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1、第十五讲 八年级(下) Units 910,复习目标导航,考点完全攻略,同步训练,10.sandyn.沙子 sand 11.crossprep.穿过;越过 acrossn.交叉点;十字路口 crossing 12.low(反义词)adj.高的 high 13.little(最高级) least,1Ive never been to a water park. Me neither. (Unit 9) Me neither表示说话者的情况与上述否定句所说的内容一样,是省略句。常用于口语。用于正式场合本句应是Neither/Nor have I。如: I didnt go to the park

2、last Sunday. 上星期天我没去公园。 Me neither./Neither did I. 我也没去。,So does Lily.莉莉也喜欢。 “so助/情/系主”和“so主系/助/情”的区别: “so主系/助/情”结构表示同意对方说的话,用来加强语气,意思是“的确如此”。前后两句话主语是同一个人或事物。而“so助/情/系主”中,前后两句话主语为不同的两个人或物。如: Its too cold today.今天太冷了。 So it is.的确如此。,(2)neither adj. & pron.二者都不(的);conj.既不也不 Neither article is made in

3、Beijing. 这两种物品都不是北京制造的。 He answered neither of the letters.他两封信都没有回。 Neither he nor I am well educated. 他和我都没受过良好教育。,2There are also many attractions on board,just like any other Disneyland.在船上也有许多吸引人之处,就像其他的任何一个迪斯尼乐园一样。(Unit 9) attraction是可数名词,意为“有吸引力的人或事物”。如: The attraction of the citys bright lig

4、hts is hard to avoid. 城市里五光十色的生活非常诱人。,【拓展】 attract是动词,意为“吸引;招引;有吸引力”。如: He attracted large numbers of followers. 他吸引了大批追随者。 The moon attracts the earths sea towards her. 月球对地球上的海水有吸引力。,3. more than three quarters of the population are Chinese. 超过四分之三的人口是中国人(Unit 9) (1)population 作“人口”讲是集合名词,没有复数形式。当

5、它作主语,表示整体概念时,其后的谓语动词用单数;如果指一个整体人口中有多少人是干什么的,则强调的是一个群体,是复数概念,这时谓语动词用复数。,指人口“多”或“少”时,一般用large或small来表示,而不用many或few。 表示某国、某城市有多少人口时,要与of连用。其句式 有两种:The population of某国(某城市)is.,某国(某城市)has a population of.,有时,表达“有多少人口的城市”时,用a city with a population of.,提问“有多少人口”时用what或how large,而不用how many或how much。如: Eig

6、hty percent of the population of China are peasants. 中国百分之八十的人是农民。 The country has a large population. 那个国家人口众多。 The population of the village is about 4,000.,The village has a population of about 4,000. What/How large is the population of Beijing? (2)three quarters“四分之三”,也可以说“three fourths”。 【拓展】 英

7、语中分数的表达: 分数是由基数词和序数词合成的,分子用基数词,分母用序数词。分子是1时,分母用单数形式;分子大于1时,分母用复数形式,当分数前面有整数时,要用连词and连接。,英语中的分数常与of连用后接可数名词的复数或不可数名词。作主语时谓语动词的形式取决于所修饰的名词,若是可数名词,则用复数,若是不可数名词则用单数。如: Two thirds of the students in my class are girls. One third of the water is polluted. 三分之一的水被污染。 英语分数不费事,“母序子基”四个字。分子若是大于一,分母还须加s。,4Two

8、people waiting to cross a busy street (Unit 10) cross意为“越过;横过”,相当于go across。如: Go across (Cross) the bridge and turn left,then you will find the hospital. 【拓展】 across prep. 横过 crossing n十字路口 The man went across the desert on a camel.。,5I feel like part of the group now. (Unit 10) feel like表示“觉得像似的”,

9、feel是系动词,like是介词。如: I felt like a fool at that time.那时我觉得像个傻瓜似的。 【辨析】 feel like与would like feel like与would like意思相同,都表示“想要;希望”。 feel like后接名词或动名词。 would like后接名词或不定式短语。,I dont feel like walking after dinner. Id like to go for a walk in the garden. 6I was having a hard time finding it until you came

