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1、1,Green Buildings 绿色建筑 International Environmental Forum on Leapfrogging Development in China 中国跨越式发展国际环境论坛,Robert Watson, NRDC 美国自然资源保护委员会 Chairman LEED Steering Committee LEED指导委员会主席,2,About NRDC 美国自然资源保护委员会,Founded in 1970 成立于1970年 Law, Science, Policy and People in defense of the Earth 通过法律、科学、政

2、策和人的力量保护地球 4 Offices; 250 professionals 4个办事机构;250名专业人员 1,000,000 Members & e-Activists 全美100万名会员 www.nrdc.org,3,Environmental Impact of Buildings 建筑对环境的影响,Land Consumption = Habitat & Species Loss 土地消耗=栖息地 & 物种 减少 Energy Consumption = Air Pollution 能源消耗 = 空气污染 Water Consumption = Water Pollution 水消

3、耗 = 水污染 Materials Consumption = Resource Loss 材料消耗 = 资源损失 Indoor Environmental Quality = Human Health 室内环境质量 = 人类健康,4,How We See Buildings 我们如何看待建筑,5,What We Dont See 我们没有看到的,6,7,8,Energy Use & Atmospheric Emissions 能耗和大气污染物排放,消耗全美70%的电能 使用全美40-45%以上的一次能源 排放全美40-45%的温室气体,9,35-40% of the Municipal So

4、lid Waste Stream,占城市固体垃圾的35-40%,10,消耗美国80%的饮用水,11,700,000 hectares developed each year in China 中国每年开发70万公顷土地,3,000,000 mu farmland are being replaced by development each year 每年300万亩农田被开发项目占用,12,What is “Green” Design? 什么是“绿色”设计?,Design and construction practices that significantly reduce or elimin

5、ate the negative impact of buildings on the environment and occupants in five broad areas: 建筑设计和施工应在五个方面明显降低或消除建筑对环境和用户的负面影响: Sustainable site planning 场址规划的可持续性 Safeguarding water and water efficiency 保护水和提高水的使用效率 Energy efficiency and renewable energy 节能和可再生能源的开发利用 Conservation of materials and re

6、sources 材料与资源节约 Indoor environmental quality 室内环境质量,13,Social Equity社会公平,Government Social Justice Historic Continuity (sacred places) Community Quality and Responsibility Material resources-human impact Spiritual and Physical Health,Economic经济,Local Economy Local materials and workforce Global Econ

7、omy,Government Mandated Minimums 政府强制要求的最低水平,Greening Goals绿色目标,Sustainability Targets可持续发展目标,SUSTAINABLE CONDITION 可持续发展的条件,Environment环境, D, B, C, A,Designing for Sustainability 可持续发展的设计,14,Adapted from ENSARs Graph,Ecological Design Opportunities 生态设计的机遇,15,Lost Opportunities 失掉的机遇,New constructi

8、on is the best time to capture benefits of green building and transform the market 新建筑是抓住绿色建筑效益和市场转型的最好时机。 If opportunity is missed initially, waste and damage could go on for years 如果失掉最初的机会,浪费和破坏则将持续多年。 Marginal cost is lowest 此时的边际成本最低。 Opportunities for integration can result in additional benef

9、its and eliminate extra costs 抓住整合的机会可带来额外效益并消除额外成本。,16,Green Building Assessment Systems 绿色建筑评估体系,United States: LEEDTM (美国) Britain: BREEAM(英国) Japan: CASBEE(日本) Canada: GBTool(加拿大) France: ESCALE(法国) Norway: Eco Profile(挪威) Germany: LND(德国) Australia: NABERS(澳大利亚) China: “Evaluation System for Gr

10、een Olympic Buildings” 中国:绿色奥运建筑评估标准,17,Key attributes of successful construction standards: 成功的建筑标准的关键属性,Technically sound 技术合理 Green achievement 绿色 Feasibility可行 Market acceptability市场接受 Program support支持方案,18,History of Green Buildings 绿色建筑的历史,Modern green building movement started with energy cr

11、ises of the 1970s 现代绿色建筑运动始于1970年代的能源危机 Began with energy efficiency standards and codes 从节能标准和规范开始 Followed by indoor air quality, material issues, site and water 随后出现室内空气质量/材料/场址和节水问题 First green buildings in U.S. 5,000 years old美国最早的绿色建筑可追溯到5,000年以前,19,Mesa Verde: Americas First Green Building 美洲

12、最早的绿色建筑,20,U.S. Green Building Council 美国绿色建筑协会,Founded in 1993, the organizations purpose is to: 成立于1993年,该组织的目标是: Integrate building industry sectors 整合建筑业 Lead market transformation 领导市场转型 Educate owners and practitioners 培训业主和从业人员 National nonprofit organization based in Washington, DC 设于华盛顿特区的非

