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1、牛津高中英语,(模块七 高二下学期),Advance with English,Reading 2,板块:教学设计课件,Unit,3,The effects of the Internet on our lives,Unit 3,课件描述:,这节课是Reading教学的第二节课,在学生已经掌握文章内容的基础上,主要以语言的感知、领悟、操练和运用为主,在语言知识点的识记过程中,设法帮助学生使用所学的语言知识。,Suppose you are Zhu Zhenfei or Lin Lei. Retell the text according to the following key words.,

2、Retelling,In favour of the Internet values: look for information; form friendship a recent survey: 80% . answers to questions; 79% . find out information about hobbies Internet friendship is based on common interests communicate with the outside world remains a positive tool,Against the Internet dra

3、wbacks: uncontrolled information; the change people spend their time it is difficult to judge eBay said 70% . not exist affecting peoples private life families spend their time apart become addicted to it remains important either to limit , or to learn ,Match the words with the correct meanings.,han

4、dle package sceptical drawback addicted,having doubts about sth. deal with disadvantage unable to stop doing sth. sets of things sold together,Vocabulary,Fill in the blanks using the new words in the text. Im s_ of his ability to finish the task. He seems so careless. One of the greatest d_ of the I

5、nternet is that it sometimes provides false information. Could you give me the a_ answer to this question.,ceptical,rawbacks,ccurate,5. A _ (私人的) car passed here and rushed the patient to the hospital. 6. Chinese arts have won the _ (赞赏) of a lot of people in the world. 7. This program is meant to h

6、elp those who are _ (上瘾) to smoking. 8. It suddenly o_ to me that we went there by bike that day. 9. For these reasons, I believe it has p_ effects on our lives instead of n_ effects.,private,appreciation,addicted,ccurred,ositive,egative,Language study Words & phrases,in need of 需要 He expressed sinc

7、erely in his letter that he was in great need of my assistance. 那些玫瑰急需浇水。 我们急需更多的钱资助我们的计划。,Those roses are badly in need of water.,Were badly in need of more money to finance our plans.,2. turn to sb./sth. 求助于,转向,go to sb./sth. for help, advice, etc. Paul turn to drink (= drinking alcohol) to try to

8、 forget his problems at work. The boy turned to his mother for comfort. 她求助无门,There is nobody she can turn to.,3. be skeptical of/about 怀疑,adj. unwilling to believe sth; having doubts about sth. Many scientists _ (仍然怀疑) the value of this research program. They say salt can clean your teeth, but _ _

9、(我对此抱有怀疑). He listened to me _ (带着怀疑的表情).,remain sceptical about,sceptical about that,with a sceptical expression,Im,in preference to (sb./sth.) ; instead of Id prefer to read _ _ (在图书馆而不是在家). We would like to _ _ (去野餐而不是呆在家里) on such a sunny day. 我想喝冷饮,不想喝咖啡。,4. rather than 倒不如说;是而不,in the library

10、rather,go for a picnic rather,I think Ill have a cold drink rather than coffee.,than at home,than stay at home,5. address v.,1. 演说,致辞 He will address you on the subject of war and peace. 2. 写地址 The envelope is addressed to Jack Johnson. 3. 向提出 address sth. to sb. Who should I address my request to?

11、Please address all complaints to the manager.,address n. 1. 对公众的讲话 The President gave an address to the nation over the radio. a graduation address (毕业演说) 2. 地址 Please ask him to leave his home address.,6. occur vi.,发生 happen I am so awfully sorry that this has occurred. 许多的交通事故发生在高峰时间。 2. 出现,存在 exi

12、st, appear E occurs in print more often than any other letter. Such plants dont occur on the island.,Many traffic accidents occur in rush hours.,3. (某想法) 出现在脑中,被想到 经常用于以it作形式主语的句中,真正的主语可以是从句,也可以是不定式。 It occurred to her that she might adopt a homeless child. Didnt it occur to you to close the window?

13、 That view of the case did not occur to me before.,我突然想到一个主意, 感到非常高兴。 An idea _ _ _ _ and I felt much delighted. 2. 我想到我把钥匙忘在了办公室里。 It _ _ _ _ I had left my key in the office.,suddenly occurred to me,occurred to me that,7. be addicted to sth. 对上瘾,unable to stop doing sth.; be strongly interested in

14、sth. 孩子们对电脑游戏上了瘾。 The children _ computer games. 2. Kate沉迷于电视肥皂剧。 Kate _TV soap opera.,are addicted to,is addicted to,Coffee is _ in a mild way while heroin is highly _. It is very hard to overcome his _ to alcohol and heroin. During his stay in Las Vegas, he became _ to gambling. Many young boys be

15、came computer _.,addictive,addictive,addiction,addicted,addicts,addictive adj. 使人上瘾的; addiction n. 上瘾,沉溺; addict vt. 使上瘾 n. 上瘾的人,=deal with 一个军官应懂得怎样统帅士兵。 An officer must know _ _ _ _ _. 他处理这个问题给我留下了深刻的印象。 I was impressed by her _ _the affair. 她有效的处理了员工的问题。 n. 把手, 柄 a hammer handle 锤子的把手,handling of

16、,8. handle vt. 处理,对付,how to handle his men,She handled the employees problems efficiently.,Language study Sentences,1. a student will find abundant information from the largest libraries and museums in the world at his or her command, whether he or she lives in a small village or a big city. whether

17、 conj. 不论 = no matter if . or,不论我们是否帮他,他都会成功的。 不论你来还是留在家中,我都要去。,I shall go, whether you come with me or stay at home.,Whether we help him or not, he will succeed.,2. Without the Internet, these people would have fewer avenues for meeting people. Without , would 的虚拟语气结构: 其中without 相当于一个条件句,意为:若无就 ,句子

18、的谓语动词常用虚拟结构:would/ could/ might do 或would/ could/ might have done,没有水,人类将无法生存。 如果没有他的劝告,他想必早就失败了。,Without water, human being couldnt exist.,He would have failed without her advice.,3. I feel it remains important for us either to limit our use of the Internet, or to learn how to handle the problems i

19、t has caused. remain 系动词,意为“保持,仍是”。 remain +,名词/ 形容词/介词短语 现在分词/过去分词 不定时(sth. remains to be done) It remains to be done that ,两个小时之后,他们仍然在讨论。 这些事情仍有疑问。 这个项目是否能成功仍有待观察。,They remained discussing the problem two hours later.,These matters remain in doubt.,It remains to be seen whether the project will succeed.,Homework Review what has been learned in todays class. 2. Finish the exercises on Page 118.,Thank you !,


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