10、along. (Unit 10) come along是固定短语,在本句中意为“出现;来到”,此外它还有“沿着行进”或“快点儿”之意。如: The party was going fine until Mary came along. I saw him coming along the road.,Come along,its nearly twelve oclock. 快点儿,快十二点了。 【拓展】 come构成的短语: come around (round)顺便来访 come back回来 come from来自 come on加油 come true实现 come out出版;出现 c

11、ome up with想出;提供出,八年级下(910单元) (训练时间:60分钟 分值:100分),基础知识过关 一、根据句意及括号内所给的汉语提示补全句子(9分) 1Yesterday, I had breakfast at a _(一刻钟) past seven. 2The house itself is not particularly to my mind, but I like its _(环境) 3There is heavy _(交通) during the rush hours. 4Sally made a _(笔记) of the meeting in her diary.

12、5The boy made up his mind to become an _(优秀的) architect.,quarter,environment,traffic,note,excellent,6The Chinese people are a _(勇敢的) and hardworking people. 7I love cold drinks, _(尤其是) in summer. 8 _(春季) is the best season of the year. 9Please _(唤醒) me up at five oclock tomorrow morning. 二、根据汉语提示完成句

13、子(16分) 1我用半小时浏览晚报。 I spent half an hour _ the evening paper. 2你一个月至少应该看一本书。 You should read one book a month _.,brave,especially,Spring,wake,looking through,at least,3我今早醒来时,突然想起这个主意。 This idea hit me when I _ this morning. 4他照这样开车,早晚得死于非命。 If he carries on driving like that, hell _ dead. 5飞机上的食品是免费

14、供应的。 The food _ is free of charge. 6随后出现了一些新的见解,促使科学家们去研究人体的磁性。 Then some new ideas _ that enabled the scientists to study the magnetism of the human body.,woke up,end up,on board,came along,7我的英语写作很好,但我需要提高我的听力技巧。 _. 8穿过马路时当心向两边看看。 _ 三、句型转换(10分) 1I have been to Hong Kong.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _ you _ to

15、Hong Kong? Yes,I _.,My English writing is good but I need to improve,my listening skills,Be careful to look both ways before you cross the street.,Have,been,have,2He has worked in Beijing for a year.(就画线部分提问) _ he worked in Beijing? 3You will find Chinese food easily in Singapore.(改为同义句) You wont _

16、_ finding Chinese food in Singapore. 4Hes been to Beijing many times, _?(完成反意疑问句) 5Nick never stops talking. Mike doesnt either.(改为同义句) Nick never stops talking. _ Mike.,How long has,have any problem,hasnt he,Neither does,综合能力提高 一、单项选择(10分) 1What do you _ your hometown? I love it very much. Alook at

17、 Btalk about Cthink of Dthink about 【解析】考查动词词组辨析。look at“看,注视”;talk about“谈论,讨论”;think of“看待,认为”;think about“考虑”。故选C。 【答案】C,2Do you think it will be cool tomorrow? _. It has been too hot for a week. AI hope so BIm afraid so CI hope not 【解析】考查交际用语。根据答语“这一周太热了”,可知是希望明天会凉爽,故选A。 【答案】A 3(2011广安)Where is

18、John? He _ the science lab. Ahas gone to Bhas been to Cwent to 【解析】考查时态及动词的用法。句意为“他已经去了科学,实验室”。表示动作已发生,用现在完成时,A项表示去了某地,即:人没在这儿;B项表示曾经去过某地,人又回来了。根据情境,应选A。 【答案】A 4Which would you like to drink, coffee or orange juice? _. Please give me a cup of tea. ANeither BBoth CAll DNone 【解析】考查不定代词。all表示“三者或三者以上都”