13、赢利性机构 Diverse membership of organizations 由多样性的机构会员组成 Developer and administrator of the LEEDTM Green Building Rating System 绿色建筑评估认证标准体系 LEEDTM开发管理,21,Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design,A leading-edge system for designing, constructing, and certifying the worlds greenest buildings. 世界上最绿色的

14、 建筑设计、施工与认证的先导体系,22,Why Was LEEDTM Created? 为什么创建LEEDTM ?,Define “green” by providing a standard for measurement 提供一个衡量标准给“绿色”定义 Prevent “greenwashing” (false or exaggerated claims) 防止滥用“绿色” (错误的或夸张的) Use as a design guideline 作为设计指导 Promote whole-building, integrated design processes 推动整座建筑的整合的设计过程

15、,23,Where LEED Fits in the Market LEED的市场份额,绿色建筑市场,典型做法 大多数75%,违法者,绿色标准,绿色建筑 25%,创新者 风险承担者,24,26,162.5,87.5,45.5,10.1,1.1,Growth in LEED: 18 million SM; 1,500 Projects LEED的增长:1,800平米; 1,500个工程,147,25,Growth in USGBC Membership 美国绿色建筑协会员的增长,BEGAN IN 1993 WITH 23 MEMBERS 1993年 23家会员发起,26,LEEDTM Point

16、 Distribution LEEDTM评分标准,室内空气质量23%,可持续性选址22%,材料与资源20%,节水8%,能源与大气27%,27,Technical Overview of LEEDTM LEEDTM的技术概要(续),Whole-building approach encourages and guides a collaborative, integrated design and construction process 整体的建筑理念鼓励并引导合作、整合的设计和施工过程 Optimizes environmental and economic factors 优化环境与经济因

17、素 Four levels of certification 4个认证等级 LEED Certified (LEED认证级) 40-50 % Silver Level (银级) 51-60% Gold Level (金级) 61-80% Platinum Level (白金级) 81%,28,Sustainable Sites 可持续性选址,Erosion & sediment control (PR) 侵蚀及沉积控制 Site selection 地址的选定 Urban redevelopment 城市再开发 Brownfield redevelopment 被污染土地的再开发 Altern

18、ative transportation 可替代交通,29,Sustainable Sites 可持续性选址,Reduced site disturbance 减少对场址的影响 Stormwater management 雨水管理 Landscape & exterior design to reduce heat islands 减少热岛效应的景观和外部设计 Light pollution reduction 减少光污染,30,Erosion & Sediment Control 侵蚀和沉积控制,侵蚀和沉积控制隔栅,临时沉积控制池,31,PNC Bank - Pittsburgh, PA P

19、NC 银行 匹茨堡,Efficient Site Selection 高效的选址,32,Kandalama - Dambulla, Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡的案例,253,000 gsf Hotel; reduced site disturbance 253,000 gsf 酒店;减少对场址的影响,LEEDTM 1.0 Certification: Certified 通过LEEDTM 1.0版认证 认证级,33,Infiltration Trenches 滤水渠,34,Constructed Wetlands 人工湿地,废水入口,非渗透层,渗透层,清洁水出口,35,Retention P

20、onds 蓄水池,36,Green Roofs 绿色屋顶,Gap Corporate Headquarters, San Bruno, CA,37,Energy & Atmosphere 能源与环境,Fundamental building commissioning (PR) 建筑的基本试运行 Meet ASHRAE/IES 90.1-1999 (PR) 符合ASHRAE/IES 90.1-1999 Eliminate CFCs (PR) 消除氟里昂 Exceed ASHRAE/IES 90.1-1999 by 20-60% 超过ASHRAE/IES 90.1-1999 20-60%,38,

21、Energy & Atmosphere 能源与环境,Use of alternative or renewable energy 使用可替代或可再生能源 Additional commissioning 其它试运行 Eliminate HCFCs and Halons 消除氢氯化烃(HCFC)和哈龙(Halon) Measurement and verification 测量及检验 Green power contract 绿色电力合同,39,Efficient Lighting 高效照明,Source: Croxton Collaborative,40,“Super Windows” “超级

22、窗”,Source: Croxton Collaborative,41,Integrating Natural and Electric Light 整合自然光和灯光照明,42,Underfloor Air 地板下送风,43,Building Controls 楼宇自控,44,Photovoltaic Roof 屋顶光伏发电,45,Water Efficiency 用水效率,Water efficient landscaping 提高用水效率的景观设计 Innovative wastewater technologies 创新的废水技术 Water use reduction 减少用水量,46

