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1、Unit 2 Growing pains,简单句的五种基本类型(二) 主语不及物动词 经典背诵 1.The trees are growing well. 2.They stopped to have a rest. 3.We study hard. 4.The cost of living has gone up by 40%. 5.Hearing the news,his mother cried sadly. 6.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 7.My bike suddenly broke down on my way

2、home.,8.We set off in the morning and got home after dark. 9.The letter written by the general manager finally came. 10.The secretary worked late into the night,preparing a long speech for the president., 趁热打铁 1.时光如梭。_ 2.王教授出国了。_ 3.他爸爸在一家大公司工作。_,4.我们已经在城里住了10年。_ 【答案】 1.Time flies. 2.Professor Wang h

3、as gone abroad. 3.His father works in a big company. 4.We have lived in the city for ten years.,【名师点注】 “主语不及物动词”构成的句子虽然最简单,但不一定最简短,这类句子通常带有状语修饰成分,或者有两个或两个以上的不及物动词,从而使句子复杂化。,.重点词汇 1_n&vi.一幕;表现;行为_n行动 2_vt.使吃惊;使惊奇_adj.感到惊讶的 3_vt.&vi.解释;说明_n解释_adj.无法解释的 4_n原因;理由_adj.合理的 5_n行为;举止_vi.行为 6_adj.免受惩罚_(反义词)_

4、 n惩罚,7_n过错_adj.错的 8_n场面;景色_n风景 9_n成年人_n(同义词) 10_adj.乏味的_vt.使乏味_ adj.使人乏味的 11_vt.&vi.混合;混淆;弄混_n混合物 12_vt.使感兴趣_adj.有趣的_adj.感兴趣的 13_adv.真诚地_adj.真诚的,14_vt.&vi.坚持;坚持认为_n坚持 15_adj.宝贵的;珍贵的_n&vt.价值;珍惜 16_n争论_vt.&vi.争论 17_vt.建议;暗示_n建议 18_vi.争吵;争斗_n战士_ adj.好战的;战斗的n.战斗;搏斗;战争 19_vt.禁止_(过去式)_(过去分词) 20_adv.真诚地;真实

5、地_adj.真实的_n事实,1act;action 2.surprise;surprised 3.explain;explanation;unexplained 4.reason;reasonable 5.behavior;behave 6.unpunished;punished;punishment 7fault;false 8.scene;scenery 9.grownup;adult 10.boring;bore;bored 11.mix;mixture 12.interest;interesting;interested13.sincerely;sincere 14.insist;in

6、sistence 15.valuable;value 16.argument;argue 17.suggest;suggestion 18.fight;fighter;fighting 19.forbid;forbade;forbidden 20.truly;true;truth,.短语回顾 1cant wait_sth.等不及做;迫不及待做 2in charge_负责;掌管 3be hard_.对苛刻 4in the form_以的形式 5clean_整理;把打扫干净 6insist_坚持 7stay_不睡觉;熬夜 8after_毕竟,9_present目前;当前 10be supposed

7、_sth.应该干 11be different_.与不同 12be proud_以为自豪 13ask _ones advice征求某人的建议 14_the time一直 15be rude_sb.对某人无礼 16keep._mind把记在心上,1to do 2.of 3.on 4.of 5.up 6.on 7.up8.all 9.at 10.to do 11.from 12.of 13.for14.all 15.to 16.in,.佳句回顾 1Eric runs in after it,_a big dog,_very slowly. 埃里克跑进来追球,后面跟着一只慢腾腾地走着的大狗。 2Th

8、e money_ you _buy dog food is gone. 你用来买狗食的钱没有了。 3The room is_,_pizza boxes_and dirty dishes_. 屋子里乱糟糟地,地板上比萨饼盒子,水池里肮脏的碗碟。,4We_you_an adult,_we could expect good decisions. 我们本以为你是个大人,一个我们可以从你那里得到很好的决定的人 5I still wish we_and see a film tomorrow_! 但我还是希望明天能去看场电影!,1followed by;walking 2.with which;were

