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1、,Values and Attitude,-价值观,1.America-the ideal,2.Equality of opportunity,3.Self-reliance,4.Giving back,5.Time is money,America-the ideal,Seymour Lipset -American Exceptionalism(美国的独特性) He observes that America is the only nation in the world that is founded on a creed. Despite their different backgro

2、unds or motivations , those who came willingly to America were bound together by similar beliefs ,united in the same mission. They rejected notions of a state-mandated(国家授权)religion,a powerful centralized government ,or a rigid class structure .,Their utopian (理想化的)ideal was to have the space and fr

3、eedom to create a model society .They believed that morality and hard work led to the improvement of mankind and the betterment of society. Everyone had an equal chance of success because every individual was free to control his own destiny, even the “pursuit of happiness”. Later institutionalized i

4、n the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, they have shaped public policy and national values ever since.,Back,Equality of opportunity,In early time, Americans were determined to make their new society a meritocracy (精英管理社会).The Declaration of Independence emphasized that “all men are c

5、reated equal” regardless of race ,religion, or background, every individual should be provided with equal opportunity to succeed. Equal opportunity does not mean egalitarianism(平等主义).Alexis de Tocqueville first observed in his book Democracy in America that emphasis is placed on equality of opportun

6、itynot equal conditions for all .,Back,Self-reliance,Clearly, in its early years the notion that “God helps those who help themselves inspired the American work ethic. This has evolved into a mentality of “self-help ” in seeking solutions to modern-day challenges. Good American parents instill this

7、value by offering their children every opportunity to prepare for adulthood, then launching them out of the nest to make their own way in the world.,Back,Egalitarianism(平等主义),Consistent with the belief that “all men are born equal”, American social relations are founded on equal respect and informal

8、ity. In American a position earned through effort and achievement. This means that unlike class-social standing is not defined by accent, affiliations ,or geography ,but by money and power.,Back,Giving back,When John F.Kennedy, in his 1960 inaugural address(就职 演说),exhorted Americans ,“Ask not what y

9、our country can do for you ,ask what you can do for your country.” The USA outstrips(超过)every nation in terms of time and money donated to worthy causes. Americans get to apply their skills and energy, “give back” to the community, and make a difference. Its a win-win proposition for all.,Back,Time

10、is money,The obsession with control extends to time .Time is money and as such it should be wisely managed and spent never frittered away(浪费).Whatever you are doing ,you can not waste your time ,let alone others.,In American ,they are glad to take advantages of every minutes to accomplish their work.,Back,


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