23、,Water Efficiency-Xeriscape 用水效率 - 耐旱地形,47,Water Efficiency: Drip Irrigation 用水效率:滴灌,48,Waterless Urinals 无水小便器,No Smell! 无味!,49,Dual Flush Toilets 双冲厕所,50,On-site Wastewater Treatment & Recycling 现场废水处理&再用,51,Rainwater Capture 雨水收集,Chesapeake Bay Foundation,52,Materials and Resources 材料与资源,Storage

24、& collection of recyclables (PR) 可回收物的储存与收集 Building reuse 建筑再利用 Construction waste management 建筑垃圾管理 Resource reuse 资源再利用 Use of materials with recycled content 使用含有再生成份的材料 Use of local/regional materials 使用本地材料 Rapidly renewable materials 可快速再生资源 Certified wood 认证的木材,53,Construction Waste Recyclin

25、g 施工废弃物回收,54,Deconstruction 拆房,55,Sustainable Materials & Resources 可持续的材料与资源,56,Rapidly Renewable Materials 可快速再生材料,Bamboo 竹材,Wheatboard 麦秸板,57,Certified Wood 认证的木材,Clearcut 滥伐,Selective Harvesting 择伐,58,Indoor Environmental Quality 室内环境质量,满足 ASHRAE 62-1999 的要求(PR) Control environmental tobacco smo

26、ke (PR) 控制室内吸烟 CO2 monitoring 二氧化碳监测 Ventilation effectiveness (ASHRAE 129) 有效通风 Construction IAQ Management Plan 建筑室内空气质量管理规划 Low-emitting materials 低排放材料 Indoor chemical and pollutant source control 室内化学及污染源控制 Controllability of systems 系统的可控性 Thermal comfort 热舒适性 Daylight & views 日光及视觉,59,Sources

27、 of Indoor Pollution 室内污染源,60,Indoor Air Quality 室内环境质量,61,Ventilation Effectiveness 有效通风,62,Biological Contamination 生物污染,63,LEEDTM Certification Process LEEDTM认证程序,A three step process : (三步过程) Step 1: Project Registration (第一:工程注册) Welcome Packet and on-line project listing (欢迎信息&在线工程一览) Step 2:

28、Technical Support (第二:技术支持) Credit Rulings (指标认定) Step 3: Building Certification (第三:建筑认证) Upon documentation submittal and USGBC review (编制文件由美国绿色建筑协会评审),64,Certification Benefits 认证的益处,Third party validation of achievement 第三方成就认证 LEEDTM Certification plaque to mount on building 在建筑上嵌贴LEED认证标识 Off

29、icial Certificate 可官方认证 Receive marketing exposure through USGBC Web site, case studies, media announcements 可通过美国绿色建筑协会网站、媒体、案例研究向市场公布,Independent Recognition of Quality Buildings and Environmental Stewardship 高品质建筑与环境管理的认同,65,LEED Resources LEEDTM 资源,LEED Green Building Rating System LEED绿色建筑评估体系

30、Training Workshop 培训班 Reference Guide and Reference Package 参考导则和参考文件 Professional Accreditation 专业认定 Welcome Packet 欢迎信息 Credit Rulings指标认定 Website (www.leedbuilding.org) 网址,66,Non-Economic Benefits of Green Building 绿色建筑的非经济性效益,Environmental Benefits 环境效益 Reduce the impacts of natural resource con

31、sumption 降低自然资源消耗带来的影响 Health and Safety Benefits 健康与安全效益 Enhance occupant comfort and health 提高居住舒适性与健康性 Community Benefits 社区效益 Minimize strain on local infrastructures and improve quality of life 减轻对地方基础建设的压力,改善生活质量,67,Economic Benefits 经济效益,Competitive first costs 有竞争的初投资 Integrated design allow

32、s high benefit at low cost by achieving synergies between disciplines and between technologies 通过增强建筑各专业和技术的协调,整合的设计, 可以较低的投入取得较高收益 Reduce operating costs 降低运行费用 In the U.S., green buildings cost $.50$.60 per square foot to operate compared with $1$2 for a standard building 美国的常规建筑运行费用为每平方英尺$1$2,绿色建

33、筑的运行费用降至每平方英尺$.50$.60,68,建筑成本比较,69,West Bend Mutual Insurance Company (West Bend, WI) 西班德 互助保险公司,70,Joseph B. Whitehead Research Building - Emory Univ., Atlanta, GA,325,000 gsf Laboratory 图书馆,LEEDTM 2.0 Registered Project 通过LEEDTM 2.0版本认证,71,Evidence That Green Does Not Cost More 绿色建筑不增加费用的证据,from E

34、mory University Emory大学的经验,72,Marion County Courthouse Square - Salem, OR,153,293 gsf Courthouse 法院,LEEDTM 1.0 Registered Project 通过LEEDTM 1.0版本认证,73,Eugene Public Library - Eugene, OR,127,531 gsf Library图书馆,LEEDTM 2.0 Registered Project 通过LEEDTM 2.0版本认证,74,Old National Bancorp Headquarters - Evansv