9、 to 3.a mess;with;on the floor;in the sink 4.thought;were;a person from whom 5.could go;though,1expect vt.&vi.期待;盼望;预计,【经典例句】 Mom and Dad arrive back from vacation a day earlier than_expected.(P22) 爸爸妈妈度假比预计提前一天回来了。 Most Chinese parents expect_too_much_of/from_their_children. 中国大多数父母对孩子期望过高。 He is a

10、 person from whom we can expect good decisions. 他是一个我们可以指望作出好的决策的人。,hope/wish/look forward to/expect hope“希望,盼望”,这种希望一般是可以实现的。基本句型:hope to do sth.,hopethatclause,hope for doing sth.; wish“希望,愿望”。基本句型:wish to do,wish for sth.,wish sb./sth.to do/adj.,wishthatclause(从句中过去时表示现在,过去完成时表示过去),常表示很难或者不可能实现的愿

11、望。wish someone well,wish to leave,wish him to leave,wish you a great success;,look forward to表示一种以“急切,愉快”的心情,“期待,盼望”着某事的出现,另有“瞻望”的意义。look forward to sth./doing sth.; expect“期待,估计,指望”。基本句型:expectn./pron.“期待,指望”;expect to do sth.“盼望做某事”;expect sb. to do sth.“盼望某人做某事”;expectthatclause“预计”;expectso/not“

12、估计(希望)是/不是”;expect sth. of/from sb.期待某人。,请比较:我希望下一轮你能获第一。 I hope you can win the first in the next round. I wish you to win the first in the next round. I wish you could win the first in the next round. I am looking forward to your winning the first in the next round. I expect you to win in the next

13、 round.,【即时应用】 (1)Do you think the Stars will beat the Balls? Yes.They have better players,so I _ them to win. Ahope Bprefer Cexpect Dwant 【解析】 A项错误;B、D两项为主观愿望,不正确,因答语中They have better players,这是条件,所以我估计他们赢。选C项。 【答案】 C,2surprise vt.使惊奇n.U惊讶;突然袭击C惊人的事物,【经典例句】 I cant wait to surprise_the_boys!(P22) 我迫

14、不急待想给孩子们一个惊讶! To_our_surprise,she doesnt even know where the difference between the two opinions lies. 让我们惊讶的是她竟然不知道这两种意见的区别所在。 She looked up in_surprise when I shouted. 我叫喊时,她吃惊地抬起头来看。,【即时应用】 (2)It is really_that the pyramids are built of stones_several tons each. Asurprising;weighing Bsurprised;we

15、ighed Csurprising;weighed Dsurprised;weighing 【解析】 Its surprising that.意为“让人惊讶”;weighing作定语。 【答案】 A,3explain解释;说明,【经典例句】 Mom,Dad,I can explain.(P22) 妈,爸,我能解释 The doctor_explained_the_risks_to_me before the operation. 手术前医生向我说明了手术的风险。 I will try to explain_how a car engine works. 我会尽量解释汽车引擎的工作原理。 Thi

16、s book provides a clear explanation of how to use the Internet. 这本书对如何使用因特网作了清楚的说明。,【即时应用】 (3)Mr.Li didnt believe the reason_for his being late for class. Ahe explained Bthat he expressed Chow he explained Dwhy he expressed 【解析】 此句是一个由that引导的定语从句,关系代词作宾语,省略了。 【答案】 A,4leave vt.使处于某种状态;听任;交付;委托,【经典例句】

17、 Remember the day when we left_you_in_charge?(P22) 还记得我们让你负责的那天吗? Marys parents died,leaving_her_an_orphan. 玛丽的父母去世了,她成了孤儿。 Dont leave_her_waiting outside in the rain. 别让她在外边雨中等着。 Leave them as_they_are. 那些东西就保留现状吧。,【即时应用】 完成句子 (4)He likes_(让窗户开着)when he sleeps. (5)I_(忘记)my purse in the taxi. (6)She

