.重点词汇 1_ vi.& vt.参加;出席_ n出席;照料 2_ vt.赢得;取得;实现_ n成就;功绩 3_ vt.& vi.准备_ n准备 4_ n& vt.经历;体验_ adj.有经验的 5_ vt.介绍 _ n介绍;序言 6_ n图书馆_ n图书管理员 7_ v后悔_ adj.遗憾的 8_ adj.近来的_ adv.最近,9_ n文化_ adj.文化的 10. _ vt.培养;养成_ n发展 11_ vt.捐助;赠予_ n捐赠;捐助 12. _ n注意;关注_ adj

5、.专心的 13. _ vt.使满意_ adj.高兴的 14. _ vt.通知;获悉_ n信息;见闻 15. _ vt.& vi. 批准;赞成_ n赞成;批准 16_ v尊敬_ adj.可敬的_ adj.恭敬的_ adj.分别的,17. _ vi.& vt.继续;持续_ adj.连续的 18. _ n一代;一代人_ vt.产生;发生 19. _ vt. 要求;需要_ n要求 20. _ n自然;大自然_ adj.自然的;天生的 _ adv.自然地,1attend;attendance 2.achieve;achievement 3.prepare;preparation 4.experience

6、;experienced5.introduce;introduction 6.library;librarian 7.regret;regretful8.recent;recently 9.culture;cultural 10.develop;development 11.donate;donation 12.attention;attentive 13.please;pleased 14.inform;information 15.approve;approval 16.respect;respectable;respectful;respective 17.continue;contin

7、uous 18.generation;generate 19.require;requirement 20.nature;natural;naturally,.短语回顾 1_ average 平均 2at ease _ 和融洽相处 3for_ 免费 4. be available _ 可得到 5donate _向捐献 6_ display/show 在展出中 7. pay attention _注意 8be present _ 出席;在场,9. regret _ sth.遗憾做某事 10approve _批准;同意 11. make preparations _准备 12. _nature 本

8、质上;实际上 1on 2.with 3.free 4.for 5.to 6.on 7.to8.at 9.to do 10.of 11.for 12.in,.佳句回顾 1_ a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and _ for me. 我在英国上了一年的学,那是一段令我非常开心和兴奋的经历。 2I found that the homework was not _ what I used to get in my old school. 我发现作业负担不像原来的学校那么重。 3. _ ,you must read al

9、l the information carefully before you make any decision. 进行比较的时候,你必须在作出任何决定前仔细阅读所有的信息。,4_ choices you have, _ your final decisions will be. 你的选择越多,最后的决定越好。 5. _ his studies, he started travelling in China. 他一完成学业就开始了中国之旅。 1Going to;exciting experience 2.as heavy as 3When comparing 4.The more;the be

10、tter 5Upon finishing,1. experience n. 经历;经验 vt.体验;经历,【经典例句】 Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.(P2) 我在英国上了一年的学,那是一段令我非常开心和兴奋的经历。 Visiting the Shanghai World Expo was an_unusual_experience for me. 参观上海世博会是我难忘的一次经历。 Some Chinese footballers

11、flew to South Africa to experience the World Cup. 一些中国足球运动员飞往南非感受世界杯。,【即时应用】 (1)Jumping out of an airplane at ten thousand feet is quite an exciting _. Astory Bterror Csuicide Dexperience 【解析】 an experience表示一次经历。 【答案】 D,2. attend vt.出席 attend a lecture听讲课 attend church去教堂 attend (at) a wedding出席婚礼

12、attend on/upon sb.伺候某人;照料某人 attend to sb./sth. 处理;照料;关怀,【经典例句】 On the first day, all students went to attended assembly.(P2)开学第一天,所有的学生都会参加校会。 I am very honoured to attend your wedding. 我很荣幸能参加你的婚礼。 She has been attending_on her sick mother for years. 多年来她一直伺候着生病的母亲。,attend/join/join in/take part in

13、,【即时应用】 用上述词或短语的适当形式完成句子 (2)I made a living by _(伺候)the rich. (3)Could you _(处理)this matter immediately? (4)We _(听课)his lecture. (5)_(参加)the physical exercises and build up your strength. (6)Will you _(加入我们) taking a walk? (7)He was permitted _ (加入) the club. 【答案】 (2)attending on (3)attend to (4)att