19、;both表示“两者都”;neither表示“两者中的哪一个也不”;none表示“毫无,没有人,没有任何东西。”根据答语句意“请给我一杯茶”和问句句意“你喜欢喝咖啡还是橙汁?”可推测咖啡和橙汁都,不喜欢,故选A。 【答案】A 5(2011清远)Echo _ for half a month. Shell come back in two months. Aleft Bleave Chas left Dhas been away 【解析】考查动词时态。for half a month为一段时间,动词得用延续性动词,并用现在完成时态。句意为“她将两个月后回来。”说明已经离开。排除A和B,C不能与时

20、间段连用。 【答案】D,6Ive _ all the photos in the drawer, but I still cant find the one you need. Aopened up Bgiven away Chanded out Dlooked through 【解析】考查动词短语的用法。open up“开发,开始”;give away“赠送,给予”;hand out“分给,分发”;look through“浏览,仔细查看”。故选D。 【答案】D 7I think _ is boring to stay at home all day. I agree with you.,A

21、it Bthis Cthat Dthey 【解析】考查it的用法。it在宾语从句中作形式主语,句意为“我认为整天待在家里是无聊的。”“我同意。”故选A。 【答案】A 8(2011福州)_ Mary _ Alice has joined the music club because they have no time. Its a pity! ABoth.and BEither.or CNeither.nor 【解析】考查词组辨析。both.and.“两者都”,连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词用复数;either.or“两者中的一个”和neither.nor“既不也不”在连接主语时,谓语动词根据靠近

22、主语名词确定单复数形式。句意为“玛丽和爱丽丝都没有加入音乐俱乐部,因为她们没有时间。”“真遗憾!”故选C。 【答案】C 9(2011淄博)May I speak to Miss Wang? Sorry. She isnt in. She _ to Hong Kong. Ahas been Bhas gone Cgoes Dwent 【解析】考查时态。根据语境她不在这儿,用现在完成时,has gone to.表示“去了某地”。故选B。 【答案】B 10Would you like to have _ cake? No, thanks. Ive had two. Thats enough. Aot

23、her Bothers Canother Dthe other 【解析】考查不定代词。another单数名词,表示“另一个”;the other复数名词the others特指“其他的人或物”。 【答案】C,photos, Rainbow Bridge is a great place for you. The bridge has walkways(人行通道)If you walk on the north _8_,you will see the Tokyo Tower and many tall buildings. The bridge is to the south of the T

24、okyo Tower. If it is _9_,you can also see Mount Fuji. _10_,visitors can walk on it for free. 1A. towers Btraffic Cfood Dsightseeing 【解析】句意为“东京以购物和观光而闻名。”故选D。 【答案】D,2A. except Bbesides Cbetween Din 【解析】句意为“除了东京塔和富士山,彩虹桥是另一个旅游的好地方。”except“除之外(不包括)”,besides“除之外(还)”,故选B。 【答案】B 3A. on Bunder Cover Dthrou

25、gh 【解析】桥横跨河面用介词over。 【答案】C,4A. symbol Bplace Ccity Dbuilding 【解析】此处是指彩虹桥成了东京一个新的象征,故symbol“象征,代号”符合题意。 【答案】A 5A. one Btwo Cthree D. four 【解析】由破折号后的“red,white,and green”知是三种颜色。 【答案】C,6A. describe Benjoy Cforget Dchange 【解析】句意为“如果你晚上到那儿,你将欣赏它们(灯)的美。”故enjoy“欣赏,享受的乐趣”符合题意。 【答案】B 7A. Unless BBecause CWhe

26、n DIf 【解析】此处if引导条件状语从句。 【答案】D,8A. field Bside Cway Dcorner 【解析】句意为“如果走在桥的北侧,你将看到东京塔和许多高的建筑。”side“一侧,一边,边”符合题意。 【答案】B 9A. windy Bsunny Ccloudy Dfoggy 【解析】根据题意能看到富士山应该是在天气晴朗时,故用sunny。 【答案】B,10A. In short BIn fact CBy the way DIn a word 【解析】句意为“顺便说一下,游客可免费游彩虹桥。”by the way“顺便说一下”符合题意。 【答案】C 三、阅读理解(10分)

27、A small town named Bundanoon in Australia has decided to stop the sale of bottled water(瓶装水)They say that bottled water can cause environmental problems. Too many resources(资源)are used to make bottled water. When people finish drinking the water,the bottles will be thrown away and go into,dustbins.

