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1、一、写出下列动词的过去式 1do _ 2go _ 3feed _ 4ride _ 5milk _ 6talk _ 7take _ 8see _ 9am/is _ 10Are _ 11. will _ 12.climb _ 13. buy _ 14.worry _ 15. have _ 16.stop _ 17. come _ 18.eat _ 19. visit _ 20. get _,二用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. She had her breakfast,_(feed)her dog and went to work 2. My friends and I_(play) cards l

2、ast night. 3.-What did you do last week7 -I _( go) to Shanghai with my family. 4. He had a cold(感冒).He didnt want to eat _( something) 5. The boy enjoys going_(fish) on weekends.,三,根据问题及图画提示完成答语 1.-What did you do last Sunday? -I _ 2. -What did your sister do last Saturday? -She _ 3. -Did your broth

3、er stay at home last Friday evening? -Yes. He _ at home. 4. -What did Jack do last weekend? -He _ 5. -What did Mr. Brown do last weekend7 -He _,四根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 1. He went to the supermarket and bought a g _ for his mother. 2. -Why didnt you buy that car? -Because it was too e_. 3. The shorts on s

4、ale are very c _. Lets go and have a look. 4. We can learn a lot about history in the _(博物馆). 5. The weather is bad. _(幸运地) we bring our umbrellas with us.,五、用所给词的适当形式填空 Last Saturday, I(1) (go) to Uncle Lis farm with my family. In the morning, my parents (2) (help) milk the cows. My sister (3) _ (p

5、ick) some strawberries. I (4) (feed) the chickens and (5)_ (ride) a horse. After lunch, I (6) _ ( talk) with Uncle Li. Then I (7)_ (go) for a walk on the farm. I( 8)_ (see) some apple trees and (9)_ (take) some photos. We (10) (have) a great day last Saturday.,一从方框中选择恰当的单词并用其正确形式完成信件 Dear Lucy, Im v

6、ery glad l your letter. You asked me about my life 2 weekends. Now Id like to tell you about my last weekend. On Saturday morning, I did my homework at home. In the afternoon, l 3 TV with my family for two hours. After supper I did some sports with my brother. On Sunday morning I 4 to the English cl

7、ub 5 my English. In the afternoon, I studied 6 the history test. In the evening,1 7 chess with my father. How 8 your weekend? Please write to me soon. Carl,二、根据汉语提示完成句子 1我们坐火车到那里,沿路我们看到了一些农场和村庄。 We got there _ We _ some farms and villages _ 2机器人会跟我们下象棋,这可真酷! It was_ cool_ the robots could _ with us.

8、 3然后导游教我们如何制作模型机器人。 Then the guide us _ a model robot. 4在那之后,我去礼品店为我父母买了一些可爱的礼物。 _ ,I went to the gift shop and _ some lovely gifts_ my parents. 5房间都很暗,照片很难拍。 The rooms_ really dark and it was difficult _ .,三、单词拼写(20分) 1. Yesterday morning l was late for class. (幸运地),the teacher wasnt mad(对生命)at me.

9、 2Anna is an (优秀的)student. All of us like her. 3. We cooked our food over an open_(火). It was interesting. 4.Dont (喂)animals in the zoo. 5. My grandfather_(种植)some vegetables in our garden. 6Its getting (黑暗的)Its time to go home. 7-Hows (一切)going with you? -Not bad. Thanks. 8.1 want to be a tour_ (导游

10、)when Im older. 9. Are you interested in_(骑)a horse? 10. How (令人激动的)it is to sleep under the moon!,四按要求改写下列句子,每空一词(5分) 1. My mother gets up at five oclock every morning.(用yesterday morning改写) My mother_up at five oclock_. 2. They finished doing the work the day before yesterday.(改为一般疑问句) _they_ doin

11、g the work the day before yesterday? 3We cleaned our classroom over the weekend.(对画线部分提问) _ _you_over the weekend? 4The students did their homework at home.(改写为否定句) The students their homework at home. 5. He read a book about how he could learn English well.(改为同义句) He read a book about_English well.,


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