14、ended (5)Take part in (6)join us in (7)to join,3. mean vt.&vi. 打算;意味着;用意,【经典例句】 This means I could get up an hour later than usual as schools in China begin before 8 am(P2) 这就意味着我每天可以比平时晚起床一小时,因为在中国学校每天上午8点之前开始上课。 Those flowers were_meant_for you;I_meant you to have them.这些花是给你的;我的意思是让你要这些花。 Im sorr

15、y I hurt you;I didnt mean_to. 对不起, 我弄伤了你; 我不是故意的,【即时应用】 (8) I didnt mean _ her. But talking like that means _ her. Ato hurt;to hurt Bhurting;hurting Cto hurt;hurting Dhurting;to hurt 【解析】 第一句句意:我没打算伤害她。第二句句意:那样说就意味着伤害了她。mean to do打算做;mean doing意味着做。所以选C项。 【答案】 C,4respect vt.& n. 尊敬;尊重,【经典例句】 He also

16、 told us that the best way to earn respect from the school was to work hard and achieve high grades.(P2) 他还告诉我们在学校里获得尊重的最好方法就是努力学习和取得高分。 If the terrorists had any respect for human life they wouldnt do such terrible things.恐怖分子如果还顾及人的生命就不会做出这样可怕的事来。 If you dont respect yourself, how can you expect o

17、thers to respect you? 自己不自重, 又怎能希望别人尊重你呢?,【即时应用】 (9)The best way to earn_ from your teammates is to play hard and learn to cooperate. Avictory Brespect Cachievement Dpity 【解析】 earn/win/gain respect from sb.“赢得某人的尊敬”。 【答案】 B,5average adj. 平均的;平常的 n平均;平均数 v. 平均为,【经典例句】 This is about the average_size f

18、or British schools. (P2) 这大约是英国学校班级学生数的平均规模。 The amount of rain this year has been below the annual average. 今年的降雨量低于年平均数。 The number of students in Australian classes averages 14. 澳大利亚学校的班级平均人数是14左右。,ordinary/general/common/normal/usual/average,【即时应用】 用上述词的适当形式填空 (10)The _ time the Chinese people s

19、pend online is 18 hours a week. (11) In _ with many boys, John likes football. (12) The book is intended for _ readers, not for specialists. (13) As _, we finished our task ahead of time. (14) We keep our shop open during the _ working hours. 【答案】 (10)average (11)common (12)ordinary (13)usual (14)no

20、rmal,6prepare v准备;预备,【经典例句】 Cooking was really fun as I learned how to buy, prepare and cook food.(P3) 烹饪真有趣,因为我学会了怎样买菜,准备和烹调。 The students are busy preparing_for the examination. 学生们正忙于准备高考。 We are well_prepared_for the game. 我们已经为比赛做好了充分的准备。,【对接高考】 (15)(2008江苏高考) Im sure Andrew will win the first

21、prize in the final. I think so. He _ for it for months. A. is preparing B. was preparing C. had been preparing D. has been preparing 【解析】 因为决赛还没进行,所以“Andrew 一直准备了几个月”,用现在完成进行时。 【答案】 D,【即时应用】 (16)This time youve failed again, youd better_ your fathers punishment. Abe prepared for Bprepare for Cmake p

22、reparations for Dbe ready for 【解析】 句意:这次你又不及格,你最好准备好被你爸爸惩罚吧。 【答案】 A,7regret v& n遗憾;后悔,【经典例句】 We regret_to_inform you that our library will be closed next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for the sports meeting.(P16) 我们很遗憾地通知大家,我们的图书馆因开运动会而在周三、四、五停开三天。 Look! She is crying bitterly. I_regret_telling_her

23、 the bad news. 瞧!她在悲痛地哭泣。我后悔告诉了她那个噩耗。 He told me with_regret that he could not come to the party. 他很抱歉地对我说他不能来参加这个聚会了。,【对接高考】 (17)(2010济南模拟)Robert is indeed a wise man. Oh, yes. How often I have regretted_his advice! Ato take Btaking Cnot to take Dnot taking 【解析】 regret not doing sth.“后悔没有做某事”。 【答案】

24、 D,【即时应用】 (18)This scar will be lasting, but to this day, I have never_what I did. Aconsidered Brecognized Cregretted Dforgot 【解析】 句意:这块伤疤不会消退,但是,我永远不会后悔我所做的事。只有C项符合句意。 【答案】 C,8require vt. 要求;需要,【经典例句】 When I attended the first meeting, I was_required_to_write a poem and I had to read it to the grou