35、ille, IN,291,000 gsf Commercial Office商用写字楼,LEEDTM 2.0 Registered Project 通过LEEDTM 2.0版本认证,75,Greenwood Elementary,60,840 gsf Educational教学楼,LEEDTM 2.0 Registered Project 通过LEEDTM 2.0版本认证,76,Motherhouse,300,000 gsf Religious/Residential教会/住宅,LEEDTM 2.0 Registered Project 通过LEEDTM 2.0版本认证,77,Phipps C

36、onservatory & Botanical Gardens - Pittsburgh, PA,45,000 gsf Museum博物馆,LEEDTM 2.0 Registered Project 通过LEEDTM 2.0版本认证,78,Aspen Sundeck Restaurant,23,015 gsf Restaurant餐厅,LEEDTM 1.0 Certification: BRONZE 通过LEEDTM 1.0版本认证: 铜级,79,Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank - Duquesne, PA,95,000 gsf Warehouse

37、/Distribution仓储/分销,LEEDTM 1.0 Certification: SILVER 通过LEEDTM 1.0版本认证: 银级,80,81,82,83,84,For more information please visit www.leedbuilding.org 网站,85,Green Buildings in China,中国的绿色建筑,86,Agenda 21 Project,8 stories 8 层 13,000 sq. meter/130,000 square foot government office building 13,000平方米/130,000平方

38、英尺 政府办公楼 Will house ACCA21 and NSCTSD offices 中国21世纪议程管理中心和中国科学技术促进发展研究中心将在此办公 Second floor Technology Demonstration and Training Center 二层将作为节能技术展示厅及培训中心 Chinese/American design collaboration 中美合作设计,87,Design Case Comparison 节能设计对比,Energy Use-Revised Base Case: 修改过的基准建筑能耗: 1126 MWh 548 KW Cooling C

39、apacity 空调容量 Energy Use-Efficiency Case: 节能建筑能耗: 556 MWh/yr (51% savings) 节能51% 344 KW Cooling Capacity (37% savings) 空调容量 (节能37%),5-sided Base Case Total Energy Use 1501 MWh/year 基准建筑的5种总能耗:1501 MWh/年,5-sided Best Case Total Energy Use 939 MWh/year 最佳建筑的5种总能耗:939 MWh/年,89,Energy Efficiency Performa

40、nce 能效性能,Building Cost Increase: 8% 建筑造价增加:8% Estimated return cycle: 8 years (current energy price) 预期回收周期:8年(以当前能源价格计),90,Standard Floor Layout 标准层布局,91,Final Efficiency Features 最终节能特征,High Efficiency Lighting (4-6.7 W/sqM) 高效照明(4-6.7 W/平方英尺) Task/ambient design w/ controls 工作灯/背景灯 设计与控制 Daylight

41、 integration w light shelves 反光板结合自然光 High Efficiency HVAC w/ ice storage system 包括冰蓄冷的高效暖通系统 2 x 100 ton Chillers w/50 tons ice storage 2个100冷吨空调机组 +1个50吨冰蓄冷 integrated HVAC/lighting controls 集成的暖通照明控制系统,92,Ice Storage System 冰蓄冷系统,93,Energy Efficiency Features 节能特征,Building Automation System 楼宇自控系

42、统 Full energy management 全方位能耗管理 High Efficiency Windows 高性能窗 U-value 0.3; Shading Coeff. 0.5 U值 0.3; 遮阳系数 0.5 Insulated Shell -R-10 walls 围护结构保温隔热R值10,94,Daylight Integration 自然光整合,Roof & Wall Insulation 屋面及墙体保温,95,Roof GardenPV; Solar Thermal 屋顶花园光伏发电、太阳能热水,96,Green Building Features 绿色建筑特征,Effici

43、ent site location: 位置效率: infill development 成熟社区内开发 near mass transit 临近公共交通设施 lots of bicycle parking 充足的自行车泊位 reduced auto parking 减少汽车泊位 Roof Garden屋顶花园 rainwater capture 雨水收集 urban heat island mitigation 降低城市热岛效应 Replant trees; 树木移栽 landscape with native vegetation 采用本地植物的景观布置,97,Green Building Features 绿色建筑特征,Water efficiency 节水“美标” waterless urinals 无水小便器 dual flush toilets 双冲厕所 No landscape irrigation 无灌溉景观 Green finish materials 绿色装修材料 Recycled content 再生成份地毯 Low VOCs 低挥发性有机物 Advanced air filtration- 先进的空气过滤 Dynamic Air Cleaners 动态空气过滤 LEED Certified level: 达到LEED认证标准,


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