18、_(把孩子交给我)and went to the concert. 【答案】 (4)leaving his window open (5)left (6)left her child with/to me,5deserve v值得;应得;应受(奖、罚等) deserve consideration/attention值得考虑/注意 sth. deserve doingsth. deserve to be done某事值得做,【经典例句】 They dont deserve_to_know the truth. 他们不配知道真情。 You have been working all mornin

19、g and you should_deserve_a_rest. 你一早上都在工作,你该歇歇了。 His plan deserved_discussing His plan deserved_to_be_discussed. 他的计划值得讨论。,【即时应用】 (7)The success you have achieved in your research deserves_,so we will hold a party for you tomorrow. Acongratulating on Bbeing congratulated Cbeing congratulated on Dto

20、congratulate 【解析】 句意:你在研究领域所获得的成功值得庆祝,因此我们明天要为你举行一个舞会。庆祝某事要与介词on搭配,所以排除B和D;deserve后动名词的主动形式表示被动,或者用动词不定式的被动形式,因此如果选择C,则应该用to be congratulated on。 【答案】 A,6forbid vt.禁止;阻止;不许;使避免发生 forbid(forbade;forbidden;forbidding) (反义词)allow,permit forbid sth.禁止某事 forbid doing sth.禁止做某事 forbid sb.to do sth.禁止某人做某事

21、 forbid sb.sth.禁止某人某事,【经典例句】 He has even forbidden_me from meeting my friends online at the Internet cafe!(P38) 他甚至阻止我到网吧上网去会见朋友。 The school forbids the students to_smoke. 学校不许学生抽烟。 The company forbids_surfing the Internet during the office hours. 该公司禁止在上班时间上网。,【即时应用】 (8)The students are forbidden,u

22、nless they have special passes,_after 11 pm Ato stay out Bfrom staying out Cstaying out Dnot to stay out 【解析】 be forbidden to do sth.其中不定式前插入了一个条件状语从句。 【答案】 A,7suggest vt.建议;提出,【经典例句】 Whenever I want to do something or suggest_an_idea,.(P38) 每次我想做某事或提建议时, I suggest_going to visit the Shanghai World

23、Expo. 我建议去参观上海世博会。 The doctor suggested he not work deep into the night. 医生建议他不要工作到深夜。 It is suggested that the price of houses (should)_be_reduced by 40%. 有人提议把房价降低40%。,【即时应用】 (9)Our English teacher_our buying a good EnglishChinese dictionary. Aasked Bordered Csuggested Drequired 【解析】 ask,order,req

24、uire后都接不定式作宾补,即常用ask/order/require sb. to do sth.结构,而不接doing sth.的形式。 【答案】 C,8charge n& vt.要价;充电;控告;费用,【经典例句】 He was left in_charge_of the shop while the manager was away. 经理不在时,他负责这个商店。 The class is in_the_charge_of me. 我负责这个班级。 I take_charge_of_the company when my father is away. 父亲不在时,我负责这个公司。 Ho

25、w much do you_charge_for mending a pair of shoes? 修一双鞋要多少钱?,He is_charging a storage battery. 他正在给蓄电池充电。 He was charged_with being irresponsible. 他被控告不负责任。,【即时应用】 (10)How much are you going to_for the book? Acharge Brequest Cneed Drequire 【解析】 charge“要价”;request“要求,请求”;need“需要”;require“需要,需求”。句意:这本书

26、你收多少钱? 【答案】 A,9insist vt.&vi.坚持;坚持认为;坚决要求 insist on sth./doing sth./ones doing sth. 坚持某事/做某事/某人做某事 insist that.“坚持认为,坚持说”,表示“坚持一种说法、看法或事实”,宾语从句使用陈述语气及相应的时态。 insist that.“坚持,坚决要求”,其后的that从句使用虚拟语气,谓语动词用should do形式,should可以省略。,【经典例句】 Recently he has been refusing to do his homework,and instead insists_

27、on wasting his time watching DVDs and listening to foreign music.(P38) 最近,他一直拒绝做作业,反而坚持浪费时间看DVD或听外国音乐。 She kept insisting_on her innocence/insisting_that she was innocent. 她坚持说她是清白的。,The Arab insisted_that he had_never_seen the camel. 那个阿拉伯人坚持说他从来没见过那头骆驼。 He insisted_that she (should)go. 他坚决要她去。,【即时