25、p.(P18) 我参加第一次集会时,被要求写一首诗并向小组朗读。 The ground requires_cleaning/to_be_cleaned. 地面需要打扫。 All the students were_required_to_attend the assembly. 所有学生都被要求参加校会。,【对接高考】 (19) (2009天津高考) Dont worry if you dont understand everything. The teacher will _the main points at the end. Arecover Breview Crequire Dreme

26、mber 【解析】 句意:如果你不能全部理解,不要着急,老师会在最后再回顾一下要点。review“复习,回顾”,符合句意,recover“重新获得,恢复健康”;require“要求”;remember“记住”。 【答案】 B,【即时应用】 (20)Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls? I dont know, but this is the last time. The fans _ them to win wholeheartedly. A. hope B. require C. suggested D. demand 【解析】 A,C,D三

27、项不接sb. to do sth.的结构。 【答案】 B,9compare v比较;相比;比喻,【经典例句】 Your teacher has found some information and asked you to compare the information with details in her friends email.(P14) 老师发现一些信息并要求你把这些信息和她朋友的电子邮件里的细节进行比较。 Compared_to/with that of last year, this years grain output has increased by 20%. 和去年相比,

28、今年的粮食产量增加了20%。,Mans life is often compared_to a candle. 人生常被喻为蜡烛。 We can only tell good from bad by_comparison. 我们可以通过比较来分辨好坏。,【对接高考】 (21) (2009福建高考) Michaels new house is like a huge palace,_with his old one. Acomparing Bcompares Cto compare Dcompared 【解析】 过去分词作条件状语。 【答案】 D,【即时应用】 (22)Agriculture w

29、as a huge step in human progress_ which nothing could be compared until our machine age. Awith Bfor Cfrom Din 【解析】 compare with与比较,比得上。句意:农业是人类的一大进步,在机器时代到来之前,没有什么可以与之相比。 【答案】 A,10inform v. 通知 inform sb. of/about sth. 通知某人某事 inform sb. to do sth.通知某人做某事 inform sb. that.通知 keep sb. informed of sth.使某

30、人知晓某事,【经典例句】 Please inform me of the time for the departure. 请通知我离开的时间。 The headmaster informed us that we would go for a spring outing the next day. 校长通知我们次日春游。 Please inform your parents to attend the school assembly tomorrow. 请通知你父母明天参加学校集会。,【即时应用】 (23)The president promised to keep all the board

31、 members_of how the negotiations were going on. Aknown Bfond Cconcerned Dinformed 【解析】 keep sb. informed of.“使某人知晓某事”。 【答案】 D,1take turns轮流 【经典例句】 Dont all speak at once._Take_turns. 不要同时说,轮流来。 It is good manners to take_turns to buy tickets. 排队买票是礼貌行为。,【温馨提示】 take turns或by turns“轮流”,这种相互关系涉及两者或两者以上

32、,所以用复数;in turn表示“依次”,两者之间,无交换关系,所以turn用单数。,【即时应用】 (24)People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars, and this _ creates further problems. Ain short Bin case Cin doubt Din turn 【解析】 in turn“反过来,依次”。句意:人们试图通过使用私家车来避开交通的延误,这反过来又带来了新的问题。 【答案】 D,(25) If we _to drive, you wouldn

33、t be so tired now. Ahad taken turns B. took turns Cwere in turn D. were by turns 【解析】 根据句意该用与过去相反的虚拟语气。take turns to do sth./do sth. in turn/do sth. by turns“轮流做某事”。 【答案】 A,2approve of赞成;同意 【经典例句】 I approve_of_your trying to earn some money, but please dont neglect your studies. 我同意你去挣一些钱,可是请不要耽误了功课

34、。 Im bowing out of this schemeI dont approve_of it. 我退出这个计划我不同意它。 Doctors dont approve_of_smoking. 医生不赞成抽烟。,approval n. 赞成;批准 give ones approval 表示同意 a nod of approval 点头同意,【即时应用】 (26)I hate to tell you that your plan isnt_ by the Committee. Aagreed with Bapproved of Cdiscussed about Dpassed by 【解析】

