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1、商务英语导学 主讲:夏纪梅 中山大学英语教授 教育部大学英外语教学指导委员会副主任 教育部大学英语四六级考试委员会委员 英国剑桥大学考试委员会 和 教育部海外考试处 联合认证的BEC口试考官华南区长(1996-2001) 全国教师培训师,讲座内容 1 商务英语的意义 2 商务英语与世界贸易组织 3 商务英语关键词 4 商务英语课程介绍 5 商务英语教材介绍 6 剑桥商务英语证书考试介绍,语言是工具 “工欲善其事,必先利其器”,“磨刀不误砍柴工”。 国际权威的商务英语水平与能力考试: 剑桥商务英语证书考试 BEC: Business English Certificate (1993年引进) 职

2、业外语水平考试 BULATS:Business Language Testing Service (2000年引进),WTO 和 English WTO: World Trade Organization世界贸易组织 -其职责是管理世界经济和贸易秩序,目标是建立一个完整的、与货物、服务、贸易有关的投资及知识产权等更具活力和更持久的多边体系。加入世贸就是接受和采纳国际规范行为,置身于国际管理秩序和体系。 English 是国际通用语言。语言也是行为,也有国际性和规范性问题。 可见,运用国际通用语言,遵循国际游戏规则,开展国际活动,都是在同一轨道上,不可分离。,我国入世之后,社会需求变了,人才标准

3、变了,教学观念、培养目标、教学内容和方法等也要相应改变。英语教学要侧重语言的功能和交际的技能,而不是局限在语言的符号系统和语言知识。英语教学要培养用英语做事的本领,而不是考试做题的本事。学英语要改text为task,改“懂know”为“会can”;改“学study”为“干do”。语言的工具性、人文性、教育性决定了语言与认知、思维、社会、交际和素质等有千丝万缕的联系。语言学习是刺激反应的过程;是培养技能的过程;是体验交际的过程;是情感经历的过程;是文化学习的过程;包括彼此的文化和多元文化,总之是人生经历的过程。,“语言学习企业” “企业” :人们为获得利益通过努力挣得知识、技能、利润、业绩和经历

4、的场所。-剑桥国际英语大辞典 英语教学过程就像企业人才培训,为企业商界所需要的知识、技能、利益、业绩、经历而学习。在进行英语训练的同时,培养团队精神、合作、沟通、思辨等能力。 英语运用的效果可以对商贸生意的输赢、管理绩效的好坏、企业命运的起伏等起决定作用。语言运用的质量可以反映一个人的水平和聘用这个人的公司的水平。,英语与相关方面的关系 1)英语与国际规范和礼节的关系 2) 英语与国家/企业形象和国际公关效果的关系 3) 英语与国家战略发展的关系 4) 基础英语与专业英语的关系 5) 英语知识和英语技能的关系 21世纪是信息时代,信息靠语言传递。21世纪是经济全球化时代,全球化行为需要全球化语

5、言沟通。21世纪是人才竞争的时代,国际人才的必要条件之一是英语。21世纪是跨文化交际时代,跨文化交际需要跨国用语。有人说,WTO是“狼”,那么,“与狼共舞”也要懂得“狼”的语言,要知道“狼”想干什么,要骂人也要让对方听得懂。,English,language,varieties,tool,behavior,skill,learning purposes,Means/ medium,culture & cultures,service,Business,trade,manufacture,office routines,Business English,features,text-types,v

6、ocabulary,situations,notions,functions,Objectives To help students to be familiarized with the business English notions/themes/topic areas, functions, situations/contexts, skills, text-types, formats, vocabulary,features and communication strategies in the work place To enhance their readiness for t

7、he world of work and to help them to take maximum advantage of their higher education to achieve career and personal development To offer opportunity to develop students all-round developed capabilities as outlined below:,商务英语课程介绍,personal capabilities: be ready to accept responsibility for their ow

8、n lifelong personal capabilities: be ready to accept responsibility for their own lifelong development, set realizable personal goals and career plans, possess the learning and communication skills interpersonal capabilities: share ideas, opinions and experiences with others, work in a team, use ora

9、l and written methods to communicate effectively in the work place vocational capabilities: deal with relationship, handle matters, solve problems, fulfil tasks, respond to challenges, etc. Information technology capabilities: make confident use of computer-based systems for handling textual, graphi

10、cal and numerical information appropriate to the nature of the work they are likely to pursue Innovative and problem solving capabilities: apply their transferable skills to the execution of individual and group projects, demonstrate creativity, flexibility, perception, decisiveness, confidence and

11、an awareness of values,COURSE CONTENTS,definitions (English, business, business English, communication, business communication, international/cross-cultural business communication) introduction ( self introduction, introduction to each other, introduction to company structure, asking for personal de

