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1、美国宗教文化,世界三大宗教:佛教 伊斯兰教 基督教,基督教(广义),The founders of America included few Catholic except in Maryland(马里兰,美国州名)。 While in the later 19th century brought waves of Catholic immigrants. At local level, before the time of modern Social Security(社会安全法), the machines filled a gap which was particularly felt

2、by recent Catholic immigrants.,The evolution of Catholicism in America,The Catholic Vote,John F.Kennedy was hoping to be adopted as Democratic candidate(民族党候选人) in 1960 the fact that he was a Catholic was regarded as a disadvantage But he succeed, because he was a Catholic. Thats the reason why many

3、 Catholics voted for him.,Catholics and contraception kntrsepn(避孕),Nearly all American Catholics express loyalty to their church. However, after the encyclial ensiklik,-kl(罗马教皇的通谕) Humanae Vitae condemning contraception in 1968, many Catholics rejected the churchs authority. In 1974 five-sixths of C

4、atholics approved of artifical contraception-twice(人工节育措施) as many an ten years before.,The Orthodox :dks Church 东正教,There are about five million members of the Orthodox Churches, mainly of course descendants(后代) of people who migrated form Russia or Greece or from other Orthodox parts of eastern Eu

5、rope.,东正教 美国的东正教徒有500万教徒,主要分布在东部、中西部和加利福尼亚。 东正教在美国的历史可以追溯到1767年,这一年希腊正教会成立。1794年,10名俄罗斯正教会修士到阿拉斯加传教。1867年,美国买下阿拉斯加,教徒遂向阿拉斯加以外的地方迁移。1872年,东正教会把教区从阿拉斯加迁到旧金山。1905年又迁到纽约。1922年希腊正教会设立总主教区(总部在纽约)。教会有4所神学院。,Assimilated(同化) and distinct,Judasim du:deiizm (犹太教),3% American are Jews. A big proportion of them

6、have been successful in the race of prosperity in American condition. It is still considered unlikely that a Jew could be elected President of the United States, because of the strong built-in(内在的)prejudice of the Protestant majority.,犹太教,犹太教是美国第三大宗教,有教堂5000余座,大专院校20所。犹太教信奉者多为犹太人。犹太人于1654年开始定居美国。到1776年美国宣布独立时,约有2500名犹太人定居在纽约、芝加哥等沿东海岸城市。犹太教内有正统派、保守派和改革派三个派别。,Senator Goldwater,One half-Jewish Republican candidate The ideal picture of the typical Anglo-Saxon Protestant American,


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