Analysis and proposals of CORSAIR AS ’s problem 英语论文.doc

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1、1 Table of contents Introduction to the case issue-4 Assignment1 Analysis logistics situation using Product Life Cycle-4 Analysis logistics situation using Supply chain strategy -7 Analysis logistics situation using Supply chain strategy-9 Solutions to the problems-12 Challenges-13 Select supplier-1

2、4 Six/Sigma-14 Assignment2 evaluate Corsairs strategic situation-15 Greatest challenges-16 characterise Michaels management style-16 how suitable is this style to the tasks and challenges-16 Assignment3 Reason of discount rate to increase-17 developments on the international raw materials market-17

3、Internal rate of return shows-17 Assignment4 legal difference-18 difference in the problems which could arise for a vendor in offering the buyer cash or credit advice a legal adviser given-18 Conclusion-18 Bibliography-18 Attachments -19 2 Introduction My report include five parts, first part Introd

4、uction and the rest of the four parts are four Assignments, every Assignment is a part and every part conclude problem definition, analysis and proposals. CORSAIR A/S In 1990 per and Flemming established Corsair A/S. Both resigned their jobs to focus entirely on the bicycle business. In 1992 they ex

5、panded into vacant industrial premises in the city of Odense. There were now 5 employees in the company. and Corsair was in December 1996 able to present two new frames in aluminium at the bicycle shows in Milan and Cologne .In early 2005, Corsair invested in a “HiWeld” welding robot to improve the

6、scrap rate of 25% for aluminium frames. Instead of producing to order, with the resulting long delivery time, Corsair decided to shift to production to stock. Totally, it was calculated that there should be at least 1000 bicycles - packaged and ready for shipment - on stock at all cause som

7、e problems. In August 2008, Flemmings nephew Michael joined Corsair in a newly established and apparently very powerful position as Development Manager.and he carried out some strategies to develop th company. Assignment1 Analysis logistics situation using Product Life Cycle 3 1. product development

8、 stage the fact is that the bicycling equipment available on the Danish market was either too poor or too expensive. Per Nybroe and Flemming decided to join forces to do something about the situation. They began experimenting with steel bicycle frames in Pers garage and succeeded after some time in

9、finding a frame geometry with good stability. The demand of the bicycling market is over the supply, it is a opportunity to introduce new type product to the market , they saw the opportunity and they also had success selling the bicycles on the Danish market. So the prices quoted are the so-called

10、guideline retail sales prices. During this stage the productes almost does not bring in any kinetic revenue to the manufacturer. 2. Introduction stage At this time, important developments were taking place in the bicycle industry, these threatened to pose great challenges for Corsair. Both processes

11、 would require large-scale investments, so Per and Flemming were forced to face the fact that their financial situation would not allow investments of this magnitude. So they found a investor and they owned 98% of Corsair this case,any decision should through the investor. Their Autonomy d

12、ecrease. 3. Growth stage First: the company only has one supplier Shimano, under the development of their product, it is time to choose more good suppliers, but if they use the new good supplier Bjarne Riis , they shoud change their product line , it is clear that it would require new and different

13、tools to assemble the bicycles, so they did not made the change. Single sourcing is easy to make good relationship with them, but the bad side is also clear, if their supplier can not supply them there will a big loss of not only profit but the fame of the company and their customers. Single sourcin

14、g is also not good to cut down the price of the material. They can choose Multiple sourcing or Dual sourcing to ensure the supply Stability Single sourcing 4 The buying firm depends on a single company for all or nearly all of an item or service Multiple sourcing The buying firm shares its business

15、across multiple suppliers Dual sourcing Using two suppliers for th same purchased product or service Second: Racing bike market segment is slightly comfortable, and Corsair made three new assemble, it was a reasonable success for Corsair. In the course of the next few years, Corsair A/S had great sa

16、les success and became a very well-known name on the European bicycle scene. In its position as one of the best on the market, Corsair had for a number of years been able to charge higher prices for their products than could the competition. But It had also been decided to keep steel frames in the a

17、ssortment. Sales for these frames had fallen. Corsair choose pay more attention to core products- Racing bike, it is a good strategy to establish their own Competitiveness but the bycycling market need diffierent kind of assortments so they shoul also pay attention to the customers need and always c

18、hange to reach their demand. 4. Maturity stage The total market for high-end racing cycles was still increasing by 10% yearly, but many bicycle manufacturers had by now shifted to aluminium, and competition was keen. In addition, many of the competitors had a broader product assortment, which gave t

19、hem greater bargaining power with bicycle sales outlets. Now Corsair was burdened by a scrap rate of 25% for aluminium frames. It was not possible to increase prices for these bicycles, as the same quality could now be offered by an increasing number of competitors. 5 It is a threaten for Corsair th

20、at their competitors give low price and same quality products. It is time to improve their technology to gain market shares. What the Corsair do is that invested in a “HiWeld” welding robot and it realy made a great success. 5. Decline stage Now the bicycling market show interest in carbon fiber. Al

21、uminium prices can vary considerably, depending on the metal combination and processing of the tubes. Demand of this product decrease. Analysis logistics situation using Supply chain strategy Supply chain strategy Lean plan and optimize De-couple through postponement Kanban continuous replenishment

22、Agile Quick response Seasonal rate Long lead times short lead times Supply characteristics Predictable unpredictable Demand characteristics 6 The Generic Supply Chain Strategies is dividing into two dimensions: Demand Characteristics and Supply Characteristics. Demand Characteristics We learn in the