12、tails, describing people and job responsibilities, CV/resume, biographic abstract, completing personal information forms) Interview (job interviewer/interviewee, tricky/witty questions and answers) correspondence (letters of application, request, appreciation, complaint and response, apology, invita

13、tion and response, memo, telephone message, conference minute, company report) presentation (verbal statement, graphic description, speech arts, reporting company performance and results/trends/events and changes in sales or production),negotiation (asking and giving opinions, agreeing and disagreei

14、ng, making/accepting and rejecting suggestions, discussing problems/dilemma, argument, defense, agreement/disagreement) meeting (opening, controlling, interrupting, focusing, managing, coming to to decision, closing) trading (buying and selling, products and service, supplies and delivery, describin

15、g products, explaining how something works, asking for and giving information about a product or service, making comparisons, expressing preferences, making /receiving complaints, apologizing/accepting apologies) personnel training (training purposes, courses, methods) socializing (greeting, chattin

16、g, making/re-arranging appointments, treating/entertaining leisure activities, complimenting, inviting/accepting and refusing offers and invitations, thanking and expressing appreciation, making reservations) cross-cultural communication (internationally accepted courtesy formats, professional stand

17、ards),INSPIRING QUOTATIONS,The primary causes for dismissal from jobs held by college graduates are weak communication skills and lack of ability in interpersonal relations. In other words, people are generally capable in their areas of technical expertise; but they frequently fail because of their

18、inability to speak and write effectively and because of their failure to get along well with others. From our own corporate experience, we know that good writing and speaking are often the only things that bring a young persons ability to the attention of superiors.(Himstreet and baty: 1984),If all

19、my possessions were taken away from me with one exception, I would choose to keep the power of speech, for with it I would soon regain all the rest. (Daniel Webster) Language learning is like an enterprise where people earn knowledge, skills, achievements and experience for profits (Dubin, 1991) Emp

20、loyers are increasingly emphasizing the value of transferable skills ,flexible attitudes, personal qualities and the willingness and ability to continue learning. (Coventry University, 1997),教学材料 新剑桥商务英语系列教材 Further Ahead = BEC Preliminary Working in English = BEC Vantage English for Business Studie

21、s= BEC Higher -Cambridge University Press Recommended by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Association of Language Testers in Europe,英国原版和中国辅助版合成的新剑桥商务英语系列教材是国内目前最新近、最权威、最适用、最全面、最专业的精品教材之一。其新不但在时间(21世纪出版),而且在内容 ,例如:English for Business Studies增加了“信息技术”(information technology) 和“合资企业”(entrep

22、reneurs and venture capital) ; Working in English 还提供 a link to the Website 。其全在商务主题覆盖全面,包括生产、营销、办公、管理、财务、交际、差旅、人事等领域。其权威在体现现代外语教育提倡的“真实性”(authentic)、“交际性”(communicative)和“综合性”(synthetic)。例如:仅在“真实性”方面, 就有1)取材真实,来源包括newspapers, magazines, company documents, books, interview,特别是来自网络世界 (the Global Arch

23、ive , Financial Times website)等;2)任务真实,可以接触商界各种人物,例如clients, colleagues/co-workers, superiors, subordinates, suppliers, company directors, quality managers, human resources managers, store managers, accountants, bond dealers, ecologists, economists, financial journalists, British members of Parliame

24、nt等,以及与人交往中的 business role play, case study, group discussion, pair work等做为任务形式;,3)语言真实,真正把英语作为外语来教学,所以听力材料包括native speakers, non-native speakers, international business people, 提供thorough collection of business and economic terms,等;4)语境真实,通过 eliciting information, preliminary discussion questions,

25、等在教学过程中营造真实交际的环境。有了这一系列的“真实性”,教学的“交际性”自然能够实现。所谓“综合性”是指教材在内容编排上可以供教学各取所需,不需“从头到尾”“循序渐进”。本教材的适用性在于适合商科学生或商业人士学到商界职场的听说读写实用技能并且在学英语的过程中同时学语言习得方法和商务交际要领,学会用英语工作、解决问题、处理矛盾、应付人事、提升自我,发展能力等。最后, 以上优势必然导致本教材的专业性,它既表现在外语教学的专业化又表现在商务交际的专业化。,剑桥商务英语证书考试 BEC: Business English Certificate BEC Preliminary lower-intermediate BEC Vantage intermediate BEC Higher advanced reading, writing, listening, speaking: task-based, a good operational command of the language and are able to handle communication in most of situations handbook/syllabus: can-do statements, topic areas, assessment and criteria,


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