28、应用】 用所给词的适当形式填空 (11)He insisted that he_(hear) someone in the next room. (12)They insisted upon her_(stay) in hospital. (13)The boy insisted that he_(not do) that and_(not punish) 【答案】 (11)heard (12)staying (13)hadnt done;(should) not be punished,10spare adj.空闲的;多余的vt.抽出;饶恕,【经典例句】 When I have some s

29、pare_time and want to be alone,they call me selfish and unloving!(P38) 当我有些闲暇时间想独处时,他们说我自私且没有爱心。 Its kind of you to spare_me a moment. 你能为我抽出点时间真是太好了。 Well spare_no_effort to find the culprit of this crime. 我们会竭尽全力追查本案的凶犯。 The hospital has no_spare_operating capacity. 医院里已经没有多余的手术能力了。,【即时应用】 根据汉语提示完

30、成下面小片段 As a teacher,he almost has no (14)_(闲暇时间), because he spends most of his time with his students.Whenever the students have any problems,he (15)_(不遗余力地帮助) them.He can hardly (16)_(抽出时间给家人),even his children.For this reason,all the students respect him and love him.They all work hard in return

31、for his love and devotion. 【答案】 (14)spare time (15)spares no effort to help (16)spare any time for his family,1be supposed to do.(按规定、习惯、安排等)应该做某事 【经典例句】 But,but.you werent supposed_to come home until tomorrow!(P22) 可是,可是你们原计划明天才回家的呀。 We are_not_supposed_to_smoke in the classroom. 我们不应该在教室里吸烟。 He_wa

32、s_supposed_to_have_told_me_about_this_matter,but he didnt. 他本该把这件事告诉我的,但他没有。,(1)与suppose相关的几个短语: suppose sb.to be.认为某人是 I suppose so.我认为是。 I dont suppose so.I suppose not.我认为不是。,(2)当句子主语是第一人称I、we,谓语动词为suppose,think,imagine,believe,expect,be sure等时,其后接宾语从句,此类主从复合句中的反意疑问句部分要与从句中的主谓形式相一致。 I suppose you

33、 think thats funny,do you?(表示愤怒) 我看你觉得这挺有意思,是不是? (3)was/were supposed to do sth./be supposed to have done sth.表示“(过去)本该做某事(而实际未发生)”。,【即时应用】 单项选择 (17)The message is very important,so it is supposed_ as soon as possible. Ato be sent Bto send Cbeing sent Dsending 【答案】 A,翻译句子 (18)汤姆,晚上你不要出去了。 _ (19)按说猫本

34、应是怕狗的,但我的猫刚刚却把布朗先生的狗从院子中赶了出去。 _ 【答案】 (18)Tom,youre not supposed to go out at night.(19)Cats are supposed to be afraid of dogs,but my cat has just driven Mr.Browns dog out of the yard.,2do with处理;处置 【经典例句】 What did you do_with the money we left?(P22) 我们留给你的钱怎么花掉的? It was a difficult situation,but she

35、 dealt_with_it effectively. 当时的局面很艰难,她都顺利地应付过去了。 What_have_you_done_with my pen? Ive put it away. 你把我的钢笔弄到哪儿去了? 我把它收起来了。,do with/deal with do with一般构成疑问句或用在否定句中,其构成的句子也可用作宾语或表语。意为“处理”,常与what连用。 deal with表示“对付,论述,与打交道/做生意”,常用于肯定陈述句中,当与how连用引起问句时,how用作句子的状语。,【对接高考】 (20)(2010铜陵月考)If you insist on doing

36、 that thing,I dont really know_. Awhat to do with it Bhow to do with Cwhat to deal with Dhow to deal with 【答案】 A,3cant wait to do sth.迫不及待地做某事;迫切地做某事 【经典例句】 I cant wait_to_surprise the boys!(P22) 我渴望给孩子们一个惊讶! All of them cant_wait_to_go home after a month of staying there. 呆在那儿一个月后,他们都等不及要回家了。 Gener