23、 case Typically, roughly 50% of sales take place in the months of May, June, July and August. For some products, forecasts can not be made until well into spring .So they have a very unpredictable demand. Supply Characteristics with the long delivery time, it gives them long Lead Time from their sup

24、pliers. Keep inventory has advantages: 1) goods available 2) cost reduction 3) protection against errors but Corsairs inventory is too large, Instead of producing to order, with the resulting long delivery time, Corsair decided to shift to production to stock, including construction of a warehouse f

25、or the finished bicycles. Totally, it was calculated that there should be at least 1000 bicycles - packaged and ready for shipment - on stock at all times. Corsair s market position show that they should be in the“Hybrid” type 7 . “Hybrid” type seek to create a hybrid solution, these hybrid solution

26、 require the supply chain to be”de-coupled” through holding strategic inventory in some generic or unfinished form, with final configuration being completed rapidly once real demand is known. This is the classic “postponement” strategy. An alternative form of postponement where the final physical co

27、nfiguration cannot be delayed is to postpone the actual distribution of the product by holding it in fewer locations and using express transportation to move it to the final market or point of use once actual demand is known. Analysis logistics situation using Supply chain strategy VALUE CHAIN prima

28、ry activities Inbound Logistics purchase prognosis: they only have one supplier, there will be risks of supply, they should choose more good supplier, the product market demand always change so it is better to not purchase too many material. goods storing: the company store too many finished goods i

29、n their store with the resulting long delivery time. But the bicycling market need diffierent kinds of products , so they discound their goods which out of date. There is no doubt that they lost their profits. 8 Operation Productions processes: they invest welding robot and these machines save a lot

30、 of time but shift the machine cost too many time and Corsair had no plans to begin weekend shifts. It is not possible for Corsair to make use of overtime work on an hourly basis. In other words, Corsair can either run production 8 or 16 hours per day. Outbound Logistics stock size:their stock size

31、is too large, especially the finished goods stocks. But the bicycling market need diffierent kinds of products , so they discound their goods which out of date. There is no doubt that they lost their profits. Sales and Marketing Demand of the customer is always change, so they should pay more attent

32、ion to Customization. Customization occurs when a customers unique requirements directly affect the timing and nature of operations and supply chain activities. They can change their assemble system from ATO to MTO and ETO. Service Handling of claims and returns: the company did not pay more attenti

33、on to this, and actually this part is also important. If this part is done well, it will be benefit to their customer Loyalty and their companys fame and they can win more customers. VALUE CHAIN support activities Firm Infrastructure Vision: To offer the markets most modern and attractive racing bic

34、ycles to a relatively broad range of consumers 9 strategies :To work with a differentiation strategy, i.e. to manufacture and market products of high quality at an appropriately high price. Mission:By the end of 2012 to be among the 10 largest bicycle manufacturers on the European market Objectives:

35、To achieve a profit amounting to minimum 10% of sales each year until 2012 To focus on the customer, to design products to meet customer needs and to offer the best service on the market To be known and respected as an environmentally conscious manufacturer Human Resource Management Employees qualif

36、ication: they should hire more employees who have experiences on operation to reduce product time. Motivation can use to encourage them to create more profit and built kind working environment. Technology Development They should pay more attention to technology because it is the Source of design and

37、 development, if they can always handle the top technology. Procurement Supplier search: there are many suppliers from China and Italy wants to cooperate with Corsair Supplier selection: they can choose suppliers depend on Price, Quantity, Sizes, Delivery time, Other terms and conditions:, Delivery

38、terms,Terms of paymen. solutions to the problems 1) Multiple sourcing: The buying firm shares its business across multiple suppliers Dual sourcing: Using two suppliers for the same purchased product or service Choose more suppliers which are not need them to change their product line. And make good

39、relationship with them, and it is good to have long-term cooperation with them. 2) Pay more attention to customers need and bicycle market 10 3) Improve technology of production to cut down cost price and meet customers requirements and become more competitive, and gain more market shares. 4) Variet

40、y of product to meet diffierent kinds of markets. Pay attention to core products and care about market need together. 5) Holding strategic inventory in some generic or unfinished form, with final configuration being completed rapidly once real demand is known. 6) An alternative form of postponement

41、where the final physical configuration cannot be delayed is to postpone the actual distribution of the product by holding it in fewer locations and using express transportation to move it to the final market or point of use once actual demand is known. 7) ATO MTO ETO ATOassemble- to-order The produc

42、ts are assembled according to customers requirements, but customizations only occur at the end of the product process. MTOmade to-order The product are manufactured according to customers order, using standard parts and the assemble parts according to customers order. ETO-engineer-to-order Design an

43、d product all operate according to customers requirements. 8) pay more attention to technology because it is the Source of design and development, if they can always handle the top technology. Add R it swallows a lump sum from the manufacturer, for various stages through sampling, test stage, and ap

44、proval. During this stage the product does not bring in any kinetic revenue to the manufacturer. Introduction The next stage is when the product is introduced in to the market. During this stage, the manufacturer fixes a certain price for the product. The price will be such that it will help the buy

45、er to meet all expenditure he faced to make the product billed as its price. The price also includes the marketing expenditure and profits too! Well, so that is the story behind why a newly launched product is highly expensive and can be accessed by the people with good wallet belly! During this stage, the product does not sell to the sellers expectation and floods in the market. So, a need arises to create a demand for this product and the


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