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1、商务英语翻译1(第四版下) 凌成德,1. John fell off his bike his father had bought for him and broke his leg. 约翰从父亲给他买的自行车上摔了下来,把腿折断了。 2. Once you are in, you wouldnt be allowed to get out. 进来了,就休想出去。 2. We have the pleasure of acknowledging the receipt of your letter dated Feb. 25, which tells us that you are very

2、interested in our leather shoes. But you think that the price we offered in Feb. 20 is on the high side, therefore we cannot conclude the transaction. 3月25日来函收到,得悉贵方对我方的皮鞋很感兴趣,但认为我方2月20日报价偏高,无法成交。,第11讲: 重复法,1. Repetition 重复法 重复法:为指代明确 为强调或夸张 为修辞生动 英译汉时,英语承前省去或用其他词代替的词都要在译文中重复出来。 重复法实质上是一种增词法。,A:为指代明

3、确 1、重复名词。 1)重复主语或宾语名词。 We have to analyze and solve problems. 我们必须分析问题,解决问题。 Progressive and democratic tendencies in ones thought often show themselves in ones speech. 某人思想上的进步倾向和民主倾向常在言语中表现出来。,2) 重复表语名词。 The American invasion of Panama is not only the violation of their professed democracy but als

4、o of international law. 美国入侵巴拿马不仅违反他们自己公开声称的民主主义,而且违反了国际法。 3)重复介词前的名词。 Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as of admiration. 无知是羡慕的根源,又是恐惧的根源。,4)重复先行词名词(定语从句或同位语)。 He lent me a thousand dollars, which was exactly the amount I needed. 他借给我一千美元,这笔钱正好够我用。 He was left on a desolate island, where he

5、stayed for as long as three months. 他被抛到一个荒岛上,在那里他呆了三个月之久。(关系副词) They considered John, a good musician. 他们考虑到了约翰, 他是一位优秀的音乐家。,2、重复动词 1)一个动词连接多个宾语或表语时。 People forget your face first, then your name. 人们先忘记你的面貌,接着忘记你的名字。,2)动词加介词连接多个宾语(动省或动介都省时) (1)Then he spoke of economical reforms and open policy on

6、trade, of stability and unity, and particularly of the four cardinal principles. 接着他谈到了经济改革和贸易开放政策, 谈到了安定团结,并特别谈到了四项基本原则。 (2)FOB is suited to either importer or exporter, preferably the former. 船上交货既适用于出口方,又适用于进口方,尤其是前者。,(3) Grammar deals with the structure of language, English grammar with the stru

7、cture of English, and French grammar with the structure of French, and so on. 语法是讨论语言结构的。英语语法讨论英语的结构,法语语法讨论法语的结构,等等。 (4) All living things depend on the sun for their growth, but man still specially on water and fire, besides the sun, for their existence. 万物生长靠太阳,但是人类的生存,除靠太阳外,还特别靠水和火。,3、重复代词 1)前指代词

8、一般可被重复 Exchange of ideas is necessary. For without it,it is impossible to achieve mutual understanding. 有必要进行思想交流,没有思想交流,便不能达到相互了解。 But there are clues, and they seem to bear out my earlier suspicion. 但是还是有蛛丝马迹可寻的;这些蛛丝马迹看来足以证明我先前的怀疑是有根据的。,2)物主代词:its, his, their etc. Big families have their own diffi

9、culties. 大家庭有大家庭的困难。 3)强势关系代词或副词:whoever, whenever, wherever etc. You may take whatever you like. 你喜欢什么,就拿什么。,4)some.and others (some, others.) = “的”字结构或“有的-,有的-” Some are planting trees, others are watering flowers. 有的在种树,有的在浇花。 (种树的在种树,浇花的在浇花。) 4、内容上(非形式上)重复。,B、为了强调。 1、原文中有重复,译文中重复。 Work while you

10、 work, play while you play. 工作时工作,游玩时游玩。 Up, up went the plane. 飞机飞上去了,飞上去了。,We are human and human beings are far from perfect. To be human implies that we will make mistakes. But its more than that we feel human. We now feel entitled. 我们是凡人,而凡人远非十全十美。作为凡人,意味着我们会犯错误。但我们觉得自己是凡人,不仅仅在于会犯错误而已。我们如今感到有权利

11、犯错误。,2、对仗重复,译文重复。 No pains, no gains. 无劳动,无收益。 To do or not to do? 做还是不做?,3、原文中重复,译文同义词重复。 She loved giving orders to the servants and they loved obeying her. 她喜欢对仆人发号施令,他们也乐意听从她的指挥。 During their stay in Beijing, they visited some old friends of theirs, visited several universities and visited the G

12、reat Wall 他们在北京逗留期间,看望了一些老朋友,参观了几所大学,还游览了长城。,C、为了生动。 1、运用两个同意或近义四字词组重复。 Before he knows it, he have idled away so many years. 转眼间,很多年就在他游游荡荡,无所事事中过去了。 Year in and year out, there has been no change at all. 年年岁岁,岁岁年年,万物依旧。 年年岁岁,岁岁年年,人依旧,物依旧。,2、运用叠词。 Talking and laughing, they walked together into the

13、 house. 他们说说笑笑地一起进了屋。 You can meet all kinds of people there. 在那里,你会遇到形形色色的人。,3、运用对偶四字词组。 We should never cherish unrealistic fancies about our careers. 我们对于自己的前程不应有不切实际的胡思乱想。 He cannot be conceited with success not discouraged by failure. 他不会因成功而得意忘形,也不会因失败而灰心丧气。 tongue-tied 张口结舌 grim 冷酷无情 ignorant 愚昧无知,


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