35、 句意:我不愿意告诉你,你的计划委员会没有批准。其他搭配:agree to a plan, pass a law, discuss a plan。 【答案】 B,3. come up with v赶上;提出;作出(反应) 【经典例句】 He couldnt come_up_with a proper answer just at the time. 那时他想不出一个合适的答案。 Weve been required to come_up_with some good ideas. 要求我们提出一些好主意。,【即时应用】 (27)The scientists are beating their

36、brains trying to_a solution to the problem. Acome up with Bkeep up with Cget up with Dcatch up with 【解析】 句意:科学家正绞尽脑汁,力求找到解决这个问题的办法。 【答案】 A,4for free免费 【经典例句】 Many people sent goods to the disaster areas for_free. 许多人免费为灾区送物资。 VIP members can enjoy the service for_free. 高级会员可以免费享受此项服务。,free of charge

37、 免费(做表语或状语) set sb. free释放某人 be/feel free to do sth.随心所欲做某事 free from/of不涉及的 free sb. from使某人免除,【即时应用】 (28)How much did he charge you for repairing the car? He repaired my car_. Afreely Bfree charge Cfor free Dfree 【解析】 for free 免费。 【答案】 C,1When_comparing,_you must read all the information carefully

38、 before you make any decision. 进行比较的时候,你必须在作出任何决定前仔细阅读所有信息。,【句式分析】 When comparing 是 when you are comparing 的省略形式,在句中作状语。 Make sure you turn off the lights when (you are) leaving the classroom. 离开教室时,一定要关上灯。 When studying in Britain, I improved my English a lot. 在英国学习期间我英语进步很快。,当when,whenever,while,a

39、s,once,if,unless,though,although,even if/even though,as if /as though等分别引导时间状语从句、条件状语从句、让步状语从句或方式状语从句时,如果主句和从句的主语一致或从句主语是表示情况的it,而且从句的谓语动词中含有动词be时,可以省略状语从句中的主语和动词be。,I wont go to the concert unless (we are) free. 除非有时间,否则我不会听音乐会。 If (it is) necessary, China will send another navy ship to protect pas

40、sing ships from attacks by Somalia pirates. 如有必要,中国将再派一艘海军战舰保护过往船只不受索马里海盗的袭击。,【对接高考】 (29)(2010浙江高考)The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise,if _ regularly,can improve our health. Abeing carried out Bcarrying out Ccarried out Dto carry out 【解析】 句意:试验表明,如果规律地进行适量的锻炼,就能够改善身体健康状况。当状语从句的主语与主句

41、的主语一致且从句中有系动词be时,可省去从句中的主语和动词be,本题中完整的条件状语从句应该为if it is carried out regularly,可得知答案为C项。 【答案】 C,【即时应用】 完成句子 (30)_(当看电视时),I heard a terrible noise coming from the kitchen. (31) _ (虽然告诉多次), he still couldnt remember it. 【答案】 (30)When (I was) watching TV (31)Though (he had been) told many times,2The_mor

42、e choices you have, the_better your final decisions will be. 你的选择越多,最后的决定越好。,【句式分析】 The more., the better是 “The 形容词或副词比较级, the 形容词或副词比较级”的固定结构,意为 “越, 越。” The more sweet children eat, the fatter they will become. 孩子吃糖越多,越容易发胖。 The sooner you get used to senior school studies, the higher grades you wi

43、ll get. 越快习惯高中学习,你的成绩会越好。,【温馨提示】 第一个the.分句是从句,如同时间状语、条件状语从句一样,应当用一般现在时表示将来。,【即时应用】 (32)The harder you _,the greater progress you _. Apractise;will make Bwill practise;make Cwill practise;will make Dpractise;make 【解析】 第一个分句用一般时态表将来;第二分句应用将来时,所以选A项。 【答案】 A,.单词拼写 1Shanghai is the h_ city of 2010 World

44、Expo. 2. His parents didnt a_ of his marrying the girl whose family was poor. 3. More than half of the population watched the live b_of the New Year Evening Party. 4. We are making p_ for the coming exam. 5. They are c_ friends and spend most time together. 6Now fewer children can be at_(安逸)with the

45、ir parents.,7Whats your _(理想的)university after graduating from middle school? 8We have all kinds of _(活动) after class. 9They are local people and have lived here for _(几代) 10Scientists have made many important _(发现) 【答案】 1.host 2.approve 3.broadcast 4.preparations 5.close 6.ease 7.dream 8.activities 9.generations 10.discoveries,.句型转换 1When he worked in the hospit


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