
上传人:本田雅阁 文档编号:2640190 上传时间:2019-04-27 格式:PPT 页数:14 大小:3.70MB
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1、Les Choristes,放牛班的春天,Brief introductions,Director & screenwriter: Christophe Barratier Actors: Grard Jugnot. Franois Berland. Jean-Baptiste Maunier. Maxence Perrin country :france Release time:2004 Awards:2004年奥斯卡最佳外语片提名奖 2005年法国金球奖最佳电影奖 2005年第三十届法国“恺撒奖”8项提名最佳电影音乐奖、最佳音响奖,The beginning of the movie:

2、Pierre was sent an old diary from his old friend Ppinot ,which reminded him of the past events.,The story started from this:,On 15 January 1949, the former music teacher Clment arrived in “Bottom of the Well“, to work as an inspector.,He found the headmaster was cruel and the boys in this school wer

3、e problematic. He wanted to use his way to teach and change the boys.,Clment decided to teach the boys to sing in a choir in their spare time .,He identified the musical potential of the rebel Pierre,He also has a special feeling for the young Ppinot,After the summer, these young boys became more ou

4、tgoing and just liked angels. The teachers and the headmaster are also seemed change too.,The choir was invited to perform. Just because the headmaster want to earn more money.,Because the weather is great. Clment lead the students for a hiking.,But the school was burned down by one of the students who was treated injustice. Clment was fired.,There was no people see him off, but all the students sent him the paper planes.,At last, Ppinot left with him at the last morning.,


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