37、ally,patients cant_wait_to_be_told about the results of their examinations. 总的来说,病人迫不及待地想被告诉检查的结果。,【即时应用】 (21)I cant wait_ him again for we havent seen each other for 5 years. Aon Bto see Cbut see Dfor 【答案】 B,4after all毕竟;终究;到底 【经典例句】 I didnt fail my maths test after_all.(P34) 我还是及格了。 The rain has s

38、topped,so the game will go ahead after_all. 雨已经停了,所以比赛还会继续下去。,above all首先;最重要的是 at all根本;全然 first of all首先;第一 in all总共;总计 all in all总的来说;从各方面考虑 not at all一点也不 Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well. 任何值得做的事情都值得做好。 All in all,I think youve done very well. 总的说来,我觉得你做得很不错。,【温馨提示】 (1)after a

39、ll“毕竟,到底”,含有“要知道,别忘了”的含义,用来说明或提醒对方,此时after all通常放在句首。 (2)当after all放在句末时,含有“虽然,但毕竟”的含义,表示与预期的相反,强调结果或最终结论。,【即时应用】 单项选择 (22)The hurricane damaged many houses and business buildings,_,it caused 20 deaths. Aor else Btherefore Cafter all Dbesides 【答案】 D,完成句子 (23)You shouldnt have scolded the boy_;_,he i

40、s a child._,he made only two mistakes_. 你根本不该责备那个男孩,他毕竟还是孩子;最重要的是,他总共才错了两处。 【答案】 at all;after all;Above all;in all,1Eric runs in after it,followed_by_a_big_dog,walking_very_slowly. 埃里克跑进来追球,后面跟着一只慢腾腾地走着的大狗。,【句式分析】 句中的followed by a big dog和walking very slowly分别是过去分词短语和现在分词短语作伴随状语。 The old scientist e

41、ntered the lecture hall,followed by some of his students. 那位老科学家走进报告厅,后面跟着他的一些学生。 He sat at the desk by the window,reading a famous novel. 他坐在靠窗的桌旁,读一本著名的小说。 He lay in bed,thinking about what had happened that day. 他躺在床上,想着那天发生的事情。,【对接高考】 (24)(2009福建高考)In April,2009,President Hu Jintao inspected the

42、 warships in Qingdao,_the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy. Amarking Bmarked Chaving marked Dbeing marked 【答案】 A,2But I_dont_think you are being fair at all! 但我觉得你这样做一点也不公平。,【句式分析】 本句是否定转移句型。译成汉语时,仍将宾语从句译成否定意义。这是英语的一种习惯思维,与汉语不同,应注意。 在“I/We think/believe/suppose/imagine/expect.that从句”

43、结构中,如果that从句是含否定内容的宾语从句,宾语从句中的否定结构常常转移到主句中来。 I dont think it is easy to introduce myself to others. 我想自我介绍并不容易。 We dont expect that youre right. 我们认为你不对。,【温馨提示】 (1)涉及否定转移的只是not,not以外的其他否定词,如no,never,hardly,few,little,seldom等,不必转移。 (2)由think,believe,suppose,imagine,expect等动词后接宾语从句构成的主从复合句,在构成反意疑问句时,视

44、情况有以下两种不同的表达方式: A当主句的主语为第一人称时,其后的简短问句应与从句保持一致。 当宾语从句中的否定结构转移到主句时,宾语从句仍属否定句,故其后的简短问句应用肯定式。,We suppose you have finished the project,havent you? 我们认为你已经完成了工程,你完成了吗? I dont think she is right,is she? 我认为她不对,她对吗? B当主句的主语为第二、三人称时,其后的简短问句应与主句保持一致。 He thinks she is right,doesnt he? 他认为她是对的,不是吗?,【即时应用】 (25)I dont think he could have met with a fairy on his way home,_? Adid he Bdidnt he Chas he Ddo I 【解析】 could have met with.是对过去的推测。 【答案】 A,3We feel you should_not_have_done that. 我们觉得你真不应该这样做。 【句式分析】 句中should/ought to/could


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