28、So they require local people in the town to stop buying bottled water and use tap water to drink. Visitors are encouraged to get water from water stations in the main streets,and fill the water in bottles that can be used again. The decision has been supported(支持)by all the shopkeepers in the town.

29、Bundanoon is the worlds first town that has got its shops to stop selling bottled water. Probably we should follow the example. Lets stop buying bottled water and use tap water!,【答案】 1name 【解析】由文中“A small town named Bundanoon in Australia.”知“在澳大利亚一个名叫本达农的小镇”,故填name。,2Why 【解析】由表中右栏“To help solve envi

30、ronmental problems”可知问句为“为什么瓶装水被禁止”,故填Why来询问瓶装水被禁止的原因。 3drinking 【解析】由表中右栏“Tap water,not bottled water”知问句为“当地人们喝什么”。use sth.for doing sth.用某物做某事,故填drinking。 4from 【解析】由表中右栏“Water stations in the main streets”知问“游客从哪儿得到水”,故填from,构成get.from.(从得到)短语。,5All 【解析】由文中“The decision has been supported by all

31、 the shopkeepers in the town.”知“城镇上的所有店主都支持这个禁令”,故填All。 四、综合填空(10分) 阅读短文,根据汉语提示填写适当的单词,使意思完整,每空一词。 “For those who have never been to Tibet, Tibet is a_1_(梦想); for those who have ever been there, Tibet is a memory.” said Li Wan, a graduate from Zhongshan University. Ms. Li became interested in Tibet

32、after having worked in a company for less _2_(比) three months. _3_(自从),1998, Li has been spending _4_(大部分)of her time on the challengeshe has got to almost every _5_(角落)of Tibet during the 8 years. Lis _6_(第一)trip to Tibet was only out of her loving freedom. She entered Tibet along the YunnanTibetan

33、 road. Although she couldnt say a word of Tibetan language, this did not really _7_(阻止) her from talking with local people successfully. “To me, they are free, _8_(友好的), happy and close to nature. People should live in this way, singing while _9_(工作), dancing while living,” Li said.,Li describes Tib

34、et in words and _10_(照片). “My goal in the next ten years is to make a good documentary.” said Li. 【答案】 1dream 【解析】dream“梦想”。 2than 【解析】less than three months“不到三个月”。 3Since 【解析】since“自从,从开始”。 4most 【解析】most“大部分的”。 5corner 【解析】corner“角落”。 6first 【解析】first“第一”,表示第几次应使用序数词。,7stop 【解析】stop sb. from doin

35、g sth.“阻止某人做某事”,为固定用法。 8friendly 【解析】friendly“友好的”。 9working 【解析】此处while连接两个并列的成分,故用“working”。 10photos 【解析】photo“照片”,注意此处应用复数形式“photos”。 五、书面表达(20分) (2011桂林)今年是桂林市创建全国文明城市关键的一年。“桂林是我家,创城靠大家!”作为中学生,我们应积极参与。请根据以下,提示,写一篇80词左右的短文(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。 要点: (1)尊敬老师,对人礼貌; (2)帮助他人,友善待人; (3)遵守交规,过马路走斑马线,不闯红灯; (4)保

36、护环境,不乱扔垃圾,不踩草地等; (5)补充两句个人观点。 参考词汇:respect(尊敬);be polite to;obey(遵守);traffic rules;zebra crossing(斑马线),要求: (1)内容包括所提供的信息及要点,可适当发挥,但不要逐条翻译; (2)不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息。 Guilin is now making its effort to become a national civilized city. As students,what should we do? _,We must respect our teachers and be po

37、lite to others. We should also help those who are in need and be friendly to the people around us. Besides,we must obey the traffic rules. When crossing the streets,we should walk on the zebra crossing. And we mustnt go across the street when the traffic lights are red. Whats more,we,_,should protect our environment. For example, we mustnt step on the grass and climb trees. Litter mustnt be thrown everywhere. Guilin is our hometown. Lets try our best to make it a civilized city.,


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