
上传人:本田雅阁 文档编号:2639106 上传时间:2019-04-26 格式:PPT 页数:15 大小:2.85MB
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1、请不要忘记你的朋友 Please do not forget your friends 也许一年中你是一个最好的朋友 Maybe youre one of the best Maybe youre one of the best friend friend sOfsOf somebody somebody 下一年仍是一个很不错的朋友 andand perhapsperhaps youre youre still a still a buddy the buddy the next year next year 再下一年就不一定经常记起了,并且从那以后整年也 许都不一定记得了。 but your

2、 buddy is passibly forgetten the year after the next one,whats worse, they would be disremembered all the year round after that 因此我只想说,即使我一生中永远也不再提起你 对我来说你 永远是一个特别的人,在我的生命 中你永远是与众不同的 So what I want to say is that you are spacil and unique forever in my deep heart 我尊重你,尊敬你,并且实实在在的珍爱着 你 I respect and

3、look up to you, besides I cherish you genuinely 请把这些告诉你的朋友们 Please tell these to your friends 无论是你偶尔才记起他,或者现在关系如何的亲密 No matter when you think of your friend,or no matter how friendly you are 你也可以把它回复给寄给你的人让老朋友知道你没有忘记他们 You can also write back to the people who sent you to inform them you havent forg

4、et them 并且告诉新朋友你永远也不会忘掉朋友 And inform your new friends that you will never forget any friend you have made 记住,每个人都需要朋友 Last but not least, keep in mind, everyone need friends and without a friend, man ,alone in the world, trembles with cold 当有一天你感到自己根本就没有朋友时,你才会明白这句话 You will comprehend this sentence

5、 deep in your heart when it comes to you that no friend around you 同时你会很高兴的知道,我在关注着你并且在你需要帮助时 会出现在你身旁 at the same time youll relize delightfully that I am watching you every now and then, besides arise around you whenever you need 同时你会很高兴的知道,我在关注着你并且在你需要帮助时 会出现在你身旁 at the same time youll relize delightfully that I am watching you every now and then, besides arise around you whenever you need


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